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The Return of Phil, 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' & Jase Warns of Melted Treasure | Ep 467

Apr 10, 2024
Even though he was rich, for the love of you he became poor so that through his poverty you could become rich he was rich but he wasn't rich with dollar bills which we've already established we've been through that before, I mean, Do you think that's the model? I agree and then I didn't want you to miss that first line either. to verse eight because this is where a lot of kids miss it nowadays I'm not ordering you how many times have you been in a place where I felt quite commanded, quite commanded, for I said that it has to come from where? greatness why would he say that in the middle of this exactly?
the return of phil ferris bueller s day off jase warns of melted treasure ep 467
I don't think it's an important phrase. Yes, I didn't omit it. It just isn't. It is not like the law of Moses. You give a lot, you receive a lot. It's not that. Good thought and look by the way so this is the concept here I feel like it's part of the new covenant because if you go back here is where people get stuck you go back to the old testament people were commanded to give yeah it was very specific . the tithe was specific where it was supposed to go was specific, I mean, that's okay according to the law, it's better than government according to the law, it was very specific and people say, well, wait a minute, that same god of You know, old testament, new testament.
the return of phil ferris bueller s day off jase warns of melted treasure ep 467

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the return of phil ferris bueller s day off jase warns of melted treasure ep 467...

So, therefore, we can sort and percentage and people move on, but you miss something, you miss what Jesus did when he came, him, him, everything that was nailed to the cross with him, now it's about accepting his grace and extend that grace to other people. and jace, you're right, that brings quality, not quantity, or I'm not even saying that because sometimes it brings tremendous quantity, yeah, but when he does, yeah, that wasn't his approach, it wasn't his fault, he wasn't trying to be legal, that is. directly from a legalistic way and he wasn't trying to come up with some system with ordered numbers and I mean, I'm just vehemently opposed to that, well, I challenge our audience to send me a verse where anywhere in the new testament there is a percentage well, that's why Jesus said it's not there.
the return of phil ferris bueller s day off jase warns of melted treasure ep 467
You will have to go to the Old Testament. You have to go to the Old Testament. Well, and the reason Jesus was there is because he says, "You know you give more than they gave ten percent." Good point Phil, that's how I said it once in an argument and I was immature and didn't do it the right way, but a guy was preaching and he had a rigid mandate about what should be given down to the percentage. numbers and it was actually a reward system that was developed in heaven about how this would translate into what you give and the exact number and I said, well sir, you are limiting what I want to give, I wanted to give more than that and that it sent him into a downward spiral because no one wants to say oh you were going to give more which is funny no yeah now im going down in donations i was trying to make a point your logic doesn't make sense because i wanted to give more but now I don't do it because you've trapped me in some kind of system.
the return of phil ferris bueller s day off jase warns of melted treasure ep 467
It's funny these days. I never knew you said that, but several years ago I came to this conclusion. You and I know that being a pastor people come and say no, no preacher pastor, what do you think? how much should I give? or they will say which one is your, which one is your? you know, make the decision to give and I said one more word and they're like yeah, I know, but where did I say more, it's everything is more, I mean, I don't put it in a number, but I want to grow or in this case, the verse is to excel in the grace of obtaining, so to excel means let's go more, I mean, look, I feel like, since this is taking a while, I'm going to read before the 8th, from the 10th to the 15th because I want to, because I think you see the difference in God's system and then as a system of government programs, but I want to jump ahead to make sure we understand this when it says in eight seven not nine seven chapter nine verse seven because this is our point.
I want to back this up right now, which lets me read six, said someone who also sows in moderation. He reaps fairly who sows generously will also reap generously and you say, look, it's an incentive-driven thing oh wait, every man must give what he has decided in his heart to give and we've already said that he mentioned grace over and over and over and over. again, that's where that motive comes from in your heart not reluctantly or under compulsion because god loves a cheerful giver and this is the verse that just turns me on and god is able to make all grace abound in you so that in all things at all times having everything you need you will abound in every good work continue when it reaches 12 it says that this service that you perform not only meets the needs of God's people but it overflows when you said more it overflows because I look at these words In Greek this word where it says that not only is it meeting the needs of God's people but it is also overflowing, it's like if you sit at a table and look at the food and you realize that I'm going to have some leftovers this is more than what which it possibly could be and leftovers are good because you're actually going to use them for other people.
I will say that there is an old saying that came from your mother and I and we were arguing and now I have come to a conclusion about whether this works for everyone. I don't know, I'm not a financial wizard, you don't have to stretch your imagination, but I told Miss Kaye that she was showing me what she was giving and I was like, wow, Miss Gay, and she was like. You'll agree, she said that the more we give, it seems like the more we receive, the more blessed we are and I and I said, you know what, that's exactly what's happening, but you're not doing it to get and what people think That is what I said.
Well, I'm going to contact him right now and tell him that you know I could use thirty thousand, whatever. Twenty thousand would be good for me. You should give it to me because you know that the more you give me, the more I need. The more you get, they take advantage of it, but I'm just making it clear that that's how it happened in our family. Now everyone can. They have their own family. I'm seeing them. Thinking about it, the more you give, the more you receive, it seems that's how things are. Am I dreaming or is it?
So could you just get lucky or is it the almighty saying, keep up the good work? Well, report your I think that's it, let's take a break, so I want to remind you that Mom and Lisa are going live on Talk Shop tonight at 7:00 p.m. Central Time, which is eight o'clock Eastern Time. You can get a signed copy of her book and if you miss it you can tune in anytime on demand at so check them out check out sister roar so I want to finish this because I think this is the main topic and I don't want to lose it and We can go back, so in verse 12 he said this service that its performance not only meets the needs of God's people, but overflows in many expressions of gratitude to God for the service by which they have been provided, men will praise God for obedience. that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ and for your generosity and sharing with them and with everyone else, which I will love because he is like that, your generosity is not based on what you are getting or what you are doing. it is overflowing into other people praising god we are gathering churches about this we are meeting the needs of people and through that more people are coming to christ because of this it is a gospel enterprise this was about a gospel enterprise wait before You read it to get back to dad's point, so when he said the more I give, the more I get, he's not just talking about money, I mean, sometimes it's true, it's about everything else that's right, so don't you?
Is there a prosperity gospel that is circulating? like a certain percentage in a larger percentage, it's not about the money, yeah, the benefits here with people praising God, people coming to Christ and then saying uh and for your generosity and sharing with them and with everyone else and in his prayers for you. Hearts will be with you because of the overcoming, here we go again, the grace that God has given you and then summarizes the entire two chapters on how to address the churches that gather to meet the needs of these people, when the gospel, he summarizes it by saying thank you to God for his indescribable gift, which is the point and that word that I looked for and you will not believe what that indescribable word means in the Greek language and before telling you the definition I will give you an illustration because I see it in the world because all of this has been a contrast between Godly sadness versus worldly sadness.
Give worldly, I will give now, what will I get back? Yeah, you know, you just think when you go down to the stock market. market and investment and all of this, any investment that we are investing here because of the grace of God, we are investing in eternal things which are people coming to Christ much greater than anything else, which means you may not see the


to eternity and exactly. and you think well how do I know what the difference is between investing in eternal things and mundane things if you can burn it, it's worrying and I know it's illegal to burn money, but if you can burn it, I wouldn't put many stocks in either, be destroyed, think about it, how many people do we know who don't like banks, especially where we're from, burying their money, you know, under their bed or whatever, somewhere in the house, then a fire broke out and Is it like we sit down?
Actually, yeah, remember the guy said we were watching the house burn, we were trying to save it. Phil went in there and saved some, risked his life, yeah, and he says all my money under the bed burned, well that wasn't very smart, but you can't say that right then no, because they're crushed, Yes, have you heard of Jesus? That particular guy had a lot of silver, like silver coins, yeah, and he just


into a ball, well, luckily, it was probably still used. but what he was going to say is you see people say you know they won a super bowl and then they put a microphone in front of them and what they say words can't describe it, you know how I feel.
Now this is a dream come true and well, I mean they want a game, they got a trophy. Well, this word here indescribable literally means that there are no words in the English language that describe the indescribable. Well, the grace of God, there are no words that I can describe how great a gift it is, which I thought was great and when I looked at it because that because people said well, how do I have that in my heart? How am I motivated because you literally received a gift of something supernatural? to be the one who created the earth that is indescribable this is you with a microphone on your face describe the grace of god now that is the only time you should be able to say there are no words I am speechless because you can't come up with words that can describe it, but it makes you do really good things with the things that God has blessed you with and from their point of view this should sum up giving and it excites me because I know this little phrase that I read.
It ended when he said because God is able in verse 8 of 9 God is able to make all grace abound to you. You are investing in God. You are invested in people coming to him, but when you give something to God, what do you do? You think he's going to do with it yeah, well, a much better job than what you're going to do with it, I mean, that's the point, of course, you say the old question, let's take our last break, the old question, Jason, what are you doing? Give it to the guy who has it all, what do you give the guy who literally has it all right?
So I think in our last segment I want to read this from 8 to 10 to 15 because I think it's interesting that in the world. People who do not believe in God are in this search for equality, which we have already seen in the last podcast, we did it with Colossians 3 about death, we come together, grace where there is no Jew or Greek, I read it. Phil, you weren't, you weren't here, but here he mentions it again, of course, he just laid the groundwork in chapter 8 9, that Christ became poor so that we could become rich through his you know, cross and resurrection, then in the verse. 10 so it says here I leave you my advice on what is best for you in this matter last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do it and I love that you mention this because before giving you are doing a Condition that you have to be willing to do it in verse 11 says now finish the work so that your eager willingness to do it can be matched by your completion according to your means, so he addresses everything and everything started from grace grace it makes you want he doesn't want you to just give which is the exact opposite of what a lot of churches do, hey you give because it's a command and it's like telling your kids you know it because I say so just give it to him but he insists on that you are willing and it stands out more than that the will comes from the grace of God, because if the will is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one does not have, according to what one does not have. because ultimately he is giving it back to God who is giving you all this anyway, our wish is not that others will be relieved while you are struggling, but that there may be some equality and therefore , when you read that, you feel good.
What is this? Know? They are trying to create a socialist society and they are having trouble doing it, but they are eliminating all the thingsthat get there. The grace of God, the motivation, the will to do it, yes, they don't do it. I don't have the motivation or the will, it's like we pass a law, right, it's not going to work, no, they're back to Jay's command, because what they're saying is you know and you know what they had to do, Jason. current crop they had to change the word of equality because that is a constitutional term all men are created equal which means all people are there and then they have the right to pursue, so some of them will pursue and win a lot, others not so much, but if we are really equal when we understand what Jesus is talking about we are going to have help we are going to have compassion we are going to have grace no, you don't have to change the word to equity, yes, it's not equality, it's equity, so I do it What that means is The tyrannical government says you know what you have too much, we have decided, so we are going to take that, all we want is half, yes, we want to take half ourselves and then we want to take a little more and deliver it here where I think these people don't have enough now, that's equity by mandate and authority.
Tell me how different that is from this concept that we're talking about here about loving people as God loved us, that's why I brought it up and why that's it. why I said everything the world is looking for and I mean the world, you know, through the movies they are trying to find equality and all these gender issues and all that it's like we just want to be one, but so do they. They want to recognize everything different about us in our small groups and it's like watching the hamster wheel go round and round with no origin, no purpose and no plan for unity, it's not funny to watch because it's causing so much destruction, but it's how we have All this, God has drawn up this plan, remember?
I thought of that verse when he was reading this in Ephesians where he broke down the wall of hostility between the Jews and the Gentiles, I mean, he's done all this, we can find this common ground. not only in our weaknesses and our sinful behavior and our perishable selves but the answers to that in the grace that he has given us we are all under the same grace of God we are all that we all need that we all need that resurrection that we all need the spirit from god the power and the fruits that would make a better society then he says in verse 14 in the present moment you are abundant you will supply them with what they need so that in turn their abundance will supply you with what you need then there will be equality as it is written the He who gathered much did not have too much and he who gathered little did not have too little and that goes back to the manna on the earth there in the honey and the rock in the mansion exodus 16 the idea was that he said I want you to get only what you need and that you can share with someone, but don't try to get more than you need and if someone went out and tried to get two basketballs, they would walk in and one of them would be there the next morning, like it should have been, the other one was full of worms because he said yes, but I read it a little differently too.
I mean, I agree with what I mean, that's what happened in the country. I'm saying if you're younger, stronger people, they have the ability to accumulate more good points more quickly and you don't necessarily need that, but you're looking at, I mean, it's pretty much the same procedure we had when this all started again. trees, same thing, yeah, Phil is always looking for someone younger, get it, get them faster, yeah, and help the older people because you like mayhaw jelly as much as you do, but they don't have the physical ability to fill so many barrels or carry them.
And I think it's interesting that when God made the law over them, he was thinking about hoarders because it doesn't address that, but I bet there were several cases like the one you're talking about where a young man came up and said This person is in the store here, he can't leave and they hardly pick him up because he has arthritis and he says: let me pick this up so you can deliver it to you. There was no law against giving. That was with a generous heart. a law that prohibits trying to take too much for yourself, yeah what was the problem, I mean look this is a common theme in the Bible and I just want to show you an illustration because I have to look at this harvest, you know there is a There is a lot about that, what you sow, you reap and you reap what you sow, I wanted to say, but just look at this example now, you know, since he used the manna illustration, I just want to pick a random prophecy. in a in hosea 10 12. but just listen to how this is very random, yeah, I mean, when it comes out, someone went because I'm trying to say there's a spiritual angle to this, the world is trying to get physical equality and they're getting missing the point about the spirit, these characteristics of God, that's what a vibrant society that feels like a level playing field can do and let me read this, I mean whether you know the context or not, just read what God said in how this applies this is Hosea 10 12 sow for yourselves righteousness reap the fruit of unfailing love I mean just let your mind go there what is the fruit of unfailing love many good things yes and break up your unplowed ground because it is time to seek the lord until he comes and pours out justice upon you but you have sown evil you have reaped evil evil you have eaten the fruit of deception now and here is why because you have depended on your own strength and your many warriors and really that It all comes down to you, you recognize, okay, everything is from God, he became poor in Jesus, he left everything for me so that I could be rich and what does rich in Christ mean?
Basically you have everything he has, which is everything, and so in daily life he fills you up. with blessings you are very grateful for his grace that flows through you, but if you go out and start plowing your own field and say: this is my field, these are my things, I did this, I'm going to What are you going to do? ? Build bigger barns. Accumulate it when you are not sharing God's blessings. Nothing happens and at the end of the day you die. Worldly sadness ends in death and then everyone argues about what we are going to do with your things. it's the cycle of the world that's right versus we're there instead of arguing that they're going to wipe our tires, they wipe our tears because there's nothing to complain about living forever with everything God has, I mean, that's really the difference and that's why you see worldly pain leads to death precisely what we talked about before we got here you asked yourself a question which team am I on I want to be on the team of grace that's what I want to be chosen for you better okay, we're Out of Time, we'll explore a little more of this in overtime and then we'll see you next time.
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