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Vania Mania Kids Cooking Challenge with Grandma + More Kids Videos

Apr 06, 2024
fun of me, make dogs, cats, they are K and queens, but only flowers of E, we will put chili, we will put mustard, e no, no, we will add the vanilla cookies must be supplicated and proven we are good bakers we can bake cookies yes, we friends give juice tea or coffee fats sheep bacon with butter put yours put your fish and wait cookies that we can eat we will put chili in it we will put mustard no, no, we add cookies that must be pleasant to the taste, we are good bakers, we can bake cookies , yes, we offer friends, it's sty with Ju hello hello, today we have a


, we are going to try the cartoon food and yes, who are you? the way I'm Snow White because I hate Snow White and I'm Guess who I'm minion what no, I'm hmer from S no, you're bad and it's you I'm Gren no, no, no way ah mangel from what cartoon Ninja Turtle, oh yeah , great, see those numbers over there?
vania mania kids cooking challenge with grandma more kids videos
Yes, and there are cartoons behind the numbers. You will try cartoon food. I want to start. I want to start. Wait wait wait. Rules first. Everyone will rate the dishes from zero to 100. That's okay. come on yeah I pick number four I pick number eight and I pick number 16 oh the secret pet lot yeah I saw just part of it yeah and it was great okay waiting for the dish it's Shrek , what do you think it will be maybe? land, I know, oh uh, rats, I saw rats there, rats, cooked rats, wish bux, Bunny with the carrot, go and Simpson, how could you?
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Wow, I'm so surprised it's going to be donut, donut, donut, let's get our plates. I'm home now. You're here, you're the first, yes, you're the first. I knew I like the way dog ​​food smells. Okay, yeah, look, can you? Oh wow, it's half half. I have someone to try this food for me, it's not for me, it's Luke, ah, you like it. Ready, turn. what are you waiting for so red what is that I didn't see that in the movie oh what is that it's a soup you have to drink baby yes drink sure no Mana it's not for washing your hands sorry you have to drink it it's a soup baby baby baby baby it's water with lemon I think you know it's eye candy with ketchup come on it's sweet but with ketchup with the ketchup why do you hate ketchup, it's cool, cool and it's my turn, are you ready? yeah, wow, cotton candy, cotton candy, yeah, you know how to use it, so we have to put sugar in there, yeah, but not too much inside, in the middle, right here, yeah. okay, yes, yes, I think that's enough oh what in real Candy wow oh okay, now try it, try, try, I'm done, I think so, here I pour caramel over the cotton candy, chocolate syrup, delicious, wow oh what will I try M, so delicious. but now the ratings, first rate this for one because it's so bad and the other is because you can eat it, what about you zero zero?
vania mania kids cooking challenge with grandma more kids videos
Well, I'll put in about 90 points, oh 90, that's so much, I left 10 points, maybe I have a few


that yes yes okay let's move on to another round okay next round I choose the number seven uh five for me and 21 for me oh Coco C secret to Coco's tacos I don't know Mex tacos that's what I thought you said let's go go go oh Hotel Transyl


there will be something creepy I think it's going to be gelatin I'm gelatin worms and mommy I didn't see this movie something Chinese food, I think so, okay, let's go, okay, I have a plate of Mexican food here.
vania mania kids cooking challenge with grandma more kids videos
Do you like Mexican? What's that? Oh, that looks so cool. Spices yes, that's sugar. What's that? I don't know. I'll try the drink first. The drink smells of spices. Yes, it's milk with cinnamon. I think they're cinnamon buns. a lot of cinnamon here I think it's like something made of dough something baked okay, let's try the bun now yeah, it's my turn wow shrimp and giant egg never I'm not going to no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Sorry buddy, but you have to do it .
I can eat shrimp. Definitely try the shrimp. Mhm, are they good? Yes, I can't imagine how I can eat this strange egg. You have to try it, try it, yeah, okay, I'll try it. How disgusting, come on, of course! It tastes like a real egg but it's like jelly, you see, yeah, oh, the lizard fingers, the lizard fingers, I asked for spleen and blankets, oh, excuse me why it's so dark, no, let's move on to Mana, now I'm done with That, yes, it's my turn. What is Chinese food rice and oh dad I have normal eggs, normal chicken eggs, look you get parage and it's happy to see you.
I'm lucky because I can use stick bacon, you lied to us. Hey, you can't use the chopsticks correctly. How is bacon so tasty? Can I show you how to use the sticks and the egg? I just have to try it. It was so delicious. Rate this. Okay, maybe 95 95 95. It's delicious and it's not a fish egg. I like shms sh so 100. for shms and zero for that but you have to rate the whole dish the whole dish will be between 100 and zero so it's 50 okay that was very tasty and the buns are so tasty. My rating for this dish is 93, hey we still have like 15.


dishes this dish I will make it RIT with 93 points yes this is delicious I choose number 19 number 11 for me I choose number one okay let's go with number 19 I'm really excited about the addition of monsters okay, dead, come on uh and it's spongebob spongebob hamburgers CR crbg or something like that or hot dog hot dog shrimp shrimp are your friends cartoons can eat your friends excuse me Snow White is you It's you I never saw this movie so I don't know what could be there okay, come on, okay, start ready wow colored eyes wow I like it well TR the one in the middle so it's cream cream sweet cream mhm no no no don't worry it's lemon my turn open it it's cold and it's crabs Burger crab burger Giant burger oh my god delicious and delicious crab burger bigger than your head with the crab wow oh Mana look what's inside crab sticks and onions but how do you Are you going to eat and tomato and cheese press it and then try Li I'm sorry Mr.
Crab my mouth is big yes it's not bad but it's cold coming out from below? yeah it's my turn now what candy yeah candy candy apple I actually hate candy cool wait a minute it was poisoned what will happen M no no no smiling smiling smiling now the ratings for me it's not ice cream it's cream it's lemon uh I give you this one dish 65 points is uh 65.5 what I give five because it's C my turn maybe 23 for this one because I hate caramel and apple boom apple like this and like that 23 next round next round next round next next next next next next I choose the number 10 14 for me and nine for me 1 2 three how could this? how could this be possible?
Pizza yes, how could this be possible? and my turn and this is Gravity Falls no, I know, I think it will be, you know, there's pizza, uh, pizza without pie and pie uh, out of pizza, pizza-flavored pie, pizza-flavored pie and a tree more, baby, okay, come on, come on, oh oh, look at this, I'm so excited, what's that? Can you do it first? Yeah, okay, baby, excuse me, boss, what should you eat here? socks socks no it's real socks oh oh no it's disgusting food you have to eat that try it Mana try it what is that don't try it try it oh you know this is baby food with broccoli Choo Cho okay okay and it's my turn open it open it I think it's something tasty wow what's that that smells good it smells really good I want to try I hope it's tasty it feels like sweet potato potato m no, it's exploding in my mouth it hurts do you hear it? what I can see what am I doing?
I definitely have guys, you forgot about me, it's pizza, hey, go, go, delicious, oh, so mutant, it's not a human, it's not a turtle, it's a mutant animal, now the M points, this is 75, yeah , 75, 75. I love pepperoni pizza, but uh. not just cheese and tomato sauce, but it's so good for me, it's um 40 points 40 but 40 yeah, too sweet for me and look at this mess, it's because of this dish, maybe zero points, because what about creativity of this dish? Okay, two points, two points. well thanks man for two points, thank you very much next round next round I'm still hungry next round can I choose first? okay 20 okay 20 15 and my number is six and it's Scooby-Doo F not again banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana ban banana ban banana banana banana okay, I'm the first, let me be the first the first time, I want to be The first one, okay, are you ready, yeah, I'm not ready, what is that?
Oh, a double triple sardine sandwich and sweet marshmallow SC wow sandwich so tasty let's show a little bit it's mine my turn it's strawberry mayonnaise with mayonnaise cheese sauce because friends and cheese friends what is that cheese sauce cheese sauce cheese and it's good yes, now try this completely different thing, right no no no no no no no oy what is that AOC pumpkin pie avocado guacamole yes, it's very good well, yes, let's do the ratings. I will rate this dish with 57 points. I like 50% avocado and but this adds 7 points, so 57 I give it about 50 points. why is it boring it's tasty but it's boring it's just a sandwich it's a regular staple m i think maybe 80 because the strawberry flavor is so strong so I can't feel anything deep let's move on to the next okay, what's next? next round I choose I choose I choose I choose two two I choose two 13 12 Panda will be dumplings I hope Beauty and the Beast Italian pasta Pasta let's see I hope pasta wow What is that?
What's that? It's sweet not spicy M I don't know if it's that tasty or not not tasty, right man, right, right, we're looking at you, I can open them with my excuse, green, first of all, it's green, yeah, everything is green, for what this past is green, try sauce, sauce, yes, try making pasta too. I can't recognize what sauce it is. very very very spicy I can't understand what I'm eating okay my turn oh doesn't it look like something good how it smells like cheese like cheese M oh how delicious delicious I really know what this is but I forgot the name Are you ready to rate this?
Yes, my rating for this dish is 46 good, but not good, yes exactly and my rating is 20 points 20 20 points why too much food is somehow green but it's pasta. Everyone likes M pasta. What is your rating? Five points No I don't know what this Chinese or Japanese food is yet five let's move on to another round the last yes the last last flavor I choose the number three 18 17 for me there is no choice there is no choice let's go I have no choice let's go I'm the first I'm first, okay, okay, okay and my cartoon is my cartoon is the cars that set up this


for us Mom, hey, mom, mom, first you need to see this movie, it's a car, this is enlightenment, but the movie is Cars , Cars, the movie is myig SC.
I'll do it first Its oh M it smells good it smells very good if not it's going to be tasty I'll share it for sure it's okay M delicious oh this is just ice ice it looks like a car wow I want to be now I want to be now w wow sea with sticks something will base oh man how was it so good well do you like it yes, really seaweed on a stick really like Milk okay, it's my turn something rainbow here Rainbow Oh, a giant popsicle I think it's the king of dishes don't lick it hey it's mine it's m two one M tastes good yes don't forget to subscribe to our channel wait wait wait how about the points oh yeah?
I think this dish will have 80 points 80 points my dish may have 71 but what about the oil, the oil on top of this cocktail? Try it one more time. It is an oil. I said it's dirt, it was delicious, delicious, delicious, oil, how delicious. I give this king of dishes 100 points 100 for my giant palette, this is my favorite and this one. it's my favorite and this is my last favorite this is my favorite and this is my last favorite I'm not that mad really the worst this some strange green paste and the best of course my favorite giant lollipop my lollipop

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