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Best marketing strategy ever! Steve Jobs Think different / Crazy ones speech (with real subtitles)

Mar 29, 2024
For me,


is about values, this is a very complicated world, it is a very noisy world and we are not going to have the opportunity to make people remember much about us, no company is, so we have to have very clear what we want. that you know about us now, fortunately, Apple is one of the half dozen


brands in the world, right up there with Nike, Disney, Coca-Cola, Sony, it is one of the greats of the greats, not only in this country but throughout the world. but even a great brand needs investment and care if it is to retain its relevance and vitality, and the Apple brand has clearly suffered neglect in this area in recent years and we must recover it in the way that is not talking about speeds and power is not talking about nips and megahertz is not talking about why we are better than windows the dairy industry tried for 20 years to convince you that milk was good for lying but they tried anyway and the sales were like that and then they tried to get milk and the sales they go like this point milk doesn't even talk about the product that focuses on the absence of the product but but the


example of all and one of the greatest Marketing


the universe has


seen is Nike.
best marketing strategy ever steve jobs think different crazy ones speech with real subtitles
Remember that Nike sells a product, it sells shoes, and yet when you


about Nike, you feel something


from a shoe company in their ads because you know they n


talk about the product. They never tell you about their Air Souls and why they are better than Reebok's Air Souls. What does Nike do in its advertising? They honor great athletes and they honor great athletes. That is what they are. That's what it's about. Apple spends a fortune on advertising you never know, you never know, so when I got here, Apple had just fired its agency.
best marketing strategy ever steve jobs think different crazy ones speech with real subtitles

More Interesting Facts About,

best marketing strategy ever steve jobs think different crazy ones speech with real subtitles...

They were doing a competition with 23 agencies. You know, within four years we picked one, blew it up, and hired Chaite. Advertising agency that I was lucky enough to work with years ago. We created some award-winning work, including the commercial, voted the best ad ever made in 1984 by advertising professionals. We started working about eight weeks ago and what was the question we asked our clients. I want to know who Apple is and what we stand for, where we fit in this world and what we do is not make boxes for people to do their


, although we do it well, we do it better than almost anyone in some cases, but Apple is about More than just that apple in essence, its fundamental value is that we believe that people with passion can change the world for the better, that is what we believe and we have had the opportunity to work with people like that.
best marketing strategy ever steve jobs think different crazy ones speech with real subtitles
We've had the opportunity to work with people like you, with software developers, with clients who have done it in ways big and small, and we believe that in this world people can change it for the better and that those people who are


enough to




who can change the world are the




ly do, so what we're going to do in our first brand


campaign in several years is get back to that core value. Many things have changed the market. a totally


place than it was a decade ago and Apple is totally different and Apple's place in it is totally different and believe me, the products and the distribution and manufacturing strategies are totally different and we understand that, but the core values ​​and values those things shouldn't change the The things that Apple fundamentally believed in are the same things that Apple


ly stands for today, so we wanted to find a way to communicate this and what we have is something that moves me a lot because it honors those people who have changed the world, some of them are living, some of them are not, but those who are not, as you will see, you know that if they had ever used the computer, it would have been a maximum and the theme of the campaign is to think differently are people who honor people who think differently and who move this world forward and it's who we are, it touches the soul of this company, so I'm going to go ahead and roll it, uh, and I hope you feel the same thing I did, here's to the


ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers around pegs in square holes, those who see things differently, don't like rules and don't respect the status quo, you can quote them, you don't agree with them, glorify. or vilify them, not the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things, they push the human race forward and although some may see them as crazy, we see geniuses because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do it
best marketing strategy ever steve jobs think different crazy ones speech with real subtitles

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