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Mar 24, 2024
I'm so excited you're here because I have several



-end Dollar Tree


DIYs on a


that I know you'll love, so if that's something you're interested in, keep scrolling to get started with the DIY. number one, if you remember from the other day, we basically did the exact same thing except this time I'm going to take four canvases from Dollar Tree, I'm going to take them out of the plastic and then I'm going to use my a handy set of staples that I bought from Walmart to take out all the staples now, yeah you don't have a bunch of staples, all you need to use is like a screwdriver or something that you can put under all those staples, it's really really cool. hard without a staple pull.
truly high end dollar tree farmhouse home decor dollar tree farmhouse decor on a budget
Not going to lie, you can also cut them around the staples now. I personally don't like that either just because it looks weird on the back and then you have to use them like needle nose pliers to pull that out. canvas away from the staples, so honestly you can do it however you feel most comfortable, but I definitely recommend investing in a good set of staples next. I'm going to sand the frames, now this one, I don't know what it was. On it, you know, the frames that are on the Dollar Tree canvases aren't the best, but they aren't the worst either, so I'm not complaining, but I had this green die, so I made sure to sand it smooth. and then I glued them all together with a little Dollar Tree wood glue and a little hot glue in between the wood glue.
truly high end dollar tree farmhouse home decor dollar tree farmhouse decor on a budget

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truly high end dollar tree farmhouse home decor dollar tree farmhouse decor on a budget...

Now the wood glue will make sure the fixation lasts and the hot glue will make sure it sticks. together super fast now again these frames are super cheap and they are not completely square so to keep them together really nice and evenly I use some clamps next I'm going to take my Dixie Bell Voodoo dye and I like to pour it put it on a small container and then I use it that way if I'm not dyeing like a larger piece where I can just spray a little bit on the project, so I poured some into a container from Dollar Tree and then used a regular paint. brush to just paint over that stain now.
truly high end dollar tree farmhouse home decor dollar tree farmhouse decor on a budget
I love this Dixie Bell Voodoo stain for many reasons. I am not sponsored by them. I just love the product, it's water based, doesn't stink, dries very quickly and looks absolutely beautiful. Once I finished staining the entire inside of the frame I make sure to stain the outside of the frame as well and I know a lot of you like to finish the back of your project but because I knew this was going to be towards the wall I didn't I worried about the back but you can if you want so you guys I couldn't do what I do without my ketones right there that you saw was a healthy Red Bull if you guys drink five hour energy or red bulls please contact me, let me help you drink something that will do exactly the same thing, it will actually give you a lot more benefits and it's really good for you, it actually burns fat for fuel, which gives you better concentration, better mood. muscle preservation better sleep better digestion better fat loss if you don't need to lose weight then you can definitely use this too.
truly high end dollar tree farmhouse home decor dollar tree farmhouse decor on a budget
It's not even a fat loss product, it was actually formulated for the brain, so contact me. I would love to chat. I also turned it into a business where now I make you guys a lot of money just by sharing my story and how wonderful that product is. Anyway, once it was dyed, everyone knows I love dry brushing, so I went ahead and did it with a dry brush. a little bit of my White Waverly chalk paint with my big brush around each frame now you guys have seen in the last tour that I did those blue and white tiles, it was the first time I saw those tiles um, but I personally like them better the silver ones so I could paint them, but if you guys like that white and blue look, I thought it looked really beautiful, it just doesn't fit with my


, so I chose the silver ones and did it.
I used four, I just put it on the back of one of the frames and then used a Sharpie to put four little dots in the corners and then cut a little past the dots that way, one time I had something too stuck on the back I finished cutting the first one, then I'm going to measure, trace the others and cut the four as well and make sure I don't throw away the scraps because I'm about to show you some damn ones. Phenomenal projects with scraps, you and I had no idea what I was doing. I honestly had other projects in mind and when I was making the last few videos I framed the spring DIY with the chicken wire, after I put the chicken wire up I had this idea and I thought it would have been really cute but I had already stapled them together , so that's what I was provoking in the last video, I had another idea and it occurred to me when I was doing the last project, so if you didn't see that I'll leave that link in the comment of the pin, as well as the description.
Everyone knows that I can't speak, as well as the description box below. I'll also leave it at the End of the video, so if you didn't get it, definitely check it out, it's good, but once I cut out all my pieces, I'm going to give them two good coats of my White Waverly chalk paint. These are a little difficult to paint because they have those beautiful raised details. When you paint them you want to brush them and then make sure to make a swirling motion that way you can make sure you cover the entire piece. if not you will have spots where the paint won't touch them and you will be able to see the silver through there, so I made sure to cover them well and dried them between coats now for the second one. layer, you can pat it on or shake it, it's totally up to you, but to make sure you don't get streaks, I don't know, it just looked crooked when I tried to brush it, so make sure. that you're rubbing it or doing a twisting motion when they hurt so once again I hit it with my blow dryer because everyone knows I'm super impatient and then once they were completely dry I used the same thing. chip brush now I get these chip brushes from Home Depot if you were wondering.
I also have some chip brushes linked in My Amazon Store in the description as well as the pin comment, and I just rub my chip brush in my old Waverly wax. I remove the excess and then apply a dry brush with my hand over all these details. Now I go in one direction and then I go in another direction, putting layers of wax and you look how beautiful it is. This is my favorite part, bringing out all those awesomes.


details I literally love this project, once I was happy with my dry brushing again, I layer so sometimes I go a little harder, sometimes I layer, but with this I definitely went layered, I went light and then I accidentally went a little harsh on one of them and thought, "Oh shoot, I really like that look, but as you can see here with Farmhouse Decor, it's not perfect, so I went a little harsher on some." Spots and More softness in other areas again.
I personally like that look, but if you don't like the dry brushed look, skip this step entirely, but I used some antique gold to go over those details and you. Guys, this shine it gives is so beautiful, I love it, so once I was done rubbing and buffing and dry brushing, I made sure they were completely dry and then I turned my frame over and applied a drop of hot water. I glued as close as I could to the inside of the frame opening on the back and then attached the wall tiles to secure them last but not least.
I had this wreath in My Stash from a while ago when I did my bedroom


makeover video If you didn't see I can link that on the cards in the right corner, but I had this reason they were a little small, like this that I kept them in my stash and it was absolutely perfect for the medium. from this project, so from the last project last week I just took the wreath off and put it right on that shelf and you guys love how it turned out. I can't wait to hear what you think in the comments. thank you all, thank you very much for being here if you are enjoying this video.
I would really appreciate it if you would share it and subscribe if you haven't already, it really helps my channel grow and we are very close to you. 100K I have worked very hard to get here, but I couldn't have done it without you. I just want you to know that if you're here, I really appreciate it. I can't do it without you, so again, share this, subscribe if you haven't already. now and let's start again, okay guys, you could do this project with your eyes closed now. I just grabbed that piece of that wall tile and y'all, this is a jar of cheese.
I love saving things like this. I love the details on the bottom so I washed the jar really well and let it dry and then once dry I took this wall tile, measured a piece to go around the top which was simple like where the sticker went and then once I cut it to size, then I removed the plastic from the back of the wall tile and just glued it on. Now I didn't want it to stick very well, so I put just a little bit of hot glue on it to make sure. which looked really nice down, next I'm going to take my White Waverly chalk paint and I'm going to give it two really good coats of foreign paint, so I wasn't going to put the lid back on or anything, so I just made sure to follow Go ahead and paint the neck and top of this jar as well, of course, I hit it with my hair dryer in between coats and then once both coats were completely dry, once again, surprise, surprise, I'm going to use my chip brush and my old wax drying brush thanks the foreigner is hungry so if you listen to him no that's not his son or his dog or cat that's my son so anyway once that the dry brushing was completely dry, once again I take my rub and polish and dry brush all the way around this jar if you haven't noticed already I love things to match I love making sets of things and things that look very well put together I don't know my brain like how it works that way, let me know in the comments, do you guys DIY like that or is it just me, so once the rubbing and polishing was completely dry, to cover the edges of this wall tile, I didn't like the way it looked so I just put some hot glue on the back of the jar and wrapped that jute around the bottom until I was happy with the way it looked.
I then repeated those same steps on the top one more time to cover up those weird edges and that was it for DIY number two, look how absolutely stunning this turned out now, are you digging the two different designs, the wall tile and then the design at the bottom or would they have left the wall tile out completely? Let me know. I'm always curious to hear what you guys think in the comments section below. Thank you. It's okay, guys. DIY number three, as always, I can never pick a favorite, but y'all, this project is so good now that I originally did it.
I made a flashlight quite similar to this a while ago. Several people made it without giving me credit, which is fine, but to begin with I'm the original person who made this flashlight, but I wanted to give it a spin so I grabbed these. two small square trays or boxes from Dollar Tree. I don't know what you want to call them. I measured a square dowel and cut it into four pieces. Next, I'm going to remove the label holders from the front of this box. and surprise, there were two against one, which was great. I only put one, I actually put two on the side, we only ended up using one and then once I removed the labels, I'm going to take those pieces of the wall tiles and I'm going to place that on the front of my box and then I'm going to measure it and mark it with my Sharpie.
Now I buy these Sharpies from Home Depot because they will literally write through anything, erm, water, they are made for construction. So if you are on a construction site and you like your piece of wood to be wet or in any case sawdust, they are made to withstand any type of material, so you can write on it no matter what, if you know something about Sharpies, they don't work on sawdust, they don't work on, you know, moisture, so I really like these so if you ever see them at Home Depot, definitely buy some, but anyway, once you I measured the first side, I'm going to take Remove the plastic from the back and I'm going to glue it now because we cut it and it's not connected around the edges.
You will need to stick the wall tile to the adhesive piece or else the wall tile just flaps in the wind and we don't want that for


end decor so make sure you stick it on, you don't want to display it without it being glued, so once I glued the first piece, then of course. I measured the second piece, glued it together, and then thought, Melissa, what are you doing girl? Why didn't you measure seven more pieces and make your life 10 times easier? So I kept bringing it up to my box and measuring it and then I finally thought, girl, what are you doing?
Once I figured it out, I went ahead, measured all my pieces, cut them out, and then inthe second, I got even smarter and glued my pieces to the adhesive piece from before. I even took it out of the plastic again which made my life easier. Now I love showing them how imperfect I am. I can't cut a straight line to save my life so some of my pieces hung off the edges and were a little crooked so once I had them in my box I just trimmed the edges as best I could now once that both boxes were covered with the wall tiles, now we are going to make the top of the lantern, so I take this square. piece of wood from Dollar Tree.
I also had this little wooden sign from Michaels that I bought for 99 cents and I start by removing this sticker, I also tried removing the jute hanger but it didn't want to work so I took the hanger off the back, unscrewed it and then took the pull of staples and I just removed the staples and also the foreign jute hanger, make sure you put it together and see how it looks that way, if you don't like it you can always change the piece, try something different, but I loved the way it came together I saw it, so I went ahead and hit it.
I took down the Michael's box first and then went ahead and glued the wooden Dollar Tree plaque on top. Now, once again, I'm very imperfect, so I cut off all of these pegs and realized they were too short. I don't have any more pegs that size, so I went ahead and cut the pegs I had to the right size. I just put them inside my flashlight. Now remember that about an inch of this is going to be covered because you're going to put your box on top of it, so I just measured them, cut them out and I had four pieces all together, obviously you had to go on each corner and then I hot glued each piece on. the corner and once the hot glue was ready, it dried, yes, once.
It was ready, once it dried I put some hot glue on top of the rods and placed my top box right on top. Next, I'll turn it around and I actually lied first. take this another piece of square, yes, another piece of square, guys, it's late for this video. I'm trying to send this video to everyone, so please be patient. I picked up this square piece of wood from Dollar Tree. I took the hanger and removed the sticker and then stuck it on top. Now this just makes a cute little design on the top of your lantern and then I'm going to give it two good coats of my White Waverly chalk paint once again originally.
I stained my rods and I think that would look really beautiful, so if you end up doing that let me know, but in the end I went ahead and painted my rods. Now they are a little complicated, so make sure you do them. I continue to flip your lantern and paint as you go because the sides that you can't see I sometimes miss so make sure you flip it over and make sure you've got everything nice and covered and then I go ahead and do the first two. good layering also strange one more time after the first layer dries everyone knows I'm very impatient so I use my hair dryer to get it really dry so I can move on to the next step but they want to make sure you're doing a twisting or tapping motion to cover it completely.
I also painted the bottom box and wish I had done both. I don't know why I didn't, guys, I wasn't thinking very well, but I would. Definitely paint both sides, you can even paint the boxes on the inside before you put this all together just to make your life a little easier, but like I always say, hindsight is 20 20 and I'll know for next time, so once again, once my target. the paint was completely dry, then I did the same by turning it over and dry brushing my antique wax around all those beautiful details, as well as the top of my lantern, and then once everything was dry, brushing, grinding, including the rods, then I'm going to stick one yeah, I'm going to stick, I'm going to fuck hey, that rhymes, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it, oh my God, I'm going to fuck up the label.
Support Michael's box right above where we glued the wall tile. Then I rubbed and polished one more time and dry brushed those details to make it all look cohesive so that my Lantern matches the other decor pieces and it just feels like it does. It gives it that beautiful shine, brings out those details even more and I love the look of this. Okay, we're in the


stretch. If you're still here, leave me a star in the comments so I know. They came this far. I appreciate you very much and don't forget to share it. We are so close to 100,000.
I literally can't believe it. I have put my heart, my soul. Blood, sweat, tears, money, literally my everything on this channel. and I bring you amazing DIYs week after week and I can't believe we're so close. I've had this goal forever and you guys, this is our victory, this is our channel, it's not just my channel because I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, so share this, let's get to 100K. I can't wait to share the board with you, so anyway I grabbed this little light from Dollar Tree, removed the bulb, and gave it two good coats one more time to dry.
Brush it with the old one one more time and then surprise, surprise. I used rub and polish to match. Now I'm going to take this C hook and I'm going to screw it into the top of our lantern and then I'm going to hang our little light for the last and final step guys. I'm going to take this little jar holder, jar hanger whatever you want to call it, and I thought it was absolutely perfect for the top of this lantern, so I'm going to use my Dollar Tree super glue and I'm going to glue it up to the top.
I'm also going to grab one of these little ornaments that I got from Teemu, these little unfinished circle ornaments and they were just a little bit. Too big. I wanted to cover that star because I felt like the design on the wall tile just didn't match a star, so I just cut that circle out of wood. Now this works as long as you have some very sturdy scissors. You can easily cut it to the right size and then I hot glued it to the top of my jar holder and then once again I gave it two coats of my White Waverly chalk paint including the little part where it's hot where it is connected the hanger. and I also gave the handle a good two coats to dry between coats and then, surprise, surprise, once it was dry, I dry brushed it.
I made everything look nice and cohesive. I put the rubbing and polishing in there and you guys love it. Love, love, love, I love this flashlight. I can't wait to hear what you guys think about it in the comments section. They like? Do they hate it? Alright? Let me know what you think. Would they have painted this a different color? I'm curious, so look how beautiful it looks with all the other decorations. Now the possibilities are endless with this. You can remove that pendant light. Look here how you can see the top and it's not painted.
It was after the fact when I was drinking. In the photos I thought, duh, Melissa, that wasn't very smart, but I'm going to take them back to the shed and paint them so you can put a candle in here and put that light out. It's totally up to you, let me know. Will they do this look? How beautiful, that rough, polished look. Oh my gosh guys, I can't get enough of these projects. Let me know what kind of projects you want to see in the future. I love each and every one of them. you from the bottom of my heart and soul if no one has told you today you are absolutely stunning you are worthy you are beautiful you can literally do anything you set your mind to coming from an addict who has been sober for almost nine years if I can do it I know you can too do it.
I recently lost 80 pounds and I would love to help you get fit and healthy again or if you want to make money just share an amazing product that helped me have so many different benefits. Guys, the possibilities are endless in the business. I can show them how to work on social media, how to make money with their phone. Text my number, the word Biz right now, kids literally have a discount that disappears in a couple of days, so be sure. I'm sure you guys will reach out to me and with that being said, I love you guys with all my heart and soul.
I'll see you in the next one. Bye, join the DIY family here on your right.

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