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May 29, 2024
Thank you Warner Brothers for sponsoring this vision in China, you know, you're probably wondering what the hell is going on and why do I look so tough, let's catch you up and it's time for breakfast. Dick is a little friend, come here, that's me, Mariah. motto What are you doing? This is my


not today. It is not. I'll take over today. Why do you talk like that? Believe me, trust me. It will all make sense a little later, but get a cook. I'm solving. Okay, that's my pudding, you might know him as Bubba. He makes the best breakfasts in the world.
girlfriend takes over my channel
He usually puts one slice of cheese, but he gives me two. I think he likes them. Oh, it'll be a good day. Yes, that's that crispy bacon. Oh you're welcome. oh, it's been out for a long time, ready for the day when Warner Brothers sends us to see Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of Harley Quinn. The movies will be in theaters on February 7, but we'll get a preview screening and watch it before then. It's Lise, so we're really excited, we're about to go there right now and guys, be sure to see it in theaters.
girlfriend takes over my channel

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girlfriend takes over my channel...

I'm ready to see this. I think they could handle a couple of Harley Quinn girls in Birds of Prey. It was really great, it was all like action but like comedy sprinkled throughout it was really fun, it wasn't like a normal superhero movie, it was great, yeah it's different. I'm going to be completely honest. I'm not into superhero movies. I have never liked them. I am what you love. Those things and just the fact that Harley's character is so she's a weirdo, yeah, a weirdo, but she's very quirky and funky, and she flutters around like she's not. well yeah now i know everyone dressed up like her for halloween that was like first of all the girl falls in love with her and like guys are obsessed with you she does this thing from her point of view but it's all like it's really dark and twisted and it's like she's telling this story.
girlfriend takes over my channel
I said it's so fun to jump in and follow him, but she's doing it, she's like the perfect antihero, yeah, she's not a good person, well, she fights with herself throughout the movie, okay. who is she and fights the bad guys, fights the black mask and like them all the birds of prey come together, they are all, they are individuals, unique personalities, superheroes, they are all different, right, each of them has different quarks and skills and seeing them all together is literally mind-blowing, so I wanted to get up and feel joy. I thought the last scene was absolutely incredible as it was, yes it was shot very well and the cast was very well edited. she was crazy, her girl, she was great, she was so good, she felt so powerful, she made me feel so powerful, so pathetic, it just felt so good, like I brought a group of my friends and seeing her, she's inspired , I would continue.
girlfriend takes over my channel
I would go on a second date with my boyfriend. I've literally told this to all my friends since I left movies. You guys are going to love this movie. I love that it was just about Harley, yeah, like she had no strings attached. attached, I mean they were birds of prey, it was like the whole group came together but it was like seeing her life after the big breakup, yeah she really went crazy and lost herself, the final breakup is like God so After watching the movie we were a little inspired. Shut up, I got a little mad, I scheduled a little date and I think for us, so let's go there now and oh no, live like a party, baby, my name is Poppy Quinn, I think I'm going to stop doing this, She literally has.
Since we got out good and you know what I really like, rest and stuff, let's get to it oh, let's take the fun caught tonight. I like when we take this one because he drives, what else is new, the seahorse. I need a Reaper. I don't need a press one. I love my bad, my best. Wow, for you too. My makeup. Well guys, that's all for today's video. Thank you very much for watching. Please be sure to LIKE and subscribe. The shadow movie is for me because who else would I go to? Many thanks to Warner Brothers for sponsoring this video.
I really appreciate it guys, please make sure to see Birds of Prey in theaters on February 7th. It was absolutely incredible. I promise you will love the movie. go watch it with your friends or go on a date night with whoever you want, just go watch it, okay guys, see you soon, bye, the joke's on you.

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