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Mario Odyssey Speedrun reaches Mushroom Kingdom in 12 MINUTES

Jun 29, 2024
Super Mario Odyssey is one of the most popular


ning games of all time for the last three years, runners have managed to beat it in just 57


after finishing the game, you are rewarded with the possibility of accessing the



for the first time. It's an incredible homage to Super Mario 64. But what if I told you there was a much faster way to get to the Mushroom Kingdom? There is a Super Mario Odyssey


called Star Percent where the goal of the race is to get to the Mushroom Kingdom as quickly as possible. and get a single star, this can be done however you want, including just beating the game normally and getting a star, but if you want to get the world record, things get a little more complicated.
mario odyssey speedrun reaches mushroom kingdom in 12 minutes
Star Rate became a category right after the release of Odyssey in 2017. It's progressed from a simple meme category to one of the most challenging and innovative glitch displays in all of Super Mario Odyssey, here's what it was like back then , normally you would beat cap


and then cascade down using a small jump with the t-rex and beat the sand, then you were left with the option of going to the lake kingdom or going to the forest kingdom. Now this decision may seem inconsequential, but in reality it greatly influences the race. The reason for this is because of how the warp paints work in the game casually.
mario odyssey speedrun reaches mushroom kingdom in 12 minutes

More Interesting Facts About,

mario odyssey speedrun reaches mushroom kingdom in 12 minutes...

Game paintings are usually used to preview future kingdoms in this run, although that is not the case. The decision to go to the lake or the forest also influences where your paintings are sent. The first kingdom you select will have a painting leading to the arena and the second. Kingdom painting will lead to lunch. Our goal is to make it to lunch, so the quickest option was to select Lake Kingdom. Beat him as quickly as possible. Enter the forest kingdom to defeat the spirit boss and unlock the lunch painting. Then do a tight jump to reach it.
mario odyssey speedrun reaches mushroom kingdom in 12 minutes
Mario through painting you get a nice island in the sky to preview the kingdom Nintendo placed this island far enough away from the mainland that there is no way you can get to it or so they thought because the speed racers They managed to find a way. There is an extremely precise jump called brunching that you can do here to barely make it to the rest of the kingdom by hitting the ground, going off the landing, canceling the spin and turning at the perfect angle to maximize Mario's speed and then bouncing precisely off the edges of the lava


can reach earth now of course being early in the lunch realm is awesome you just skipped five realms it's just a matter of going to the


oh right you haven't even unlocked the realm but the


isn't even here, so what's the point of getting the lunch kingdom if you can't even use odyssey right?
mario odyssey speedrun reaches mushroom kingdom in 12 minutes
There is another warp painting hidden in a back corner of the lunch kingdom. There is a painting that leads to the kingdom of


s. As you go through the painting it takes you to Yoshi's Island which has a single star waiting for you for a long time this is how the race went and the record dropped to 18


and six seconds by Nikrovita an incredibly fast time but the race was not that interesting aside from brunch and jumps, that was until feb 2020 where a single hack completely transformed run cappy return cancellations or crcs were discovered. We covered it in another video but this is how it works when entering in two player, you can separate


and cappy if you repeatedly hit with cappy in the void so he is very far away from mario you can make a perfect entrance to instantly translate that distance into another direction using this cappy teleportation cheat it is possible to split the game even further the cheat was originally found and used for the minimum capture speed, run, but after a while some of us realized how useful it could be for the percentage of stars if we used the crc, we could avoid having to finish Sand Lake and Wooded Kingdom.
It seemed like the world record could be greatly improved, so I started. doing races after a few days of attempts I managed to get the world record and it was like that, I beat Captain Cascade like before and then I got to the arena, but instead of beating the entire Sand Kingdom, all I had to do was go straight to the inverted pyramid by rolling and instantly canceling the roll towards the door. I was able to get through it, then beat Harriet, which unlocked a different painting, this one to Metro Kingdom. I entered and from here I performed a CRC to capture the binoculars and teleport to the continent then I entered another painting, this one in the lake kingdom, if you remember from before, the first kingdom you reach after completing the arena is supposed to have a paint that leads back to the arena, but technically you haven't even completed the arena yet, so instead the paint destination is set to its default value, which luckily for us is the lunch realm, so from the lake kingdom i entered the painting straight into the lunch kingdom where i made a new two player version of brunch and jumped in and then went on my way. to the painting of the mushroom kingdom and finished the race in 14 minutes and 46 seconds, less than 15 minutes to reach the mushroom kingdom, this time was incredibly low, but I didn't know that there were two other runners who wanted to reduce that time. like possible redslay and mars, these two brokers competed against each other for months and optimized the category to the extreme.
This is what they changed, they added a trick called DSS or Dino Skip Skip, this trick is extremely difficult and requires you to land in an obscenely small place. section of this wall to get to the madame brood boss fight faster, saving a few seconds in the sand kingdom instead of clipping the pyramid and going through it, they do a trick called inverted pyramid jump where they make a near perfect clip on pixels. this wall to then make a precise movement out of bounds and reach the top of the pyramid saving 40 seconds on the subway, they introduced a faster crc where instead of capturing the binoculars they capture this pole to reach the painting a little faster and after all.
Those tricks, the challenging lunch, and the jump still need to be performed to reach the lunch and proceed to the mushroom kingdom. The world record is currently held by Red Slay at 12 minutes and 48 seconds, with Mars just 10 seconds behind. Now the current world record is still to be made. It's not perfect, some time savings could still be implemented for the CRC instead of switching to single player to target Cappy. It is possible to target Mario without switching. You only have about half a second to aim with a couple of degrees of accuracy. but it would save 20 seconds if achieved in the lunch realm.
The current world record increases damage through lava on the way to painting. Instead of taking damage, it's barely possible to land on some invisible blocks, saving yourself a few more seconds. What I haven't mentioned yet is that the game gets pretty confusing when you go through paintings that aren't supposed to be unlocked yet, so once you get to the mushroom kingdom the camera is actually locked in place, The current record is warped to fix this camera crash. but it's not really necessary, it is possible to grab the star without that extra deformation, you just have to do it basically blindfolded, just like in any race there is always room for improvement, even in a race like this that has more tricks to break the game than any other mario odyssey quick race, both redslay and mars are still trying to lower the record and more and more racers have been trying their luck in this category as well, so we will have to wait and see how low it can go of all Anyways, that's all if you want. check out more speedrunning content like this make sure you subscribe at the lowest rate they upload videos like this all the time so you should definitely stick around or if you want to check out my channel just search for the cj app but yeah that's it , thanks for watching.

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