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Asking the safest Tory seat why they're STILL going to vote Conservative

May 27, 2024
Why are you




for the


s? Because I would never


for anyone else. Welcome to Canvey Island. Canvey Island is a part of the Castle Point constituency in Essex, which for years has been one of the




s. Conservative MP Rebecca Harris won 76.7% of the vote in 2019, but like other supposedly safe Conservative


s across the country, it doesn't look so rosy this time around: a collapse of the Conservative vote in local elections, so For an Independence coalition to take control of the local council, making it one of only two councils in England made up entirely of Independence and, although the Conservatives are expected to retain this seat, it is likely to be with a much smaller majority, the changes are clearly up in the air, so I think I've come to Cany to see if that will extend to the general election.
asking the safest tory seat why they re still going to vote conservative
I am


. I'm proud of it. Here is a really safe area of ​​Tor. Yeah, why do you think that's a really deep-rooted demographic? system habit more than anything, yes, yes, no, no opportunity for youth or growth, or you know, just a lack of imagination and inspiration. I think so, what is it? Why is point C for such a strong conservative base? We are all sensible, what issues matter to you? Immigration, really, yeah, what about immigration? Well, I think there are too many people entering the country. They are serving the people in the army and the immigrants are given preferential treatment over them and the people. the list of housing that come to this country


get uh Free housing, everything else is free and the people who have paid all their lives get nothing, it's quite damning, it's quite damning, very damning.
asking the safest tory seat why they re still going to vote conservative

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asking the safest tory seat why they re still going to vote conservative...

Society in Britain, I mean, um, I think if you as a young man, I think if you could take a good look around an exit, yeah, if Rich Sunak or K ster or another leader were listening to you right now, would you? What would you say? I would say just try to meet as much as you can and actually Be honest with people, don't make us believe that something that's not


to happen the same with Brexit,


weren't honest about that, what weren't they honest about? Do you think about all kinds of things that were promised and that didn't happen?
asking the safest tory seat why they re still going to vote conservative
They didn't tell us certain things if we came out of Brexit, what would happen for example with the increase in goods, everything has gone up, people who like expats living abroad, it's difficult for them, all kinds of things which we did not realize. You were in favor of Brexit and how you feel about it now. I wish I wasn't. I will say they should never have gotten rid of Boris. Really, oh God no, he when he won in 2019, I didn't think Labor would ever do it. He ever he's come back and I think he did a good job on um uh covid because no one else has had to do that before.
asking the safest tory seat why they re still going to vote conservative
I thought. I think they did dirty things to him. Really yes, definitely, definitely, they worked to win as predicted. How would you do it? I feel really devastated and sometimes there are difficult decisions you have to make, so just keep going. What are those difficult decisions? Do you think all kinds of difficult decisions? Unemployment is correct. City councils are going bankrupt. That's because they're paying all this money. on housing you need someone to really say "okay", we have to do something about this. I mean, I was reading in the newspaper that one of the country's councilors is throwing an h to the right to buy, not to stop it, but to raise it.
Manchester I I think yes, yes, I know he was somewhere and that's what they should do. They will not build houses. Council houses that could


help people with rent, but a much cheaper rate. M CU, they would be municipal rates, not private RS. All of those things need to be sorted out just for a while, give the country a chance to recover after Co and everything else that's been going on in the last few years, but they don't listen to anyone but themselves and everyone only cares. They care about how they look to the public and that's not good, you need someone to actually pull up their underwear and get on with the damn job.
What topics are important to you? Do you think I just think it's sorting out the economy really, that's a major issue right now, um, obviously, you've got the big issue of house prices right now. I see that all the time, how the fight for first-time buyers, um, that's a big issue that needs to be addressed and the rising interest rates for mortgage holders, so I think that's the main concern, but , among other things, yes, we are B, yes, and you know we can't get it. I've been waiting, I don't know, 3 years to get treatment for cancer and stuff like that, you know, yeah, I mean, it's just a GCT and stuff like that, the water where all the money they spent was given to the shareholders, none of that was reversed and we are drinking this, you know, yes, yes, it is Scandalous, it is tremendously scandalous, you say you are proud to be a Tori, what can you point to during the last 14 years of government?
What do you think you are proud of? Oh, I'm not sure how they deal with the way Boris dealt with Covid, you know? no one else um I can't see um it was Corbin wasn't it who would have what? Can I imagine what he did and I think Richie Sunak um with the um paying the money skin skin yeah yeah I mean I thought they thought they? They did a good job, they paid it to a lot of the wrong people, don't get me wrong, but they helped people and me and well, what would I change to you?
Do you think what problems? um I would say more about help for first time buyers and Young people trying to get into property, boy, more than anything else, uh, because I'm 27 years old, I've got a young family, and I'm trying to get into property, boy, I do. as close to running as possible right now. You are discovering that the average. age for first time buyers going up to 35 years of age in that kind of group um so yeah it probably says more so I was talking to someone. I was talking to a woman earlier and she was saying I think I.
I'm going to be rude, she's probably in her 50s, yes, my first mistake, but she was saying how sorry she is for the type of young people, like the social contract seems to be broken, almost as if what we were promised was no longer the case, yes. I think it's more like, I think that's what we need to focus on, the next generation. Um, because you'll find that there are a lot of young people now who don't necessarily have the opportunities that they would have in the past. So they're fine, then they group up and do things in the streets that then become a problem for the whole community, so yes, I would say more community centres, more activities for young people and more things that can develop skills. that could lead to a later life.
Do you really know who you are going to vote for? I don't know yet to be honest with you, but I think more research is required because a lot of things are promised, but more. Mainly looking at the trends and what happened in the past maybe will help me make that decision. Who do you plan to vote for? Who do I intend to vote for? It goes back years because my parents were Labor and then I started voting Conservative. We bought our house through conservators, so I have something to thank them for. But nothing seems to happen.
You receive all these promises and nothing seems. happen, so yeah, I thought maybe the labor movement could change. I just hope Tor wins. I probably doubt they will, but I just hope they do ex and um and the other thing is that they have reduced inflation mhm and it will ruin the country. they did it in 2010 when she left the little note saying that there is no money left or in 20 or in 2022 with Le Trust oh well, we didn't talk about her that was the worst that was the worst really yes, she should never have done it um no, she shouldn't have done it, but that was probably his downfall, which is a shame, but like I say, he should never have gotten rid of Boris.
I'm a Boris fan, I can say yes, thanks Carol, thank you very much for your time.

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