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DABI’S REAL QUIRK REVEALED!! My Hero Academia BIG Toya Todoroki's Secret Hidden QUIRK Revealed | MHA

Mar 25, 2024
Dobby just awakened his


Ice Fire Quirk, his true Quirk that was


all this time and this changes everything we thought we knew where this war was going, we thought we knew how the battles were going but Horikoshi just cast an absolute bomb, so let's get into it. If you guys know how this works, if you enjoy our mha videos and want to see more in the future, please leave a quick like and comment right now to help us with the YouTube algorithm and by the way, more than half of the people who watch my videos.
dabi s real quirk revealed my hero academia big toya todoroki s secret hidden quirk revealed mha
Videos are regularly not subscribed to the channel if you are one of those people, if you feel called right now do me a big favor and make this the video you subscribe to and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications. please help me a lot, finally, this video will contain spoilers for mha manga, so proceed with caution. You've been warned that the previous chapter mainly focused on the return of All Might and the impending showdown between him and Primal, but that chapter also reminded us of that. From the effort fight with Dobby a fight that is about to reach its boiling point we learned that Dobby has been compressing thermal energy inside his body and has reached a temperature so high that he could literally explode at any moment at this rate Dobby You'll only be able to hold it together for another 10 minutes and then all that thermal energy you compressed will suddenly be released meaning your body will explode and the explosion it creates will destroy everything within a five kilometer radius and if that alone wasn't already It's bad enough that we learned that many of the civilians hiding inside the UA shelter, including the Todoroki family, are within range of the impending explosion if Dobby


ly explodes, although civilians will die, including his own mother, brother Natsu and his sister Fuyumi.
dabi s real quirk revealed my hero academia big toya todoroki s secret hidden quirk revealed mha

More Interesting Facts About,

dabi s real quirk revealed my hero academia big toya todoroki s secret hidden quirk revealed mha...

He contacted Shoto Nida and told them to head from Kamino to Gunga immediately due to the unique nature of their


s. They are the only ones who can stop Dobby and save everyone from the explosion. He eda lifts Shoto on his back and leaves. At full speed, him literally jumping from one building to another as he pushes his Quirk to the limit to get them to Goonga as soon as possible. The last chapter begins a little unexpectedly. We see two Paranormal Liberation Front villains trapped and Mr. Compress talking. among them in prison getten is explaining the history of the himura family and if that name sounds familiar it's because that was shoto's mother's maiden name before she married his father angie her maiden name was REI himura getten says that In the old days He was a chief of the Himura village who established multiple branches of the Himura family.
dabi s real quirk revealed my hero academia big toya todoroki s secret hidden quirk revealed mha
As soon as I heard this, I thought about watching chihas for some reason, but anyway let's move on. This was clearly a wealthy, land-owning family because gettin mentions that a land reform that affected many wealthy Japanese landowners in 1947 did not affect the wealth and pride of the Himura family at all, meaning that they were so large that they were too big to fail. This was a very prestigious and influential family and they took great pride in the fact that their bloodline was pure and undiluted, the different branches of the family essentially intermarried to keep the bloodline pure which is definitely something which many royal families also did in our own world, but it's also a terrible idea if you don't.
dabi s real quirk revealed my hero academia big toya todoroki s secret hidden quirk revealed mha
I don't want your children to be inbred and unhealthy with the appearance of meta-skills or


s. The Himura family began to decline and eventually faced a complete downfall. The Himura clan was too closed to the outside world and they failed to change with the times. As a result, it seems that the family became desperate for money and the main branch began selling their members into Quirk marriages that would give some benefit to the family as a whole, as we know that Shoto's mother, Rey, was one of the people who were pressured to do so. a peculiar marriage for the sake of the family she was married to Angie Todoroki even though she barely knew him because Angie thought his powerful ice Quirk would be a great genetic match for his powerful fire Quirk and Rey's family thought that this combination would be advantageous to them Getten says that after the main branch of the family began basically selling its members to Quirk marriages, the other branches of the family dispersed, Get it himself is a member of one of these branches and He was eventually recruited by Redastro and now that I think about it and being part of the same extended family as Rey makes a lot of sense, his white hair, his silver eyes and his powerful ice based Quirk are all very similar to Reyes and although this random conversation in prison about the story of The Himura Family may seem out of place in this chapter, there is a deeper meaning behind it.
It goes on to say that over generations meta-skills grow in strength and complexity, they intensify as different factors mix and it wouldn't be surprising if someone had latent abilities that they weren't even aware of when gettin says these words. , the chapter shows us Dobby and then, after the conversation between the two villains takes its course, the next scene is the fiery duel between Endeavor and Dobby, the meaning behind this conversation is clear, Dobby may have a power of Quirk latent within him, a gift that comes from the other side of his family, the Himura side. We know that Dobby inherited his father's flame-based Quirk, but he didn't inherit his father's resistance to fire, instead he inherited his mother's resistance to ice even though he himself couldn't produce the size, but what What if Dobby has a latent ice-based ability?
As Gettin's speech seems to imply, what if Dobby also has the ability to use Fire and Ice just like Shoto, but has ice powers from him? They just haven't manifested yet if Dobby suddenly unlocked a new


Quirk, what would that mean for his battle against Endeavor and what would it mean for the End War as a whole? Hold that thought and let's get back to the chapter that sees Endeavors struggling to resist the massive, burning inferno that Dobby's body is currently producing. Dobby looks like the personification of a supernova. He doesn't even look human anymore.
He looks like a wild and fiery monster like a crazy nomu on fire. Endeavor has now been informed that Dobby is about to explode and that the explosion could kill both the civilians inside the UA shelter and the


es who are still fighting Toga and the two clones, unfortunately Endeavor has already received a lot damage in his free-for-all fight and he doesn't. I don't think I can get Dobby much further away from his current location. For his part, Dobby looks absolutely terrifying, it's like the fire of a human furnace is erupting from every part of his body and he hurriedly strains as he shouts, Dad, look.
To me, it almost sounds like a child asking his father to see what he can do and that's exactly how Endeavor sees it, although Dobby now looks like a flaming monster and can never help but remember little Toya as a child and this is from Por Of course, prevent Endeavor from giving everything in this fight. Endeavor doesn't want to hurt his son Toya and never feels personally responsible for anything that happened to Toya, so Endeavor keeps getting hit and taking damage from Dobby because he can't control himself. to kill his own son Endeavor yells at Dobby to put out his flames because he doesn't want his son to die, but Dobby seems to have completely lost his mind, he has returned to his childhood and even calls Natsu and asks him to do it. plays with him and to be clear, Endeavor is in serious trouble, the heat Dobby is generating is hot enough to burn even him even though he has a natural resistance to extreme heat and Endeavor can literally feel himself losing his mind. consciousness as a result of the incredibly high temperature Dobby is producing.
Endeavor doesn't know how Dobby is still alive unlike Endeavor, he has no natural resistance to heat and flames, he shouldn't be able to survive this and yet he is alive and still fighting as Dobby approaches Endeavor and jumps on top of him. him and never notices that Dobby appears to be using phosphorus. He then thinks about bakugou and the fact that when someone has a near death experience, this experience could cause their Quirk to awaken the high risk high pressure. The situation could awaken a person's latent abilities, especially when they are on the verge of death, and honestly, the fact that Dobby was able to replicate Shoto's match in the community should have been our first clue that something was up. here.
The match is that it fuses the two sides of Shoto's Quirk, fire and ice, into one, so the fact that Dobby was able to replicate the match suggests that he always had a latent ice side as well, otherwise, using phosphorus in any way simply wouldn't make sense. Right there, at that moment, Dobby awakens Rey's Quirk or at least that's what Endeavor calls it, it's clearly some kind of ice Quirk, but we must remember that this Quirk could be unique to Dobby and different from Reyes. Endeavor thinks about his family and everything. They went through it because of him, then he acknowledges once again that this is all his responsibility and decides that he can't let Dobby or rather Toya die alone, but he won't let him drag anyone else into this either.
Endeavor decides to use a combination of his own firepower and the firepower Dobby is currently generating to propel them both as far into the sky as possible while holding Dobby in his arms and takes off. Endeavor plans to take them both to heaven together before Dobby explodes. when he explodes, he will kill himself and Endeavor, but hopefully they will be high enough for everyone else on the ground to survive. Endeavor makes the conscious decision to sacrifice his own life to atone for his sins and take responsibility for his past mistakes, but before Endeavor can carry out his plan, his wife and Dobby's mother, Rey, appears to be using her powers. of Ice Quirk to try to cool Dobby down so he doesn't explode and the final panel of the chapter shows Rey remembering. a young Toya telling her that you're guilty too, mom, and that's how this chapter ends, wow, this was such a great chapter in the last few chapters that I stopped thinking about Dobby's fight with all the focus on Prime, everyone to one and His impending showdown with all his might, but Horikoshi managed to get me very interested in this fight as well.
We see that Rey is now also taking responsibility for what happened to Toya. Both parents share some of the blame for how everything happened and now. They are both risking their lives to try to save their son, but can Rey and Endeavor do something together to save Dobby or is it simply too late to save him? Does Rey's involvement mean that both of Todoroki's parents are about to sacrifice their lives? They will die, they will survive, one of them will die and the other will survive. I want to see your predictions in the comments below right now.
Finally, of course, we have to talk about Dobby. Awakening her secret Quirk, her ice fire Quirk, the true power she has. been dormant inside him all this time the clues were there, of course, his hair turned white, the fact that he didn't die after suffering terrible burns during this war, even though he has no resistance to flames and heat , and of course, its use. of phosphorus and I know quite a few people called that years ago, but it's very interesting to see how it all plays out and by the way, this particular chapter has clearly confirmed that Dobby has some kind of resistance to heat and flames. even Endeavor is surprised that Dobby can withstand so much heat without dying, and in fact, the heat Dobby is producing is too much for Endeavor to handle.
Endeavor is burning. Endeavor is about to lose consciousness due to the heat and Yadavi, who should have died a long time ago in these conditions, is still alive and still fighting. The truth is that Dobby has resistance to heat and flame, but not on the surface, his skin is not resistant, so his skin can get burned and hurt, but the rest of his body underneath him . The surface clearly has superhuman heat and fire resistance, otherwise he would have been dead a long time ago. We already knew that Dobby's flame Quirk is even stronger than his father's so it's possible that his ice work is also even stronger than his mother's or maybe I should say the ice side of his Quirk because it's likely that, like Shoto Toya has a Quirk with two very different signs, it's almost like two different quirks, but they are very interconnected, ironically, Toya was the Sun the effort had been waiting for.
Together with the One who could use both Fire and Ice, but the fact that he had no flame resistance on the surface of his body in his skin and the fact that the ice side was dormant within him, LED strove to began to dissuade Toya from becoming a


and ended up putting all his attention on Shoto, but by doing this, althoughHe just wanted to prevent his son from getting hurt, Endeavor created a villain, he created a son who


ly is as powerful as he had always hoped, but who in the process of achieving that power became a real monster?
What do you think? How will Dobby's fire side and newly awakened ice side come together? Will they be two different forces or will they create something new like ice fire, something that burns and freezes at the same time? At the same time, something that could be super effective against the Quirk of Effort and the Quirk of Race. Will Dobby use the side of her eyes to cool her temperature and avoid exploding? Do you think she will really survive this war or will she end up overheating and killing herself? In the process, on top of that, she will either kill her parents along the way or one or both of them will survive the fight.
Don't forget to give me your opinion on this crazy revelation and what happens next in the comments below. If you're looking for a mha video to watch next, don't ignore my video on the 20 class 1a quirks. In the video I explain all the quirks, including its improvements and updates from the final story arc, so check it out. Link in description and on screen if you enjoyed this video and want to see more mha content in the future please leave a quick like. right now and if you're one of the 50+ people who watch my videos but haven't taken the time to subscribe yet, do me a big favor and make this the video you subscribe to and hit that notification bell to activate all. note notifications

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