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Watch this video if you are considering the Surface Duo!

Jun 06, 2021
when you think about it, it's a small laptop, well it's time to be honest about the dual


being used again in 2021. Now the coming back kid basically got another spark due to the price drop, I think that's what which excites a lot of people when I see devices that really intrigue them, but they are way too expensive and when they dropped, they were between $14 and $1500 or so for any model and initially on my first purchase I got


for the full price of $1500 plus tax, and I got it I sold later. about a month or two because I just wasn't happy with the software updates and


is a story you'll hear a lot of people tell, chances are I sold it the first time and they picked it up again, we're happy.
watch this video if you are considering the surface duo
To report that this time there really isn't much to complain about. It's still that beautiful device I had the first time. One thing: there have been some improvements, although there have actually been a lot of improvements since I first had the device. Really, this follow-up review of the device is simply a refresher on what I missed about this device and what it has actually improved now. The first thing, obviously, is the hardware. The hardware here is simply one that you just aren't going to use. to be able to ignore it, it's just a fantastic piece of hardware and in my mind, uh, and in my thoughts about this device, this is probably the best hardware and I've said it many times, this is my best piece of hardware yet.
watch this video if you are considering the surface duo

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As far as technology goes when it comes to a smartphone type device, now the hand john here is definitely a


hinge so to speak, if you've never used a surface laptop, uh, the double fold, I I mean the 360, this is ultimately what it is, it comes in a very small package and this is incredibly well built, and some people won't tell you that this hardware is top notch, but I guess people will tell you that they will express it to you. his personal way. and my personal way of putting this, this hardware is so good that it's hard to put it into words because when you have as many devices as I do, you will find if I'm honest, it will be difficult please, when it comes to hardware, not software, hardware, but because once a company sets the bar very, very high, it's hard to come back from that, and what Microsoft has done here certainly makes it one of the most premium-feeling phones you could possibly get your hands on and not just because I like the fact that I have a small laptop, you know, in my hand, this actually feels more like there are other foldable devices that I have and obviously this feels more like a laptop is built that way, When you think about it, it's a small laptop and I think it's great, there are different ways and things that you can use this device, and I think that's important for the person who is considering this device or have you thought about picking it up? uh, you're just on the fence about it.
watch this video if you are considering the surface duo
There are different modes. You have all these different store modes. You have a workflow mode. I call it movie mode. There are so many. things you can do with this, but the best part of this is having that full uh app on top or having a full text message, full keyboard at the bottom of an email or text, that alone is just fantastic it's just one of the best feelings of having a full keyboard when you have it open like that it's great so you use it like that and you type on a full keyboard it's just fantastic and speaking of full screen apps here they are Se it will show the full screen as if half the screen is your app and so when you open two apps here, it feels like you have two smartphones side by side if you look at it in that view, um, when you open uh I think one app that I think probably doesn't get used very often but I don't have a lot of people talking about what I'll say is the maps the maps here are actually it's cool guys it's one that if you have the surface duo looks at maps, like going for a walk and using your maps, uh, and then extending them, if you can, across the full screen, if you have a stand that holds up long enough, it's pretty cool, I think you'll really enjoy the maps here.
watch this video if you are considering the surface duo
Nice vivid screens, speaking of screens, uh, the brightness outside. I think this will come down to, first of all, in the eyes of the person who is just looking at it because I look at the screen and there's not too much brightness outside, it doesn't have an increase in brightness. like some apps on devices, there is an app where you can do it, it's built into the device software where it will tell you, change this and you can go to super bright, but keep in mind that it will drain your battery, that's not happening here, uh.
So that could be a good or bad thing huh but still for me the screen is bright enough outside and I would also say that it depends on the wallpaper you are using and normally I wouldn't say that but I said it because when I changed it to different wallpapers, it looks blue or, you know, blue backgrounds and certain colors, just something with a brighter color made it look a lot brighter and that could be true on any cell phone, but for this phone it's definitely not the most bright outside, but when I collided with a different wallpaper, it made it look like it was actually very bright outside, at least to my eyes, now using this device, um uh, it's like going back really fast when I use it literally. using it daily um this is obviously a wide device so you can actually use it for phone calls um some people do it some people don't um I personally don't have a problem holding it like this because I obviously have big hands. but some people can't do that and will probably want to use a bluetooth and that's what I recommend.
I definitely recommend that you put in a bluetooth and I think this will solve the problem because waiting in line for phone calls. and the bluetooth battery life is fantastic, so you can leave bluetooth on and not turn it off. I actually do that with a lot of my devices because I use bluetooth headphones and bluetooth headphones a lot and also when I get in my car I want to do it automatically. It connects automatically and that is the case with the Surface Duo. The Surface Duo is definitely a device that if you don't turn off the blue, some devices you have to turn off to save battery, but Bluetooth phone calls lead to my battery. the conversation is absolutely great man I mean the battery life on this thing you should be able to last at least a day and a half at least in my experience I can last more than two days with this and um and I could be moving forward. network briefly, it could be that you have a very strong connection because your connection to your network will definitely drain on that battery, it will damage your battery if you don't have a strong connection, so make sure that whatever provider you use.
You're using this on one that has a pretty stable connection in today's market by today's standards. Almost everyone, every company, has some kind of solid connection at least for basic LTE, but if your device is searching for a signal. You will find yourself draining the battery a lot and that's not just this device, it's any device, it will drain the battery much faster than it normally would and it will also heat up the phone a little bit, unless it's any device. I'm not talking about this device in particular, but for me the battery life is definitely good.
I can definitely last a day and a half, two days even longer, uh, with the Surface Duo, uh, and you know, I'm using it fashionably, obviously, tons. from social media uh and then uh the productivity for me is what I get right now at any given time I have like a thousand emails or so now all of those I'm going to say let's just call 90 of those spam correctly so that you still leave, you know 100 emails to look at and respond to emails it's been pretty good it works well I don't have any problems with it overall guys I think the performance here is good the fingerprint on the side are cameras really fast.
They have improved a lot since the last time I had the Surface Duo. I'm really impressed with the Surface Duo, not only for the price, but I also remember selling it after about two months of use the first time and then Guys, you actually kept it, there's a hashtag out there, oh wow, yeah you still have your original Surface dual, you guys kept it and you got like four or five updates and because when I turned this device on I think I got about five updates. to take you to the current security patch to know where Microsoft is with this, which is the April 2021 security patch, so I don't think it's higher than that right now, but I can do it in real time, very quickly and verify it. to be sure, uh, because this is a map, this is something you know, I don't have to have all the system updates, but some people do have to have the latest security patch, it makes them feel some way and that's exactly what it is so we'll check it in real time here and it looks like yes it's still on the April security patch uh April 5th security patch and that's perfectly fine with me I don't have any problems with that, but I'll say it if you've always been on the fence about the Surface duo.
There's so many things to like about this phone for all the people who are just getting theirs and you finally had the chance to get it because again, I think. The only thing that was holding a lot of people back on this is the price. Now yes, at the beginning it had many errors. Let's be clear. This device was very buggy, I know this first hand, but now fast forward to several months later, almost a year later and the device is actually where it should have been at launch and even though it took Microsoft a whole year to prepare it, it Which is strange, they announced it at the end of 2019 and didn't launch it until the end of 2020, they stayed there. tasks that did what they said they were going to do, however when it was released it was released with a ton of bugs and I just don't think it was fair to the market which is why I got rid of the first one.
No, I'm not going to stand for this, uh, and just think about that for a second, they announced this in 2019, which means they were making it in 2017. They released it in 2020 and it had a ton of bugs, I think that's the The only thing that went well, two things, the price and those bugs really put a lot of people off, but some people were not deterred by the price, things included, um, but anyway this device is ready and it is a true foldable device , now you go. to say oh jay it has that hinge in the center oh this this won't bother you like you think I'm telling you it won't uh you know, the bigger bezels on the top there are some improvements that I think they can also do with the Surface Duo, but really No, I'm not holding my breath about that because we haven't gotten the Surface Neo yet.
Remember we didn't get the Surface Neo. We didn't get it because Windows 10x. that killed it so I hope this device at least if they don't make another one this device continues to get support it doesn't need to get the latest security patches but obviously support comes in the form of Sometimes there are security patches so even If I don't get another update for three months and suddenly they release Android 11 or Android 12 on this thing, I'd be totally happy, but there are rumors that they're abandoning the duo. ii codename zeta uh, but we don't know we can't, there are a lot of people who always say I'm going to wait on the surface, do it too if they never make another one, you missed a great piece of technology, for me, this is a great phone foldable and it's what I would like in a foldable phone, it's a small laptop, I shouldn't say phone, it's a small laptop because most people won't put it on their head like this either.
I'll do it, but that's okay, now it's very short, before that, it would be nice to be able to keep this closed and talk like you have a little LCD LED screen here and a speaker and a microphone on the bottom or something to just leave it. was closed, that would actually be cool, who knows anything is possible, right? That's your man Jay, I'm following the surface duo so far in 2021, my second go-round with this thing. I definitely don't have many complaints, the software doesn't have that many bugs. as it was before, it doesn't have any bugs, but this little corpse and problems here are going to take a while and that, for me, comes down to the RAM, you know, just having six gigs of RAM and trying to perform at a high level like this it does, that's breaking it and I really wish that part of me really wishes there was a Windows 10x version of this.
I think it wouldn't have sold very well, we probably don't know, but it would. I have achieved it, I would have achieved it. I have tried different launchers here. um and uh, I tried the 10 launcher and I tried the square launcher. The square launcher of those two is the one I like the most. That's it, so Sherman J, the surface duo has definitely left a mark this time and again. I know that the mostAttractive is the price, but if you get it, you will see how salty it is if you have never had it. Then you will be able to enjoy and reap the rewards of bug-free software, but you will know that when you get it, the price is definitely worth it.
If you paid 800 or less, you know you really got a fantastic deal, no matter which one. model you got because this is an experience that I really want the baseline to be 128 gigs and that's definitely more than enough and that's what I'm using this time. Again, the first time I got it I got the 256 gigs because I wasn't sure I would keep this forever. I did not do it. It happens but 128 this time I'm totally fine with that, I still have more than 100 gigs or 90 gigs left or so 99 or something so I think you'll be fine with what the surface duo does this time with the software .
It's not buggy, it's just a matter of the software needing improvement in some areas, like the camera software, it's a really basic camera software, it's just flat lines, nothing special about it, but it gets the job done and, again, the cameras work very, very well, so you figure that's the trade-off for that you have bad camera software ugly camera software basic camera software but the photos in the footage and


look great, so, really matters? Yeah, I hope to cover enough for you guys on this surface duo uh and Again it's late May 2021 and this device came out in October 2020 or September 2020 and I really hope that Microsoft can see this genuine focus that some of us are adopting for their product, I mean, yes, you launched it at a high price the first time, but now that it's even Microsoft is selling it at a lower price than the first time, so 400 dollars off at Microsoft is crazy , You know?
What I'm saying is that this will come down to whether you want to take a chance on a piece of technology that is fantastic and is sure to blow your mind in many areas or whether you want to take a chance and say you know. What I will expect on the surface 202 and I don't want to try this device, you will make the final decision, but I can tell you that almost everyone who receives this, their complaint was the software and now that has been fixed. otherwise it could be seen in the next one, take care

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