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"Up" But Everything About It Is Bad

May 16, 2024
What's up, Greg? And welcome back to another episode of organ digging. Hey, that's right, Dicky Gorgonzola, the most notorious Danny Gonzalez rip-off on the internet, so I've covered several mock Busters on this channel in the past, like Retta Towing and the basically terrible, horrible Plan B. I made imitations of beloved animated children's films like the B-movie and ratatouille and today will be no different because we are going to talk about what happens, a copy, of course, of the Disney movie in many ways, what happens is like ah. They rise into the air in a house and that's about the only similarity I can discover.
up but everything about it is bad
I guess I'd say What's Up is exactly like Up if you take all of Up's touching moments and replace them with plot holes and racism. So yeah, this is going to be a really good movie, so butter up, make some popcorn and let's get ready to see what happens, so this movie starts with a TV broadcast about the main characters of this movie and explains that There is a family of monsters. fighting the scientists is Uncle Crumb Amanda Gunto and Uncle Crumbs, fellow scientists, it doesn't seem like he's related to them, but he's Uncle Crumbs, they're one big happy family and they fight monsters from outer space.
up but everything about it is bad

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up but everything about it is bad...

The possibilities are absolutely endless, Dr. Crumb is a visionary, he is a warrior in search of the highest human ideals, but it is not just about spectacular contributions to science, he also happens to be the uncle of the charming and most eligible young woman of our city, Amanda, so at first I thought about this program. It was like a news show or some kind of sixty-minute interview or documentary about this really interesting family of scientists fighting monsters. I thought it would talk about the social ramifications of monsters invading Earth, but then it went this weird route like TMZ or Hollywood. fixing the route where they were and they also have a pretty single teenage daughter, a bit of a strange aspect of the family to focus on for a multitude of reasons, fighting monsters from outer space is probably the most interesting thing that could happen. and then there's this family of genius scientists who can fight them, that's enough to get the news talking, I don't know, probably, so I don't know why they liked talking about it for 30 seconds and then got bored and said: but hubba-hubba looks at her knees: that is an eligible single woman and she is also 15 years old, maintaining her usual discretion, a man who avoids direct contact with the press and says that his only true love is science, however connoisseurs say that they have seen flirting with an actor at the local high school musical Wow Amanda a teenage girl is flirting with someone else who goes to her high school now that's some juicy juicy gossip forget about aliens forget about monsters forget about science all that what Amanda does is so creepy that this new show seems to have a very deep interest in what Amanda is doing as a high school teenager, but I guess it's not too unrealistic either, and here are the inventors of the intergalactic broadcast antenna, the famous doctors corner and zooks lately people just seem to want to know. about monster hunters and forget that we are serious scientists, I don't know, that seems pretty serious to me, you hunt monsters that will like to kill people, that seems like a pretty important job, dude, don't underestimate yourself, I mean monsters.
up but everything about it is bad
They're the monsters that are hurting people, right, they're not just peaceful monsters, all people want to do is talk about how we kill these monsters, these big peaceful monsters from other planets, but honestly, we're just doing it for the sake of it. nonsense, just because we like to kill them. They pose no threat to us, but don't forget that we are also serious scientists. That really matters. We have developed a Hyperlight jet with a force strong enough to lift a house, as you will see here. As it does? This hyperlight, medical power jet, you see, is simply a super energy rock that we created - Krumme.
up but everything about it is bad
I don't think it's a good idea to mention this on television. Yes, of course, that's true, we shouldn't reveal all the powers of this super-energized rock and I don't even want to imagine what terrible things would happen if it fell into the wrong hands. Oh, we certainly wouldn't want that, but can we ask, for example, about the hours? This super energized rock has, oh yeah, I shouldn't talk about the powers this rock has, but can I ask you what kind of powers this rock has? Well, one of its most disastrous characteristics is that, for example, it can hypnotize the entire world.
I think thats enough. What type of rock? It is this? I thought it was radioactive or something like it has a lot of energy, that's how they described it because it can make things fly, so I assumed it was something like uranium or something, but it can hypnotize people into imagining if others energy sources had crazy side effects like that, like being careful with gas, it can fuel your car, but if you inhale too much, you'll learn that the ability to talk to adjust your shoulder panels is great for the environment. They are really great for reducing emissions, but a possible disadvantage is that if you look too deeply into them you will see your future and its reflection on a really sunny day, you will even see yourself die, so be careful, that's how these things work it's science, that's science, you know, sometimes it happens randomly, that's the motto of science, no one knows that you have to activate it with a secret password, so yes, there is a shelf that has incredible amounts of energy that can make the things fly, but it can too. it hypnotizes people so it would be really bad if bad people got hold of it but don't worry because it has a keyword to activate you know how rocks work and the keyword is lavender because no one says lavender anymore according to the old man Dr.
Crump, you know no one says lavender anymore since then, and when it became extinct, remember the big asteroid that wiped out all the lavender. One thing I've noticed about this movie is that it's full of awkward pauses, like every time the camera moves, everyone stops talking until the camera finishes moving, which feels very meta, but if I use this control here I can go, but I also like the characters to be considerate of the cameraman and say, oh, okay, oh, if you want to move the camera, we can. Wait, as I told you, this movie lasts 45 minutes but I am convinced that if they eliminate all the unnecessary pauses it would be like five minutes and it goes down and up and down.
Don't relax, friend. I think your partner likes that a little bit too much. We understand the house. up and down you have to stop before this gets rated Mach Buster's animated, but the animation in this movie is just wah, wah, it's bad, it's really atrocious, the way the characters move is really disturbing and robotic, sometimes they just float. around without, as you know, swaying like a normal person would when they walk, none of their mouths move properly with what they say, the lip syncing is very bad, also look at their nasty, dirty little hands, all men have like rectangular fingers like them.
They look like big, fat French fries, like everyone's fingers in this movie do, and they also only have four fingers, which I guess is pretty standard for cartoons, but it still scares me. Also, the soundtrack of this movie is top-notch. I don't know if you noticed. or I heard it there, well I guess I shouldn't say soundtrack, it's more like a note played on a very old synthesizer, just the whole movie, really amazing soundtrack, it really gets you into the mood of what they feel the characters, this arrow right in the Above this here oh my God, they are dead, those children are dead, for sure, there is no doubt, they are dead.
Wow, that's the basic setup of the movie, it's everyone, they're scientists and they have a houseboat and a Magic Rock and I hope no one steals it that's the premise later that day, the whole gang is having tea and the bell rings. doorbell Amanda goes to answer the door and it's a man named Jean Pierre de Lacroix. I'm Jean Pierre de quoi the great Amazonian adventurer, for some reason what's outside his front door is just another room, if you leave his house you're only in one room, so what about that? I'm Dr. Miga, it's my pleasure.
Would you like some tea? normality I'm French, we drink wine, okay, so the French thing will be like a fun little plot device for the writers of this movie to use really outdated stereotypes of the French, you know that classic. stereotype where if you ask a French person if he wants some tea he will get mad at you and say no we drink wine and in France we only drink wine not water not tea just why then the reason why John Pierre is there to ask for help. He says he was exploring the Amazon and came across a really scary monster in a cave and he wants them to come get rid of it.
He encountered a terrible monster deep in a cave in the Amazon and really needs to be chased, why wait? He was exploring a remote part of the Amazon and found a monster in a cave. This monster was not attacking a village or murdering people. He's like in a cave minding his own business, so Jean-Pierre entered the habitat of these creatures where he was. just like hanging out and it was like that, someone needs to kill this thing right away, so the two old scientists don't really want to because they don't like to travel and they also wonder who this guy is but Guto, the younger one.
One gets so excited at the prospect of chasing a monster that he goes and finds the button that blows up the house, we read, and there they go, they go there to fight a monster that is simply resting in a cave, what comes is passing inside me. There everyone will get a little surprise. I can't wait to hypnotize as many people as possible, so this is something Jumpier does throughout the movie. He will like to explain his evil master plan very closely to the people he is dealing with. to deceive I don't know how they don't listen to him it seems like a very stupid thing to do as a villain I also like how little concrete his plan is it is not how soon I will have the stone and I will be able to hypnotize the entire world and then they will carry out my orders and they will make me king of the world.
Instead, he's like he can't wait to hypnotize as many people as he can. I hope I can hypnotize a decent amount of people and when I do it right, I'll have to figure it out from there so when they get to the Amazon they head to the cave. John Pierce stays outside to keep watch, but in reality he only knows that he is equal to the evil of him, that is, let's go. Deep in the cave, the limb monster is horrible and you will find out how horrible the world's slowest exit is. My plan is working perfectly.
I like how quickly they recover from imbalance. They're like it's okay. We're fine now. Finally it's my turn, my turn to put the whole world to sleep, maybe he doesn't do anything, maybe you kiss him. I'm a genius, what motive do these guys have? I think they just completely forgot to like the main villain of the movie. some kind of reason or even a plan, he says that he will put the whole world to sleep and says that maybe they will do nothing or maybe they will blow kisses. I don't know, he doesn't even know what he's going to do once. he pulls off his master plan as if his master plan is just to do it and then says that after that, if he only knew, he'd imagine if the Avengers' Thanos was so poorly thought out.
I finally have all the known stones and now I have a self. I'm going to figure out what to do. I could give each mouse the top hat. No, wait? You don't know what you're going to do, yeah, hey, clearly, I was busy collecting the stones, okay, yeah, but then why did you start? collecting them in the first place I thought I'd come up with something, okay, but I put it off for too long and now here we are, I honestly feel like the top hat idea is pretty good, I don't know why you're throwing it away. maybe it could make every mouse look like a little businessman.
They might have a small monocle and a cane. I don't know, I'm done. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. You know what actually just occurred to me. idea, how about I use my powers to make everyone be a little nicer to me? A few moments ago, wait, I got it. Oh no, I'm going to have everyone blow kisses live there hmm, maybe it's my accent, maybe I live below or below LaVonda, okay, then the most confusing series of events in movie history happens. He's trying to get the I get to work saying lavender over and over again, but he can't because they're friends and all of a sudden this guy in a hot air balloon crashes right in front of Jean Pierre.
It's a coincidence that there was a guy in a hot air balloon flying over the exact part of the Amazon rainforest that Jean Pierre is inand also when he crashes he spills a bunch of pictures of famous cities and says oh no, my pictures of big cities, how am I going to see the big city? So Jean Pierre accidentally drops the rock and it forms this big glowing circle on the ground and I bet you can guess what comes out of the big circle, yeah that's right, monsters, big alien monsters and them. they are the scariest monsters you can imagine these monsters you don't even want to hear the sounds they make the sounds that make our life spooky change the pants wetting sounds these three Monsters find the pictures that the guy dropped in a hot air balloon and say, oh, these look like fun cities.
I guess they're monsters who understand the concept of cities, so one of them finds Paris and the other finds somewhere in China. They'll find different places and they'll decide, well, let's terrorize these areas and then they go and they jump there, just one big jump and they go to China. We must not forget to write the ETS to thank them for these lasers. So the whole family escapes from the cave and they don't realize that Jumpier has done something bad because they just thought the cave collapsed, but they realize that all these monsters got loose, so they all go together to find the monster. that they capture. one of the monsters and it's just floating outside the house like this and a little bubble which I think is pretty silly it just looks like a monster like on the side of the house they also used the boys hot air balloon you know the guy that he crashed to help the house float because the rock no longer has energy I don't remember them saying what happened to the guy in the hot air balloon like they left him in the Amazon because we don't see him for the rest of the movie probably because we don't They gave him a strange nationality that they could make fun of, so they said: well, get him out, get him out of here, he's boring, the rock will be revitalized, just give him a little time he laughs, I'm there, I don't trust this Frenchman, no i know why you had to say he was a friend but also yeah i don't think you should trust him he literally tried to hypnotize right there.
You, he was like lavender, I don't know about that guy, why does he keep whispering on our rock? How does a rock have a keyword? How did they program a keyword into the rock? How do you program a rock so that you eventually get it? In Paris, the monster is still terrorizing the Eiffel Tower, just swinging on it and making some guttural sounds. It must have taken them a long time to get there, probably days, judging by how fast they are flying and the monster still. they're just doing this, so presumably he's been doing this the whole time, so there's an awkwardly long monster moaning scene, but they catch that monster, so they move on to the next one, and as they fly, Jean-Pierre wants to have a bit. time alone with Amanda, but Gunto won't shut up, but don't worry guys, Jean Pierre has a quick solution for that.
Did you understand what he said? Don't see him eat out. Would you like some gum? Yes, he drugs him. Jean Pierre. straight up drug this kid, you know that moment when you try to watch Netflix and chill with Bay, but his stupid asshole little brother won't shut up, so you drugged the kid, you just put some horse tranquilizer in his ice cream. and then comes Netflix and time to relax, baby, after drugging his little brother, jean-pierre also convinces amanda to drug her uncle and his partner because they are too old to fight monsters and they should rest while jean-pierre and Amanda try to catch the other monsters, this guy really likes drugging people, huh, he seems to have a lot of sleeping drugs on hand at any time, no one at home will believe that this addicted camera made in China already has a dead battery.
This is a ridiculous Chinese man wearing a shirt with chinos. takeout and he complains that the Chinese make another extra character of what happens. I'm going to take a nap. I'm very, very tired. I will see you in the morning. Good night emotionally, my sweet little Amanda, I'm really sorry. For Amanda, this guy just won't shut up, she looks so beat up and defeated and he just won't stop talking or that or they just forgot to record a guy's lines for this scene, which I feel is equally possible. so they made her look like she was looking longingly out the window.
I keep comparing this movie in my head to the real movie, I just imagine if these things happened and listen, Russell, I know we got off on the wrong foot on this adventure, but I think I've realized that you know I'm not used to caring of someone. I've lived alone for so long, but you know I think you're really what I've been needing all this time. Like a grandson to me, I can't imagine living life without you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you Russell, it's okay, I miss my wife and there's some character development there too, oh, are you okay?
I haven't said anything for the last two minutes you've just been staring into space actually staring right away I don't know why there's a camera filming us you've just been staring straight into the lens of a camera a cameraman a whole team actually I just realized count and we're also in the movie is this a movie is this the movie up is this the movie up guys hey guys it's me the old guy up I just realized I'm in a movie so they've already captured the three monsters , they're just floating around, they have the monster still in this little force field outside the house and hey, what is it doing there?
Why is she in the bubble with him? Freaks, how come everyone else can be in the house, but the guy from China has to be in the bubble? I don't want that Chinese guy there with my monsters, he didn't even say anything when I showed him the cookie, right? he tries to show her a fortune cookie if that could work what do you mean? It doesn't matter, that was just a bad joke, don't pay attention, where's the Frenchman? We can't let him near the super energized Rock, he's a dangerous criminal, this little hook, miss. Your harvest, oh jumpier, has the rock again, yeah, then, sure, and he figured out how to say lavender, she ain't got nothing like a little practice and the worst part is that now she's had plenty of time to figure out what she's going to do when he hypnotizes everyone, so I don't know what he has planned now.
Google Blog says so. Well I don't really know what's going on here so everyone is hypnotized except Geun Tau, he was wearing sunglasses so I guess that protected him from being hypnotized but he's trying to pretend it was. he's really nervous or tells him to blow kisses but the bully's toes just say oh and that's how he pretends to be hypnotized, like what he's trying to do is fart, they're trying to poop Guto aiyo, You don't kiss, okay? The time it seemed like he pooped it seemed like he was surprised because poop, he pooped is that what they think is sending kisses is anyway Guto mins just to remove the stone and then they fix


and the day is saved thank God well then That's good because I want to introduce you to my new boyfriend Qin Ling, the cute Chinese gentleman.
Hello everyone, but did you really have to choose someone who might be smarter than me? Wow jhemini could be this smart stop please stop this movie is driving me crazy. Crazy, fortunately it's over and now it's time to talk about our sponsor. Hey guys, this is going to sound a little crazy, but I like food. I especially like it when I can eat, but what I don't like is going to the supermarket. that's why before discovering hellofresh I used to eat out too much like we went out to dinner like every other night, it was bad, we got tired of cooking the same thing over and over again every week, but now that we have a lot of fresh our dinner game has become so much easier we've been able to get out of our recipe rut with hello newbies delicious recipes they send you a variety each week and you can choose which recipes you get it can really seem like ordering a box of prepared meals would cost more than going to the supermarket and picking things out yourself same, but you can actually save 28 percent by using Hellofresh instead of going to the supermarket, you can also waste less food and waste less time because Hellofresh is free servings of


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