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Can You Snap the Infinity Gauntlet Like Thanos?

May 18, 2024
Can you really


while using the Infinity Gauntlet with the limited control of a mental power, soul, time-space and reality wielding the Infinity Gauntlet immediately makes you the most dangerous thing in the universe, but what if you had to physically


to be able to exercise this? big cosmic power, this is a big, bulky thing that doesn't exactly scream sleight of hand, so can you really fit an Infinity Gauntlet? Let's find out actually, this works on many levels before we continue, although this video contains important information. Avengers Infinity War spoilers, if you haven't seen it yet, it's been over a month, do it, we're spoiling it now at the end of Infinity War.
can you snap the infinity gauntlet like thanos
Thanos wins and manages to obtain the six Infinity Stones, snaps his fingers and then half of life. In the universe turns to dust now it's hard to tell if Thanos actually physically breaks in the movie, but in the comic this scene is based on, he obviously does, let's assume that Thanos does indeed break like we do, but since it is presumably a metal glove. which partially restricts finger movement like real


s do, is this possible? First, let's start with what a snap actually is. So the first thing most people do to get into the snapping position is take their middle finger and thumb and press them really hard together, but no. straight up and down slightly offset because you are pressing down with your middle finger, but slightly offset forces in a normal closing position looks like this, you have a normal force pressing up from the thumb towards the middle finger a force pressing down for your middle finger on your thumb like this and then you have a friction force between both fingers that opposes the sliding movement that your middle finger wants to make if you balance all these forces in this position and make them bigger as you do it What you do when I release the resulting snap will be larger.
can you snap the infinity gauntlet like thanos

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can you snap the infinity gauntlet like thanos...

Those are the basic forces involved, but what's really making the snap here is my fingers making a normal snap. I can identify three possible sources of sound, the first is fingers sliding over each other, the second is clicking. the finger hits the finger at rest and the third is the finger that hits part of the palm. All of these movements act to move air quickly out of the way between the fingers, which disturbs the air around them and creates pressure waves that we interpret as sound now if we isolate these potential sources, we should be able to determine which is the most important component. of a click and so what the Infinity Gauntlet would need to do to give you that classic sound, how it would need to be able to move, so let's try this. you don't really need anything complicated, you can even do it with me at home with a simple piece of cloth if the friction force is between your middle finger and your thumb is the most important thing, we should be able to cover our resting finger and our palm with a cloth that absorb the sound and snap and get the same sound, not very muffled, well what if it's the finger at rest?
can you snap the infinity gauntlet like thanos
Let's take that out of the equation by wrapping it really close, but not quite right, now let's cover the palm and let the finger rest and see what happens, then still close, so it seems to me that most of the clicking sound is coming from of hitting the palm and finger at rest and not so much of friction, there you have it, so to create a genuine clicking sound, the Infinity. Gauntlet will need two things: first, you will need the finger joint needed to create the snap position and then to allow your middle finger to hit your resting finger and palm, and second, you will need the material with a bit of flexibility. so that there is enough surface area to create those little pressure waves, but this is just a drawing, how are we going to test this?
can you snap the infinity gauntlet like thanos
Let's test this question by testing it with real


s provided by perhaps the most qualified person to speak. infinite gauntlets on this planet we just have to escape this Boyd first let's go so I've enlisted the help of master blacksmith Tony SWAT at Sword and Stone in lovely Burbank, California hey Tony how do you do it? Thank you very much for joining me now. I've asked you here today because I want to determine if you can take a real Infinity Gauntlet and you may be the most qualified person on the planet to answer that question because you have successfully created an Infinity Gauntlet that appears in good old Marvel movies.
Well, I made the first Infinity Gauntlet for Thor, you know, in 2009 and it was almost 4 feet tall, so you know, obviously, you'd have to be a giant and stick your hand in there to break that gauntlet, that's not going to happen. I like it like it's a safety cone or something, yeah, that was reused in Thor Ragnarok when he went by and picked it up from the pedestal and it turned fake, instead of having the real Infinity Gauntlet here, which is locked in a vault from Disney somewhere until the end. of days you have a variety of gauntlets here that in your opinion are the closest we can get, yeah, yeah, I think this will be a good representation, so why don't you walk me through some of our selections today.
What they call the mitten gauntlet has no fingers, so you won't be able to snap your fingers with that, but I just wanted to show it, we'll see that this is also a mitten gauntlet, but with a sort of shell. it fits and again there is no real way to get to the hinged fingers. You may be able to get some use out of this again. It's a gauntlet from the 14th century, a slightly later period, and there's more articulation with the fingers together this way. then the last two are what they call 16th century finger gauntlets that give you more articulation, but because of the leather glove on the inside you know you're not going to get the connection, the contact to snap your fingers and then this one also hasn't changed is when we have chain mail on the inside, which I think would override your actual snap.
It looks like you've already done it. Have you tried breaking any of these yourself? You know, no, I have, yes, obviously. having a pin, you don't think I can break any of these. I doubt it, but you know, do it, if we test, sure, how do you want to test, you want to test the first one here, yeah, so this. it's the gauntlet type with articulation on the back of the hands and leather gloves inside ah yes supreme power this is surprisingly heavy well this one is made of steel everything else is aluminum for film purposes for actors okay so let's try it In this test number one, we're going to try to break this glove down here, look, it's leather on the inside and the Infinity Gauntlet accessory also had leather on the inside.
Okay, yes, there is leather on the inside of Thor and Thor Ragnarok right above the thumb, but the rest was compression and articulation, if you're familiar with any of the historical ones, they're more like Henry VIII's armor, it was compression and articulation inside the armor, the elbow under the armpit and it even had a rump plate, so we had something similar built into the Infinity Gauntlet which had full metal coverage apart from a small gap here where there was leather and although These gauntlets do not have metal finger tips, this should give me a pretty good idea of ​​what it is.
It would be like trying to move my hands in these gauntlets and perform this now, yeah, you should be able to, you know, get the breaking action, but you're not going to know, I don't think you're going to break them, oh, we. We'll see, now, test number one, this glove, here we go perfectly balanced, as all things should, so my hands are. I have some articulation because it's the glove, but I'm restricted by the backing and the leather material is hard. You know you can. I'm not really getting the same kind of contact that you would want on your palm, so it doesn't sound like a snap, no, okay, how about the next one?
This one is made of aluminum, so it's a little lighter for your convenience. I'm a picky guy, this one too, instead of a welding glove on the inside, it has a deerskin type work glove, so it's a little bit lighter, so if you want to try it, move it over there, so it's It will look amazing. I do. I feel quite protected doing this, which I like, but again, I can foresee that I will have the same problems where I have these straps here that really restrict my movement and then also the right thumb is restricted, so try glove number two, Number two, mmm, perfectly balanced.
How all things should look now, I think most of the sound is actually coming from the background, so if you liked this, yeah, not as much as it is now, not as much as a click, it's just a bang, you know, just pump by hand. Okay now let's move on to what seems closer, you know what we're talking about again, aluminum, this is something interesting, it was built for John Cleese for a third Rock from the Sun and again a lighter glove on the inside and a little bit more . This was worked on so you can have more articulation, yes, definitely, I have a lot more, yes, finger movement, okay, so try number three, gauntlet number three, very nice.
I always wanted to have pointy knuckles, yeah, okay, test number three, here we go, perfectly, perfectly balanced, like everyone. Things you see, yeah, that's not so bad. I think a lot of that is maybe due to the knuckles hitting each other rather than it actually being the fingertip where the fingertips form here and now in both cases on the Infinity Gauntlet that we've built. . for Thor these fingers are completely encapsulated so there is a metal thimble on the end of each finger and then plates that hinge on the inside to restrict your movement when snapping, you hear that little touch of metal when they connect, that it's almost a snap, I mean, it could be effective, yeah, well, then, but that's the same thing, you know, yeah, that's what you call DISA snap, okay, so I don't know, you have half and half.
I am the observer, we will see everything. Next fall, tell me a little about this. Well, this is a slightly simpler finger glove. Glove from the 16th century. Again, hinged plates doing a lot of movement in the fingers, a little bit in the metatarsal or back of the hand and again lined with a deerskin glove, but the glove will probably affect your kind of snapping ability oh yeah, I can just with the added metal pieces you can feel it almost directs the way your fingers can go down, right? up and I think from the Infinity Gauntlet the attachment is pretty much the same way you can just go down but yeah you're not going to get a full foot that can close to the sides and what is it so let's try it , Yes, you know. the test of gauntlet number four gauntlet number four perfect I can say it every time perfectly balanced like all things, yes, yes, against, it sounds like it's making the metal touch instead of making it sound like other sounds instead of the sound of snap for me and for me.
I think it's because it's connecting leather, there's no direct skin to skin from the fingertips, right? Wow, my wrist is starting to hurt. Final Gauntlet, this one is a little different. Couldn't you tell me about this one? This is a bit. more ornate than the other 16th century gauntlet again lined with hides that you can probably see around here but also lined with a chainmail butcher's glove, so this is what butchers wear to not cut their fingers and so you would hear the sound of chain mail rubbing against each other when you try that one, okay, different type of gauntlet, different material.
I think this will be very close to what we can consider the Infinity Gauntlet. To me, you've got metal on metal, you've got a hand joint that's very targeted, it's ornate, you still get it, you still get a surprising amount of movement right where you know it's not just having good reach like a bridge, but I mean, you know for the purpose of the gauntlets they work with, this is one of the Asgardians. swords if you keep your palm open here, there is no problem holding it. This is one of the prototype swords from the first Thor movie that the guards use.
Oh yes, it is powerful, but again in aluminum for your convenience. I felt so strong. Okay, yes, no. I and I think unless you've worn a glove before, I've used stitches, but it's some of that extra stability that makes it easier to handle some of these heavier implements that want to bend your wrist or bend your fingers. in certain ways. this gives you a little bit of stability and support so you can do some of those, let's take those ice giants, here's our final test. I think this might be the closest test to the Infinity Gauntlet we can get without breaking into Disney, so the final


All the tests here we go perfectly balanced, as all the anticlimactic things like movies try not to fix that, yeah, yeah, when you try so hard like it feels good in your form, we don't try to do that, yeah. No, I'm not kidding, you know, I'm looking at all these gauntlets. I don't know if any of these can be considered a true smell. No, I don't think we know. I think he was right, but nowwhat are you. the master gauntlet maker, what would he have to change in a gauntlet to make something like a normal one?
I think the only way we can make it work is to remove the leather chainmail or other pieces that keep the skin from touching and do the same thing. a half glove maybe something similar this is a right hand that will help and it's purple that's on topic there we go now well why would you ever have a glove without fingertip protection? This was made for a music video for a guy who plays a keyboard. Oh, I guess what I'm asking is if there's any tactical reason for doing this, you know? Keyboard use, yeah, but you know, it's a purple glove, I mean, and there is a purple glove, but what I see here is that even the restriction of the fingers is still enough that you can't perform that comfortable movement that you want to try. fitting well and even if you could, you're still hitting your palm on a different metal, hitting your fingertip on a different material, and even metal on metal, I imagine it won't sound exactly the same, give it all that, what?
What's your conclusion, Tony, do you think you're the most qualified person in the world to probably answer this question? Can you break an Infinity Gauntlet not as constructed? You know, in my opinion, it won't break and I wouldn't make it happen. because I can't even snap the fingers on my left hand anyway, so I'm done, you mean you did them right, yeah, you can't snap, why would they snap? I don't know, maybe I've done it in a post, so Tony, thank you very much. For your time, your experience and your expertise in answering this question, it's time for me to end my episode.
Well, that's great, but hey, there's just a little bit about the payment. Yeah, could you place the Infinity Gauntlet like Thanos does? according to our tests. and the guy who actually made the MCU cannon


gauntlets, no no you couldn't, the Infinity Gauntlet would have to be made differently and not like a traditional gauntlet to accommodate finger snap physics, which means in all the cases where Thanos snaps. in the Infinity Gauntlet he would have to bend reality in such a way that he could actually do it and use something as powerful as the reality stone to do something as inconsequential as breaking sounds crazy, but maybe that's why they call him the Mad Titan. because science I can already hear what some of you are going to say, so let me throw that out there, yes, the actual Infinity Gauntlet accessory exists, but it's impossible to get your hands on it, huh, the actual accessory measures 48 inches tall, think about it. that for a second I would come here from the ground and one or two would be locked inside a Disney vault from now until the end of days, so I still think this is the closest you can get without actually knowing it. in a Marvel movie, thank you so much for watching Morgan and thanks again to Tony Swattin, you can see all of his amazing work at Sword and Stone Dot-com.
He has made real Thor hammers and real Wolverine claws. He is amazing and very knowledgeable. you're in the Burbank area, you can see Metal Palooza at the time this video first came out, it sounds great. Also, if you want more from me, he goes back to and check out Squatch or go to the alpha project. project alpha comm and check out natural selection, yes it's back and still weird. Also if you're on YouTube hit the notification bell so you can get all the other nerdy stuff we do on this channel and like it if you're on Facebook to do the same and follow me on Instagram and Twitter like here and also the science because that

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