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May 03, 2024


sub versus mil Reaper Leviathan could you survive? Not that, so I downloaded this mod that




a random event would occur, it could be a spawning ghost Leviathan or materials raining from the sky or I guess a sand swarm. Sharks, the possibilities are endless, our main goal is to see if we can make it to the lava area, so I jumped another 30


, oh we have a supply drop, oh but that guy looks at me funny, these guys are kind of like that . crazy because it looks like they took vitamins from the flintstones yeah yeah can we just store random stuff?
subnautica but a gargantuan leviathan spawns every 30 seconds
What is this light stick fragment? I don't even know what it is. It's a question mark, so I guess we could start with the basics, I think. The first thing you should probably get is a scanner, something simple. I mean, you have to start


game with a scanner. We need copper and we need coffee. Hey, why is my screen black and white? Do we travel in time? Hello, bye, what is that? I'm ready, where did he go? Take care of your head. I can't take a break. I won't have a second to do even a scan.
subnautica but a gargantuan leviathan spawns every 30 seconds

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subnautica but a gargantuan leviathan spawns every 30 seconds...

At least we don't have to make a repair tool anymore. We have one I need to find. Copper in quartz I can get it from here copper we have copper you feel a holy presence from above in the sky what is the bird what is the plane what was that God no, it's a stench Fest brother what's going on I just want to do a scan is that, is it too much to ask yes, we have a seam outside, wait, wait, wait, we have to park, we have to park, oh, we have a nice habitat builder, no battery, at least we have the submarine, that's a good start.
subnautica but a gargantuan leviathan spawns every 30 seconds
I feel like it would be smart to hide this. I'm going to put this in a hole. You can create whatever you want for the next 30 seconds for free. What is the most expensive scanner? It is not the most expensive. Why did I make that preparation tool? We can get it back, tools, equipment, standard O2 tank, let's see what else we have. We also have a MK3 CMOS debt module, oh that's really cool, that means we can go deeper underwater, which I'm not always a big fan of. Subscribe if it's


. It still scares you, did you hear what that sound is?
subnautica but a gargantuan leviathan spawns every 30 seconds
It's Among Us oh my god he's floating around oh no he's not no he's the flower Levine he's going to kill me he's going to kill me are you kidding me how am I supposed to get back to our base now he is going to destroy or see moth you are the most violent creature that exists does this thing teleport back to our base oh no, I have to go back but I don't want to I don't want to die? Did you grab our CMOS? What you're breaking on us in the Plaza, dude, it's eating a random teleporter, this is literally my worst nightmare, just keep swimming, keep swimming, how are we supposed to get to a lava zone like this?
No, don't teleport me again, please come closer. Oh my god, it's okay, I'm closer, this is good, there is a day to return to your base. I guess our seamoth is still alive, luckily you didn't break it, if you think this is crazy, wait until 100 gigantic Leviathan appear, ah, why did it happen? when I said it Bronson Bronson get in front to get in the shrimp to put on the shrimp suit that thing is huge I don't even think it was smart to get into this thing let's jump in here we have to regroup that thing it's Nightmare Fuel okay I guess Let's go with the shrimp suit, a sacred presence from above oh no, don't attack again oh, wait, wait, oh wait, you have a Medicare right here.
Nice, but the strike is up there, stop hurting me, it's like my uncle spying on my room. at 3am yeah fear of the ocean makes you swim faster oh this is really nice okay this is a good quick base right here look at this speed running not even sleep could build so fast watch your head, not again, not again, oh wait. I can't get oxygen I can't get oxygen please help me just breathe bro how are we supposed to get into our base now not into the blue? I don't know, wait a minute. I guess it's convenient thank God, wait.
I hear the bloop. I hear the bloop but don't see it restocking. Is this cyclops trapped? Oh no, well, I don't want to get him anywhere near that thing. Why are there warning signs everywhere? What do you mean a creature attack where a girl survives? Quiet operation I'm going to park it here in the algae, it should be fine and I turn it off. I have to go repair it, please don't tell me the Leviathan ghost is still out there, where are the holes? Oh my god, that's horrible, I just saw it. his giant nose, beautiful man, please, right, God, can you bake these little folders?
Go away please, if we get to the shrimp suit and get the upgrades, look we have a torpedo launcher somewhere, yes look, a shrimp suit torpedo launcher. I'm pretty. I'm sure we can make a nuclear bomb and shoot the Leviathan just keep moving everything is going to be fine nothing bad is going to happen between now and the 100 meters that are shrimp suit right we can get into the shrimp suit okay now we can give it an upgrade we got the shrimp suit, we got the drill arm and we got the oh, we also got the platform upgrade, oh good effect, I got another SEMA and a gigantic Leviathan again, don't say it, are you kidding me?
Man, I can't catch a missile coming in okay, okay, we're okay, another Plaza Leviathan guy that's trying to survive. Does this look like trying to survive? We have to get this bad boy to our cyclops without dying. Why do we build a base here? Okay, we have some missiles. In this we can put the grip improvement. What is that noise? It seems like something is breaking. A couple of things are breaking. They broke. The topic was broken. He became one fighter, but now there are two. Alright. Wait, maybe we can shoot him a missile. Would this kill him?
No, could we even? I'm shooting fire. Oh, that's really working. It's just stopping him. I just want to reach my cyclops in peace. If this thing grabs the cyclops, we're done for. Oh no, no. It's not the big man he's not reaching for it I have no idea why it's so dark in here man come on let's go let's go down let's go down a little bit why am I hearing the bloop man I haven't seen it I've just been listening No, oh shit, dude, Not again, well, I don't know which one he attacks. Oh, the bloop is here too.
You have to be kidding me. Is this the improved one? I don't know if this is the improved one. You could have the other one. one is a donation come in, come in, come in, come in we're on guys we have 45 powers that's even enough to get where we need to go oh my gosh that's what we can put on the decoy launcher we have one we can Use it if necessary, we don't even need a base, if we could have everything here, right? I can't even see in front of me, it's too scary, it's going to explode in front of me, ah, buddy, okay, don't do it.
No, please don't attack us, oh no, we are taking serious damage. I don't even know where we are now. What are those things? Wait, I have a great plan, this big brain, we abandon it and go to the other cyclops we have another good but we make it swim oh no, it's 200 meters away I don't think I think you got it man oh no, wait, we could lose the shrimp suit, wait though, we'll come back for the shrimp suit, can you? make it just 50 meters, come on, come on, oh that's not a good sign, I'm going in here, I'm going in here, we're leaving here, bye, get out of there, let's go on the cyclops. or we just put on the shrimp suit.
I mean, we could just fix this thing. I don't know how he's stuck. Can I just push this? Oh, you can, can't you? I am, I am an alpha, I am an alpha swimmer. What's up with that? Who cares about the water leak? The cyclops broke down and now there is a fire. Okay, forget about the cyclops, let's go down in the shrimp suit. What could go wrong with just the shrimp suit we're dropping? I don't like this one bit why are there so many of these? there's so many of them I can't move buddy, hit them ourselves, get off of me I think we have to get to the end, we have to find wherever it's green, green is good Why would they make this area more dangerous than it already is?
What is this thing? This looks really wide, yeah, a giant skull, okay, we're in Lost River. I'm trapped like this. I can't get out of my shrimp suit. I'm trapped like this. I think it's because he gave me this gun, it's like how do I hold this gun and control the shrimp suit? It's called multitasking, come on, give it time, change firing mode, get out of the box, portal, warp curse, oh I can teleport with this thing and I can teleport. Back to my base if necessary That's really good, he saw us, stop falling and rolling, is he chasing us some balls?
Oh God, oh no, Blazer, why are you here? Sorry man, I have to eat, there's nothing to eat here, no, he's looking at us. I'm not a Blossom snack please I can't help it man why am I moving so slow? It doesn't look good, this doesn't look good God, oh my God, there's a left hook. I'm lifting the light hook. I'm giving it the left, let's go, let's go, yeah, okay, we just have to get to the lava area. I can't see the liquid entering. Okay, I can't, we're almost there. It's the blue magic tree. It's snowing underwater.
How is it snowing underwater? Hey, brother, hey. bro, hey bro, there are so many guys chewing on me, oh my god no, you got like rockets or something, it's right there, the entrance to the lava zone, oh time capsules, oh wait, it's possible that let's get some really good stuff here. Triple capsule, thank you. you, oh medicine chest, delicious, delicious, yes, that's exactly what we needed, there's the entrance to the lava area right here, we're almost there, not between us, oh, we have a new shrimp suit, no, we don't need That Plaza, friend, we are there, waterfall. it's about to turn red there we're so close I can taste it not only our luck are you joking in a gigantic Leviathan right now I have my missiles if it comes for a snack we did it Zona finally we can mine diamonds, this is 100 giant


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