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May 31, 2021
Hello everyone, we are very glad that you are here, yes, welcome back to our channel, guys, if you know how to subscribe, please subscribe right now, today is a special day, yes, today is my husband's


, you are dad's


, dad, dad and he has been waiting for this for a long time today we are going to surprise him if we were not mom, all of us yes, especially me mom, we are all going to surprise him with something special, very special, yes, so since we haven't bought him a


in 25 years, he'll make up for it. for all these years, yeah, and we're sure he'll enjoy it because he's been wanting this for a long time before we started, let's put up eight lights, everyone likes them and we get him a tent, won't we calm you down? admirer buys the way Congress finally sold out finally got a new merchandise purchase rate I can't go anymore now it's okay, come on, come on, no mom, you're driving, yeah, back Look, mom is driving, driving good, We just got to the dealership and we're looking around, my mom was looking down, yeah, so Lucas and I look at everything, you know, we don't know for sure what car we want for him, but we want something manly, bulky and manly, let's go out, No. forget about getting your mom ice telling ourselves quick shot very calm cut daikon hey Vinnie Ben I really have a minivan yeah yeah this is cool but do you think it's too big a morning?
surprising our dad with his dream birthday gift
We looked at all the cars and we didn't see anything that caught our attention, so we will go to another dealership, we have to go somewhere else, yes, yes, through DICOM, yes, we found one, we definitely found the vehicle we are going to buy For dad, it was mom, what's wrong? I don't know what mom is looking at or I don't know what my mom is, so we have our selection and we will show them at home, come on, let's go home, unfortunately they didn't let us record at the dealership, so I have the car here, well , don't show it to him yet.
surprising our dad with his dream birthday gift

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surprising our dad with his dream birthday gift...

We have it in one, so we have a pencil here. You know he's putting his stuff into more detail. Hey, we've got 50-inch wheels here, dynamite, oh, we've got four seats too. nothing gets to this bad boy, but we also have a nice bond, you know, because this is budget, we have to say Happy Birthday to, my mom is happy, you know, because it's her husband's birthday, you know, we did something good for her. It was all about you know, we have to do it like this, let's speed it up, let's get it ready, the bun, that's cool, my girlfriend just sent me, boy, what are you doing?
surprising our dad with his dream birthday gift
We'll leave it aside for now, big balls always have a mom. Got it, yeah, move your car, what are you waiting for here cause we bought that truck, we didn't see the truck, no, how about that, a puddle with mom, oh yeah, yeah, let's get in. We have the key. The young man will be a client if we move. The car mocks, yes I think my phone is in the truck, can you move it here? Use the truck like here mom, what the hell is going here? um, pretty good driver under a lot, okay, I'm going to make a watch, okay, that's what I call it. something I need to come to the derby house and ask how much our years would matter to you now there is an emergency there is an emergency hello the children forgot to close the door for the chickens it is an emergency come here because I don't know how to close the gate and the fox are you going to get the chickens are outside how long does it take how bad how many minutes are you going to be here we had to prepare we had to prepare for this, that's good, that's good, why would you tell your dad that he told you? supported a lot, cares about you, loves you, think about this, it's coming soon, oh yes, you know, enjoy this beautiful view, yes, I love God's creation, beautiful mom, being my mom, it's a job, come on a why he's a good day it's this walk enjoy the day we're testing your vision you can you're okay oh my god she can oh I've got it wait something happened something bad happened to that you're holding my Eyes, you know you've always been very supportive, loving and caring and you have been so good with the children.
surprising our dad with his dream birthday gift
You push me because we have been a good father and we have been very supportive of the children and we don't have a


for you. For a long time we waited for this to compensate me with food, you know what I like, right? You've been an amazing dad, we have a really good meal on a good day, but with that red bow, right Bob? oh sure, yeah, sure, yeah, I'll go, we all have it, we're fine, let's all go in. Wow, yeah, right, yeah, Joanna Johnny, we see you as the Highlander, you should know how to drive.
This is here in Altos, it's okay, I'm very satisfied. Surprised, that's amazing for you and I can't believe you did it. I'm in shock and you know, thank you, I love you, we love you and you deserve so much more, but we thought you would be happy with this truck and especially. It has exactly the features you want, yes it does, especially the long bed and two extra seats in the back for Marcus and Lucas to take sometimes and the collar, that's what I like, especially that window I can check out . guys, that's good, thank you very much, how did you manage to do that?
We have no idea. I am so happy that you made me happy today on my birthday. Smash that like button, if you liked it and it makes you subscribe, they published this Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, don't forget to go shopping. I can't, we just released a lot today, so go get it now. Hello, I love you, I have mine, maybe you want to buy yours. Today is a good day. Hello, we have them to have.

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