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Home Video Recollection - Tomos y Tanc a'i Gyfeillion (Part 1) - Episode 1

Mar 08, 2024
Now, I made a series of


s where I showed you all the drawings I did between 2013 and 2017 on a show called Sarah's Jewel plus X5, I was just using text to tell you what was going on because I didn't have any. a microphone back then, after that I did another series where I showed you most of the sketches that I did when I was a kid, like things like Sonic the Mr Men Club Penguin and other things and shortly after that I did another series where I talk about some of the Welsh language shows I grew up watching and I only reviewed four of them while one was just me explaining that show where the first


and a few others couldn't be found online except I had the chance to watch them. again for decades, that is, while the last one was just me explaining the history of Welsh dubbing in general, so what will the new series of


s be this time?
home video recollection   tomos y tanc a i gyfeillion part 1   episode 1
If you are new or have known my channel for so long, you already know this. At the same time, while I was doing my old drawings of Sarah, I made another series of videos where I showed you all the VHS tapes and DVDs that I watched and had as a kid with


s and footage that were shown through episodes that were inside they. I did it in November 2019 with Thomas, then Pingu the next month, then Feynman Sam, then Bob the Builder and so on until I did it last year, where I showed you all the other VHS and DVDs I had, so this time Instead of showing them to you, how about I take a deeper look at them and see how they hold up?
home video recollection   tomos y tanc a i gyfeillion part 1   episode 1

More Interesting Facts About,

home video recollection tomos y tanc a i gyfeillion part 1 episode 1...

Let's start with this. If you know my content well from the last few years, you know that I am a big fan of this guy, my long experience with Thomas the Tank Engine has no limits. I have absolutely adored the series ever since I cared to collect and play with some of the toy trains from brands like Woodland Railway hertzel. or Take Along, read some of the various books and magazines and ideally watch the stories on TV, either on tape or DVD, or when the show will be playing on Planet Plant on s4c and it's different than those other things like Pingu Santan. the Welsh version of fireman Sam Sally Mali Thunderbirds vegetables the French version of The Smurfs or even places for dogs where they consider me a fan of them Thomas is what holds my heart the most in terms of my childhood and if not I still don't know, I grew up with a Welsh term, as it was the primary language I first spoke back then, if you haven't guessed, as the years went by, as new content came out for the franchise, I was always there no matter what.
home video recollection   tomos y tanc a i gyfeillion part 1   episode 1
I was still a big fan even though my parents said I was too old to care about Thomas. I always saw new things, but the franchise had been going down. I was there when the show also started using CGI elements for its season 12 in 2008. Like the Great Discovery, I was there when Hero Over Rails came out and was quite excited before its release and also the entire CGI series starting with season 13 Therefore, I missed Island Rescue Butch's first spoken appearance in episode 15 of the Stuck on series. You Day of the Diesels, which had Diesel 10 as the main villain in both series 16 and Blue Mountain Mystery, which saw the return of the tight game engines except Duncan two years later in series 18, the improved branner era, which saw many returns from a few. faces the 70th anniversary, which included two feature-length specials and let's not forget, oh yeah, I had a long history with Thomas every time something new came along and this is where I started to discover the pros and cons of the franchise from big episodes and movies and characters to other things ranging from normal to an absolute must, all of this was because I had grown up with the things that Wales had translated, certain means for me to enjoy TV series and books, and this is where I'm going to be. talking about this tape that has an ambiguous title, since Kevin says like in the Welsh Dumber Isle video, Mao Thomas, while Thomas Wiki simply calls him Thomas the Tank Engine, a bumper special that is more appropriate without mentioning the name of the video.
home video recollection   tomos y tanc a i gyfeillion part 1   episode 1
Here's the second big Thomas the Tank Engine video, which could mean it's a continuation of a previous tape, as it turns out it was a successor to the previous video tape Mao Thomas the tankai cavachon, who likes the tape . I'm going to review it has 18 episodes and is the Welsh version of the fattest recorded episodes of series 2. Although the minor difference is that the episode Percy Jumps has been replaced by Daisy, we will return to that tape later in the video so Without further ado, let's talk about this tape in general, the first thing that appears on the tape is a video sign identification, the company that is responsible for distributing various VHS and DVD tapes and its main company, Sign Records, was behind the dubbing from the third season to the season 14 during the change to CGI there is nothing special in Swiss Island, it is just a warning for whoever is watching these tapes with those elements not to copy or record anything they contain, since it is a crime Do what others have done companies, so after that we cut what may be the most familiar sounds to all of you, thank you, yes, God bless you to the soul, Mrs.
Allcroft, you brought that little Tank Engine to television just so it's in our childhood memories. Of course, who wouldn't forget that iconic theme song for decades that would never be forgotten after 2003? So far the intro looks good with a font that was changed drastically as the original used Rockwell fonts for their titles, anyway the episodes on this tape are from Series 3 which is at the end of the series. tape, it didn't air on s4c until 1996, four years before I was born, the person who provided the narration for vistub is John Ogwen, who you may or may not know. in some things he was in Hawkmore, a five-


series for the BBC in 1978, he played a character called bostocking for Doctor Who, the serial reveal of a Daleks during the Colin Baker years and he was even in Turkey when a welsh film 1997 which was based on the novel by Angara Jones, she is still quite active as he played the role of Josh Smith from the popular season from 2017 to 2019 and so far we don't know what he is doing in the first episode.
This ribbon is Percy, which is the Welsh version of a scarf or Percy. The episode is pretty decent overall, as it shows Percy so eager to want a scarf due to the cold weather that it makes it difficult for him and Thomas, and then he gets into trouble when the Fat Controller he's about to take to some visitors to a tour of the island of Sodor and you have to take pictures of him has his pants in the trunk in the luggage cart pulled by the reporters and Percy who was about to play a prank on the coaches so far.
As possible he doesn't look where he's going and crashes into the cart sending the luggage into the air with a jump box falling on the little green motor with no controller and for the passengers. Not only was it perfectly covered in Jam but the Thought controllers had landed it. about his iron lamp and interestingly Sir Topham Hatt's best pants made him look like he was literally wearing a scarf like he wished before, oh but there's something I didn't tell you for a long time when I first saw this. scene during the first three times approximately when he was very little, I was a little afraid because maybe it's the accident maybe it's the face and also what he does when he covers himself with Jam.
I don't know and every time the episode plays, I would. I just run out of the room and wait until the episode ends or I would see the end of the episode until the next one. This also applies to other episodes of other films that I have seen whenever something as violent, scary or disturbing as James happens. a bee stung his nose and Buzz Buzz, which I'll hear later for Heavy Rain washing a bridge and Rusty and his crew fixing it in a special scruffy funnel and for Turk singing Pop Goes old Ollie in Toad's Dance next to a running steamer. a floor destroying the shed and knocking it down lying in a bad mood between bad-tempered insects Henry falling into the sea and something in the air Stephanie being held hostage by Aryan birds and Stephanie gets lost and the rest is Down for Mine, which I didn't see because I knew what was going to happen happen when this book showed me what happened in the episode Percy becomes very stupid and learns his lesson about engines and not wearing scarves.
The next episode of this tape is a matter with Percy. Percy's Promise in Welsh. This is the episode that I remember most fondly, as it has everything in place, like the sets, the music for the characters and what not, and it's funny how the previous episode was about Percy. Here he is again at his best in the series. He was assigned the task of getting the children out of Sunday School at


with Annie and Clarabel as Thomas offered to help him, this setup is unique to see as it is a bit strange to see an engine other than Thomas Pulani and Clarabel, since those are his main trainers, even if he is sick or when some The engine borrows them without permission while Percy is starting the trip for the children forever becomes boring and the rain falls on the island, the rain then turns becomes an obstacle for the red-striped green caterpillar, as its tracks have been flooded and its fire has gone out.
Coming out of the water, Percy's crew had to look for firewood in a caboose, which the narrator didn't bother to mention that Percy's train had it and here's something I didn't notice until now when I rewatched the episode. In the original story of the same name on which The Railway Series book episode Percy, the Little Engine that caused Percy's firebox to go out again, is based, his crew cut some of Clarabel's floorboards so that the green locomotive would work again, which, if everyone knows, its interior has a sensitive value when they remove the floorboards, which is as if a human being had its organs removed, don't believe me, listen to this story by Johnny Morris from the original story and tell me this doesn't sound disturbing since it was the firefighter. to the guards' van that was carrying an axe, they broke some boxes, but that did not satisfy the firefighters.
I'll have some of the floorboards please, but the guard found an ax and helped. They soon had a lot of wood stored in Percy's bunker. See haunting for It's a story for children, right? And I can see why they added a resting fan in the TV adaptation to avoid the implication of a coach with a face having his ideas broken and taken, but overall it's a good story with Percy braving the storm. having some help from Harold and that he kept his promise to Thomas regardless, after that it's Helen's ahane, the Welsh version of time for trouble which translates to trouble and a half.
Here we have an episode that focuses on James, where the former pulls the express while Gordon is resting which makes him very important and showing off to the other engines making James seem a bit narcissistic and the latter Toby goes to The Works to get him fix the roads, but when he stops at a crossing to get water, a The new signalman had never met Toby before and orders him to continue to make way for James and the express and as soon as the Trump engine moved forward, he ran out of water and got caught in the line, the same line that James is pulling the express when The Red Engine found out about this.
He was very upset by this and was forced to push Toby as he pulled the express as they reached Knutsford station. A couple of kids laugh at James and make fun of him for being late, Toby being the wise old doll. He tells him to ignore them while the games just play golf and the complaint I have with Ogwent's narration is that he barely puts any emotion into it while he tells the stories well. Well, not all the time here we have the original English version with Michelangelis doing James' iconic sarcastic laugh. the episode says James, you can see that he is giving a very good performance acting as if it were day and night when he did the voices of the characters, John OGG, on the other hand, with James he sounds quite boring and has hardly put any effort into it .
I'm not saying he's a bad storyteller, it's just that he needs to have a little more flair when expressing the characters. The other complaint I have with the awkward narration is when it often narrates just as the episode ends when the shots freeze to the music. He stops completely, but Jon just added a few seconds of narration before they cut to black. Oh lord, that's no insult to the man, but I'm pretty sure the editors might not have much room with his narration, so they just leave them out when they come back. The next tape is Gordon, our poisonous sick man, the Welsh version of Gordon and the famous visitor in this episode we see that a famous locomotive has arrived on the island of Sodor and is the center of everyone's attention, including Diesel for some reason like When As a kid, the episode never explicitly told me the name of the engine because I thought it was just a character that only appears in one episode and I never knew the name of the engine until years later when I discovered the Thomas community on YouTube and the wiki and I discoveredthat the name of the locomotive was Truro City, which, believe it or not, was not a character but a real-life locomotive that appears on the show.
It turns out that that locomotive was not the only one. one, as other real life engines had been appearing on the show, either having the same name as their counter


s or having the same numbers as them and as we all know, Gordon is very jealous thinking that there is no scandal over nothing the next day from that city. Thomas tells Gordon that the reason the engine is so famous is because it was the first engine to go over 100 miles per hour and that factor made Gordon even more jealous, mainly because that engine did not have a dome. , as he believes.Locomotives without domes are not reliable later when Duck told Edwards the story of the blue engine he says he is obviously jealous and at that moment Gordon passes the two engines trying to beat the record of the city ​​in truth or fact, but when it did at the moment it reached the viaduct, a gust of wind blew its loose dome away and it flew into the river below the viaduct.
This made Gordon feel really dumb since he's the one without the dome. Now the Troublesome Trucks laugh at him and one makes fun of him. of the engines and Tidmouth shares this episode just shows how pompous Gordon is, as this is his personality throughout the franchise, we head to Donald Duck, which is named anyway, an episode that focuses on Duck, It's a great western, it can use any type of rolling stock and it always works. Without making a fuss, it was also this episode that first established that Doug had his own branch line, which I didn't notice when I watched this episode as a kid, when Duck tells his friend Donald how important his branch line is to he.
Donald begins. Taunting him by making crunching noises, all because of his name, entails a lot of annoyance, so the next day his team comes up with a plan to pay Donald back for his taunting and soon that night they dropped something in one's water tank. of the Scottish twins, which turned out to be a white duck instead of getting angry, Donald thought it was quite funny and the duckling is very friendly with the engine. McDonald's soon took the baby duck for a ride and every time the other engine saw him, they made fun of him, embarrassing the Scottish engine, soon it was Donald's turn. to play a prank on Duck while tricking him first the next morning, Doug's crew discovered that there was an egg in the nest box under their bunker and Donald mocked that he must have laid it during the night, which was the joke that mentioned.
In the end, both Duck and Donald resolve their differences and the duckling now resides in a pond near the station where the station master named her Dilly, but to everyone else she is a trapped Donald. Overall a pretty enjoyable episode it was a healthy plot it's interesting to watch. which got stuck in the branch of it and I discovered that the English title of the episode was named after a certain cartoon character created by a big company.

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