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Shocking Medical Mysteries That Confuse Doctors

May 18, 2024
As a primary care physician, I have watched episodes of Body Bizar before and learned a lot, let's see what we can learn together, let's get started. Outside of Rio de Janeiro there is a 12-year-old boy named Gabrielle Ferreria Munes who is a soccer prodigy. Even though she has no feet, how sick, Gabriel's feet just didn't develop in the womb, a condition called apoda which was a complete shock to her mother when she came out, they lifted him up. I saw that a part was missing. I just thought he was a little dizzy we never thought he would walk the human body is very resilient they will find out to the doctor's surprise the soles of Gabrielle's legs developed naturally into mini feet I am curious to know what the sole of her foot looks like from an X-ray perspective Is there still tibia and fibula?
shocking medical mysteries that confuse doctors
Is there an ankle bone? Is there a canal bone like the heel bone? That positive attitude has taken Gabriel far 2 years ago, super club Barcelona flew him to Spain to meet the team, including the star striker. Just Messi, it was exciting because he had a lot of famous players in front of me, my heart stopped


ly. I will say that that's probably not what happened. There appears to be no pain restriction in this situation. I'm sure there is something like skin irritation, but it seems to work. Al maintains his balance very well in the city of Gamur, in northern India, he lives. 8-year-old Kajol, unlike most children, has developed an unusual affection for one of India's deadliest snakes, oh the Cobra, oh you don't want to get into trouble.
shocking medical mysteries that confuse doctors

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shocking medical mysteries that confuse doctors...

With the Cobra they are fast, they are actually quite shy from what I have read, they don't like humans very much, they don't bite to be aggressive, they bite out of fear and their venom is unique because it is a neurotoxin. so it causes paralysis of the muscles and that paralysis if it happens to your respiratory or cardiac muscle could be fatal. Kajol has grown up surrounded by cobras because her father is a snake catcher so she practices her skills every day Kajol and her brother Gulab head to The Fields which is actually one of the most common places where cobras hang out, a lot People think it's like the jungle, but in reality they are in agricultural centers, it's more because they like to feed on mice and things that run through the fields, Kajol. and her brother is heading home look at him he took off his hood he's looking at her suddenly there's trouble he's biting me he's biting me okay I mean I'm not a snake expert but oh man I mean I do The most important thing here is to get her, uh, to a hospital that has antidote instead of taking her to a hospital for treatment.
shocking medical mysteries that confuse doctors
Kajol's father treats her at home using a mixture of traditional herbal remedies that have been used for centuries. She doesn't seem like a good remedy, this is putting her on. life at risk this is jungle medicine it has been passed down from my father it is like rubbing superficially what the poison is inside her she has been bitten before we are no longer worried we believe that if these medicines are given in time they can save people because that girl was in constant contact with that snake and the snake has been biting her regularly and that particular bite that was not of that severe nature that created an antibody in her body, no one in


school teaches you how to repeat Victims of snake bites The first snake bite What do you do?
shocking medical mysteries that confuse doctors
Try to get a photo of the snake that bit you. Go to the hospital immediately. Show them the photo. Describe the snake. I hope they have an antidote. I hope they have respiratory support if anything else happens. Snake expert Cartic Satin Arian saw the video of Kajol being bitten, of course she does get bit, that's quite visible, but the bite site is indicative of the teeth that the cobra has that could have caused the wound and bleeding, but that doesn't mean there is any. fangs to inject the venom, from the way he handles the cobras, it's pretty clear that they are all fangless, the venom glands are possibly moving too, so it's a scam, it's illegal to own snakes without a license, it's also against. the law to remove their fangs like snake charmers who seek to hypnotize and tame cobras.
Kajol and her father may be guilty of stretching the truth to promote the family business. Wow, that's so complicated and I'm sure not a gentle process. I felt like we had called. A lot there, in the first scene, I thought: she looks at that thing that she is about to bite and then she bit. Snake scheme. Aldi, 2, is from a small fishing village on the large island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Was she smoking? Why is the child smoking? They say she started smoking when she was only 18 months old. Ali started smoking by stealing cigarettes from her grandmother.
She stole one from him and ran away with it. How does she know how to light it when she was 18 months old? That is not true. passing the buck to Dr. Caco believes the best way to cure Aldi cigarette addiction is to refocus him on age-appropriate activities for him, yes, not smoking cigarettes. I mean one of the most dangerous aspects of this, obviously, the respiratory and cardiac situation is dangerous in the long term, but because your frontal lobe is still developing, in fact, it develops until your mid-20s if you are exposed to substances that are quite addictive and that can cause more addictive behaviors in the future, that is why smoking, gambling, drinking alcohol, all these products have age restrictions because of the development of the frontal lobe, giving up cigarettes was undoubtedly a big step forward for Aldi, but his family are now worried about how much weight he has gained, they are worried that he has replaced one addiction with another, which sometimes happens and is exactly what I was worried about.
The doctor is concerned about the effect that smoking has had on Aldi's respiratory system. According to the results of his x-ray, it shows that he has a lung infection. He has pneumonia right now, no fever, no other symptoms. The results show that he may have pulmonary tuberculosis. It's not what he expected to have heard. Tuberculosis is an infectious condition caused by mycob bacteria. It can be a very lethal condition because what happens is that some people have been exposed to tuberculosis, but their immune system can keep it at bay if they develop active tuberculosis with Symptoms usually occur as a result of a compromised weakened immune system, either through through another infection like HIV, taking medications that suppress the immune system and may lose life as a result, some new medications have been released that help in this treatment. resistant tuberculosis when certain antibiotics don't work and, fortunately, thanks to the great advocacy work of John Green, he has been able to speak out enough to get Johnson and Johnson not to overcharge for the patent on this drug in terms of its administration around the world, which is a great victory. is going to save lives Laura Pon, 35, often stays indoors due to an unusual and rare infection when her eyes start to hurt, she reaches for her special eye drops oh wow, quite significant redness there is a white plaque that it rises in his eyes and instead of tears, painful crystals come out, it starts to swell, so I have to open it, you know, this is not the only situation in which an infection caused by BAC IIA can cause abnormal formations of things like crystals in the body, there is actually a type of kidney stone. known as a struvite stone which is caused by a urinary tract infection is caused by a specific type of bacteria Laura's eyes started producing these strange glass tears when she was about 15 the local doctor was baffled because she had no answers it was the beginning of years of frustration and misery, they would say it was conjunctivitis and I would leave disappointed because I knew it wasn't, yes, conjunctivitis is much more benign than that and the discharge would form overnight, it would be yellowish, maybe watery, if it were viral or allergic.
It's bacterial, you might have a little yellow discharge, but the way it's forming doesn't look like conjunctivitis. Laura brought a jar of her hardened tears, so I asked her how long it took to get that and she said one of those mornings. The plaques form so quickly there could only be one explanation, it must be chemical. I don't know if that's an explanation exactly in Laura's case, the surface of the cornea can secrete keratin. This keratin along with other components causes the crystallization of tears and helps control their condition. He gave her some new eye drops.
She developed resistant bacteria, so we had to neutralize the bacterial infection. She then she had infectious keratitis which is basically a Cora infection and we used silver nitrate eye drops. Now I'm using these. eye drops that clean them well and just take better care of my eyes. Wow, that's amazing that that was uh. The simple solution. I think these days with the fact that the world of so interconnected


can find answers to weird questions with a more simplified approach, because go figure. When you don't have the Internet, you look at textbooks to see if you can find a case study of this specific ailment.
I mean, that could take a long time. It happened 29 years ago. I was 25 years old. She went to pick up. potatoes and from that moment on the poisoning began and the poisoning increased due to Juana's shock her hands, feet and face swelled she must have had some type of angioedema which is like a massive allergic response to something and over the following years became intolerant to a wide range of household chemicals,


told him he had a chronic condition called multiple chemical sensitivity. Multiple chemical sensitivity is like a very questionable diagnosis these days, where not everyone in the medical community agrees that it is due to a physical cause;
This is thought to be more of a psychological condition leading to physical symptoms in W's case, it often causes an instant respiratory reaction, no one knows for sure why some people have this condition, perhaps she has some type of cell activation mass, mass cells are a kind of allergic cells. in the body they can become overactive and it's almost like an autoimmune condition, but due to an allergy we had to take her outside because there was no ventilation, she fell into a coma and felt very bad, maybe it's because you don't let her breathe. bag What is that for the last seven years?
I have been living in this room to enter the house. My husband now has to leave his clothes outside. If something falls on him, he can't come into my room. Something is questionable here because just because you take off your clothes doesn't mean you have eliminated all the substances that are in your body from the outside. Your hair carries them your skin carries your mouth from the food you ate earlier, but hope might be within. around the corner Wana leads a similar campaign affected people who advocate the development of special masks could be made of organic materials so that there is no plastic, but the problem is whether it is plastic.
I mean, she was peeling potatoes, someday I'll be free and I'll escape. of this prison, a very interesting condition. I would love to know more and talk to an immunologist about that. Doctors used to recommend some pretty incredible things as treatments. Click here to check it out and, as always, stay happy and healthy.

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