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I Survived 100 Days as a MUTANT TITAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Jun 30, 2024
Terry was captive in a cage Terry, I'll get you out of there, no, wait suddenly. A large tank ran into the room, it was a trap, it shot me with sleep darts and I passed out on


45 to 47. I woke up in a cage over a lava tub, there the Mecha Skib toilet was standing next to a panel control looking at me. Looks like my little test subject is awake. What do you want? I'm going to melt you and hand you over to the toilet scientist. I will be a hero for all types of toilets. He reached for the lever, but I quickly unleashed my new speaker attack on him, temporarily stunning him.
i survived 100 days as a mutant titan in hardcore minecraft
I took the opportunity to open the cage and collide with my captor Mecha. He woke up from being dazed and we fought to the death. We both took to the air and shot at each other. Over Lava, the bathroom bully rained down electrical shock waves on the battlefield to try to fry my circuits. I attacked with my speaker. Powers blew it up with my deafening music and sound waves. The room was drowned with the power of my base, but the Mecha Skib was gone. I'm not ready to give up, he used powerful energy waves to electrify the area around him, reducing my health, he closed the distance for a final blow before my health could regenerate.
i survived 100 days as a mutant titan in hardcore minecraft

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i survived 100 days as a mutant titan in hardcore minecraft...

I retaliated with heavy blows using my Riot Hammer and sent him flying across the room. me es skib it was hard but I was even harder and I was able to take the lead I thought my victory was assured but the Mega WC started laughing it's so funny you're pretty good but you forgot that I still have your little friend I think my guards are about to reduce him to scrap oh no Terry I flew away letting the mecca go I had to save my friend before it was too late on


48 to 50 I found Terry cornered on the edge of a cliff surrounded by mind controlled Tank guards chamber just as he was about to be killed, I flew over to intervene, I left him alone, I confronted the guards while Terry took cover, I tried to use my energy harness to free them from their mind control, but already They were too far away.
i survived 100 days as a mutant titan in hardcore minecraft
I had to shoot them down or my little friend was done for because we fought in an incredibly precarious area on the cliffs, the tanks fired missiles at Terry and me, but I stood in front of them making sure he was safe. I defended myself by admitting a deafening sound. Waves while Terry covered his ears. I didn't want to seriously hurt my cameraman brothers, but they left me no choice. I continued to dodge his attacks while thinking of a new plan to eliminate this unforeseen threat. I was running out of time to mount a counterattack, attacking using my current Arsenal was not going to be enough.
i survived 100 days as a mutant titan in hardcore minecraft
His armor was too powerful for me to penetrate at this rate. Terry and I ran out of time to be creative. I lured my mind-controlled brothers to the edge of the cliff and then used my RI Hammer to send them over the edge of their Doom. Too bad my power harness didn't work. I could have saved them suddenly. meas skib arrived once again you've caused enough trouble I'm finishing the fun now come Movie Man man at Ski's command movie man landed from above and attacked on days 51-53 He was colliding with movie man Obviously not I didn't really want to hurt him, but he was making it difficult for me.
He did my best to protect me, but we were too close for me to feel comfortable fighting on a thin mountainside. The movie man threw one Haymaker after another and finally knocked me down. towards a valley where the fight continued. I had to stop it somehow. I used my thunderous sound waves to knock him off balance and charged. I fought back by using my hammer to hit his screen, but he blocked it and hit me again. I continued using My super sonic speaker kept it at bay, but the movie man shook them like they were nothing.
He was much stronger than either of the other two Titans. I was starting to think that even with the strength of the speaker and the camera Titans combined, I wasn't going to be able to overpower it. I can't go on like this for long. Max catches him suddenly. Terry tossed me the controller he'd received a few days earlier, just before he could deliver the killing blow. I was able to free Cinema. man using the controller making him stop his attack no that's impossible obey me I don't have to take orders from you anymore the movie man turned his attention to the mega skibby attacking him and sending him flying towards the mountain wow nice shot Movie man that was amazing , thanks, we thought we had finally defeated him until suddenly the Meas Skibby flew out of the crater revealing his even stronger enhanced form, hitting the movie man leaving him seriously injured.
Movie man, it's time for you to test my true strength. days 50, 4 to 56 I was fighting with the upgraded mecha skib to defend the movie man and Terry, my new enemy flew over me firing a barrage of rockets directly at me. I knew I would have to get closer to have a better chance of winning. He launched me into the skies and hit him with my hammer trying to knock him down but it didn't help much his big explosions exploded against my metal body damaging me with each hit he cornered me against a canyon wall and I started to worry he continued bombarding me with his arsenal of explosive weapons, Bath was incredibly powerful in its new form, it knocked me down to low health and I didn't think I was going to win.
Max, take my power, you are our last hope. The movie man threw a television monitor at me and I ran to catch it. I fused with him and transformed into a giant


Titan. I got five hearts and two new powers. I returned to the fight stronger than before, ready to take on the once improved meas skib. and even though my attacks were now incredibly strong and hitting with my hammer forced him to fight from the ground, my new powers allowed me to shoot my enemies from afar with projectiles, meaning there was nowhere this wretch could hide.
For me, flying may have helped. before, but I wouldn't help him anymore, I fired a volley of missiles hitting him countless times with devastating explosions, not only that, but I unleashed the powers of my TV screen, blinding the toilet and scorching it with digital flames. I was determined to win. and I used everything I had in my Arsenal to ensure that this enemy would not return again thanks to my new mutated form. I was finally able to defeat the upgraded Mega skib. I am the ultimate Titan. That's when I realized the movie man was there. in very bad condition my health is low Mom I don't think I'm going to make it you need medical help let's take you to the woman on television before it's too late on days 57-59 I gathered my strength together with Terry and The Man TVOM took a look at Movie Man to try to see what they could do to help him.
If you want to have any hope of saving him, you need to get him a new microprocessor, but hurry, he doesn't have much time. I went out in search of the piece we needed and was able to spot a piece of abandoned fun after a bit of searching. I located the part I needed easily. I went to grab the item, but was quickly swarmed by a horde of skibby. Spiders I quickly stomped all of them with my huge new Titan sign, but more and more kept appearing. I don't have time for this wait. I got just what I played a song through my speakers to summon reinforcements and mine.
Horde of talking spiders rushed into battle and had my enemies busy, which bought me some time. I flew up and grabbed the microprocessor behind them and fled the scene as I returned the woman from the television. I gave her the chip and she went to work repairing the theater. Man, thanks for your help, but I need to warn you that scientist Skib is planning something big and he will unleash it tomorrow, so we will have to stop his attack. Everyone prepare for battle on the 60th to the 62nd. I arrived at the location. the movie man had warned me about the alliance there, the bathroom forces were waiting for me along with their leader, the enhanced scientist, skimy, well, well, it looks like you got my ponds back from Titan, this ends here, oh, but this one War only has big weapons.
Our armies clashed in an epic battle in an explosion of sparks, the scientist released a powerful electrical discharge that shot around him. The field around us lit up with flames due to a shocking explosion. I was too big to avoid the fire below and they set a trap for me. blades with the forces of the toilet surrounding me I slammed my hammer creating a shockwave, the S has been flying unfortunately my allies were also caught in the crossfire but I couldn't let my guilt consume me. I turned my attention to the scientist whose electrical attack seemed to be endless.
I activated my screen and directed it to light the enemy with my own fire. I immediately followed up with another attack emitting my booming base skill that reverberated throughout the battlefield, reeling from my assault, the scientist made a hasty move. Retreat to the skies above the chaos below as we exchange long-range fire in a fierce aerial duel. I faced the giib scientist, but even with the power of the three


s, he was still too powerful, the battle was hand to hand until I unleashed the mind control on him. attack me Sparks surrounded my head and I lost control of my own body my actions were at the whim of the bathroom I started attacking my own men shooting them one by one with my incredible strength you don't stop this I couldn't stand it Keep it up I needed to get my body back at full speed coast, so I focused hard and went deep inside my own mind on days 63-66.
I found myself in a black void. Am I inside my brain? Suddenly, a huge spider crawled towards me. Now you belong to the bathroom army I will never listen to you Determined to regain my autonomy I attacked the giant spider It was tiny compared to the skibby It was like I was facing a


I tried to hit as hard as I could, but my melee weapons just bounced off Unfortunately, no matter what I tried, I was too weak to master it. You're pathetic like all the other Titans. No, I have all of his powers combined.
I can win thanks to my formidable mental strength. Suddenly I became giant and he shrank to the size of an insect. I crushed the spider with my new found size and broke free of the mind control on days 67 to 70. I woke up trapped in an esib prison. What happened to the battle I have to fight? Back at the alliance I looked around for a way to escape but there was no way I could get through any of the windows or doors. It was simply too big. I looked outside and saw that the area was completely empty, where everyone is.
Surely there are The guards protecting this place thought quickly. I used my Riot Hammer to punch a hole in the wall and got out without any problems. Wow, this seems too easy. I tried to escape, but the jetpack quickly stopped me and didn't get off of me as quickly. However, the way the two of us flew through the air, charging towards each other and colliding with great force, I unleashed the full extent of my Arsenal firing at the enemy with Bas' burst cascading missile barrage and igniting fire to the toilet with my flame screen. Despite hitting the enemy with everything I could muster, their own missiles proved superior, knocking me out of the sky as I fell to the ground, the pack skib landing next to me and continuing its attack.
We exchanged blows at close range, but his headbutts were doing the trick. To be too powerful I had no choice but to fly to the skies once again to avoid their attacks, but even in the air I was still not safe from their power. His long-range abilities proved to be just as powerful as his short-range ones. The toilet bombarded me with its missiles once again, hitting me with a devastating explosion that detonated upon impact, seizing the opportunity, the enemy closed in and headbutted me once again with a powerful aerial swing with my hammer. I sent the enemy flying into the sky, but it seemed like nothing I did could get the best of him, as he always came charging towards me seemingly faceless.
I continued my attack on the jetpack, but quickly learned that it was too powerful, my attacks didn't even engage it, I was forced to. I ran while he was chasing me on days 71 to 74. He was being chased by the skibby jetpack through the sky. I landed in the prison avoiding its explosions. I wish I could take cover, but I'm too big. The skip fired more. the lasers from him towards me, well, I did my best to avoid them. I dodged one of the attacks, causing it to hit a building, instead the side exploded revealing a prison containing my men from the previous battle quickly.
I need your help, my allies came out furious. To help me in the battle against my powerful enemy, they attacked the skiy jetpack causing it to finally escape from my tail. Where are the TV woman and the titans? They're being held in an intensive care unit just south of here, so there's no time to waste. and then I went to the GU to save my superior officers in 75 to 77. I arrived at the facilityharm to my men was too great. Reluctantly, I took a step back, having faith that my allies could hold their own among the evil Skib Army, but despite the bravery and resilience of my men, it seemed the numbers of the job were refusing to bear.
Every enemy that was killed took their place, never ending amidst all the chaos and clanging against the Horseland defenses that echoed throughout the battlefield, my men continued to fight with all their might refusing to give up even when The battle was proving difficult. useless as the war continued around me, the upgraded scientific toilet finally made its presence known and landed on the battlefield, fool, you dare to show your face again, even with the upgrades for my commanders, you are no match for me, oh yeah, are you sure? about that, that's right, prepare to be my porn like before, scientist giib tried to use his mind control attack on me, but thanks to my updates it had no effect.
I don t think so Friend. Nice try, how can this be now? Silly Arity must have given you immunity. I took advantage of his confusion and charged at him. Dealing the first blow, I was about to hit him a second time, but he zacked me with a spell and we teleported to another place that day. 100 I appeared in a strange place with the giib enhanced scientist, it was just the two of us with no one else around where are we somewhere? your small army cannot help you. We are ending this war right here and right now the scientist accused me. and the fight had begun, everything I had worked for over the course of these 100 days had led me to this moment and now it was time to use everything I had learned over the course of my journey, full of determination, I channeled all the powers he had gained. all the friends he had made along the way and those he had lost and unleashed my entire arsenal on the improved scientific giib.
I smashed my R Hammer to send shockwaves through the air firing barges of missiles with my arm cannons using the music from my speakers to deafen the scientist and knock him down charging into my TV screens to deal bursts of fire damage and shooting wave after wave of deadly lasers to reduce my Buddha's health. I did everything I could, but despite all my powers. The bathroom did not seem to weaken. He was the strongest enemy I had ever faced, but he was losing just when he thought all hope was lost. I remembered my allies, the Fallen Titans, and all the others who had died in the name of the alliance.
I felt a surge of energy as his memories washed over me for my allies, no, I dealt a devastating blow killing the SCI enhanced gimy toilet once and for all, the war was won in the name of the alliance and I was the ultimate titan, I didn't. forget to download War Thunder today using the link in the description thanks to War Thunder for sponsoring the video

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