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The Truth About Islam's Origins - Jay Smith

Jul 04, 2024
He couldn't find even a single reference to the city with all these surrounding civilizations. When you look at the map of Arabia, you look at all these other insignificant cities like Marb or Naran or s o t or Y or Kar. or Petra or M, look at all these cities that are on the western plateau and you will notice that they all have geographical characteristics and they all have historical background, many people refer to them again and again. Many historians' journalists not a word about Mecca , why are all these insignificant cities referred to and many of them being just villages and yet Mecca is not?
the truth about islam s origins   jay smith
When you look at that, you'll see. Why just look at a topographic map and you'll see. Note that all of these cities are along the Western Plateau, which is the trade route. Mecca is outside the western plateau at 3000 feet, it is very low, it has no water, if it has no water, we will reach that point. That thought but can you see why it's no wonder no one has ever heard of Mecca because it wasn't anywhere when everyone lived no one would go there because it's out of commerce it's not even on the western plateau now it's the first reference that we have about Mecca anywhere and this This is what Dr.
the truth about islam s origins   jay smith

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the truth about islam s origins jay smith...

Patricia Corona did. She went and studied this when she was at Oxford University, head of the department, wrote two books Hagar ISM and Mech and traded in the rise of Islam, where because of those two books she received death threats and had to move. to the University of Cambridge, but what she noticed is that the first reference we can find to Mecca, the city itself, is not until 7:41, friends, that is the 8th century, more than 100 years after the death of Muhammad, if that is the first reference and that reference puts it. Mecca in southern Turkey is even in the wrong place.
the truth about islam s origins   jay smith
She returned to all the maps. I don't have time to get into them. We'll do this in ellf, but if you look at all the maps, look at Bamy, who. He is the only one who wrote about the geography of Arabia. Mecca is missing from its geography, missing from all maps even as late as the 15s and 1600s, so neither the land trade route nor the Red Sea sea trade route we close it. down about three years ago, look at all the trade routes of the Red Sea, they all went to the western side, to the African side, to the western coast, why because there is water there and where there is water there is food and when there is food there are people, the people there are towns towns or cities cities or civilizations civilizations there is a history you cannot have a history if there are no people there there is nothing on the east side because there is only desert there now one possible reason why and I just gave it to you is because take a look at any map of Mecca and Medina and you will see that they are in the middle of a desert and in the middle of the desert you cannot have a complete history, you cannot even have a complete theological precept when you look in the crown look at the whole theological debate you have to have people to debate with you have to have a theological discussion to create that check them out they are attacking the Jews they are attacking the Christians they are attacking the uh they We are attacking the pagans, especially the Jews and Christians.
the truth about islam s origins   jay smith
There were no Jews or Christians. At the southern end, none of them went down there for a very good reason. There is no water, no water, no food, no food, no people, no people, no towns, no towns, no city. cities civilization there is no civilization there is no history even though the Muslims claim the zumzum well that everyone claims oh there was water Mr. Smith and it is inexhaustible water that is why people could four million people can drink it today no who believes that water that comes from of 27 desalination plants created by Beal Corporation United States thank God for America this has nothing to do with Arabia and has nothing to do with the government of Saudi Arabia there is a queen zub aqueduct in 801 it was such a problem that it had than to put an aqueduct in 900 AD 80 9th century ad so you can see all this stuff, we can close now M Muslims have no idea why all the first Kias look at all the Moss, they all have Kias prayer direction looking where everyone looks at Petra until 7:06 they don't start looking at Mecca until 718 uh 715 excuse me for that reason, this suggests that Mecca was chosen in the 8th century as their final Sanctuary.
The antecedent of the pilgrimage to Mecca makes more sense with Jerusalem than with Petra. that they do in Mecca almost everything they do in Mecca came before from Jerusalem they are just copying what was already in Jerusalem now conclusion certainly someone somewhere at some time should have known about the city but no one anywhere anywhere moment before the 7th Century proving that it never existed in the time of Muhammad nor during early Islam, so if Mecca did not exist, then what do we do with Muhammad and the Quran, where do they come from? Let's go and analyze that, so now we go directly from Mecca. so go to Muhammad to understand Muhammad you have to follow the evidence now what are the claims that do well Muhammad say he was the last and greatest Prophet who was born in Mecca in 570 and died in Medina in 632 he is the model for the Islam is the one who received the final Revelation, therefore, everything we need to know about it we should be able to find in the ibam and the Hadith of alari.
I pretty much shut down those two because look at the dates, how can we find a man who died in 632 by people writing about him in 833 and 870. You can't trust people traveling two or three hundred years later and hundreds of years later. miles away. These references are too far too late, so let's go back. to the 7th century but there is nothing there there is absolutely nothing oh wait a minute there are things there and this is the beautiful thing there are coins and there are inscriptions on rocks that is the beauty look the coins do not disintegrate they do not deteriorate They are so pristine today it is the day they were minted because they are made of copper, they are made of silver and they are made of gold, inscriptions on the rocks, well, they just chisel them into the rocks, the rocks are not that thankless. let's look at coins, the reason they are so important because they have been around since 600 BC.
C., the Lyanos were the ones who created them, they were used for trade, but not only for trade, they were also used by new rulers every time they came to power. The first thing they did, since they did not have TV, Internet, newspapers or radio, they used coins to present these coins, so the first thing they would do was put their image on the coin on which they would put their name. the coin would say who they are because they knew that the coins would be used by everyone and since they were in the hands of everyone, everyone who knew who the ruler was and one of the first things they would do after putting their image and their name would put their religion would put a symbol to show what religion they belong to if they were Christians they would put a cross and then the date and then the mint where they were made so we can see them but here is the problem the numismatist are the experts and their car is having a problem and they are They are communicating with me and they have been doing so since 2020 because they say we have the coins, we own the coins, the problem is they don't make any sense. because when you look at the coins and you take the Islamic tradition, the standard Islamic narrative, you cannot express it, there is no meaning in what the coins say, so this is what I am telling you, so if it does not make sense to do without the tradition and go back to the 7th century when they were minted and then tell me what they say just use what they say that's the job of any historian that's the job of any numismatist just read the coins and then make and find out and tell me what happened so let's look at the map again.
Now what the Muslims tell us is that everything happened, where all the coins were minted and everything that happened because it was the CFF that minted the currency. It had to be where the cffs lived and Muhammad abubakar um and Ali all lived in Medina. Can you see Medina there and of course they all moved to Mecca? I mean, that's where Muhammad moved and that's where he first was, so Mecca and Medina. would be where these mints would be because that's where they ruled, if that was the case we should find mints there, we can't, so where are all the mints?
Take a look where they are all in Tartus, HS and Balbec. Ladies daara ABIA oh, I'm just SC, the words so you can read them there on the screen, they are way up in what is today Jordan and Syria and in Lebanon and Israel on the eastern side because all of these would be in what is today Today, Iraq and Iran, neither of them are in the south, why are there no mints in Mecca and Medina? Well, a very good reason why there is no water there, you will not have coins unless you have people and to have people you have to have food to have food you need water if there is no water or no industry or there is no commerce down there why what would you have coins you need to have trade you need to have people who are involved in trade so all of these mints would have been under the authority of any Arab leader in the 7th century and any caith in the 7th century, including all the Muslim cffs , but none of these mints were in the hijaz, instead they were all located too far north, possibly.
Because the Hejaz was a waterless desert, you already know the rest of the story, so let's look at a timeline and look at where these coins are now. Muhammad died in 632. There are no coins of any kind bearing his name. There are coins, yes, but. none with his name, they are in Arabic, yes, but nothing about him and that also includes those who came after him, Abu bakar Umar utman and Ali until the year 661, we cannot find any reference to any of these cffs in any currency. So there is no Sasset Empire we look and look at the Arab coins, they are Christian coins, how do we know that just take a look at them, notice, you see that there is Cale, it is not abak, Ali, where is it from? that period of time, but he's up north and he doesn't realize what's on top of his head and what's on his uh, his cane, but also what's on top of the M, which is the number 40, Those are crosses that show that they were all Christians.
If that's the case, what about mu? He must be the first in the Islamic caress because he is the one who introduces the umay K. He lives in Damascus, so he is the one who rules from 661 to 680 and this is the interesting thing. Check it out. on his coins there is an image of mua, notice what is above his head, a cross, notice what he is holding a cross, he has two crosses in each hand and there is a cross above the M on the back of the coin, by the way, These are coins. front and back front and back front and back that's why now there are two of each, especially look at the coin on the right, oh dear, there is muah, he has a cross above his head, he is holding a cross on the back, there is the letter M which is 40 there is a cross above it but look what is written below mahmed mhm d That is Muhammad Muhammad the man look and look at the front and also at the back how could Muhammad be a Christian so obviously this It is not a name, this is a title the anointed one who do you think is the anointed one? look at this inscription here here is an inscription of mu you can see his name right there I just underlined it in red there is his name written in Greek it is not that interesting he is using Greek and he is there in the T dam and he puts it there and says mu ABD the slave of God now remember he is speaking he is using Arabic here Allah is the name of God in Arabic for Christians for Jews for Zorian for Atheists everyone used the name of theah just as we do in English God in English, so it is the generic title for any God, so it is the slave of God or the servant of God and then it says the commander of the believers, commander of which The believers look at the top left and what do they see? over there?
A cross. He is christian. So it is obvious that Mu, who not only has crosses on his coins, also has them on an inscription that shows that he was a Christian. I'm not saying this. The Rocks say it and if I don't say it the rocks are going to scream for me, let the Rocks do the talking folks, that's why we use coins now, let's not stop with the coins and then we'll get to the end of the 7th century and we get to the time of Abdul Malik Abdul Malik comes to power in the year 685 he is a Christian but he is an anti-trinitarian Christian he does not believe in the trinity he does not believe in the Divinity of Jesus he confronts the Byzantine Christians there is an image of the coins with the hercus and its two signs on each side which is a Byzantine Christian solidus gold coin.
He introduces this coin in 692 to Mock heras and watches what he does, he removes the cross and defaces it on the back. an attack against Justinian II the Byzantine calef at that time in 692 Justinian goes to war with him loses the war Malik wins the war and introduces this coin look what he has done now he puts his image on the coin with a sword saying I am the Victor and on the outside it is M because there is only one God but God and the anointed one or the blessed one is the servant of God who is the blessed one here well obviously look at the back you can see that it is everyone attacks Jesus, everyone attacks his Trinity, they attack his divinity, they attack his solar ship, so this is what happens with Jesus, Muhammad, Jesus, the praised one is the servant of God, then take this coin, this is my coin, theI have it, I have it. now it cost me a good penny, a lot of pennies actually and here you can see that he took his image, this is 696, he presents this coin, there is the shahada on the front, there is on the back, it is from chapter 4, verse 171 of the Today's Quran says that there are not three because God is one and he does not have any son who is attacking the Trinity by attacking Jesus.
The Divinity attacking her solar ship. Everything is an attack against Jesus and he is the one praised. The praised one is nothing more than the servant of God. ananti-Trinitarian attack on Byzantine Trinitarian Christianity so that's what the coins do now what about the inscriptions on the rocks the same story in the inscriptions on the rocks the beautiful thing about the rocks they don't disintegrate either look where the inscriptions on the rocks are in the 8th century They are very high in the north, they are very low in the south, why are the rock inscriptions in the middle not where they should be?
If they are all Arabic rock inscriptions and their prayers to Allah, why are they not where Muhammad and Abu are? bakman and Ali, all rightly guided kads live, the reason is very simple. That middle part is All Desert, so when we look at the Rock inscription, you have to go to the ilal instance material. He looked from 640 to 7:40, that's 100 years. period and notice that he said that before 690, except the formula, everything comes after 690, at the end of the 7th century, Muhammad died in 632, so we are 60 years later and there is nothing of Islam in any of these inscriptions and then in the seventh, the eighth century.
Sorry, suddenly this Prophet who was introduced by abdal Malik on his coins in 692, then starts appearing around 710, around 710 to 720, these Muslim rights start appearing, but not the word Muslim, the pilgrimage, the prayer and fasting. It is not until 7:30 that the name Muslim is introduced and the name Islam is introduced referring to a specific people as opposed to Christian people, that is over 100 years late, the inscriptions on the rocks are greatly damaging the Islamic narrative. , it was only in the year 730. Thereafter, there is evidence of popular devotion to Amand Nam Muhammad as a prophet and messenger, making Islamic Traditions incredibly uncomfortable.
Furthermore, there is a ruling from a hundred years before this that Islam did not exist as a distinct religion until a long time ago. after the time of Muhammad, which cast doubt on whether he had any involvement in it, but the name Muhammad appears in Christian writings from the 5th century, so let's look at them quickly now, when you look at the name, remember. that in Arabic the name is not the name it is a title the praised the blessed the anointed on fander Films right now I am putting video after video with Mel my right hand we are putting and we are Following all the ancestry of the name Muhammad, watch the videos on fander Films, we are eliminating the notion that this was a man named Muhammad of Arabia.
This name dates back to 1400 BC. C., it is not a name. It is a title that is there in Song of Songs 5:16 mmad mahmad s Solomon himself refers to himself as mahmed the praised the blessed the anointed, so it is not a name, so almost anyone can use this title in Arabic, even when referring to Jesus Christ to understand this point let us look at the Quran and notice the Dome of the Rock. Let's start by finishing with those two when you look at the Quran there are only four references here is a man who is supposed to be in the entire book.
He's supposed to be around, but he's only been mentioned four times. Jesus referred 93 times. Who do you think is more important to him? In chapter 3, verse 144, in chapter 33, in chapter 47 and in chapter 48, none of them refer to a person named Muhammad who lived in the hijaz in Arabia; they most likely refer to the blessed one, since we have noted that this is the word Muhammad, that is what it means, who could well be Jesus Christ, if this is not the prophet of Mecca, then Muslims cannot use the Quran. to support the existence of Muhammad, the prophets in the 5th century and one of the foundations of the pillars, it becomes completely flat when you look at the Dome of the Rock built by ABD Malik in 691.
Note the inner ambulatory where the two green arrows are . the only original part of the building and look at the inscriptions that are written, they are still there today, they are all again, don't say one, but not three, because God is one and he has no son who is attacking the Trinity, the Divinity of Jesus. God is not Beth nor is he a begotten who is attacking his solar ship and then you have sh Muhammad Ras, there is only one God, but God and the praised one these inscriptions are about are nothing but the messenger of God, if that is correct , then Muslims cannot use. the Dome of the Rock to support the existence of Muhammad in the 7th century, whether as late as 691 and another fundamental pillar of Islam begins to fall, so what about the written references to Muhammad in the 7th century ? to the T for Muhammad, look at the spelling, it is a Persian spelling and this is a narrow look at where the movies are, they are in northern Iraq, this Muhammad comes from northern Iraq, most likely referring to Jesus, there is a flyleaf in 636 that is the name of Muhammad's Arabs who killed many Syrians in yuk yamok that is very high up in Jord in Syria people that Muhammad never went that far north and never fought against the Syrians we do not know of anything that is too far north and then in 660 Seas talks about the Ishmaelites called Mahmed with 12,000 Israelites.
There is no record that 12,000 Arabs associated with Jews who invaded Byzantium in the 7th century. This is not even historical. They have the wrong person in the wrong place and certainly in the wrong place. At the time Johnan Bar Bena is probably closest to Muhammad, the teacher and leader of the Arabs, this is the first really good reference, but it is still too far north and there is no suggestion of Islam or that he is Muslim, and it is John the Mascus whom we must look for. at 7:30 he is the first to make reference to Muhammad and it seems that this is the Muhammad we are looking for, but look at what he says, that he has these ridiculous doctrines and that he comes with four books, the cow, which are the surrau women , which is the table of surah four, which is surah five and the camel, which is the south zero, nothing, there is no camel in the Quran and there are not just four books in the Quran, there are 114, so obviously , whatever Quran you are talking about, it is not the Quran we are talking about.
I have today and look at the date, it's 7:30, he doesn't even refer to Muslims, he calls them Ismailis. Conclusion, any references to Muhammad in 11th century places in Gaza, Jerusalem, Damascus or inh, which are located too far north and probably refer to another Muhammad called praise, not the Muhammad of Islam, are therefore concluded not there are no coins anywhere in central Arabia and that the Arab coins that exist are all further north and are not Islamic at all, but Christian or Zaran up to and including the exchange rate. verya, it is only with the coins introduced by ABD Malik that we possibly begin to find a pre-Islamic currency, however they could be referencing Jesus or any other Cale, even the inscriptions on the rocks say nothing Islamic before 690 and then references to Muhammad from 690 to 710 rights and Muslim prayers uh and pilgrimages and fasts from 710 to 720 and finally the name Muslim and the name Islam that refers to a group that is not Christian from 720 to 7:30 the Koran and the Dome of The Rock does not refer to Muhammad of Islam.
References to Muhammad in the 7th century place him too far north, therefore our conclusion suggests that there was an interesting class between different sects in Christianity, the Trinitarians versus the anti-Trinitarians, and these The latter established their own religion at the time of the Umay dynasty in opposition to Christianity in the mid-8th century, which later transformed into today's Islam during the initial 100 to 200 years of the Abasa dynasty in the 9th and 10th centuries. , everything we know about Islam about this man, about this book, about his entire theology comes from the 9th and 10th centuries, from two to 300 years old, so what about the Quran?
What we do know about the Quran is this. They claim that it is not created. They claim it was sent. They claim that it was completed by Uthman. And they affirm. it did not change if you only remember those four words uncreated it has never been created it is eternal sent to Muhammad between 610 and 632 completed by man in 652 and since the time of 652 there has not been a letter or a word that has been changed now if that is your claim, do we make these claims? Please, let's not do it. The reason we don't is because there is no way we can make those claims, but Muslims have to make them because it is in the Quran itself. uncreated is in chapter 85: 211 and 22, the fact that it has never changed is in chapter 10:15 and also 18: 27 and the reason for the chapter is because Muhammad protects and guards it is in chapter 15: 9, so don't get upset at them for claiming they have to, we would never claim that about the Bible please, wasn't it created by men?
We know that it was not sent to anyone, it was inspired by God, uh, the Bible was complete in its original. How has the Bible been changed? That is a big debate within Christianity. I'm not going to get into that debate. What we do know is that our task today is that we cannot confront those created or sent. What we must face is the complete change of those. The second two, therefore, I am going to demand that any Muslim, if he is going to make these claims, show me a crown manuscript from the mid-9th century that is complete, that is, the 114 SAS and unchanged, exactly like the crown.
Hold my hand today, now, where do we find out about the creation of the crown? We have to go to our good old friend Al Buhari. Note that he is the one who tells us how the Quran was created, but he tells us that in 870 the Quran. It was supposedly compiled and finished in 630 and then compiled in its final form in 652, if that's the case you have almost everything 240 years late, now what Albari says is this that when Muhammad died in 632, the man had to rewrite Chron in 652 and sent five copies of that Rewritten to five different cities BAS bdad uh Damascus Mecca and Medina.
Here's the problem he posted in 652, where is even one of them? What we do know is that later, at the end of the 7th century. According to tradition, not me, according to tradition another Starly Quran appears in Damascus with 116 suras, which are two more than the Quran we have today written by ubin KB. Another appears in bdad written by IB masud. It only has 110 suras, which is four less in the Quran. we have today and then another one from IB mus appears in uh in Bas and it has 114 STS and the grain is the original, can you see that they do not equate, but therefore there were at least five different CR in the 7th Century of Mecca Medina Vasa Kufa and Damascus Why don't we have one of them today?
That was only 1400 years ago, but then something happens between the 7th and 8th centuries, the Kat crans start appearing, what are we talking about? a historical review Arabic in the 7th century only had about 16 letters that is the problem 16 consonants there were no vowels at that time Arabic today has 28 consonants now how do we know because later periods were added in the 8th and 19th centuries in order so let me show you what I'm talking about the original or oldest manuscripts, we have the Su on the left, the saana on the right. Notice that they have no periods or vowels, how would you read them?
Can any Arabic speaker read them? Can not. So what you have to do is create vowels. This is Modern Standard Arabic. Notice that there are 28 letters, but six of them do not need a period. The alif does not need a period. The bracelet does not need a stitch. DOT neither the lamb nor the MIM nor the ha nor the wow those six don't need points all the other points 22d so if you put one point above it becomes an a nen two points above becomes a t or three points above becomes in TH or a th one dot below becomes a b or a ba and two dots below becomes a and or a and now you have five dots you can make five different letters, suddenly it starts appearing but you need pronunciation if you have a C CTIC above it becomes o or dhama one below becomes e or Kasa one above becomes a or f so friends, can you see if you put those three dots and with vowels together and could you put them just three letters next to each other?
You can get 19 different words just by changing the dots here. Can you see why dots and vowels are so important, but there were no dots or vowels in the 7th century? If the Quran had been created in the 7th century, then what is it, what Quran are we? using today, well obviously once points and arcs started being introduced, a lot of people started putting their points where they wanted and their votes where they wanted and started creating cron all over the place, cron SP Crown B, so many. that according to Dr. shasa in the and these are the seven that he chose.
Nafi from30 different answers so someone had to do something so they went to Alazar University and asked Muhammad Ali Al hus alhadad to please choose just one and he chose this one why because this is the one the Ottomans chose they liked it the most that's why they were the ones who used it from the 1300s from the 14th century and that's why all those manuscripts have the changes because they controlled those manuscripts for 700 years, so he said with all these manuscripts we have to have that one because that was the one that became the focus, which was the standard for everyone else, therefore had to choose the Huff STS.
That was so successful because they took the other 29 Qurans out on a boat and threw them into the Nile River thinking that would be the end of the story. They did not know that many people had been converted to the other Qurans. Such a problem throughout Egypt that in 1936 they had to make Huff the standard text for the entire country and that is what they did in 1936 which was so successful in Egypt that Arabia Saudi decided to make the Huff Tex that was chosen there in 1924 the official text for the whole world, friends, that was 39 years ago, if any of you are listening, if you were around in 1985, it is older than the canonical text of the Quran , that makes them quite old, right?
But friends, before we continue. I mean this, what have been the latest discoveries and this is by far the most damaging and this is the most exciting. I'm going to finish this, we're almost done, wait, we're almost done, this man here is a friend of mine, his name is Dr. G Ling in 200 uh 1970. He did his doctoral thesis in Germany on the beautiful poetry he was finding in the Quran and said: I have seen this poetry before. It's beautiful now. He is not only Arabist. He is also a Siri scholar, so he went back to the syak writings and when he took out the vows, when he took out the dots, remember you put dots and you put in votes when you only have 16 letters, he took them out and went back to the syak papers. and guess what he found, he discovered that all this beautiful poetry came from Christian hymns written in the 5th and 6th centuries exm Opus is the highest qualification you can get in Germany and you should have been given a professorship for getting that to get an exop .
He was expelled from the academy and I found him in the 1990s, late 1990. I went to his house and met his wife. I said, could you give me your PhD? He brought it back to England. I translated it into English. You can see it well there. there they challenged you to Islam to reform you need to read the fine print the fine print there that's really what it's about the people who have resurrected him have brought him out of obscurity now that his book has been so popular and we are pushing it so it had to be reprinted and that's why there is a new reprint last year that destroyed what they have now died in 2014 a man happy for what Kristoph Luxenberg did another German that is not his real name it is a pseudonym decided Go one step further when you look at the Quran in Arabic today, about 25% of the Quran doesn't make sense in Arabic and even scholars don't know what to do with it, so he decided to do what Gluning did and decided to go. and look at what they call the dark passages, that's that 25%, I just wanted to know what they said and he looked at that and started doing seven different layers, he looked at the AL 10th Century T, he couldn't help you, he looked at Listen what's the dictionary written by IB in 129 which didn't help him, so he went to homonyms and pyms in Aramaic and suddenly he started finding a lot of similarities, a lot of hominus words, so he took out the diacritics and put back the syc diacritics and then he went looking Aramaic roots in these words using the different diacritics, he was then able to retranslate the Arabic words into Aramaic and then, using the 10th century Aramaic lexicon, he was able to reproduce the entire Dardo. passages, 25% of them, and guess what he found once he took the Arabic Quran back to his Syrian Aramaic.
Aramaic roots. All the missing dark passages for men were Christian lectionaries. Christian homilies and Christian hymns. All about Jesus Christ. All about Jesus. nothing to do with what they found but who they found people, this is exciting, which means that if you take the crown back to its original roots and take these dark passages and this beautiful poetry, the best part of the Quran is about the conclusion of Jesus looking In the four periods of Texal evolution of the 7th century, we have the Aramaic text that was translated into Arabic. Once they did that, they had to start putting the dots and vowels where they wanted them in the eth and n9th centuries and that became the beginning. with the Arabic RM manuscripts that later became the Gat, the critical problems that created 700 Qurans in the 10th century, which were then reduced in the 15th century to 30, which then in the 20th century had to be reduced to just one.
Huff Tex, so friends, you can see, finally remember the four statements I made about the Quran. The authority that Muslims claim is eternal sent complete and unchanged, remember those four statements I made at the beginning, we pretty much shut them down. Not today, in just one hour and 20 minutes, what I'm going to do is ask those four that are not from our Bible, because in our Bible we would not make those four statements. I said it from the beginning, but we have another word. of God, don't we know that his name is Jesus Christ? Wasn't Jesus also the logos in John 1?
Was he not also the word of God? So, let's apply our final Revelation, our main Revelation, and ask, is Jesus Eternal? Yes, Jesus was sent. below yes, Jesus is absolutely complete, Jesus has never changed absolutely, therefore, the four criteria that Muslims look for in their Quran, their main revelation, we already have in Jesus Christ. Our main Revelation people, we need to bring them home to a much greater and much better Revelation. Let's conclude and here are my conclusions from everything I have said today. Four areas we analyzed. Conclusion number one. My task really was to research both Muhammad's Mecca and the Quran.
When we analyzed the sources, it was obvious that everything depends on the Muslims. The additional existing books are based on traditions that arrive between two and 300 years late and hundreds of kilometers too north of Mecca, which showed that probably the biggest problem for Muslims is the standard Islamic narrative that refers to a place with a lot of vegetation existing since the time of Adam. Eve and with 300 prophets buried there, however, there is no reference to it until 741 and none of the early maps show Mecca at all. Patricia Kona debunked the Watts land base trade route. Theory dating back to 1987, we debunked the Red Sea trade route three. via Arabia proving that everything was via Africa because it had water and all the 8th century gias were in front of Petra until 7:06 and not towards Mecca until 7, actually that should be 7:15 none of the surrounding empires He had heard of Mecca and all of the stages of the Huds were simply borrowed from other places, mainly Jerusalem, so Muhammad's coins showed that the area under Islam was Christian or Zarian until the year 692.
The The Rock's inscriptions demonstrated that Islam as we know it did not appear until 7:30. references to Muhammad are too far north or refer to another person who is praised the cran the six oldest manuscripts prove that men created six different crans between the 7th and 9th centuries the folli of birmingh Prov that Muslims created baral stories a lot before the Quran, the 30 Kats that proliferated between the 8th and 10th centuries demonstrated that the Quran was evolving everywhere, delaying the 26 kots in 2016 in Speaker's Corner opened a whole can of worms for Muslim scholars, the interview on the 8th June 2020 created a platform for us to make public the Kat narrative and the 29 Kat variants thrown into theal in 1924 proved that when Muslims encounter problems with their Quran, they burn them, wash them, erase them, cover them or They sink them to destroy the evidence that continues in the 4,000 conal.
The variants that Dan Breaker found that were addressed by Muslims showed that ACC believed deleted and corrupted its text before standardizing it in the last century. The 63 fragments used to find only 96% of the crown show that they still cannot find a complete crown for more than a century. hundred years, since the fragments are provisional or have the Aramaic protocol. The Quran shows that when we return to the text we find Jesus, why are we surprised? Therefore, let us review what happened among the Arabs of the 7th and 8th centuries to create their own distinctive identity. they needed a book they needed a man they needed a place because we as Christians and Jews had a book, a man and a place, so what did they do to get the Quran?
Muhammad Mecca, they couldn't get it in 22 years, so they had to do it. borrow and that took centuries to prove that Islam is as man-made as any other religion, unlike Christianity, we can use this material today to refute the preservation of the Quran Muhammad and Mecca. It is Islam and not us who are arguing from science as We now have evidence from the 19th century that they do not have these arguments that affect the very basis of Islam, but they are neutral and politically correct. The reason why this is so popular and why so many people ask me to use all of this. all over the world I went to Nigeria to present it I went to South Africa to use it I was in Switzerland and then in Italy before that I'm going to Poland where you will go many places next year because everyone wants it because, first of all, it's easy to use, it's a visual prompt that everything I've shown you today has to do with images of coins, rocks, buildings, maps, timelines and manuscripts, even speaking fast like I do, you still get it.
The essence of what I'm saying is that you don't need to know a word of Arabic to understand everything I've said today. Note that it is fundamental to everything Muslims believe: a man, a book, a place, but without any of the three. Islam is crumbling, so we face all three. It is historically neutral and therefore not Islamophobic or hateful, so everyone can use it. Christians are the only ones who have a book, a man and a place to respond to, basically to give them as an alternative we are the only ones who understand the power of historical criticism and therefore we have the right to use it because it has already been used in against us we are the only ones who have a better answer and a better solution and who do you think is his name is his name is Jesus friends, that's why we need to use this material

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