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Level 125 How To Unlock FREE Fortnite NEW Glider My 2 Kids Unlocking FREE Fortnite Reward Today.

Mar 23, 2024
I want to see oh yeah three dollars in a game yeah let me see I'm just shooting them come in oh there's one there oh they're running out and then there's two there that's crazy I'm true in




video me and my two


are going to go to a game of Fortnite and we are going to get the victory, guys, yes, yes, we are going to get the new Victory Royale umbrella in this video, we are going to win, yes, and we are going to We will all use the new


100 skin, They are ageless, so


I bought Harrison the full battle pass, the T100 battle pass.
level 125 how to unlock free fortnite new glider my 2 kids unlocking free fortnite reward today
From Harrison I bought the T100 battle pass yesterday from Freddie and yesterday I also bought the


100 battle pass. pass, we are all going to show the level 100 skin in this video and then we will achieve victory. I will look at the umbrella and we will also show it in the game. Yes, yes, guys, you know there isn't one. Built-in emote for this skin, yeah, yeah, Call to Arms, let's do it at the same time, okay, three, two, one emo, yeah, that's a good emo, yeah, that's really cool, let's do another hero at the same time, already You know, in bold.
level 125 how to unlock free fortnite new glider my 2 kids unlocking free fortnite reward today

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level 125 how to unlock free fortnite new glider my 2 kids unlocking free fortnite reward today...

Let's do that at the same time, ready, yeah,


two foreign Ji guys, one emo, before we all jump into a game of Fallout and get an umbrella Royale victory. I'm going to show everyone right now my setup that I'm going to use. with the level 100 skin, so I will use this style in the game. I'm going to use your back bling. I'm going to use the collection tool on him and you know this outfit, you know the colors, yeah, I think Victory Royale used an umbrella, yeah, it's the same colors as him. I think it's basically his umbrella, it's his


level 125 how to unlock free fortnite new glider my 2 kids unlocking free fortnite reward today
I'm going to use their harvester saw, which has a nice Splash effect. I'm going to use their


, which is a really cool glider. I'm going to use the storm wake, he doesn't actually come with a wake, so I picked a position. I think it's going well, yeah, I'll let you know what I'll change, let me change that too, yeah. I'm going to use the filled dough for its dough, oh well, it actually changed color, no, not really, it went out, yeah, because when there's electricity, because when you see, if you stop, oh, okay, yeah, look , it's doing it on my screen now, yeah, oh.
level 125 how to unlock free fortnite new glider my 2 kids unlocking free fortnite reward today
I'm going to use this, yeah, that's cool, this is your built-in emoticon. I'm using Fortnite Head. We'll have to try it again because it's a synchronized um emo. Yes, I will do it with you. I'm using the test front emo because at the boss location, we'll land at the bus location, we'll steal his loot, we'll defeat him guys and we'll steal his cargo, but there's a chair there, it's a little bit bigger than this, but It looks exactly like this, that's why I have this on the Evo eye balance board, the best EVO in the game right now, in my opinion, I love this emote, yes, in fact I think this is, oh, wait a minute, yeah, that's good too, that's good too, yeah.
I'm using this Bob emote, a speech bubble, so this is the amount you're talking about. Do you think this is the best for players, yes, yes, it's a good emote and then I'll use the wrapper for it, which is really cool. this is the loading screen it comes with too yeah harrison you just told me it's a really good emo what's it called it's finished i'll just write it oh yeah this one's finished yeah that's it the perfect emo Harrison. good choice, yeah, good choice, okay guys, get ready, now we're going to get into a game of Fortnite and we're going to get this victory or mine, now you're on your ass, I'm alone, okay?
I'm alone I don't think we're going to win no I think we're actually thinking we're going to land on the boss location okay okay I'll get his loot first guys we have to land on the Citadel turns blue the control doesn't shows, has an error and then I do it. I wonder if I can go back, oh, you can, yeah, you know, like the little cube, uh, Queen glider, yeah, you can go back, oh yeah. Doom is working again, so if I start. I'll shoot down yeah it'll turn blue yeah that's so cute ah I got some buttons yeah I'll get some weapons it's really hard to defeat by the way you know before.
He had a strategy. I went to the front of the building and took out a piece of the wall which I learned to carry it to where the wall was and I took it out and then I shot him and he missed, he actually missed, I don't know if I can do that again but there is a vending machine , guys, comically, I've got a shield um oh yeah, I like these guys, yeah, uh, I've got a show kicker, save the launch code, there's also someone who wants that shirt, no, I know we've got this right, Come on, come on, we need more ammo for the So what's going on with IHS?
Yeah, um, yeah, so I basically hit this wall here, look, I grabbed that ball there and then I picked it up and then I stood up. I basically modeled here and then it's a little bit complicated to do, but yeah. yeah I stood here and then he was there and I was shooting him I'll go get him huh she barely didn't have a body to help you and he missed yeah let's try it sometimes it doesn't always do. spawn right here it could spawn right at the top we might get lucky he won't be here let's see if it works again it's really very powerful by the way wow okay come on okay it's coming it's coming hello I've got the score oh let's see it's coming oh just we'll kill him yeah we're leaving uh always what Mystic okay now take the shotgun yeah oh that's a mistake oh it is oh whoa oh Fred I need to make a milestone quickly without what a store like yeah, let me still, you can have it, you can have it.
I just need to do something. I need to do it twice, yes, yes. I think I have to batch like two or three times for a milestone. I'm just going to Take this one, there's a brown pig. Brown hole. Oh, maybe I have to do more without the monster who wants him back. You want it? Yes, it's a household item, yes, yes, I have a dirt bike. I want to stick with me, yeah, it's really good. Harrison. Yeah the Hammer is really good, well I'm about to run over myself. I just went through a flow in my mind, hey man, dad and daddy won't die like Harrison. um, listen, ready to go because the storm is coming soon.
Yes, I will do it. go up the stairs I have my own dirt bike cameras look at Harrison look look at my dirt bike I'm about to do something oh look at this look how cool it's cute oh I broke there oh geez wait let me check I think guns in this family they're so much better it's basically like a completely different game to me yeah definitely yeah scar too yeah it's basically like a completely different game yeah foreigner I know I'll forget the motorcycle I mean I'm just using that shot . right now, oh god, I got it, it's cool, oh, I'm about to do something and it has to go up the mountain, it's true, I don't know what it is, but it's okay, it's that big, oh, and it's gone, Oh yeah. stand on them, stand on them, wait for it to load, look at this, look at this, where are you? okay, when I get on the thing, stop, captain, geez, oh yeah, I want this bike, let's get on it, so it's slow, did you see that? color, then it's, oh, the wheels are actually coming off of it, what are you doing?
I put on a legendary shotgun version of course we dad I'm just moving on it's still 52 plays yeah no someone. I don't know why this person on the team let me in. Come out, oh my swan, what's this watch, okay, I'll look for someone, oh, there's God, I've got it, I'll get it, I'm coming for you, boom, did you see this disappear, this rifle, then, one time? I haven't used it, I have them in my last bullet watch oh, what bullets did you take even if it's a shotgun? I take shotgun oh yes, it does. It's basically like a boomerang.
Let me fast forward. Oh my god, what did I do? What I have just done? oh my lucky launcher oh yeah rocket league is this again yeah in the shotgun i got slap jokes look it actually stops it so if i like that yeah look around without fighting basically , stop, yes, I found her, oh, I found a look. I found this thing called Congo Berries I know it's an awesome slap so your auto Rumble actions you know you can turn where the slipper is where that slipper is I'm doing it I give you a shield 10 too oh yeah oh that's cold oh yeah I need a foreign assault rifle oh there's something you can do with this there's a glitch you can do with this you see this wall on the timer I just cast you know your milestone and jump now jump and then if you keep mastering it it counts towards your, uh, you know your milestone, you know your milestone, if you take it in turns it counts towards your milestone, I just threw that in, well I've done a lot of God, oh God, there are three flames, wait, wait, don't do anything, I want to see let me see I'm just shooting at them come in oh there's one there oh they're running out and then there's two there that's crazy yeah it's the chocolate instead of the game oh there's yeah I said I need look. it's


alarm it's in a game oh yeah that should light up a new place in the game it's nice oh wait I'll go do something tonight yeah I'm going swimming oh boom oh good teamwork no Harrison you should have done that I've seen what dad and I thought.
Did you make it so that it would leave it low with the light? I miss him. I think it was something, yeah, the rifle, yeah, yeah, you know they'll miss it, yeah, and he fell in love with it and then. I went at him with the Shockwave hammer and then killed him and finished him off. I better get changed, oh no Harrison, why are you throwing me into the storm? Are you up to the storm? I just threw it back in the stomach, yeah we are. we only have players on me, get some players on them, I'm coming, can I kill with my rocket launcher?
So here's someone who didn't kill him. The foreigner gets involved when he simply goes for someone else. Now it's just um, uh, four, no. one only one one player left two players two and I want to get the last kill with uh my rifle get my last the last here with the rifle he is the last player don't shoot oh where is he where is he there he is Isn't that right ? I'll close them. I'll distract him. Do you want me to release it to the overseas store? Good job, there it is guys, what we just did, we looked at the Peerless sunshade, we all just did it.
That's great yeah we all got the Royale victory and


ed the new free Harrison High Five glider Freddie high five good win so we should go to another game quickly and show the umbrella and the game real quick let me go. to my place what says it part of it is not part of any heavy set like the head that this Brella uses a kind of flame that comes out of the top like a silver flame yes, that's cool, it's definitely his colors, definitely his glider , Did you know? Also, you see all this smiling, this is actually Seasons, so it's winter, summer, fall, spring, there are Seasons, let's try it.
What's happening? Not when it's like one. How about one? He just shoots you in the BattleBots. The Battle Pass now spawns on the Battle Bus. over here, over here, look, you can actually see it oh yeah, it's right there, quick, fold it, we go in or not. I actually prefer this Bell boss to the original, yeah, okay, let's show this umbrella so it has two gliders, then. now he has two gliders, yes he has the winner and he has his on the stairs, yes this one is definitely his. I like this glider. It's great, yes, it's cold.
Someone missed his things. I do not know what that means. Maybe he left and says. I opted out rather than delete them Maybe patients, yeah, yeah, there's that head there, there's a teddy bear head, yeah, oh yeah, no suggestions yet, right guys? I never knew it was there, yeah I just got that house. I don't know the event. that's how this came up, yeah, yeah, it blocked the whole screen, that's how big the teddy bear's head is, three, two, a skateboard, oh you're too cool, perfect timing, tho YouTube, yeah, no , I'll try to join at the perfect time, so that's it.
For this video I'm troma, I'm Freddie and I'm Harrison, we upload videos every day together, so that's what you need to do to get the free umbrella, just get a Royale win in any game mode, solo, duo, trio or Squad in xero construction or not in zero construction, just enter any game mode, um, and yes, you can


the umbrella for free when you get the victory, so that's it for this video, this is what the umbrella looks like in the game if you are new. channel subscriber notifications and see you in our next video tomorrow.
I'm Truman, I'll see you and then I'll be out on Friday.

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