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Aftermath of Beryl at Dublanc

Jul 05, 2024
Good morning viewers, this is emo news from Dominica. We are here in the town of Dubla to inform you about the


of Hurricane Barriel. Stay tuned as we drive through the village to interview some of the residents, as well as the parliamentary representative of the Colo constituency. My name is George. I'm currently the chairman of the fishing group in Dublin, so ahead of the upcoming weather, guys, well, I'm linked with the disaster committee on the island. As soon as they sent messages, I forwarded them to the group for the guys to take early action and in terms of securing the ships and the rest of the properties like the Nets and things like they had, so, having said that, well, last night was when the action really started because people had to stay up all night.
aftermath of beryl at dublanc
Basically, I was a little tired, so I couldn't participate physically, but then I heard all the commercials from my point of view and, yeah, basically you know. That's what it was, but then, well, the guys had to further secure like about four boats that wouldn't rise high enough, yeah, but then overall we didn't suffer any serious damage. Thank you very much, that's the area. As you heard, most of the ships will already come in, so we are also here with this gentleman. Good morning, sir, good morning, how are you not so bad? How did it go last night?
aftermath of beryl at dublanc

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aftermath of beryl at dublanc...

Good, bad, very bad, the first time. I'm 30 something years old. and last night was the worst night for me, the worst night because I was in there and I mean well I don't have kids with me so I can take my chances so I say if things get serious I'll run so I was there 8 : I in a wave step in wave I didn't take it for nothing because I used to see because it's spending my life then I go down while I'm in the kitchen inside the lie and then I only find what noise I put some of my things there, you should pick them up there and then , from there, I place 40 t um 45 grams of water filled at the top of the step.
aftermath of beryl at dublanc
You go with her and you see the bags and you fill them there with sun and in the back. from the kitchen It goes with everything, so while I'm there, you can come while I'm there, you could damage it the first time, so I call my boy to fuck it for me, he nails it, as you can see after I fuck it key, it's still up. so they cooked everything inside in a mess so I don't have a house now my whole house damages everything everything has things that go away but I'll even know what's inside so that's the damage I have I don't have a house now wow yeah that's another thing, yeah, see, so the water went all over the H, around it, everything, this is your door, yeah, listening to one of them, so you have some cleaning to do today.
aftermath of beryl at dublanc
No, I can't clean, not clean, I just have. For one of I've had enough 30-something years I need to do something more next time maybe my life will go away because last night when I ran away from home I went through all that um of I don't know, I stayed in my country I can't do anything like before , so classy, ​​I just have to live through the fiscal year and I have no other option, thanks for talking to emo news and we hope for the best, we hope you get help, yes, hopefully, yes, but last night. tell us about your encounter here in Du it was very very very bad very bad we had a lot of work to do at sea when the SE started alone we had all the boats in the sh this was running under all the boats we had to leave people I had to go and help them lift the boats again because they were floating on the show, so what time was it?
Well, I don't know exactly not before that, but we all went out after being free this morning, so people in this area see it. It suffered a lot of damage. His door exploded. Its windows exploded. He sees water entering all the houses along the road to take a look. So we, let's just take a look at the amount of water that came in here. Florida floods. Yes, you can see that. Cleaning has started here in dub friends as you can see a lot of water inside this house here in dubl, K LOVE constituency representative, theable D and P Mr.
P, how are you? I'm, I'm fine, I'm fine, where were they? when all this was happening in CIO, you mostly know to look at what's happening down there, because you know it started, it started pretty much late at night in terms of the high tides, so I was in K and I just came down from K and then BOS and now we are in Dubla watching the disaster. I mean, this hasn't been resolved yet, so it's still ongoing, but we can already see major damage, especially in The Villages of K and in Du BOS. BOS suffered less damage in the two of these two villages, um, what we have is essentially the SE reaching Du right now, we see it reaching people's houses, um, it continues to show, but this is an almost problem recurring with J.
It keeps getting worse from one disaster to the next and it just highlights the need for us to move these residents away from that dangerous area because this is uninhabitable right now, people can't continue living in those. conditions, as you can see, every time there is a small IT, it goes into people's houses, etc. So you know it's just another symptom of the overall climate change that's taking place. It's early July, this is not the kind of weather I'm talking about. Yes, we are in hurricane season, but it is not normal for us to have such severe weather so early in hurricane season and you know, that makes you really worried about what might happen later when we reach the peak of the hurricane . season, so if this is happening this early, then you know you really have to be worried about what could happen later, so we just have to continue right now, continue to encourage people to stay alert, listen to the warnings of hurricanes, you know, pay attention.
What is happening? The good thing is that we got early information for all our officers and I think people were very reactive this time so we didn't lose any boots so even if we had some really bad ones I see. I didn't get any reports of missing boots so it was great that the disaster management teams called du and shut up, they were on top of it the whole time making sure the information and the news was passed on so people would take um . early measures to safeguard their property and themselves, so we had no loss of life, no bodies injured, boots lost etc, that was excellent.
I really want to applaud the villagers etc. so, but you know, it's just the regular cycle of natural disasters going on, but it's just that the impact is becoming more profane, as we can see, thank you very much, Mr. P, and all the best to your constituents, thank you , they said W was higher than that last night good morning good morning how are you? I'm fine tell us your name Philipa so tell us your experience last night well last night I got up early I don't see the point of this but this morning I come and see the damage this on my downstairs there is water there but we can't go there you can't no I don't have a Shel to see I can take this out and P your to see no I can't go up but not down right, because downstairs is my son who is wandering around on the floor below, but he had time to take out all his clothes and so on, but all the Other things that were downstairs are done on the floor below, so I know that when this SE arrives, I have endless work for me. i work for myself but i have it custom, okay the best, okay, B is so fair to the SE, this is an emo news report from the town of du, thank you all for watching.

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