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How I Killed EVERYONE in Hitman Without ANYONE Seeing Me(even for 1 frame)

Jun 03, 2024
In the Hitman games, players have the freedom to do pretty much anything their hearts desire, so naturally the first thing they did with that freedom was to indiscriminately kill


in each level and some


went so far to do it without being Not a single body will be found, but me. I'm going to take it to the absolute extreme. I'm going to complete Hitman's most populated level, Seale Island, without


noticing that someone died without changing their costume and without being seen by






. How is this possible? Join me and let's find out for this mission.
how i killed everyone in hitman without anyone seeing me even for 1 frame
I'm going to a big party for rich people on a secluded island and before the challenge begins I have to choose what to bring with me. I didn't know exactly what I would need, so I went with a general approach. I took a lockpick, an explosive device, an edic dart gun, and a silenced pistol. I also chose to spawn in the keep since it was the only spawn that gave me a bit of room to move around without being seen. I spawned and immediately the quest has a pretty serious problem to deal with, not only does it have over 350 characters that I can kill, but there is also a guy walking around called the constant that I can't kill without instantly failing the quest and I wasn't .
how i killed everyone in hitman without anyone seeing me even for 1 frame

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how i killed everyone in hitman without anyone seeing me even for 1 frame...

Just kidding when I said I was going to kill


, so somehow I'll have to find a way to avoid it. At some point, things started out pretty simple. I went downstairs and saw some guards open a door and were discovered, what does that mean? yellow arrow on the screen I tried again and they saw me again. I tried for an embarrassing amount of time to kill a couple of people before finally getting into the swing of things. I was finally able to defeat the first two guards in the spinning building. in the sink to distract one and separate them.
how i killed everyone in hitman without anyone seeing me even for 1 frame
I also see that in the top left corner it appears whenever someone investigates something, including dead bodies, so I always know when and where a body was found with the first room cleared. I started looking for valuables. and in the first building I discovered a really fun and abuseable trick to help me with this challenge. In this building I can find some cannonballs, a bust, and a briefcase on the couch, and for some reason in Hitman the guards consider briefcases as items. that should be kept for pickup and delivery to a designated location. This is already great for separating guards in certain places, but it gets even better.
how i killed everyone in hitman without anyone seeing me even for 1 frame
Some guards are incredibly lazy and will refuse to move the briefcase themselves and will instead radio another guard to do it for them. It just so happens that the only other guard in this building is one of those lazy guards and he'll call the people in the other buildings to guard the briefcase. Its range is It's not unlimited, but I can use this trick to take out about 20 guards from other buildings and in this challenge I'm going to take advantage of every advantage I can because every ounce of space I have control over can mean the difference between being discovered or sneak away Unseen, I built up a sizeable pile of bodies and eventually there was no guard for the lazy guard to call, so he took the briefcase and made it himself, where I removed it and finished the pile.
This building is also where the constant remains for a period of time, so after eliminating and hiding the guard and butler in this room, I remove the constant and save it here for the end of the mission because, for reasons that I will explain later, it has to be the last one. person who


now with 25 people dead and finally being outside the spawn building, the madness of this challenge was starting to set in. I could see dozens of people walking around, all looking in seemingly every direction simultaneously. There was almost nowhere I could reach. invisible, but I didn't come here without a plan.
I knew beforehand how dense the population of this map is and had a simple strategy in mind. I needed to control more space, although there are extremely dense areas on this map, there are also some extremely empty areas as well, if I circle around the map and take control of these less dense areas, I should be able to start sending shipments to the denser areas from all of them. directions, so that's what I did. I started by cleaning up the people who were wandering around the well. and also to be seen a couple more times, just in case, I used coins, since when you throw coins, the characters in the car will turn and look at where they landed and a person will go see it if they were nearby.
Luckily for me, this map has a large amount of coins in the form of collectible tokens, these are my most powerful tool for separating people and are what I use to separate and eliminate many of the smaller groups around the border of the mission before hiding their bodies in the grass, oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this challenge is a little more difficult. I banned the use of containers or cliffs that make bodies completely impossible to find just to stay alert during this section of the mission. I also started abusing the way the coin works, you see when you toss a coin you would expect it to attract people nearby but the way the sound lure works is really strange, when the coin lands it creates a bubble a Its surroundings that only stop with walls or full doors, as a counterpart, the bubble is actually quite large, meaning if there is a single opening, an NPC will notice it and head to see it no matter how far away it is.
This means you can attract people who are on completely different stories than you and they will actually walk. long distances just to hear the sound of nickels, for example, when you throw a coin on this staircase, this guy here will notice and walk to where he can hit you on the head while he bends down to pick it up. This allowed me to take out everyone except one person on this rooftop without setting foot there once as the last guy never moves so I quietly left him on the ground and went about my business and at this point I was thinking that coins will completely break this challenge.
You could just throw in some coins and wait for people to come and take them out. It may take me a few hours, but that's okay. This should be very simple, but of course it wasn't enough to make it trivial because I soon discovered that there are several points on the map with super dense groups of characters standing in open areas that I can't get close to along with other groups of characters in small rooms. They are closed from all directions, so I was forced to continue. with my original strategy of clearing space to take as much control of the map as I could and it turns out that all I could control was very little and after a full hour and a half my control had grown but in very small amounts I was able to take control of the first building , the well, two roofs and some grass.
This challenge really completely changed the way the game was played. Unlocking new areas was incredibly rewarding due to the time it took to clear areas, but since anyone could spot me at any time, it came with the fear of being spotted by a character I never knew existed and being forced to go back to the last save. It actually reminded me a lot of what it feels like to play Elden Ring, but instead of


a super cool new boss when I unlock an area. I am discovered by someone who spends their entire life looking at the exact same spot on the ground and I am discovered many times.
I would be too stubborn to save much time, so I would trust. in Cars saves for a significant portion of the race, but that only happens every 10 minutes or so, which sounds pretty frequent, but when I got caught hundreds of times, that stubbornness became detrimental and I wasted hours of my life just because I couldn't save. . but eventually all the easy people fell and I had


about 80 characters in total in that time. I also killed my first target, but in this challenge they don't do anything special or have anything really interesting, they're actually easier to take. down since they walk further than most people and will enter my domain at some point without me having to do anything, so I didn't even realize who I killed.
Oh, that was my goal, but now it was time for the difficult groups, these are the groups. of partygoers standing around drinking and talking about how it's almost impossible to split these groups up properly, which is why I've been taking control of the map the way I have with the amount of space I have, my strategy is to surround the group. like a shark and eliminate the stragglers, allowing me to reach the center without being seen. This party above is a great example, as some of the guards have already been taken out by my briefcase trick early on.
I was able to slowly eliminate people, one at a time. By luring them into different rooms I had taken by combining my lockpick with the different ledges covering this map, I was able to access most of the rooms on this floor, making this strategy extremely effective. Finally, by using this strategy, there was no one left. On the floor and I had expanded my domain to the upper party room, my second target also arrived here completely alone, so I knocked her out to save her for later. I continued using this strategy to clear the burial site, the art gallery, and an entire building.
I tried using this in the underground area of ​​the prison, but it ended up being a more daunting task than I expected. Apparently, underneath the map there is a prison area where the player rarely plays a regular match. There are like 12 and 15 guards all gathered together. He was also in a circle talking to a couple of other characters in the room. I tried just using coin bait to get rid of the guards, but eventually I got to a point where some of the guards could no longer hear the coins and there were still four or more left. five of them were standing, so I had to use one of my limited resources.
There are some guards on this map that cast flashbangs when pacified and I had collected a few at this point by lining up my flashbang in a very specific spot where I can flash. the entire group and kill them all without being seen by a single one. It was fun to do, but I was trying to save as many resources as possible in case something happened later in the race because this mission doesn't end with its unique challenges alone however, there were also a couple of other pretty difficult areas on the map. , like the storage room, but instead of being an interesting puzzle to me, a lot of them were just waiting a long time for people to walk over to the coin baits. as it was before, so let's skip that and get to the most difficult section of this Mission, the outdoor partygoers, but if you want to see how I did the other things or any other details, the full recording is on the description. this video is an unlisted video so if you want to waste a whole day watching that recording then do it, it's in the description so now let's move on to the most difficult section of this Mission, the outdoor party goers to At first glance I thought they would be It's completely impossible, there are literally hundreds of people down there, but I had to start somewhere.
I found that a couple of people would still fall for the old coin trick, so I used it to eliminate about a third of the first group, although it wasn't easy. Since they wouldn't actually hear if I threw the coin onto the railing, I instead had to throw it onto the rock next to the railing to get into their audio bubble, meaning almost all the coins end up in the party area. . so I just have to wait for people to pick them up and bring them to me, so I abused the briefcase trick to keep getting this woman to send me guards one at a time and since my coin trick had eliminated everyone watching this direction in which I could kill every guard without being seen, you might notice some people apparently looking at me, but they are not actually real, it's not me trying to gaslight you, they don't really exist.
I call these NPCs ghosts, they can't see, they can't hear. and if they get scared and run away, they will disappear into thin air as if they never existed, they only exist to make the levels look more populated, but you can't do anything to them except kill them, since they all have one HP, an easy way to The difference is that real NPCs will have an outline when you enter Instinct and fake ones won't either when you encounter fake NPCs, they will just slide around while real NPCs won't move at all. Still, I'll avoid them. as much as possible, but it is inevitable that you will be close to them at some points for these outdoor people.
I also had to use another trick that I've been trying to avoid using all this time, the double coin bait, basically once someone hears a coin, then you can flip another coin to get them more and this can be done pretty much forever. It's completely broken and would break a lot of the strategy for this run, so I've been trying to avoid using it for as long as possible.possible. but some specific party goers just couldn't do it, otherwise I was forced to use this double coin bait to clear the first party area, the upper drinking area and the money fire, but interestingly in the area From the money fire there were actually a couple of people who weren't moving at all and they were all looking at each other.
I don't know what was wrong with them, but apparently they just didn't want to move. I don't know why they didn't have ears but that's why I brought my edic dart gun from the start of the race, this thing will force someone to move making them sick and it's a good thing only a few people had this problem because I only got two shots . I just had to use the first one to take this guy out and while he's vomiting I can kill him, then I can kill this woman and only the fake NPCs will notice so they don't count the real woman who is still standing.
The crowd, for some reason, doesn't care and with that only one person was left, this woman standing alone unaware that all the other people here are dead. I shot and killed her, I was finally done and ready to take out all my frustration in this level on all these ghosts, wait what do you mean someone was seen? You wouldn't believe the shocked look I had on my face after killing everyone. Throughout the level, the armors that decorate the hallways and that can be used as disguises came to life and began to run around looking for different bodies that had been left outside, it was absolute chaos and the real challenge had barely begun, it was a puzzle in order to deduce where these bodies were being discovered, he would hide the bodies and check to see if the knights had found more and they always had.
Most of them aren't even supposed to move, but when one of them finds a body, everyone else goes on alert. and I started wandering around making everyone find more bodies and I don't know who found the first body and who didn't. In the end I found out that the main problem was the bodies that were hidden near the helipad and the party section above with a few others only seen sometimes, so with the bodies out of the way it was time to start killing these guys. , but of course, that wasn't easy either, apparently these guys are practically invincible.
I thought I could use the explosives I brought. with me to take them out one at a time, but that didn't work, one guy was able to tank all the explosives in my inventory, it was crazy, so I thought maybe if they were invincible I could just strangle them, but no, there's no warning. They don't even seem to care about the chloroform, they just stand up and go about their business. I thought I was going to have to kill all these guys by inciting them into environmental murders. The murders are making them disappear from the map, but for some.
Which is why they can withstand everything I throw at them, but two gunshots to the head are enough to kill them. That's all, the guys who can survive. This can't survive two shots to the head. Whatever, at least that simplifies things for me. There are about 10. Luckily they still fall into the old coin trick and never move unless told to, so now that I've figured out how they work, they're not too much trouble to take. down I can make them stand with their back to me with a coin and after shooting them once in the back of the head they fall forward with a more carefully placed shot I finish them off forever I'll know if they saw me if I turn orange when I'm a instinct so I have to be careful because if I miss that second shot many times they will turn around and see me While I had already figured out how things work, there were still some areas where I was worried, for example this place had two guards for some reason but due to the initial search they were separated with a curtain and I was able to kill them both without either of them knowing what was going on or that the other had ever died I finally got to the last two soldiers, they were both in the top of the map and facing the same direction, so I shot behind the first one to make him turn around and check before taking him out.
He was worried, but somehow the other guard didn't hear or see anything, which made taking them down child's play again. Everyone was dead and the map was empty. Wait a second. There are still a couple of people left. Well, they're not people. Ghosts. If you have any doubts, let me test you. to tell them that they are not real with a quick demonstration, as you can see there is a group of them running away and yet if I run in the same direction as that giant horde, no one can be found, they all just disappeared into thin air . don't go back to where you were initially the map remains completely empty in silence without a single footstep being heard now it was time to finish this and do the impossible kill the killable constant and complete the level oh and also kill my other target that I left unconscious in a building to prevent level escapes from being shown throughout the video.
I dismissed her with a blow and went to pick up the constant. I knew how he planned to kill the constant, but I needed to get him to the Harbor to do it, the default spawn for this map after dragging him around for a while. I was ready. Here's how this works if I kill the constant. Diana gets angry at me and says a voice line number 47 that she was our only one as this voice line plays the The mission ends instantly. This is valuable because it tells me whether the constant really died or not. However, the problem is when the constant dies.
All the exits are blocked and I can't escape, so here's the plan. By placing the constant here, I can catch it. he's about to fall into the harbor, then I can hit him with some non-lethal items to push him off and when he falls into the water I exit the mission, then he dies during the scene where I escape. I know she still dies because Diana says her voice line and if I don't finish this animation I will still fail the mission, but if I instead finish the mission during the cutscene right after Diana says the line, I can finish the mission with every person in Hitman.
The most populated map is dead without anyone noticing that anyone died or even


me for a single


and all that just so the game can call me a messy amateur. Thanks for watching and if you enjoyed it, please take a moment to listen to today's show. Sponsor me. It's nothing crazy. I only have a few channel memberships now. I think the badges I made where your onion can get progressively richer and more annoying or quite fun. I will also do member only surveys to decide what videos to make, it's only there if you. I'm interested, but I appreciate someone seeing my stuff, so thanks for looking.
See you next time.

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