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The BEST Weapon in Fortnite Season 2!

Apr 02, 2024
There is a new



in Fortnite Season 2 and it is the Midas Drum Gun. In today's video, I'm going to show you exactly how to use it for victories and a very powerful route to the


loot in the game. Guaranteed gold shotgun every single game and more, so Midas actually shows up on the yacht and sells the Midas drum gun for around 400 gold. We're not going to drop it right on the yacht, actually we're going to drop it right here, um, and I'm going to show you exactly. why are we doing this, we're actually going to grab some loot, there's a God chest right here, we're going to grab these guaranteed shields with these barrels too and then there's a triple chest spawn that's down here and down here is where we are going to get some essential items.
the best weapon in fortnite season 2
There is a guy who landed here, kill him quickly. A few extra mats can't hurt. There is a triple chest. Down here we're going to grab the triple chest and by the way, there's also a ton of new stuff like buffs and Nerfs for all the


s this


as well as the deagle edition and I'm going to show you, you know, hopefully show you The Deagle in action today and the best accessories for the Deagle. uh I'll take the Nemesis AR actually after the buff to the Nemesis AR, it's not that bad, especially since it has an attachment, it's purple Rarity, but look, now I can push the Midas yach uh with a lot more loot and I get these. three green skulls too because I was able to land in the green water.
the best weapon in fortnite season 2

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the best weapon in fortnite season 2...

So three green skulls will allow me to fight these players a little better. Here is Midas. I'm wearing his style. He also has a green style. This guy already bought the drum gun and was actually waiting for me, which is nice. I'm actually cool with that. I'm going to go ahead and pop this pop. I'm going to use the green skull to get. on top of this guy, useful splashes, Midas is angry, he's shooting him too, this guy will probably try to run away with Midas' drum, oh, I shot Midas too, wait, why did I lose a lot of health?
the best weapon in fortnite season 2
I don't know what happened, right? get a trim or something. I was very healthy and then my health just disappeared. I don't know if Midas has a power to do this, but it's all good. Midas is angry, we have his drum and he also still has a drum that he actually sells. the drum for 400 gold and epic was smart enough to upgrade the Midas drum gun and the normal drum guns a bit, it actually does more damage and shoots faster now it's over 210 FPS I think it's 215 and here is the deagle, I have the Iron Warrior Hand Cannon, now here is the thing in each location with Midas um or on the Yacht for example, and in many of the main locations, there is actually a little secret power What can you get, come on. to come back here it's not, it's not come back here, I'm actually going to go down here just to loot and try to find a medkit real quick, but now there are upgrade stations like Midas and it's the only way to upgrade your weapon and for about 400 gold you can upgrade to Legendary Rarity.
the best weapon in fortnite season 2
I'm also going to talk about the deagle, it's a little different than it used to be, it can't be scanned, um, but where are the updates? Here we go, it's right up here so we can get to this and we can actually upgrade for 500 gold to a legendary shotgun, now throughout the game we can play with a legendary shotgun, which is fantastic, that will give you great advantage, um, and there, these, uh, these. Midas likes vending machines, uh, there's one in Restored Wheels, there's others in Fencing Fields, they're all over the map, but a lot of people don't really notice them because they're not actually marked on the map and you can just see them. them once you approach them obviously now that I tell you guys, you guys expect us to keep it a secret, you know, the over a million of you that are watching this video right now, one good thing about them too is like a once we're done looting, which to be honest with you right now, I don't really need to loot much more, there are a lot of chests that appear here, but I want to move, you can actually do that right away, you can fix it.
Let's get ready and go to Rift, so look, I just spent like 1000 gold. I didn't have to buy the Midas drum gun. I was able to go in and just kill the person who had it, but... I'm not worried about gold right now and I'll explain to you why there are golden chickens on the map. Each golden egg is worth 350 gold and they usually have two eggs on the ground and if you spend enough time they will hatch even more eggs, you can usually find them only in the open green area and I usually have my gold almost full now every game , uh, because of these chickens, but let's talk about the deagle, okay, let's talk about the deagle. the deagle is now back, you can put attachments on it, so I'm going to do that.
I'm planning on doing that and again, the only way to upgrade the deagle, the only way to upgrade it is to use the Midas power-ups, Midas, so there's one. Here in Pleasant, I'm going up and looking for this guy. I just land on his head and then the Midas drum gun will do all the dirty work right here, brother is doing everything except shooting, but he had too. a nice deagle so you laser it to reduce recoil, you definitely don't want to reduce recoil so we'll go to a vault and try to find the best attachments for the epic deagle.
We also added these god-giving bananas. you have 100 health, a burst of health and 100 health over time and it gives you Zeus's mythical ability, for about 20 seconds, it's honestly pretty cool. I'm not going to lie, some people say it's a little disappointing. I'm serious. It's called Banana of the Gods, you can probably expect it to do a little more than just 100 health plus Zeus' ability, but I think if you combine this it's pretty good. Mobility, put it in an end game and you're going to be really really hard to catch, so Banana of the Gods is in the game, you can stack up to four of them, honestly I'd rather carry that than meditate, this is what we're going to do now that we have the deagle.
I'm going to move on to the fencing fields and here are the eggs I was talking about. I spent 1,000 gold on this game, but I'm going to have more gold than I started with just by hatching all these eggs, just walk on them, there's 350 gold. there are 700 1.50 and even more and if you want you can just pack up this chicken and you know, leave it there, it will hatch more eggs, you can come back for it, but you know we're not like that. desperate we're already at 4.7k we don't really need I mean one more egg and I'm at 5000 there's one more egg look I've got 5000 gold there's literally no excuse this


not to have a golden chance at each Unique Game, if you land near the Midas vending machines, you just have to get a shotgun, any shotgun, and get to that vending machine before someone else uses it, because it's a one-time use, we have our 5 karat gold , we have this load.
We have everything we need, we just have to wait for a bunker to open. We are going to place the best accessories. I want to talk specifically about the shotgun. I still use the hammer pump, but I think you know now. The Frenzy auto shotgun just got nerfed, the range is a lot, uh, there's a lot less damage from range, so it's actually still pretty strong at close range, but I would say I prefer the new shotgun, the new, um . I forget what this season's new shotgun is called, but you guys know what I'm talking about.
I prefer that shotgun to the berserk auto shotgun in scratch build specifically. Today I was playing in a zero build range. We will come. here we can't upgrade to Legendary because I guess it's okay then you can't upgrade the deagle. You have to get lucky and get a purple deagle, which is fine, the bunkers are opening now and since I'm here and I have 5000 gold. Might as well hit this Rift. I'm going to hit this Rift and we're going to go straight to the bunker and we're going to put the best accessories on the deagle and see how good it really is.
I also want to see how much damage it does to walls because even if it's not good at, you know, you know, damaging people, you can use it as a kind of mechanic to take walls, it just depends on if you can make a shot or almost a well built shot. structures this place I don't know if anyone has been here no, and they look for even more gold, so if you go for these bunkers, there is literally no reason not to spend your gold, let's take a look, we have the deagle right here. the 1.1 you can put a 4X on this thing and a thermal that is absolutely ridiculous I just have to see what this looks like oh hell no we don't need to do that that's not necessary let's put let's see what the 1.3 looks like it doesn't even I know if that's necessary, but I think you'll definitely want to increase the magazine size.
It looks like you can only put the laser on it. Increases the accuracy of HIIT fire and then reduces recoil. Reduces muzzle flash and dampens. audio I'm going to reduce the muzzle flash and tone down the audio and then for the shotgun it's pretty simple, we'll just do the quick reload and the laser, we don't really need to do anything else with that. Now we have this. headshot damage about 160 something, let's see how useful it actually is, although look, there are even more chickens here, so that 300 gold that I spent, this chicken is about to lay an egg and I'm going to have 5K gold again, lay an egg.
I think if you scare the chickens, they are less likely to lay eggs, so you have to leave them alone for a while. Oh, oh, oh, that's an AI. look how easy it is to use the deagle, is it more like a sniper or is it going to travel much faster? Did this AI just hit me and then bully me? Okay, that's pretty good, pretty good, 89 body shot, okay? check the damage it does to walls though how much damage it does to a wall 150 does 100 damage to walls wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I think that's the move here using this as a w key mechanic because a newly placed wooden wall is going to be 90 a newly placed brick wall is 99 and fully built metal a newly placed metal wall is 110 you can use this easily to pressure people right when they appear like with a wall, like taking the wall immediately and if you have zero ping like I like, it's going to be even easier.
I'm going to try to use this deagle in action aggressively against these deagle players plus the drum gun. I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm, the video is about the drum gun, uh, but I'm accompanying it with a gold shotgun and a purple deagle, uh, the drum gun is actually pretty good after the upgrade, ya which made a faster rate of fire, a little more damage and it's not just the medium sized drum gun that was completely improved. Drum guns were improved. I definitely recommend using them in build mode, but not so much in zero build. I think in zero build you'll still want to use assault rifles or the burst SMG, and the burst SMG will probably still be the one to go for. -just because you can execute it with the laser and you don't have Bloom, let's drum it up and see this guy if we can hit him with the deagle, there we go, he actually has a pretty fast rate of fire.
That was also an easy shot to land. I know some of you might be impressed with that, but I feel like it was an easy shot to land. Someone was shooting at us. Yes, there is a medallion near me. I'm not sure I see two. Bots out there but some oh there he's a little shockwave oh what just hit me is desperately trying to get me now like they shot me right when I got out reload the deagle By the way I'm actually vibrating with the deagle oh him He's, he's looking for that clean shot, yeah, he's looking for it, man, he's so ready, that guy's so ready, as soon as I like him, as soon as I box him, he immediately opened up to try to make a 50/50, oh, there are only three players left.
I have to be this guy's boss. Deagle Deagle Deagle Everybody's Got Snipers Man I'm Afraid 150 I'll take that, it's really: Does this guy have a Gold Deagle? He has a Gold Eagle. What attachments do we have? swinging here, that's close enough. I think the Gold Eagle will work better. Also, I'm rocking the completely golden Mida skin. She could also use the Gold Eagle. Hello friend, you think so too. TRUE? They thought that guy was hacking. I see someone. in the comments saying that that guy is hacking, it feels like he is, but I can't tell, I mean, he, I'm playing badly too, but it seems like his aim is just automatic, remember right at the beginning, when he immediately Shooting.
Me while I'm amazed at my builds, ah, this other guy just ruined my whole flow, man. He was really going to lunge at that guy until this guy decided to show up and stop me. Like I want to go back to the it's built there I only have 300 metal but I have a gold bomb man this guy feels like he's hacking he just I just don't know man maybe he's not maybe he's not Yeah, maybe I'm just bad, I really want those mats.additional. under that guy, oh he's pushing it, it's like he's a king, pretty sure he just killed it, geez, he's literally shooting everything bro, he just panicked and started drinking a mini in front of me.
I don't know what that guy was, but thanks. Thank you very much for watching, I hope this video helps you to get more victories in episode 5, season 2. I will see you next time.

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