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"Are you as dumb as this table?" | Break the Fake

Jun 10, 2024
Ladies and gentlemen,


is TVP world, you are watching another edition of




where we debunk


news and combat false narratives. I'm your host, Benjamin Lee, and let's get to work now. Comrade SAR has left his hiding place to appear before a group of Western journalists when he does that, he usually provides us with a lot of content here at recess, it is false, the man is remarkable, he has never uttered a word of truth and a member of the press asked him if Russia might attack. NATO called him stupid as



stop, stop, stop, so if the journalists who ask questions are stupid as a


, where does that leave Vladimir Putin, but buried even deeper than his intellect is his morality and credibility?
are you as dumb as this table break the fake
They are so far down that no one I have yet been able to find them to better illustrate the value of Putin's calmness over Russia's peaceful ways. Let's listen to him talk about the attack on Ukraine. The men said Russia did not start the war without even blinking before a room full of journalists from agencies covering the invasion minute by minute who refused to take responsibility for invading a neighboring country and blamed Ukraine itself for the tragedy no one in The West in Europe wants to remember where this tragedy began, Putin said, adding that it began with the unconstitutional coup in Keev, the Declaration only needed a thunderclap to achieve additional effect, but fortunately the almighty once again showed restraint for those of you who did not They know or might have forgotten that this supposedly unconstitutional coup did not occur in Moscow, but in a sovereign country neighboring Russia. if Putin didn't attack Ukraine, who did well according to Old L here, he attacked himself and Russia was forced to intervene to help complicate no, the Russians think this whole story is very clear, okay, so that putting that aside we now have a Listen to what he said about another neighbor and NATO member, namely Poland.
are you as dumb as this table break the fake

More Interesting Facts About,

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Now, this is archive footage filmed a year earlier, but we don't really think anything has changed since then, to be honest, we think the situation has even deteriorated a little, but we'll come back to that later to clear up all the nonsense that we just heard. We would have to spend countless hours forcing people to sit through endless images, so let's try something shorter according to Russian propaganda. Cria was nothing more than a gift from Kusf Ukraine. In itself it was a gift from Stalin and Poland also won, he did not mention, however, that in exchange for that tract of land in the west, Stalin took two-thirds of its pre-war territory.
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Putin also conveniently forgot the million votes forcibly resettled on the land so generously donated. Poland forgot to mention the ethnic cleansing carried out so vigorously by the Soviets throughout Central Europe, the millions of women raped after the departure of the Red Army, and the hundreds of thousands who died from hunger, disease, and inhumane conditions. Pun's gift to Poland really showed and now Pun seems to be preparing another gift for Poland after all, all he wants in life is to follow in Stalin's footsteps. What is this new gift? An open border on the eastern flank and thousands of Shi people here from all over. on the Middle East and the GI Incident has already caused its first victims one soldier stabbed another beaten with a heavy and blunt object both were hospitalized with serious injuries that is not all the gifts that Vlad has in store according to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, big rori well organized A group of thugs trains to attack the Polish soldiers and the law enforcement forces head towards the border.
are you as dumb as this table break the fake
The official also added that this is the first time the administration has seen that almost 100% of people trying to cross illegally into Poland actually have Russian visas. actually brought to Russia for the sole purpose of probing the Polish border as part of Moscow's hybrid offensive to paraphrase a famous quote, beware of Russians carrying gifts and remain alert whenever Putin talks about peace. The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavro, has arrived in the Republic of Chad in his According to reports of the first visit, the head of Russian diplomacy is planning negotiations with the leaders of the African Republic.
Chad is the final destination of Lov's African tour, which has already taken him to Guinea Congo and Burkina Faso. Lavro already says that the number of Russian military instructors in the country will increase, but they did not reveal any exact number of Russians who are already part of Moscow's ally in Africa. Now all this seemed like Russia is trying hard to show the rest of the world that it still has allies around. everyone and as Lavro tells the skill of the Russian institute structures, let's all conveniently forget that the great Russian army is still trying to capture the small Ukrainian town of Chanks near the Hary region, but who would care about the details such Maybe the Russians just wanted to feel love for once, just take a look at how the people of Chad greeted Lavro, so we hope that sooner or later the people of Africa will realize what kind of friend Russia really is and how much The sooner that moment comes, the better for them because remember that you can't expect anything from a terrorist state.
Recently, the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation said that Russian propaganda could soon lean toward new false narratives about violent mobilization in Ukraine and increase in intensity. propaganda fakes for now The center for countering disinformation was created as an extension of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine in March 2021, when the center implements measures to counter current and projected threats to national security and national interest of Ukraine in the information sphere, ensuring Ukraine's information security identifies and counters disinformation, effectively counters destructive propaganda information campaigns and prevents attempts to manipulate public opinion. What can we say? Well done and with that we conclude this edition of Break the Fake, but for more news updates and commentary, stay tuned to TVP World.

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