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Betraying All My Closest Friends In Minecraft...

May 31, 2024
Uh Tucker, do you trust me? Yes, this is Thor's Thunderbolt oh fortnite. Still, oh I think that cauld is making you stupid carts, carts or graphics tables, do something crazy, you're dead. Just maybe we can come together on this one. I'm a little scared yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm serious Being scar build me build me build me okay every 30 seconds we get a random item last one standing wins oh my god you have a generator wait the boss started with a generator, wait, wait, what is this generator? I don't know, oh my god, I'm hacking it.
betraying all my closest friends in minecraft
This guy seems to be staring him in the face like it's the end of the world. This is about look at him he keeps getting an item okay wait you didn't tell him he keeps getting an item and then he puts it away wait he won't let us see it look look I didn't get anything I didn't get anything St look he's me he's going to put that in I'm nervous I'm nervous now no, I'm nervous he put it in his pocket don't you see this article do you see it what article what is it that looks like a book knowledge you better be careful yes, this is actually the book of death if you I throw it you will die without drinking anything I see AA I see T I see help me oh what was that you just fathered something you fathered and you fathered an animal and it died what was it?
betraying all my closest friends in minecraft

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betraying all my closest friends in minecraft...

Don't know. I couldn't see it oh my god, oh my god, the Stratocaster, why did you scream? What are you drinking? I'm not drinking anything. What's that noise? Tucker. I don't know what that noise is. Actually, it's weird. you're going to fart and you're going to smell what you haven't even explained this new world we're in oh yeah this is the nether one I thought you knew about the nether we're just making pillars in a different realm where there's lava fortnite Yo , you die first, you die first, yeah, yeah, D it, what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
betraying all my closest friends in minecraft
Oh, moose tracks, vanilla, vanilla, really, vanilla, mango, there's like, uh, there's like cucumber flavored ice cream, too, okay, first you die. I have a keeper spawn egg wait to see if it works oh oh it almost got you I did it that was me what are you why are we still here just to suffer every night I can feel my leg what are you oh oh my god oh my god wait ? You're a genius, oh my god I won, oh why do you always get stupid items like that? Why do you refer to stupid objects? Why are you sitting inside it?
betraying all my closest friends in minecraft
Come out because it's a protection that you can't kill me here. me me and you're fine I think that cauldron is making you stupid car cartography table I have a cartography try that pronunciation one more time for me jeap craphy table I have it all right Esther yes, if you come here we can form a truce what just generated What just generated? What are you doing? Oh, good job, you got achievements. What are you doing with that pressure plate? Stop, stop, that makes you nervous. No, it's not like that. It just bothers me, yeah, and then it makes you want to jump. you're going to lose you jumped that doesn't make me want to do anything it's just annoying ok this is the item that's a game CH oh this is the item that changes the game look oh my god come get something Well, I have an apple, what am I?
I'm going to do with an apple, I don't know, maybe give it to your friend, who is my friend, I, oh, you think you're the only one who can bother people, no, I can bother you more, make me the one who come on. There I'm not going to be stupid this time I'm not going there I'm building my fortress here buddy, got that's what you sound like stupid, do something damn, who's going to die first? Oh, you know, the Boss was talking. to me about how the only girl he's going to want has to like Star Wars and a pickle and a pickle, of course, but that's what I mean, it has to be that you have to have a balanced diet, you have to add some vegetables, more vegetables. there maybe a cucumber you're dead you're dead you're dead I'm just healing well what does that sound teryaki chicken nugget with orange glaze coming towards you that's not what it says that's a terracotta with orange glaze I don't do it' m I'm sitting here doing nothing that's what you want from me right now buddy, what did I say?
I have an idea, what is your stupid idea? You're not supposed to do anything, Tucker, you're supposed to sit there and do nothing, wait how. Do you have blocks? What is cheating? No, it's an element. What do you mean? I'm cheating. I think that you are. I think you're cheating. How could I cheat? What's happening? You own the server you are cheating on. I have to do it. I'm not. I'm not going to hit him, this is my friend, his name is Frederick, Fredick is looking at me Frerick, you pushed our friend, why would you do that?
Hey, Tucker, come on and this for Fred Rick, I've got a crazy item, guys, no, I've got it. a crazy object, I'm not even kidding, well guys I'm going to spawn something, you guys have to give it a name instantly, okay, okay, Chim Cham, I've got Chim Champ trying to get close to me, even though I tell him that stay. in bed Chim Cham, stay with Tucker, okay, I have infinite storage now, will you? Storage, storage, yeah, there you go, buddy, do you know what the get? I didn't mean to do that, wait, tame the donkey, tame the donkey, why are you? t P oh my god wait wait this one That look at me you need you need this friend to help you okay wait no oh maybe this one too oh my god wait wait wait wait wait what oh my god every 30 seconds we get a random item the last one standing wins oh I already did that what with those sounds it's cheap he's making those sounds why I don't know he's manifesting a crazy element better be careful what you get this is Thor's Lightning better be careful wait what It's not what it is Look at this I'm I'm seeing anywhere Chapter moment When is the Chapter going to happen?
I'm still looking. I don't think there's anything going on with that stupid thing of yours. Oh, you hit yourself, damn it. maybe I have to focus my chi a little give me a second don't look at me okay okay I said maybe we can team up together actually on this I'm a little scared yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I am. I'm really scared, but build me up, build me up, let's team up, let's team up. I will never trust you again in my entire life. I'd be careful with this guy, this cheap pickle guy looks like he's channeling something with this Thunderbolt of his.
It doesn't work, no, oh no, I'm going to die. I did not do it. I didn't set my trap hard enough. Focus once more. Boss. Focus once more. I'm focused on concentrating well, well played AA, baby, baby, uh, Tucker, do you trust me? I will never trust you again in my entire life, what is this stupid thing going to do? What's not going to do anything? No, damn, try it, chep, you're not winning that easy, buddy, come on, come on, I know you want to come here, I know you want to come here, jump, do it, I know you know you think you can, I can't make that jump , heh, yeah, you can let me wait until it's okay, this time I'm going to channel a really good article, wow.
Holy shit, stop punching the air like you're killing me, it's not doing anything, yeah, what are you doing with that friend? What are you doing with that? You're not doing, you're not doing anything with it, you're afraid, yeah, do it. I challenge you again oh are you afraid yes you have an ax I don't have any of that yes I know this is the best ax in the game yes it is I win okay she wins one more round I heard a chicken look that, oh, right away, he got a chicken. You look as stupid as chicken.
You look as stupid as chicken. What the hell is wrong with my chicken? Nothing's wrong with my chicken. He can fly. He's just looking forward. He doesn't even know it. What's looking at this, my boy, here, hey, buddy, hey, no, no way, oh no, how do you rip him off so fast? I don't know, I have a pet for someone, although if someone wants a cute pet, you know, do you have one? I want a cute pet no, I don't want any pet of yours, it's a very cute pet, I'm serious, I don't want any pet, hello buddy, I'm going to give you a name, oh, his name will be Fred, hello. okay, wait, wait, wait, do I fall through the slime block?
There's no way he found a button for his bell the way he's pressing my bell button button for my I've got a little button for my bell I've got a little button for my bell oh, never mind your animals, why are you going to do that? That's because you keep ringing that bell, wait, that was fast, you hit so fast. I guess you're safe now, stop generating things. Boss, what did you just have? I think I saw the boss I think the boss has something really SK wa what does he have what does he have where are we going wait I won not all at the same time at the same time it's a tie I think it's a tie

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