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Horror in Impossible Places: Liminal Spaces and The Backrooms

May 03, 2024
Have you ever been in a place where time stops moving? Well, it's 2003 and a friend just dropped me off at a bus stop after seeing the second best movie of all time, The Matrix Reloaded, in the theater. The thing is, I don't know where this place is. It is and what's more, it is empty, really, very empty, there are no cars, there are no people, there are no houses, just the whisper of the wind and this barren expanse of concrete and something about that bothers me. I look at my Nokia 3310 and oh god, its battery has died, which interrupts me. from contacting my parents or knowing what time it is I don't like that I want to go home but I don't know the way home and what's more I've been here for a while and I haven't seen a single bus car or a person like they were standing in the frozen time of an empty photograph.
horror in impossible places liminal spaces and the backrooms
I pushed down the growing anxiety. This is ridiculous. The bus is going to arrive. Something has to happen. It is possible for a man to pass by. He could just walk away. But I don't know where I am and if at the moment I do it the bus arrives and I miss it and that anxiety lowers me, my mind is exhausted trying to calculate how long I've been here maybe hours, but what if it is? Plus, what if I've wandered into this strange strip of reality, this in-between space where time doesn't exist? And that's crazy, but something about this place is so still and wrong and what if that never changes?
horror in impossible places liminal spaces and the backrooms

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horror in impossible places liminal spaces and the backrooms...

What if I never leave this? place and I'm not hungry or getting old or anything at all. I just spend an eternity standing here waiting for a bus that will never come and what if I stay like this until the end of time? Anyway, the bus did arrive, as evidenced by this video, but I never really knew how to describe that hyperspecific feeling, this fear of having been trapped in this place between


, and then 17 years later, people started uploading photos Strange empty rooms to the Internet and I was like, oh. This is that feeling strange photos of empty


where reality feels altered would be a dramatic oversimplification of the phenomenon of


space images that, like the inexplicable VHS copy of Multiplicity that has remained on the shelf in my cafe local for almost six years, now intensely imbue feelings of nostalgia The comfort beneath photos of


space has become enormously popular online and particularly in the last three years.
horror in impossible places liminal spaces and the backrooms
I wonder why there could be viral images that include everything from photos of empty swimming pools, to video game background art with characters removed, to paintings depicting these surrealists. Low polygon landscapes, basically any image of an empty, vaguely man-made environment, that gives off an eerie feeling of familiarity, dissonance, or foreboding, all of which can be felt in what is generally considered the patient zero of images. of liminal space. This image was published in April. 21, 2018 in a 4chan thread for cursed images and this photo is strangely controversial for reasons we'll see, but for now there are two questions I want to ask: one, why do these images make us feel this way and two, because it's Halloween, why an image like this can make us feel very uncomfortable and how that feeling can turn into true liminal


horror in impossible places liminal spaces and the backrooms
You know, someone recently asked me if we have Halloween in Ireland and it's like we made it up, mother, but before we start, I think it's important. To establish a basis for that feeling of Lim criminality, this is something that really needs to be felt rather than described and for this I would like to share one of my favorite image collections on the internet. What you are seeing is the dream. pools by Jared Pike, a series of images that take Elon's capillary pool designs from the 1970s and unfold them into this beautiful infinity of overlapping tunnels and caverns that strip away all the details, all the features, transforming them into this surreal world without context, and I mean just look at these, the lights spilling from some invisible world onto the turquoise glow on the surface, the fact that a place like this has no reason to exist and therefore will probably never They will all combine in this feeling of staring into this surreal pocket reality, a place outside of Time is so strange but somehow so familiar, so why does this place feel like this?
Well, personally, I think there are three different factors that make him feel this way and two, to analyze. The first, we will do what is often done in videos like this talk. about something an intelligent dead man said many years ago, it is difficult to give meaning to images of emptiness, so we turn to the 20th century article between and between by anthropologist Victor Turner. Turner describes how both we as individuals and we as a society exist in a set of states and any new state is achieved through a three-part process State A or separation described as a Separation from a fixed point State B the consummation where the new state solidifies but between these two is the margin or lemon or to put it another way, there is what was, is what will be and in the middle is the liminal.
These are the basic components of liminality that you can apply to virtually anything if a caterpillar is in state A and a butterfly is in state B. then the Cocoon is the liminal space between the moment the Scooby gang arrives at their Mystery Machine and they discover a mystery and solve it. You know, the point where Scooby says, "Oh no, Shaggy, these guys sure killed a lot of people." what Scooby-Doo and oil, I don't know how that second act goes, the plot of the show exists in a state of liminality, but perhaps the most recognizable state of liminality is simply being a teenager, this point between childhood and adulthood where everything is Your body is not seen your hormones your social position your sexuality your identity nothing is fixed everything is constantly changing as you become something different liminality can be seen in fact very small waiting for a bus boiling a kettle a trip by plane or the very old ones changing jobs on the move At home, a breakup or a political revolution, the point is that liminality is an infinitely broad concept that each of us has experienced over and over again, so how do you capture that feeling visually good?
Maybe so abroad, let's take our diagram of liminality and look instead, it's like a blueprint for a hotel that says a is the elevator. State B is your hotel room and the liminal space between the hallway. Now let's ignore for a second how crazy a hotel like this would be and look at what images of liminal space actually look like. Does it eliminate the concept of state A, our origin, and state B, our destination, so that all that is left is the present and I think there is something powerful in that and, honestly, something that I love about hotels, every time When I enter one, I always feel this deep sensation? of comfort, a comfort I've never seen better expressed than this old tumblr post.
I really enjoy just existing in hotels, the long identical hallways, the soulless abstract art, the strange noises the air conditioning makes, strange city lights in the window, six floors off the ground, strange. chatting in the hallway nothing in the vanity there is no past but an infinite presence that is why hotels and particularly their hallways appear so strongly in liminal images they are these transitory


that we must only inhabit for short periods of time between more fixed periods United States and that is a common factor in many settings that are considered late night dining. Cinema lobbies or swimming pools, these spaces are designed to be traveled and it is for that reason that these spaces do not have a real identity of their own and there is something in them whether you are at your home or your work or in a bar or restaurants or sporting events those


say something about you simply by the fact that you are there your lifestyle your finances your interests the type of people you associate with but in a liminal space these in-between places, whether it be a hotel hallway or anything else , they have no identity, they pressure us without identity, and as a result, there is a possibility for us to be free.
I think this is a big part of why images of liminal space can be so strangely comforting. and you can see how this all applies to dream pools, this transient void that allows us to exist outside the boundaries of context or identity, to me, this is the first pillar of what makes something feel liminal, which which leads us to the second, the feeling of waiting. I've been here before. I suppose at least some of you have seen an image on screen that felt strangely nostalgic. My personal favorite example of this is this, although I'm pretty sure I was here, a relative's house I visited.
Once I remember being here, I can remember the cream-colored carpet between my toes playing with toys on the strangely cave-like staircase, but the thing is, that never happened because 8,7,000 people had the same feeling and what I really remember is probably an amalgamation of different friends and families, homes all tied together in this one image creating this strange memory that never happened and it's that feeling that is so common in liminal images these places in your memories places where you stopped thinking a long time ago but now here in the these images of Frozen still exist Sterile rooms with obsolete televisions offices full of computers old abandoned shopping centers or malls as we call them in the places of Ireland Frozen in Time full of business posters that no longer relevant are interiors and architecture that echo the decisions of people of an era behind those markers of the past now sometimes crumbling into destitution these are all places where we have been nostalgic places that were once full of people and life but now they are empty and have lost their purpose because we simply like it.
We will eventually abandon all spaces, even the space from which you are watching this video. I'm going to leave the screen blank here because I want you to look around you, at the room you're in right now, look at its walls, look at its corners, feel the shape of this place beneath its decorations. the different ways in which you or someone else has imprinted an identity on this space, whatever your relationship to it, at some point you will abandon it, you will stop thinking about it and this place will be left empty with only the faintest Echoes you ever had. was here and that is true in every place you are, in every place you were for me, there is a kind of Haunting Comfort in that idea that Stillness comes to All Things.
These photos remind us that this strange Nostalgia is the second pillar of liminality and again you can see how it applies to dream pools, as mentioned these were based on the capillary pools of the 1970s and I mean try to find a pool that has not borrowed that aesthetic. Dream pools take your memories of those places and incorporate them into this beautiful, surreal dream. -as a structure you have been here, you simply have not done it because it is


, the reason I say


is because the dream pools are not real, they are a 3D environment created in Blender, but for me that feeling of artificiality or strangeness Just adding to the liminality is actually a really interesting study from 2022 that explores the concept of the uncanny in physical spaces, specifically trying to recreate the final curve of The Uncanny Valley, but in rooms and environments rather than people and faces, and they were successful with the vast majority of the photographs in the studio is deeply liminal or at least shares very liminal aspects and so why is it that even the most mundane liminal images have this strange quality?
Well, I think part of it is the transient nostalgia that we've already talked about, but I think there's something else here too: there's a kind of liminal space imagery that gets very strange with ethereal or naturalizing environments that seem to double the physical dimensions or extending much further than they should, rooms that look less like something a human would design and more like these abstract approximations of living space designed without purpose or function and what's really interesting is how people have pushed that quality surreal by taking these images out of reality completely. Twitter user do you dim oh God.
Twitter user joji has gained followers from massively viral digital paintings. These haunting low-polygon landscapes are obviously not real, but that artificiality only adds to the liminal feeling that these are spaces that have been so forgotten and so far removed from our reality that they now barely resemble it and, I don't have any real nostalgia though. from Minecraft, I would have to imagine that if you make these images they go to a completely different level, perhaps the most exciting thing about these artificial liminal worlds is the opportunity to exist in them, which brings us to one of my favorite things I discovered. the investigation course of this video, a free game from Team C called the found footage complex, the complex takes the environments from the images of theliminal space and recreates them in these meticulously designed 3D worlds and after looking at these images for weeks, I cannot overstate how powerful the experience is.
It was being able to walk inside them, the dream pool setting, in particular, being one of the most serene liminal and spooky experiences I've ever had and it made me realize something as I wandered through these environments that lack purpose or functional spaces. that they feel stitched together from fragmented memories and experiences, it was the feeling of existing in a dream over the years, other games have attempted to recreate that feeling like a dream emulator on LSD, but perhaps the most successful and impactful was a title Japanese indie uploaded June 26, 2004. Nikki Dream Diary is a strange game, there is no objective, no combat, not even a failure.
Say what's there is you and a huge abstract dream world. I hate saying things like this because it always feels like a cop-out, but there's nothing I can say. I'm going to describe the feeling of sitting late at night with a pair of headphones and just letting this game happen, getting lost in its huge, strange world and Yuma Nikki had a huge impact on early indie online games, spawning virtually its own subgenre to the point where it now even has products for gamer fans and that's because I think Yume Nikki captured the same thing that the most powerful and surreal liminal space images do the feeling of existing in this impossible world between dream and our waking reality, dreams are the original liminals. strange transient empty spaces Nostalgia and a surreal, artificial or dreamlike quality, these for me are the three pillars of liminal images and any liminal space will probably have one or more of these qualities, but it is worth noting that liminality is subjective, the images and qualities that I Finding liminal may not be what you do because I think these feelings are deeply rooted in our past as well as who we are, but I think that's also why when you find that image that just hits you, I don't know as. otherwise, it is a powerful personal experience and for me this is that image and damn The Void, the Stillness, the Amber Sunset filtering through the fog, the window glass, the impersonal curves of the tables and chairs, this could be any interior of any restaurant from the last 60 years, the immaculate, polished shine of it all Whispering that this place might not even be real, but it feels so familiar I know I've never been here, but yeah.
I stopped here on long trips along unknown roads. I'm sitting here with a friend picking at cold food. I've eaten here alone, worrying about it, it probably never mattered. A dozen different memories that bleed together and overlap in this impossible kaleidoscope of what used to be captured in the void. I have never been in the space of this place and for a sentimental person like all this, I believe that it is experiences like this that are in the heart of Hawaii. Liminal spaces resonate so strongly with people, so what does any of that have to do with


So far, honestly, not much, but now I would like to talk about a moment in the complex that scared me in a way that I don't know, by now you have spent minutes walking through this nauseating Fluorescent Maze. light on the yellow walls identical room after identical room after identical room and just as the sheer monotony of it all begins to weigh on you, a waist-high gap in the wall, from which a blood-red light spills over you. the ground in front of you, The point here is not what comes next, but this singular moment of empty dread, this is our first trace of what I'm going to call liminal horror and before we delve into what exactly liminal horror is, I think that we must first talk about what it is. it's not and oh boy are people going to be mad at me on January 7, 2022.
A video was uploaded to YouTube titled The Back Rooms. Found footage. The video begins. Found footage. Style with an invisible protagonist filming a movie with his friends before they make a mistake. of reality Landing in a space that surely resembles that original liminal space image, our protagonist ventures deeper into the sickly yellow Labyrinth and, as they discover different environments, all of which resemble classic liminal space images, They eventually encounter a huge thread-like monster chasing them. this maze before they plummet down a hole and crash into our world. What this video represents online is a turning point between liminal space and a completely different online phenomenon, but one that was born from this image from May 12, 2019 in which the original photo of liminal space was published. a second message board and this time someone responded with the text.
If you're not careful and you know you're cutting reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in back rooms where it's nothing but the stench of old, damp carpet. of yellow jumpsuit, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at full intensity, and approximately 600 million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to get caught up in God save you if you hear something wandering nearby because it sure heard you, this text It would lead you to the creation of a completely different Community, people who were in love with this strange aesthetic. The vibration of this image would go on to form the Community of Liminal Space, but a second group fascinated by the combination of this image and the response text would result in a completely different second group. different phenomenon the




quickly spread across the Internet this image and its response text spread to other message boards such as Creepypasta and/or Slash No Sleep with different people putting their own interpretation in the backrooms filling their empty spaces with traditional meaning and vicious humanoid entities like wraith dogs smiling from ink-black shadows giant monsters made of twine The backstage interpretation of this image became so popular that soon people began to theorize that this was actually just the first level of an Infinite of different floors, all with their own Lures governing entities and logic, many of which borrowed the aesthetics of images of liminal space, all collected in multiple competing wikis and message boards.
This is all fine and dandy, but it creates a problem from a liminal perspective when you put a living being in a general lemon space. Our brains are programmed to focus on that living thing instead of the environment, so that liminal feeling is destroyed and if you want a good example of this, go play The Complex found footage and then play one of the other games on Steam more focused on horror and just feel how different the experience is as the liminal space The community remained a place to appreciate liminal spaces and backgrounds The community evolved into something more akin to a giant video augmented virtual reality game behind-the-scenes explainers and survival guides that became hugely popular on Tick.
Tock and YouTube and so, for a while, these two seemingly similar but actually very different communities coexisted uncomfortably online and the reason the Kane Pixel video is so important is the impact it had in both the liminal space and the back rooms with 40 million visits. Found footage launched the popularity of hindquarters into the stratosphere, resulting in an entirely new subgenre of found footage hindquarter videos, all following a format nearly identical to the original video, beginning with a first-person exploration of a repetitive mundane environment followed by the discovery of some more surreal imagery culminating in an encounter with a monster or entity culminating in a frantic chase scene.
Hundreds of these videos have been uploaded in the 10 months since the original Kane Pixels video, frequently racking up millions and millions of views and this. The new popularity complicated the existence of the online liminal space. Find virtually any viral liminal space post now and someone will inevitably say the backroom bowling alley edit with shapes like or crop liminal space. Having to implement specific rules against publishing behind-the-scenes content. This dispute had existed for a while. as seen in communities like or cut out true hindquarters with the intention of rebuilding the hindquarters but preserving that sense of limitation, so there is no tradition, there are no monsters and because of all this, there is now a kind of contentious relationship between liminal space and backroom communities.
Many believe that backrooms have ruined the liminal space online and I have that frustration, so to the people who create this damn backroom content I just have this to say: Hi, great work, seriously, a lot of work goes into it. and skill to these videos, according to Kane's Internet Pixels weren't even 20 when he made that original video and how impressive is that and the way some of these videos play with horror tropes and just the physical space is really creative, the general feeling I get from a lot of people online. is that there is a belief that the Back Room Community arose from the Liminal Space Community and ruined it, but according to my research, the two arose in parallel or cut the back rooms even when they were created three months earlier or cut the space liminal, it's something like that.
It's fascinating to drop into different wikiholes, exploring their different floors and the strange ways they connect. My personal favorite is Jerry's room. I love that little one. Does any part seem a little repetitive or cliche or pinned by very young people? with little experience in horror or writing, yes, but I don't know. I think maybe we, as a society, should stop at teenagers whenever they get excited at the thought. Hey here's a little interlude in the video to remind you that I have a patreon and it helps me make these videos thank you bye objectively there's nothing wrong with hindquarters it's just not what people talk about when they talk about liminal space and no what I'm talking about when I talk about the liminal horror that it brings.
Let's move on to the question. I've been clumsily mulling over this whole video, what is true liminal horror? and oh god, did I really just write a 30 minute intro for this video? Oh God, I did it, didn't I? What is disturbing about liminal space is not just fear. of the unknown, but how these environments remove the limits and barriers of our world and leave us naked and vulnerable. Earlier in this video we talked about how these images eliminate destinations and leave only the space between and for something as comforting and liberating as that space. There may be something deeply terrifying about it too, going back to Turner's writings, he described liminality as the point at which the pie of custom breaks, that is, the Traditions, the rules, the safeguards, the boundaries. that give stability and protection to our lives. point where they all melt and the interesting thing is that in many cultures deities and mythical creatures such as the Welsh hero Leo or the Hindu demon hirana yakushipu could not be killed day or night on the ground or in the air, clothed or naked, They were only vulnerable in these intermediate states, that is, at dusk or in moments of transformation, they think of Princess Mononoke's forest deity, even the concept of a wedding party is traditionally rooted in the idea of ​​protecting the bride and groom such as they exist in this criminal state before their new life together.
And, reading about this, apparently pre-wedding bride kidnappings were quite common, which is good, that's not good on some level, we've always feared states of liminality and what's really fascinating is how you can look at this idea arise again and again with horror. Cinema The Shining is the story of a family literally trapped in a liminal space suspended in this environment that is meant to be temporary and transitory, but they can't help but become more and more exposed to the terrifying intangible things that exist there and watch how they often , the film emphasizes this idea of ​​liminality through the camerawork, flinging its characters down these endless open hallways or drowning them in these massive amounts of empty space, using liminality to make them feel small, weak, and vulnerable.
In the same way, take a film like the murder of a sacred being. a film expressly about one man's inability to protect his family from this invisible, unknowable force and how that feeling is conveyed visually by constantly framing these characters in environments and camera shots that are highly liminal, a big part of the horror of the entity. follow this murderous shape-shifting creature that constantly walks to wherever you are, this is how it traps these characters in a constant state of liminality, they can never rest, they can neverStop stuck in this permanent state of Transit and see how the film camera works again. it forces you into this perspective that traps you in this Liminal Nightmare and I would swear to God that as I was re-watching horror movies for Halloween, I was really surprised at how often this idea of ​​liminality kept coming up, it's the kind of thing that once Look at it, you will never be able to unsee it.
Hell, the two scariest movie scenes I can imagine: the hospital scene from Exorcist 3 and the Possession scene from the movie Possession, both take place in environments that are very liminal and I think the reason for this is because in liminal there is anxiety, a fear that our world is transforming into something different and unknown, that we have lost control, lost our protections and are now vulnerable, and if we return to this previous image, what makes it uncomfortable is that it is not So. centered on any person or life event or anything, just a cold, lifeless representation of this moment between this painting was done by vilehelm hamashoy, a man who probably hasn't been influenced by the online phenomenon of liminal space because reddit and let me just check my notes Here didn't exist in 1870 and the interesting thing is that his paintings have the qualities of a transitory emptiness as well as a surreal artificiality, but because of how long ago they were created, what they don't have is that nostalgic comfort which means there is nothing to distract.
We are freed from the anxiety of existing and many of Hamashoy's paintings convey the same haunting feeling, a beautiful, empty haunting fear and for me it is not a fear of what might come or what will happen next, but a fear of what What if nothing ever happens and if this The moment between never ends, these paintings trap us in that case, our existence never returns to normal, sinking only deeper into a world that gradually stops creating itself and that is a liminal horror and for To show you how scary this can be, there's one more thing.
I would like to talk about The House of Leaves is a strange book despite being one of the most popular works of literary horror in the last 20 years. Please note that there is a film adaptation of it. There isn't even an audiobook and that's because they try to recreate what's inside it. A book with video or audio is impossible with almost 700 pages thisthe book is not welcoming in several ways it is for a sentence that is read this is not for you just a few pages in the house of leaves and you will begin to notice that something out of the word house is wrong every time it appears it is printed a little off center in faded ink, cracked and stippled, and is jarring as a greater sense of the novices and their friends and how they all interact with the house, even the format of the story is obtuse and at times difficult to parse, not a straightforward narrative but a literary dissection of a literary dissection of a film that is a documentary created by photographer Will Navidson as he attempts to record the impossible things that have begun to happen to him and his family. in their new home on Ash Tree Lane and these things are small at first, literally.
After measuring both the inside and outside of his house, Davidson now discovers something that is not possible: the inside of his house is a quarter of an inch longer than its outside, to his bafflement. Navidson measures and measures again. He rents high precision equipment. Consult architectural experts. He does everything he needs. We can make this small but impossible discrepancy go away, but it doesn't and it's only after one day that the Navidsons returned and discovered something in their house that wasn't there before a new room appeared on their second floor, a white door. . with a glass handle that leads to a small barren rectangular space and this scares the Navicans they called the police but the police cannot help them they cannot even tell if a law has been broken but one is not legal but physical and there is a The passage from the book that sums up why this idea is so disturbing.
God for all intents and purposes is a sign of equality and at least until now something that Humanity has always been able to believe in is that in the universe even the Navidsons have discovered a place where that has stopped happening and then a second door appears, This time on the inside of an exterior wall on your ground floor, a door that should satisfy all the physical laws of geometry and nature opens directly onto your garden, but not somehow. The door leads to an incredibly long black hallway. and its nicknamed the five and a half minute hallway.
Navidson, whether drawn by the promise of fame, curiosity or some other madness, finally decides to venture into the five-and-a-half-minute hallway, but what he finds there is not like that. one answer, but an Infinity of questions room after room after room of jet black cold hallway after hallway after hallways dispersing infinitely outward into impossible space these were the back rooms 20 years before the back rooms their shadowed hallways occasionally gave way a Great Black Rectangular Halls containing fathomless 500-foot-wide staircases that spiral endlessly down into enormous pits of nothingness. At one point, someone attempts to measure one of these abysses, estimating it to be about 27,000 miles deeper than the Earth itself.
These characters have found themselves in an impossible space between themselves. spaces where the physical laws that make up our world disintegrate into nothing and there is a real terror in that, the idea that even the most objective basic principles, the most reliable metrics that we use to understand our worlds can melt away and what has What's special about this book is how it makes you feel that as the characters venture deeper into the impossible spaces of the house, something begins. The pages you are reading are converted into a font format that becomes fat and frustrating. The text turns and turns backwards.
Words overlap in ways that don't make sense. and in one section, page by page, the margins of the book begin to close in on the paragraphs that you are claustrophobically reading, squeezing your gaze on this small portion of the page as if you liked that these characters were being crushed by the impossible dimensions of this space. and soon the entire construction of the book crumbles squares of ominous black and white hit the centers of the paragraphs individual words scatter meaninglessly across dozens of pages the same typography rules of book-reading design disintegrate like the house in Ash Tree Lane, the book itself, is no longer subject to any conventional law or logic until finally one of the characters slips and plummets down one of the house's impossible chasms and falls and falls and falls and falls through. of endless black without light or sound without beginning, without end, greening meaninglessly through the darkness until he can no longer tell if he is falling, until time stops flowing as his mind bends and breaks under a infinite existential kaleidoscope of madness and how terrifying the idea is that those limits We have lost will never be restored That we are trapped forever plummeting through a vast sensory void Our lives, our purpose, our identity, disappearing into an endless abyss out of nowhere, this is the only time I've found a blank page that terrifies me.
It's a real liminal horror, the horror of being lost among trapped in this endless day of transition, and in a strange way, it's that state that we've been talking about throughout this video when I think about that day at the bus stop for the first time. time. When I first found myself in this situation where my parents couldn't help me, the main thing I could fall back on for my entire life up to that point didn't apply here; In other words, it was my first real experience of entering that strange world. space between being a child and being an adult and that feeling scared me and it manifested itself in this irrational liminal fear of the space around me and over the years I have been hit with that same fear in many different ways, fear of things being different .
Now that the way things were are gone and the way things are still doesn't make sense. I felt that fear when I started college, when I moved house, and when I started a new job or lost someone. I felt that fear. Over the past three years, the pandemic was a point where we were all caught between waiting for our realities to make sense again, and I don't think it's a coincidence that this was the period when liminal space became popular in line, I think with these creepy images. of empty rooms allow us to do is accept that fear that maybe we are in the middle, that maybe things don't make sense right now and maybe you are watching this video from your own liminal space.
Maybe it's strange, different and unknown. maybe the rules that you used to understand have changed and you've lost your place in it and that can be scary, but if I'm going to get anything out of making this video it's that it can also be beautiful, especially if you let it be. Both the comfort and the horror of the liminal are really just our brains accepting two sides of the same thing, both the freedom that comes with the unknown and the fear that it will never end and I think that's okay, I think that's okay. not thinking about where things are going or finding meaning in them.
I think sometimes it's good to be alone for a little while and I think that's what these images help us do friends thanks for joining me today if you want to step into your own liminal space then why not visit slash super wolf with eye patch, where you can donate just one dollar to help me continue creating videos like this as always? Thank you to everyone on the screen who makes these videos possible and, in particular, this week. Requiem Rojas cat Lo unauthorized noise Evie Troop Jenny F dance underline W underline burritos and svipel the trans boy Valkyrie as always you can find me hosting the video game podcast Let's Fight a Boss on my anime podcast Jeff just Bizarre Adventure slash super eyepatch wolf or on Twitter at eye patchwolf friends, take care of yourselves and see you next time

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