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Jun 06, 2021
Okay my new


, this is literally what my legs looked like when I was 18, that's great, yeah he barely fits in my office chair, oh my god please can we see that? No, I want to see his pain, you guys are so bad too. It seems crazy. I wrote a list of things I want you to experience as an overweight person so you know that my number one struggle on my list is trying to sit in a chair with arms. Well, literally, by the way, I notice the sad music at school. I didn't have a desk, the teacher had to make one in the back of the room at a table with a small chair.
boyfriend wears a fat suit for a day
Even today I am afraid of chairs as arms, that's why I always get scared when there are chairs around. so go sit in that chair this is giving a new meaning to the word trigger yeah and you're walking you say no you're not even going to get a rash yeah give me a start oh did you fart Don't you see, it's difficult? Yeah, I haven't seen myself yet, you got it, no, my God, that's it. You will die. I mean, it's not right, no one positive is when I was lying on the floor, I'm literally the couch, that's my document. let's make your big reveal do you want to see my big butt go up that spiral staircase yeah you were as happy as an hour yeah that was before I couldn't move it's not real Christmas why is it turning into you this way I can smoke them yeah now before you see each other I'm just going to tell you that I love you and if you work that I would love you more because we have more in common ready 1 2 3 oh my god I don't even have words this sucks okay but on a real note, so far which one has been the biggest problem getting around, I'm not kidding, hahaha, I'm not kidding.
boyfriend wears a fat suit for a day

More Interesting Facts About,

boyfriend wears a fat suit for a day...

I left college after the first day because I walked too much and my legs were rubbish. I was twerking before I gained a lot of weight. How do you have sex when you were fat? I did not do it. I'm sad. I'm literally sad. Really depressing. Yeah, well, like a chain of greed. Wait. Can I gently touch your face with my death? hands, what are you doing? I went through three hours of makeup. I want a photo to remember. Move your head up a little. Yeah, it's like we're taking my senior picture, oh my god, yeah, it's hard, isn't it getting up, oh my god.
boyfriend wears a fat suit for a day
That's us in 20 years, holy shit, let me tell you a picture of all the monsters, oh my god, yeah, you can't fit in the back. I always have to travel in the front seat. My mom called me her little buddy. Do you need help getting in? the car here let me help you maybe come closer so you can grab me it's not a rolling pin come see it even if it's dead my mom is still going to give me more attention than me I mean she can't ignore me so it's not in bad shape, I know, okay welcome to my channel oh my god will we be family vlogging in the future?
boyfriend wears a fat suit for a day
Hello guys, good morning, today we are going to eat something, I guess, that's not all I did, oh, that's 90%. Okay, now mom, Tom, what? Do you think my mom is going to do it? My mom is actually going to cry because she's going to be like "Oh my God, old Shane" and then she's going to be like reminiscence, she's going to start crying and hug you and slow it down. God this isn't a flattering angle there isn't one I learned it real quick okay we're here oh my god wait I have an idea what would happen if we did an epic slow motion music video montage of the crew getting out of the car oh , that's funny.
I like to make out, look so fast, chewy, you should go to the door first, you are very unrecognizable, right? I want her to think you're like a delivery guy or something. Okay, Amazon, did you recognize me? I know your island by mouth, but it was like and then you are before you say you're dead or whatever, yeah, I just thought Garret doesn't look good, you have to see if she feels real. Oh, do you think that's her future? I'm not going to lose my hair, I'm on pills, we've talked about it, I think you'll be fine because my brother already lost his when he was 30 so he's doing fine when you get to the third one that sounds opal, he's an abyss exactly like me I used to stay after school mom, no one ever had sex with me again.
I wanted him to know what I've struggled with in the past so he can understand me better and I used to be fat so I want him to be fat for a day and he's afraid of going bald so Garett's birthday and death because he woke up, It doesn't really matter, you want some chocolate wheels, you're scaring me because you look like your dad, this photo and how sad you heard mine, reminds you of me right now oh my God it was on the list I was my brother a memory that is like stuck in my head for some reason his embarrassment was going to start high school and we were going shopping and we went to Target if you remember Shane but it was really the first time I saw him so frustrated because he was trying on clothes, yeah, because They had oversized t-shirts and stuff, but I don't know, it wasn't going very well and I literally had to do it.
Walk away and walk away and I like it, even though it's like now, well, you probably walked the other way and cried. I'm very dark, but I know he came back to the dressing room and he was very angry and then I felt hurt by him and so I left and I cried and you know, but it was hard to just show that nothing has changed, yeah, because I'm afraid to buy new pants and they might not fit, they are literally falling apart yes Shana because I'm afraid they won't. I don't want to go try on my pants, what if they don't fit?
What if I'm fat again? That's literally what happens every time I try. Attached I witnessed a couple of times, well, maybe today I will get your pants, yes, let it be, because you are beautiful and you don't need to feel that way anymore. Where are we going to get parents? I think we should go to Target, really, yeah, because that's where everything fell apart. Yes, the mirrors in his dressing room know what you're going to drink. this


is coming off tonight that's not going to come off if it's like a real life nightmare wait it's like what's going on so here's the situation the plan was to go to the restaurant and force him to try to get to a table so you know what.
It feels and I want to talk about this out loud and on camera because I feel like this video is taking a turn and I really don't know how to deal with it, I don't want people to think what we're doing. It's funny with fat people like I'm literally fat and I still think I'm fat so it's not that. Plus, it's all getting too real. When I came up with this idea, I thought, "Oh, Garrett and I are talking, you know, this would be it." funny like oh it's funny but real because it's like oh I want you to see what it's like to try on clothes and do all these things so you know my past and I think what's hard for me is like I'm reliving everything. now I'm crying like my mom, I'm reliving everything and I'm literally looking at what it was and also how I still feel and I like to see my mom cry, that's it, everything has really taken a turn and I don't. you know what to do right, you know, a little two cents here is the best for you, it's like a person who does comedy and does this is all you've ever done, take your darkness and turn it into art with your short films with your books with everything, literally your entire career so far and I think these issues that have haunted us so deeply, this strange thing that we connect with are like serious body issues that control every waking hour with you with me Pingo like, hey you I know that all we can do is laugh at it and try to make light of it because otherwise we'll just sink into the pain and that's not good for anyone, so I feel like this video, I know it hit a pretty real place, but it's also we just try to be like, hey, we're all in this together, we all have darkness and because I deal with so many issues, I thought knowing how it feels or even a little bit of how it feels would bring us closer together or whatever. and then What I think I've realized is that I don't want to feel so bad.
I don't want you to feel anything like I do. I don't want you to make an effort like looking sad and like on a couch, like I can't move. like I don't want to talk like whatever like I just like I don't want you to feel like that because it sucks yeah it sucks I hate feeling like that all the time it's nice to know where you're coming from even if it's like me being in a


for eight hours can't even compare with what you've obviously been through in your life. It's good to take a look at it to see where you're coming from because a lot of times we'll get into minor arguments about things I just don't understand, but it's because of a big problem from your past that I've never dealt with, yeah, it's crazy how the universe is happening. , like my pants ripped yesterday, like yesterday I noticed a hole in my pants because I've been wearing them every day for like two years and I need to get new ones and I'm too scared because I'm afraid my pants won't fit, like this that maybe we go to Target and I try on pants and I find new pants and then we come home and we all go back to being ourselves and we just burn your old pants, burn your old campfire pants, order pizza, okay, let's lighten the mood, Let's go to Target, okay?
You're out, the goal is God, what are you doing? I'll take it off when I'm ready. I am nervous. That doesn't help. That will make you look crazier. I think what we should do is take off your royal suit. You look like a gentleman, oh my god, so much has happened, people are behind like mutants, it's not true, I'm fine, there's no way to hide, so don't do it, that's bad, it's my time, it seems so real, it's someone, a fox, we are here. For business we have to find me pants, right, I'm not going to wear blue jeans, I'd rather die, what about Dickies?
What does that mean? They are like work pants. I don't work. I am a youtuber. What is the darkest shade? Look. Me on Twitter, well, we won't talk about that, what is this Lenox? Where does Big Lake fit in? Should I go to the moms section? Okay, I'll grab some. I'm just going to grab. I don't even care, just look. like me before phase two gesturing down trying this on I'm really scared and there's no one here but I think he usually comes and tells me and I like the new pants and I want to cum still okay okay team , what are you doing?
I think about the new pants, pretty similar to the last ones, but they look great in their new ones and that's what matters, I'm so emotionally and mentally tired and all I want to do is scalp myself and eat croissants and almonds, just I want to put together and Winchester, okay, Devon is coming. He's coming back to take this all away from us, so let's talk about what we learned. I learned not to genuinely judge someone just on the surface. I know it sounds very cliché, but it's so true that it's so easy to just blurt out something and someone other than yourself.
I don't necessarily know anything about myself, well, I don't want to be dead and I don't want you to be dead and I don't want anyone here to be dead, that's good, but it wouldn't be sick as they say. Be a ghost I've been thinking about that a lot today you look crazy Yeah okay omg so this video series took a turn when I thought about the idea of ​​these videos. I didn't really think it through, I guess I mean. I just thought it would be fun and stupid and silly and it became very real. I don't think I ever talked to my mom about how she felt what I felt and when she was overweight she had no idea what she was.
I really liked it with her because I was so focused on how hard it was for me to be overweight, but it was good to see that you know, Ryland lives one day in my old shoes. I mean, I know a lot of you watching have problems with his manner. Like me, although those problems will never go away. I think it's important to appreciate the people around you who help you cope today. I realized how lucky I am. You know, I would like to have a group of people who love me. and who support and encourage me when I do something as simple as trying on my pants hard.
You have helped them enjoy these videos. I don't even know who else was excited and that was crazy, but I came up with this. motto when I was younger and it's super cheesy but I stand by it, it's you, no matter how much of you

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