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One Useless Fact about EVERY LoL Champion!

Mar 30, 2024
which actually took one of his discarded abilities. Silas was originally supposed to have said the W, as confirmed by this Reddit post here, but what I find funniest is the comment below and saying thanks for not adding that, whoops, did you know Shaka was Almost in the Same ship of having virtually no story except for one key detail, we do know that he is canonically the smallest


in League of Legends because he is a literal toy. A while ago they tried updating Shen to make him look more tanky. Since he's a tank and apparently a big fan, Shen looked super weird so they completely wrote him off as per lore, Ezrael likes to kiss Shyvana's leg, you can't make this stuff up and scorched lore is responsible for creating the poisons that destroyed.
one useless fact about every lol champion
Riven's gang in Master Yi's Village seems like a great guy. League of Legends was still in development. This was what the science store display looked like. It is also worth noting that intelligence can be improved back then. This is anything but


, but Sivir's Brazilian voice actress, Christian Louise. was tragically murdered in 2021, which happened,


one used Mercy's catchphrase. Heroes never die on the tribute tour. Seriously, it's a very tragic story, but I hope he rests in peace. Extech gemstones are actually the souls of the people of Skarner or, more specifically, Bracken, basically their essence. It is poured into the crystals that form their bodies and emit powerful energy.
one useless fact about every lol champion

More Interesting Facts About,

one useless fact about every lol champion...

Sona's passive is called a power chord and if you listen closely, the sound they use when Sona's password plays is actually a power chord, which is cool. Did you know that The form that Soraka takes that we have seen in League of Legends is not what it really seems. She looks a lot like Bart. He is a Celestial. He needed to take a mortal form to interact with Roomtera, so he took a form similar to that of the resident Atrani Vestaya tribes. on Mount Targon, as you know she wants to make them feel at ease, yet containing this mortal form is agony for her and she suffers constant pain doing so, just another sacrifice she makes to help the seemingly more rowdy people.
one useless fact about every lol champion
Static James Bach would walk around with a coat over his shoulders during Swain's development to promote the idea of ​​his visual upgrade when Silas was being developed and they had to re


or 97 of the other ultimate


s so Silas could steal his maximum possible long ago, the Center could use other Syndra balls when they're in one-for-all, which, as you can imagine, made things pretty chaotic. I mean, look at this, this is just crazy, just a bunch of balls flying


where. This person made a modified Tom Kench gromp skin that works surprisingly well almost. a little too well according to Riot Talia's favorite hobbies are singing and making art basically anything creative plus her favorite color is indigo did you know that Talon is the one who gave Katarina that big scar on her face when he tried to kill her but failed Little girl?
one useless fact about every lol champion
Tariq's social concept actually ended up splitting into Ezreal and Tariq. Femo's Q range is exactly 36 longer than his auto attacks. Also, this is a scary drawing of what Teemo would look like without hair. Someone feels like I need to apologize after showing them this. When Thresh was released in 2013, his base health at level 18 was also 2013 HP as a little easter egg. Furthermore, the name thresh originated from the word reap, as thresh means to harvest a seed and thresh. Harvest well. Souls christana's weapon is called boomer, which is why Ramus and Tristana get an aging debuff in bot lane together after her release actually managed to go two years without any balance changes, which is actually quite a bit. awesome.
Trinity Bear's sword was passed down to him from his father and has been passed down for generations and his father in the story had a quote where he said he used it the most and you can remove this, which is a reference to the original game Legends of Zelda. Twisted Fate's name for her hat is Envy and also the cards Twisted Fate used to have. in their original concept art they were incredibly massive, voiced by Doug Boyd, who sadly also passed away in 2021 in addition to Twitch Douglas, probably best known for playing LeapFrog's Mr Frog. Udyr was actually the first champion released after the official release of League of Legends in 2009, also before his rework, Scuttle actually had more animations than him.
A few years ago someone created a website called Praise of Ergot that was created to send people after hitting someone with ergot saying things like Crab Time and Show an Example of What a Crab Expert Does . is able to also there is a link to get started and if you click on it it just says get good people will play varus on average you will get 0.986 double kills per match also varus' Q piercing arrow is actually a rework of the old tristana sign draw a paced ability Apparently if it's early enough in the game and the respawn timers are low enough, you can doom the passive science and it will follow them to the Source and still hit them, which is what happened here and actually canceled Scion's teleportation in the process.
It has to be one of the most unfortunate things I've seen on Lake. Did you know that Event Horizon or Vagar e used to deal one point of true damage to each unit inside the cage and sometimes could even kill them when the unit was at uncaused HP and Draven and share the same actor Eric Bra was crazy enough to start his career as a Journey voice actor by simply doing voices in a cubicle and the producers heard him so they gave him a chance. One of Vex's discarded spells was the ability to slow down speeds. enemy missiles like Ash's or even ultimate misfortunes, which actually would have been cool, but they said there were too many technical challenges when VI came out back in 2013, it was stated that VI weighed 8,140 pounds with his gloves.
It may have changed a bit since then, this is probably one of the most accurate vehicle cosplays I've seen. I mean, this guy literally looks like the real-life Diego and when you add editing to the photos, he looks almost uncannily like this guy. he could become the new splasher if he wanted and no one would notice that Victor in Arcane was voiced by Harry Lloyd, who was also the same voice actor who played Viserys Targaryen, in other words Daenerys Targaryen's brother Patrick Vlad, did you know that Volley Bear is one of Fairly Odin's demigods who helped shape the landscape, the mountains apparently exist because Oren got into a fistfight with the Earth, but volleyball is responsible for the first river and is rumored to have urinated on the first river This is not actually true, although as in Lawrence clearly stated that he was actually made of blood, but the rumor that Volley peed on the first River came from both of them.
This Oren Molar Bear quote made River's first Volley Bear quote. The first River was a river of blood. What has my brother been saying? So you can probably see with a touch of outlandish interpretation how this rumor started. Did you know that in the second story of the job the job was actually an alchemist known as the marker of death by the Ionians and Soraka sacrificed his Divinity to transform him into a wolf as punishment? For his war crimes, Wukong was picked the most among all champions in the professional game last season, being picked 1,651 times and the next closest was Nara with 1,389 picks.
Wukong also had a win rate of 57, which is pretty good considering how much he played. Did you know that when Zaya and Rakan dance near each other at the same time, they will make a unique dance animation? You have to get the timing right, but if you do, it actually looks pretty cool because you know Zarath isn't an Ascended like Azir. Nazis or Renekton, but technically it is classified as a bakai, human-animal hybrids that underwent the essential ritual and failed, most of these happened before the big Sunday began, so they don't really exist anymore. They still have the immortality of the true ascended, but they lack the godlike powers and didn't exactly keep their minds intact.
Zareth is a strange exception as he absorbs much of the power of the solar disk and became your Arcane energy, but as the Ascension rituals still technically fail and as such, he is technically a bakai shinzao. has the highest AFK rate of any champion on any server, leaving seven percent of the time the player's perception of Yasuo changing drastically depending on the region he is in, for example in terms of fear of play against players on a server that rated you. 137 out of 140 champions available at the time, but in China they inappropriately rated him 23, so because the Chinese nickname for him also translates as happy windman, the idea of ​​one as a champion was launched because they thought that it was cool that he had two swords in the Legends of Runeterra job was the first Champion to be released before his Champion Spotlight due to Freak's flight being delayed on the way back from Dreamhack in Sweden.
It's also possible that these two are best friends because York takes Graves. Did you know that Yumi's Ultimate almost gave her the ability to attack enemies and at the same time knock them down until they ran into Casante-like terrain, but she was actually attached to you in the story. Zach was actually nicknamed The Returning Pool because Zahn's children would throw their rocks at him and in response, Zach would reject them. Zed is by far the favorite assassin champion in the game. A while ago there was a poll for those who selected assassin as their favorite class, and of them, Zed was chosen as the most chosen, with a rating of 27 more than any other.
The splashart of another assassin Zary was actually changed after his release, after a few days it was edited to show a darker skin tone and this was the before and after. Ziggs' Japanese voice actor is Natsuki Hane, who actually also voices Heimerdinger and Vigor, plus he's extremely good. Well-known voice actor probably best known for his role as Tundra from Demon Slayer in the story during the Battle of Acadia he saved zillions of people from freezing the entire city in time, but he doesn't know how he did it or how to undo it, right? ? I know that Zoe didn't actually get her powers, and as one of the main reasons she uses them so irresponsibly, becoming an aspect requires a person to climb to the top of Mount Targon, where they are chosen by a Celestial to act as a projection of himself on Runeterra there.
There aren't many aspects because 99 of the people trying to make this climb die, but not Zoe because she didn't even climb the mountain at all. The Celestial God of Twilight found Zoe to be such a perfect match that they simply gave him her powers. the place, I don't know if that makes her character better or somehow even more annoying, definitely more annoying. Zyra was initially meant to be a mid laner and as a side note, one of Zyra's teaser graphics was borderline nudity, so I'm not going to show the full image here, but if you want to see it I'll leave a link on the description and while you're in the description, don't forget to claim your big free bonus pack by downloading War Thunder using my link again.
The package includes   Premium Vehicles, Premium Account Boosters and a ton more. It's actually a great deal and an incredibly fun free game, one of my personal favorites, so be sure to check it out anyway. Guys, thank you very much for watching if you want. check out more videos like this, check out my other four videos exactly like this one here, don't forget to subscribe if you enjoyed and happy holidays everyone, a big shout out to my tier 3 patreon, Stephen knockick and James, and a big shout out to my two. or four Patron well done, many thanks to all the patrons too.

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