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Kid's Who Got Grounded Forever

May 17, 2024
oh pinana Z loves these he's trying to hit him how is this? It's not that H had to hurt his face, these are children who were punished


and if Max knows three times more than zie's face is being painted, this could be impossible oh look at that child who is not even walking, he is already stealing, right? how are they going to be punished?, although he will be punished


, he just took his mail when you are taller. One S clean, no, this will end in a mess, this is how Zadee helps us clean, no, oh.
kid s who got grounded forever
Match just said no and if she says it two more times Zadee will get her face painted which she's been begging to do but I don't think she should because she's only two well we'll see if that happens because you I only have two more chances to say no, what's going on here in the oan, oh they're fighting, they're brothers, they're like my nephews, that older brother who got aggressive, oh did he hit him where I thought he did and I said Oh no? the other word oh is fine but that shouldn't be allowed oh man feel bad for that kid ooh what did he put in his hair?
kid s who got grounded forever

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kid s who got grounded forever...

What is that lotion or hair dye? I don't know, she put something in her hair that might not have ended well, it looks like it's all over the carpet too, if it was zie she definitely would have been punished, but that kid's been there alone for a while, look at the claw marks on the table, can you imagine receiving a bunch of eggs thinking you are going to make breakfast for everyone and then you come to this, what is the most difficult thing to remove? uh, the egg, eggs, I mean, that rug is ruined forever, that kid is going to be punished, that was my kid, I would do it. punish that kid so fast oh really yeah you'll be


forever maybe Z should try it and see what happens good luck he's stepping on cracks because he can't eat candy you step on a crack you break your mom's back . he is angry, did you see that face?
kid s who got grounded forever
This is me holding back here because that's ridiculous, but we have a 2 year old and she throws a tantrum, she's so relatable she's like a six year old, let them do, oh oh my. God, this is it, he's all over his kitchen, ooh, I hope it's paper. Mom, that poor mom is going to spend hours cleaning and I don't think there's any way you can eliminate all of that. How did they get this far once again? Yeah definitely punished I took my eyes off my burger for a second Z's totally out with me with my nachos I'll be like sitting there eating and she walks in lightly and grabs one and shoves it in her mouth so fast I can't understand it. of her, I mean, that's cuter than anything else, that kid isn't being punished, he's just hungry, okay, and you can't find the napkin.
kid s who got grounded forever
I can't imagine if she would have spent a lot of money on my wedding dress, it was my wedding day and some kid wiped his mouth on it. I have a question: what did this older sister have on her face? I hope Zade is a good big sister like this. Oh no, did you just say no, no, no, number two one more time and let's take D? to the park because they are going to paint her face, she started off nice but then ended in a disaster, what are sisters for? Ooh this looks good let's say the little boy was scared and the big sister was just trying to help them face their fears and that was also a safe landing trying to wash yourself with your baby they're just man that baby is pretty fast .
I'll be honest, how are they going to punish this little boy? This child can't even eat his own food. trying so hard not to say the word no yeah don't mess with her oh ooh zadee does this to me oh oh she gave him the Faith what was this is zie after i told her not to do something look at me while she goes and he does, that kid was next level, but did you see that later on that will be a problem? Terrible situation, see, all the parents' faces are saying, "Oh my God, this didn't end well." Zoom in on that.
Dad right now says: Are you kidding me? I told you this photo shoot was a bad idea the first time I made cookies and hopefully the last. It's disastrous, what are you using ground coffee? Yeah, so why don't parents step in to help you know that you have life lessons that you had to go through as a child and this is apparently one of them, but hopefully that child has to learn how. to clean it up too oh the kid did it oh they didn't do it that's more fun than punishment I don't know, I mean, unless they've been told not to do it, let's look at that again, it looks like he's going to make it, totally.
He made it clear, oh, gravity just took him back to that dirty, disgusting lake. My favorite part is at the end, when he lands, comes back and does the splits. That guy almost totally looks like my nephew Parker, the resemblance is crazy, wait, that's Parker's water, oh. Well oh, the good news is that the boy is learning to get his own water. The bad news is he took an L on that, yeah, twice, oh my god, not on the scooter, kids on it, it's a motorcycle. It's oh oh oh, thank God. It could have been terrible, yeah, if that landed on his leg, they wouldn't be


, they'd be in a hospital with a cat who parks his computer like that, are you kidding me?
Where is the camera angle? Is it a security camera or someone? By filming this I'm just letting you know that you'll never get a motorcycle, my son is trying to show off, oh he dropped his foot, oh no he dropped his foot, big sister just laughs, oh my god he's trying to get off and now, oh, he got off. Although he fell, he might have lost a nail, although that thing was actually tied to his foot. Half of these videos are parents freaking out and trying to figure out what to do and missing shots. Little children are bullies.
And he did it? just hit him in the face with that remote, honestly, oh now it's just when I build a sandcastle, Zadee goes and destroys it, that's what little kids do, they destroy everything every time I'm taking a nap, Z like, dad, wake up, are you? Just kidding, yeah, we know it's the opposite of yeah, no, yeah, ooh, this looks like fun, oh, but if they turn upside down, oh, when you don't turn fast enough, I bet there was some blood on That fast forward, 10 years later. hurt in a different place when he's used to your dramatic attitude, the girl is freaking out because her car isn't working and the little brother is mad, he says all you had to do was close the doors and then it would start, oh god.
God, when the little brother knows more than the big sister, relatable, I can't relate to that, I always knew more than my little brother, I hope daddy doesn't notice, oh, what did they scrape, what did they scrape, oh, this is something of this? It's something Zadee should see but never say what it is to reveal the element that better not be a car that would be all. I'm thinking it's a car no it can't be a car right Sam oh my god they are I'm going to need a lot more marker for that accident and what did they run into 70 gallons of sugar when your niece is spoiled and won't push her away ?
Oh wow, if Zie ever does this, I'll be fine, Zadee gets angry sometimes. But it's not like that and she has lungs, she's quite loud. I bet Z is a lot louder than that girl. I wonder where she gets it from. Funny kids. She's okay, she's not punished, oh, right in the middle, yeah, you get punished for that she hurt you both, I think. The brother could have taken his toy or something that had Strength, it was like boom, he had a plan and then it backfired on his fist, ooh, slipping, what's that, a lot of oil, I don't know what would happen if they got in. oil like to bake like oil to bake in your kitchen these twins are all over the place but one is still clean the other is very messy also one is fully dressed the other is not at all I think they really like the feeling of the slippery We are in a wedding to give the child up for adoption.
Oh, they put it on. The ring was lost. I hope they got that ring out. We don't know if it's his son, but yeah, what would happen if that happened? At our wedding I blame people for having their wedding in a place with a lot of cracks everywhere, which had to happen. I used to start fights with my older brother and it always ended like this for me, oh plant, that's what I did. my sister on the trampoline I don't regret it comment below if you are an older sister regret too immediate what do they regret? oh oh i tried to hit the mom and then it backfired, that's why parents need to stay in shape so you have rock hard ABS in case your kid's accident, you know, hits you in stomach or something that was intentional, oh no, what happened, they're just walking, you think it's like the most basic things can become dangerous with children, getting stuck, oh, they kept going, oh, oh, oh, go, go.
Go, go, oh my god, her sister would have hit him so hard because she was pushing with aggression. Why do they still have those things? How to ruin some kids' day. I think it's cotton candy, oh sad, oh they added hot water, that would be so sad. Zade zadee would be a little confused why parents should be grounded. I can't argue with that four-year-old ruins gender reveal. I think I've seen this one. Before you have what happened why would I ruin it? it's bad here we go are you ready oh no oh yes you will never know the sex of the baby oh oh my god that's terrible mom in the end she's so angry i would be too this is why he can't be a father he put a laser on the child oh oh le They made a face, that's why you can be a father, it seems like Z's face is not going to be painted, I haven't said the word yet, okay, well, it's not over yet, okay, Mr.
Confidence, we're driving for the first time, stop, slow down, break, break, break, break, break, break, break, no, they totally messed up, no, you just said no, which means Z he's going to the park and Z's face is hurting . The first time, come on, she's fine, then Zade is painting my face because she wanted to paint her face, but now she's a little nervous and I tell her that she's not scary. You know, mom won a contest so maybe you could paint your face. she doesn't want to understand it she's coming to her senses I think she wants to she just she's nervous eh zie ooh that's a pretty color can I make one when you're gone?
No, I know, I want good instead of zie getting her face painted. I got my Leg painted, are you having fun at least Stie? I'm so happy you changed your mind and didn't want your face painted.

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