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LAND OF THE LOST, trail riding in old school buggies #builtnotbought #oldschoolbuggies

Jun 03, 2024
Now, this is just that police officers in Lancaster, Pennsylvania were asking people to be on the lookout for a man who robbed a store and I think yeah, I think we have his description. Can we take that? Let's take the description of him. Okay, this is the guy. They want, they wanted people in Pennsylvania to be alert because he was wearing a hat at the time of this particular crime, so we came to St Halen with the wild nacho. Yes, he's done. Natural, so if you don't know, we haven't been up north for a while because wild Jay got a new job.
land of the lost trail riding in old school buggies builtnotbought oldschoolbuggies
He is now the king of Michigan nachos. Hey, my God, starting out like everyone else, we should be Flappy, oh look at this. blue duct tape is not the same color blue duct tape you won't even know it's there we're getting ready Wild J is taping his panel you know it's the first panel to come off, keep your P in mind, listen to how quiet it is is. If you do that, some screws that already need to be tightened right there, my cat, we're not going to tighten them, they should be tightened, Larry, what are you doing, what are you doing, packing Miller's Cheetos in case I need them, while J is putting oil? the engine, what do the things of the world refer to?
land of the lost trail riding in old school buggies builtnotbought oldschoolbuggies

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land of the lost trail riding in old school buggies builtnotbought oldschoolbuggies...

Did you lose the side or did I find it? What is my new Lut? It's an extension of Lut, so Miller drove what an hour and a half with a plug stuck to his wheel, it's amazing to be there. see, so we're here we think we'd met a Sasquatch oh wait that's just wild J Miller wild J is getting ready to hand in his card man he's wearing a pink shirt look Mark there you go yeah I told you that I would use it on the first trip this is the first trip for me here we go St H Buddies loose 222 no Trail puffers allowed we're going to take these Mountain Dews and bury them and then at the end of the year we're going to go and dig them up and they'll be nice, cold and cold for us Z I know like what we are doing what mountain you will discover this go put it in the bag nothing there is no room for p there is no bag of space because you I forgot, we have seen how many things you keep in those bags, there, you beat my ANS and my shovel alone, okay, we're in St Helen, what's up guys?
land of the lost trail riding in old school buggies builtnotbought oldschoolbuggies
We're going to take a short trip, hopefully, just to try it out. take out Wild J's new pocket in his car this is Curtis he's


with us today okay we're ready right now the plan is we're going to try to avoid the rain that's coming what exactly woo oh yeah if you're no first you're the last one out of my way Miller already


us he was supposed to turn right he already took a wrong turn again what's this guy doing oh my god, I already took two wrong turns? Yes, you're supposed to? go to the first intersection and turn around, you kept shooting in a straight line.
land of the lost trail riding in old school buggies builtnotbought oldschoolbuggies
I said he was on my steering wheel, that's amazing. I said I feel like I have a lot of power, great, good job cleaning my carburetor, so what are we going to do. I'm going to see how long this guy lasts and I don't know why Mr. Miller didn't take him down, but we're running him, we're running him, oh yeah, it's raining on us too, come on. waiting for you L you're the one doing WR now let's do the opposite of what wild J just


let's go back to the next intersection now you turn left instead of right no, it's raining Miller we gotta get out from here, we don't understand, it's not Mountain Dew break time, we're trying to leave and Miller is here telling stories, what am I up to?
I'm almost another tree. Did I just miss my turn? I guess I'll just turn around and find them, come running at me, okay, I'll get out the Mountain Dews, what are we going to do, oh my God, Larry, you left the mark on my car, yeah, get out the shovel , Larry, what shovel don't you do? you have a shovel in your P, I just grabbed the mountain, okay, now let's take the Mountain Dews and bury them to use later. Yeah, the best idea we've ever had is to bury Mountain Dew so you're nice and cold I didn't even bring a shovel just wants to be all dirty shovels the best idea this is not the coffee shop Larry we dig in the dirt wait a second this is not the cafeteria why am I wearing my pain shirt come on, the best idea we've ever had is so much better than those other stupid ideas we had you buried the one in the sand this is dirt Larry this is clay Larry clay that's dirt Larry that's sand that's grit Larry Miller Miller from the city, he don't know what dirt is, yeah, I'm I'm I live in the city I use a refrigerator.
He's not cold, D, the cold doesn't suffocate, well, dees, see you in a few months, we'll see. you, in the future, yeah, you broke down, here we go, hey, next one marks the spot and she there, you know, and there are the tires, there we go, we're ready for this, yeah guys, best idea ever we had. I just heard. thunder rumbling there we gotta get going before it rains on us uh-oh turn that off now we're obsessed woo woo wild Jers hit us with the SC SC holy whiskers woo if you're not the first you're the last what happened uhoh Miller slow down down and turn it off what happened Larry throttle Throttle No that's the other end oh yeah you broke a throttle cable I just replaced that friend yeah new I'm gonna start talking to Herman how the hell do you break a throttle it's brand new Brand new, first run.
They just don't make them like they used to. I guess it's happening in the world, but how do you keep track anyway? Yeah, I was just thinking we're running pretty well while J is going straight, not kicking, doing a good tr9. It must be fine and all of a sudden we slowed down and broke a throttle cable we shouldn't have buried those Mountain Dews we should have saved them we could have drank them so I think you have another one in your bag what's the extra piece what's the extra piece the parts are to fix the accelerator cable.
I'm pretty sure they're in your bag. We also have cable because I was getting ready to cut that guy but we didn't. We have the cable for it. uhoh, we could have it. a problem has a hole in your these things really have no bottom Andrew what is it Andrew, even your nylons here sad, okay, the nut made it here I have part of it, I have it, here we go, I have one how to knit a quilt, wait, how? you know how to quilt, he went to L's Retreat. I'm not the guy who wears the pink shirt, nor a screwdriver, you have to make do with what you have, unless you run side by side, then you just make a phone call to the dealership and complain take your phone take a photo and send it to them to Jared what French toast to get this guy out of every trip he complains about my Hatters first it was the duels it's like getting a steering exhaust and we'll be fine here They never told you to get a Corvette exhaust.
Sounds good right now. Too bad about that frozen Mountain Dew. We buried them all in the ground. There we are going to put the spring of the trampoline. Ready. I want the clamps to put that spring. on and your eyebrows with your pink shirt I would say that's enough for who it was but you get nervous when I say it's around here almost falling asleep for the third time just that part we were looking for what if this is the part we couldn't find when put his pocket on this part, wait all this time, all this time it broke and we didn't even eat snacks, that's true, you want some Miller Cheetos that we broke, you can eat them now, wild ones, like that thousand.
J back oh there was a stop sign I thought Miller was breaking down again I know w woo that was fun hey I have no idea where he's going bro yeah wo yeah wo if you're not the first you're the last woo here we go Common Ros Michigan wild J made you have trouble just looking uhoh and um is this water or is that oil and maybe she's a little oily back there? She comes from your dog, what does it mean what's your oil cooler? Because it's just on this side, which means we just have to take the cover off and tighten it, tighten the W on the oil cooler all the time we're down the


, so we've got a problem here, either they're loose or the I take out one or the other that is not there. well pretty sure this is the tire James put on because there's a new valve stem his fault the tire is loose yeah the three L nuts the one tire you put on can't be trusted to do anything serious mate , oh, in the plus. side, even though there's nothing else, you already have a plug in that one, that's a time, that's a time saver right there, that's probably why that one was loose, wait, wait, wait, wait, Dave Cribis, this is your job, you have a job, my little Zippy.
My CV boot is coming off back here, of course, that's not as bad as your wheel falling off, that would have been a lot cooler, not for me, that's all, we should be ready to go, oh, oh there we go I got my Snickers bar paper bag in the mail or they call them the bag lady. I would have called him the big boy, but I'm kind of a pink shirt. I have to add some oil to Miller's car. It's called The Wild J Funnel. Put oil on my finger. Pittsburgh tools to save the day. Savage Fury, can't we say this is the first piece to come out?
I have one, do it, it's that guy, a little bit, wait a minute, here are all your screws, hose clamps, a bushing, the little bearing is wearing out a little bit, okay, okay, stop. saying I'm going to hit you, I don't want to get hit by a guy in a pink shirt and when I do, I think okay, so we invented the Ras Common, there's all the breakdowns in the world, there's nothing left to break, like this that everything is easy from here, we have to go back to the


er, we turn our B for 1 minute while Jacob walks with three guys, thanks, that's why Miller is the best guy ever, oh, now no one is more generous than wild.
J no you're not lying, what do you think about that? You know they put a scratch on my car before. Now I have a leaky CV. I can't even get into the car without swe and I just went just in case. I've finished now. my water just sat here for a moment, it was already at 10 volts, really yeah that's weird. CU has shot up in the trailer, eh, damn, I need to replace it, let's go first, besides the break, we are in Ros common, right? now we only have gas now we're back on the trail what's going on that better not be my tire again we're waiting for miller he's not showing up okay what happened i need a new tire that's what happened he spoke it went loose again yeah , I did, yes, how many are there?
Wow man, the holes are fine, no, they are removed. I don't know what happened to all the good stuff. Uh oh, I was in a bad mood. How awful. Where does this trail go? This path oh. Yeah, savage, J just led us to the


of L, the


of Theost, what I thought it was, get me out of here before I break something, hopefully the last time he screwed up by turning your springs, it seems like It's working better, isn't it? just an illusion basically mounted on two two nuts at this moment Mill nut they call them oh, I have poop too and this one with the plug turned Titan no, it's not very good Tre rid and pink SS shirt oh yeah, hey, hey, all that was work f go watch's go, what's this purple wire going for?
Because it's melting. Curtis she SMY purple cable yes, that was the cable from another video that cannot fail. I don't remember what it was, although if it melts it's no sooner than it was supposed to. be the indestructible cable well, apparently it's not, you know what's probably going to get cold if we're all going to take a pee break. I'm sure everything will work out. What we're doing is the bad thing on the ground, I saw the bad Cheetos, who are your Cheetos, come on boy, okay, we stopped here not to look for my cable meled about to take the leite, so it doesn't have nothing to do, but I have to check that, oh, never mind.
Go away he said if it's melting it's nothing important you don't even need it yeah that's the wire that powers everything in your car hold on to a master wire okay we don't need it you don't need it I'm sure everything will figure out itself you know what the car is doing it's telling you what color it wants to be it's the wire that's failing it's that's the hot wire it's telling you just do it in your car let's wait for your Mel Melty while you It's what might not be funny in a second. It's your business, we're almost back in St.
Helen. Wild J will make it. He is smoking. There is smoke. So I turned off the headlights and light bar and that stops the smoking, so maybe too much. voltage I don't know, yeah, if you're not the first, the last one you get sm, sming, it just exploded. I guess that's the end of Wild J and the end of the video, okay, we don't need it, you don't need it.

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