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The SCAM Bagged Soil Companies Don't Want You To Know

Apr 24, 2024
In today's episode, I'm going to show you how to take this bag of potting mix and turn it into these four medium bag bags. You can save a ton of money by doing this and if you've ever gone to the store and felt overwhelmed and confused, don't anymore, this will save you a ton of money. I'm going to show you how we go, so most potting mixes are a Pete Moss based foaming medium, they are dirt free, that means they don't have any post in them, but they usually also have things like perlite and vermiculite added , some will also have a little bit of fertilizer added to them, but the first thing we


to do is get a Sie, this is a 1/4 inch mesh here and that's going to give us a nice fine texture because when you get a potting mix, the potting mix will not be sifted and I am not telling you to look at any brand here, this just proves a point because they are all the same brand and when you go go to the store many times what really bothers me is that these brands package


and we market them as something special or different and then we charge exorbitant prices for these things that are actually all in the same mix, depending on what you're going to go for, so we have a /4 inch mesh here and I'm just going to pull this out well, I probably should have made the whole bag once it's a little heavy, so once you're done sifting your potting mix with that quarter inch mesh, you'll have this stuff that's plus a quarter inch and you will have this material that is less than a quarter of an inch.
the scam bagged soil companies don t want you to know
You could sift it further if you


ed, but there's really no need to because that brings us to our first product that we sold to you and that is the orchid mix. If you take the orchid mix and open it up, you will basically discover that they are basically the same thing. Now it will have a little bit of light. here, but that's okay because the light is inert, it doesn't do anything anyway, this is literally this, it's the same product, so there's your orchid mix. The reason this will work so well for orchids is because orchids like the philinopsis orchid they don't like. to be put in the ground, so if you put them in something like this they will retain too much water and your orchids will rot.
the scam bagged soil companies don t want you to know

More Interesting Facts About,

the scam bagged soil companies don t want you to know...

Orchids are used to clinging to the sides of trees and that is why for a long time. of their orchid mixes, it's basically wood chip bark and that's all you can get here too, so other than the fact that there will be a tiny bit of particles, why pay $9 for this when you could basically have it as a byproduct? free when you're making your other mixes now, once you've sifted out the big chunks and you've got your orchid growing medium, you can take this and it will become your African violet growing medium. There is absolutely nothing special about this and let me tell you.
the scam bagged soil companies don t want you to know
The only special thing about the African viola growing medium is that it is


less, so any soilless growing medium will be good for African violets and that is because African violets do not like soils that are very rich in matter. organic because they are very prone to root rot and many African violet soils have a neutral pH, so they have been amended with dolomitic lime. All of these potting mixes contain dolomitic lime because Pete Moss can be very acidic so the dolomitic lime basically reduces that acidity and that's it that's it that's the only thing that's different so you got this that saved you 10 bucks this costs $9.75 at our local garden center, no need to buy them right now, you have your orchid mix, your African violet mix by default since you sift.
the scam bagged soil companies don t want you to know
If you got your initial seat mix, the initial seat mix looks like this and the things that we sifted look like this if you went up to someone and said, What's the difference between this and this? They would say it's the same thing and that's because yes it's the same thing that's what I'm trying to tell you literally when sifting a potting mix you already have a seed starting mix a quarter inch sieve is all what you need, you can sift it further if you want and take. come out even more, but anything less than 1/8 inch will honestly be so fine that it won't actually affect the plants roots at all growing into something that passes for a quarter inch totally fine, like They were exactly the same.
Same thing and then why would you spend 1050 for this bag? 10 50150 is the same potting mix the bag of potting mix cost us $5 and we got three times as much and we got other stuff for free basically don't do that just trust me it's crazy that people keep buying these little bags spending exorbitant amounts of money and thinking there is something different about them, there really isn't, it's the equivalent of you going and buying toothpaste, there are different brands, it's literally the same toothpaste if you buy toothpaste with fluoride it's the same on all it doesn't matter if it's bleach it doesn't matter if it stains it doesn't matter if it strengthens the enamel literally everyone is the same basically everyone is the same there is nothing different with potting mix and it's this giant


that people keep falling for and it's about time that you don't fall for it, the last two here one is not represented CU is basically insulting, we will talk about that, but since you have your mixture sifted you are going to take your mixture that you have sifted put it there you are going to grab some sand you leave to serve some sand you mix it now you're going to take this and I'm going to have the same.
This is a cactus mix. This is literally potting mix. Take some of this. Why not throw it there? You have a cactus mix. There is absolutely nothing in this besides sand, which is literally the cheapest you can get. go to any public beach, have a full Dixie cup, no one will notice unless of course they tell you no, then of course don't come after me, but you can take some sand for free or you can. Buy it for like a dollar, it cost us $11, it cost us 11 dollars, this stand was free and we got the exact same product.
If I mix this in, all you're doing is increasing drainage because things like cacti, citrus, and avocados. They don't like to be in very wet soil, they don't like to have wet feet, as we call it, and what you're doing by adding that sand is you're actually increasing the drainage and the fact that it's going to dry out a lot faster. , we've made the same product, we've made the exact same product for basically free, so again, when I say these are all in the same bag, I'm not kidding, so now that we're gone. Out of all of them, I'm going to pick one that I didn't buy because honestly, I can use them all for different purposes, but there's one that I refuse to buy because it's just a Flatout rip-off and it's a raised bed soil mix. turning is exactly the same as potting mix there is no difference you take all this you take all this you don't add the sand you mix all this it's the same it doesn't matter if you go in pots or raised beds I swear people go to the store and They don't realize this and it's okay if you are a beginner gardener.
I have fallen into this trap, the reason I am making this video is because I am sick and tired of people falling into this trap and I have seen so many people leaving, they don't have, they don't have the ground that we are looking for. and I've helped so many people because I'm like, what soil do you have? searching, maybe I can point you in the right direction. I frequent garden centers a lot, uh, and they'll say I'm looking for the specific soil for the rab bed. I'm like any of those, like oh those. don't say raised bed h this is totally fine in a raised bed this is totally fine in a raised bed this has the pieces of wood that make it take up space it has the pear it has the vermiculite that will hold on to water if it has some fertilizer great, you can add your own fertilizer don't pay more for it at the end of the day there is so much more you have to do right when it comes to gardening soil it is so simple and when it comes to


soil with certain brands that you will find in big box stores, you can take the cheapest route possible and end up with some very high quality products because they're making money off of ignorance and that's what I don't like I don't like making money off of ignorance you


yeah that's not bad you can take any of these for their intended purpose and do well with them, but why can you get a bag of your usual stuff for pennies? per dollar and have all the rest free again that bag of potting mix cost me $5 the rest combined cost me 30 30 for basically the same amount of products combined it's crazy so if you want us to pay double for one company accepts Remove the wood chips so you can grow orchids.
I mean, hey, do it, uh, but anyway, you just


, I hope you found this entertaining, I hope you found this educational, and I will say that you know in all the


soils are not. They will all be the same, there are some that are higher quality, some that aren't, some have soil, some have compost, things like that, but in general if you get nice brand name soils you really can't go wrong, so I hope they have. enjoyed and I'm also not that upset if it sounds like I'm upset, I'm just passionate and that's how passionate I sometimes get when I'm passionate about teaching them things and saving them money and winning. less complicated, more fun and enjoyable gardening, so I hope you enjoyed.
I hope everyone learned something new. If you did make sure to hit the like button, subscribe if you haven't already and also definitely share this video with a friend because this video is a little expensive to make so I hope you enjoyed it and as always, This is Luke from the M Garder channel reminding you to grow up, take care of yourselves, bye.

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