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Freedom from Self-Doubt! Overcome & Stop Doubting Yourself

May 23, 2024
Hello, welcome, welcome to Goddess Temple Sunday. I'm Abiola and Goddess Temple Sunday is your 20-minute burst of inspiration, motivation and transformation to start your week off right. If you're watching this on replay, come join us. Party with us. live on Sunday mornings at 10am m. EST on facebook and instagram @ f yo Latifi yes coach Kalyan is in the house greetings my beautiful beautiful goddess sister coach Roz is in the house greetings coach rise goddess Angelina is in the house yes hello thank you for hearts made us lead Nagata Sunita is here yes hello goddess need a happy beautiful Sunday now my instagram lets me know something are you looking at me from the side because I turned my camera sideways? it's an experiment all work in progress we're watching nothing do it, let me know if you're looking at me sideways and if so I'll try to change it in the stream. my youtube beats you were watching this again on replay.
freedom from self doubt overcome stop doubting yourself
I tried to get you live. I have Facebook on my laptop. my Instagram pops up on my iPhone and I tried to get going on the iPad, but it was too much for Sunday morning, I think so. I'll try it tomorrow in sparrin or summer school because we still have leftovers inside from summer school, yes, thank you. for the heart, thank you for the heart, thank you for the hearts, I still have summer school for entrepreneurs left over, we are celebrating Leo season, what's up with all the Leo goddesses and everyone else and the Leo and Jason people in the house join me for those broadcasts? usually at 6 p.m.
freedom from self doubt overcome stop doubting yourself

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freedom from self doubt overcome stop doubting yourself...

Eastern Standard Time for Spare Preneur Summer School and if you want to take everything to the next level because Spiritual Preneur Guru Academy's door is open for the summer, open right now, head over and take their secrets master class free spiritual sale, rich act, rich goddess. goddess dot club the link is rich goddess dot club yeah okay so coach Roz see you on Instagram coach Roz let me know and sideways on Instagram or are you looking at this the right way you don't look very good tomorrow it turned out well the kidney where to the goddess tamal big rise goddess mignon yes, okay, so this beautiful Sunday we are going to talk about








, what prevents us from being who we were meant to be, who we were born . be who we intellectually know we are, but the subconscious mind doesn't speak in the intellect, let's talk about that and let's start with Coach K Lin, my beautiful goddess Sandra, please give me a number between one and seven, but let's do it. a number between one and eight because we are in the eighth month and we are celebrating Leo season, so give me a number between one and eight and I will draw from my deck of manifestation cards with the deck of manifestation cards, okay , so let me. see if coach yeah I'm on the side I love it I eat on the side okay let me put this together here so coach rods let me know because I just turned the phone over there's no instant solution or we need to restart.
freedom from self doubt overcome stop doubting yourself
Instagram or table Instagram, all together for this Sunday and you know, bring it back another Sunday, greetings goddess Linda, hello Antoine Smith, hello, continue, how are you?, so of course she chose number 8, the number of infinity, says your faith, beautiful member, it is fine. I'm shuffling it's not now, I'm changing everything okay here we go, so I'm going to shuffle eight times, we're setting our intention, since today we're talking about doubts, let's see what the opposite of a doubt is, the opposite. of doubt is knowledge belief security confidence even greater the fact of simply knowledge so let's put our intention in the power of knowledge what we know for sure yes okay okay then eight times one two three or five six seven eight okay and we're going to take out of the top of the deck a very very interesting card oh my gosh I was looking at this card from someone someone posted this on Instagram vulnerability goddess Juno vulnerability is a birth card and the affirmation is that I am strong enough to Open my heart, be myself and express my raw emotions.
freedom from self doubt overcome stop doubting yourself
What does that mean to you right now? Coach Galen. Does that mean something specific? Are you right at this point? Erection ability. I am strong enough to open my heart, be myself and express my raw emotions. Oh goddess Anita. she said oh my god, that made me cry and release a pain in my left shoulder, yes, yes, because all our things hide in our bodies, all our challenges are problems, the ways we doubt ourselves, the ways we we hold back and, to me, what is this card. It means pulling a vulnerability card while we're talking about self-doubt.
It's really just in the right moment and at the right time because when we doubt ourselves we doubt who we are when we doubt what our power is when we doubt how we show up In the world, the first thing we What we do is start to build barriers, we start to build barriers, whether professionally or personally, or whatever, we start to hide, hide who we are, put up a cloak and vulnerability, we believe that I know the dictionary definition means open to attack, but it's actually the opposite when you are vulnerable and you show up as


, you show up in your body with your voice, with who you are, you are actually more powerful because who can come to you, what can come to you, looking, looking, why throw


away when you are standing in assurance and knowing that you are divinely and wonderfully made and that you are here with an incredible divine assignment, even though you may not know what that assignment is. vulnerability is extremely powerful because it says that I am so connected and so surrendered to the idea that I am the one who has to solve everything that I am almighty because I am connected to the source that is almighty if yes oh my gosh okay then it's a good time for us to start with some intention of gratitude and incorporate it, yes, the goddess Coutu says that I have built mountains, yes, yes, and that is the energy we come from.
Don't know. I built oceans, I have


everything that life has thrown at me and certainly my ancestors, because I would not be here if they did not


, and then, oh my God, very well, if your Creator before you, then who will be against you? vulnerability is a superpower that blocks evil blocking madness with your superpower of vulnerability yes you are the source you are the source how magnificent is that so let's take a moment to be grateful and grateful for that and grateful for letting go letting go of the reins in and surrendering to the idea the fear the challenge that we have to figure it all out that we need all the answers that something is wrong with us or that we are broken letting all of that go and instead moving steadily forward with joy and gratitude for being connected, screwed together as a light bulb connected to the source of all that is, we are so grateful to come here again for another beautiful Sunday together as a tribe, as a brotherhood, as a family, knowing that we are not. only in this knowing that we are and we do not have to have all the answers because we are the answer yes, we do not have to have all the answers because we are the answer and that is why I ask the source of all that I ask the Creator to guide my words, guide my actions, guide my beingness and helped these words reach all who must reach them at this time and for this we are very grateful.
Amen, I say and that's fine. my sister received a Suzanne Ashima greetings goddess suzanne see that I love you I love you my sister hello imperfectly perfect and suitable for battle yes you have been in battle it is on Instagram and Laurie K connections creations and connections okay so we Today we are talking of doubts about how to overcome the idea that you know you have that something is wrong with you with your ideas. This is what


s us from showing up and signing up for things we're excited about. That we prevent ourselves from exposing ourselves, our voice, our work, it prevents us from creating the things we want to create and keeps us in a state of limbo, a state of stagnation, and we have the illusion, then we feel like we are stuck.
We feel that something is wrong and I feel stuck and life is not moving but in reality it is quite the opposite life is moving life is moving forward life is moving quickly we don't even know that my birthday was seven days ago and the cells of the skin the skin cells the same skin cells that I had at that moment are already gone, your hair is growing your vision is changing your your body your everything everything life is changing life is wonderfully in motion and It just feels stagnant because we keep changing it back to the same thing so that life is not stagnant.
The illusion is that things are stagnant and we are accepting it, we are feeding it by feeding ourselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally with the same old thing and that leads to doubts because many times we are outside of personal integrity, someone writes that because we must remember that sometimes we are in a state of doubt because we are out of personal integrity, so if you promise yourself, it's okay 2018 I I am going to launch my course or my voice or I will start making YouTube videos or I will publish my products, I will create my jewelry or whatever you promised yourself and it doesn't even have to be anything big if you promise it, okay?
It's the week I'm going to start doing yoga or whatever. I'm going to start doing yoga tomorrow. It's always tomorrow. Good. I'll start it tomorrow. So what if you were in a relationship with a partner who kept telling you? yeah, we're going to do this, we're going to do that, we're going to do this and it doesn't happen, you lose respect for them and you lose trust in them, so it's the same with ourselves, we lose trust. Self-confidence, we lose self-respect, but the beautiful thing is that we can fix it, we can correct it, we can correct it, you know, please go back to the highlighted path, we can correct it right now and this is the way to do it.
To do that, start by being honest with yourself about where you are, hit the share button. Put some positivity on your timeline right now with some positive B on your timeline. Press the share button. Greetings, God it's Colleen, cousin Colleen is in the house. Hello I have. Just a couple of weeks ago, yes, so start by making an honest assessment of where you are. Don't put your blinders on, don't pretend everything is okay, don't think it's okay, well I'm chanting these affirmations and why don't they work? because you're shoveling flowers over the poop, I have my beautiful couch that I'm in love with, but if I took my kitty Annabelle's poop and put it under the couch and tried to hide it or pretend she wasn't there.
You would think it wouldn't work and then you would rightly be in a state of doubt. There's my cousin Janelle. Hello, beautiful goddess cousins. And now how are they? Then I would be in a state of doubt about what our objective is. because instead it is knowledge that we are tuning into is a better word tune into knowledge because it is all there, it is already there, you are sure, you are sure of the fact that you are made for great things, whatever those great things are. For you, whether it's being a mother, whether it's launching your business, creating your products, getting on stage, so let's eliminate those doubts with confidence, instead, confidence is a completely different vibration, it's a vibrational energy that tap into the fact of your knowing and so what are some of the things that you could do on a daily basis to help you realign yourself with your knowing, with your courage, with divine courage?
Okay then, one of the things you want to do when you start your day. It's instead of starting with the energy of all the things that you didn't achieve or that you think are wrong with you or broken, that's why we want to start with a state of gratitude, okay, and some of the things that can help you tune in. with very basic things that we don't think about about our music. Your music is literally like a way to positively brainwash yourself. A way to positively brainwash yourself. I actually have a playlist. Let me see if I can.
I can get you the link if you're listening to music that tells you you know love sucks, you suck, life sucks, music that's the state you brainwash yourself into on a daily basis, let me see, I have a Spotify playlist which was created for me its called is a goddess playlist manifest your power created by the amazing fula goddess and they are all positive goddess songs so i want you to start your day moving and enjoy because one of the interesting things is what they need to teach us. in school instead of algebra no effect, no offense to anyone who is into algebra, but I don't know, I personally haven't used it lately, is that our emotion can be controlled through movement by physically moving the body, that's why you know my goddesses who are with me and believe that when we did it, our goddess poses, it literally puts a different energy, a different vibration, it makes you a different place in your body and this is something that NASA scientists used, if it's good enough For them, it's good.
Enough increase if you use it for Olympic athletes, so to start I'm just putting the link that's on Facebook for those of youwho are on Instagram, come to Facebook anytime I manifest is my Internet of my own Facebook. The Facebook community has a circle. I manifest magical calm and we will put the link there. Goddess Anita says Bill Weather's beautiful day is the absolute best, yes, but when I'm about to give a speech, what's my main topic? Listening to Beyoncé who runs the world. Girls, yeah, and get out, you know, that's how much you get out of the shower when you're in the shower, okay, this is your homework because everyone has time when they're taking the shaft taking a shower, so when they are in the shower I want you to have on the manifest playlist your power playlist or any playlist you have with your theme song what is your theme song put your theme song in the comments you musical theme with which you are going to make your body move and put your body in a state of joy because many times we are trying to solve these things intellectually, my nonsense, my very smart girls, so you can't think of how to get out of your doubts, you can't do it because the monkey mind will bring up all your problems, all the problems and tell you: remember when you tried before and it failed, yeah, well, so you know not to warn you not to do that, you know you should do something different and so we are going to do things that do not speak to the brain things that speak to the heart and things that speak to the spirit this is how the tree you create transformation the unconscious mind does not speak logic or intellect because your logic and intellect to tell you that you're fabulous you're beautiful you're a total and wonderful fearless leader Bay doesn't know anything because look at you come on yeah so coach Kelly says I'm every woman yeah we have that on the playlist goddess Anita .
It says new winners day oh that's good no I don't think I remember that song oh we have to add it to the playlist. Goddess Isis says Jill Scott is golden, yeah I think that's the number one song. Is Asia on the playlist? I think it's number one on the playlist. Yes, absolutely fine, fine. Another thing you can do that you've heard me talk a lot about is the power of journaling. There are all kinds of newspapers. There is a future. casting where you could sit down and rewrite a situation that happened you know as if it happened the way you wanted you can give yourself apologies that never happen give yourself closure that never happened you can write a situation like Futurecast as if you have a meeting that makes you nervous or an interview or something like that you can sit down and write in very specific details how you would like it to be it's almost like you're holding on, that's called creating a script for your life and it's really interesting because the tin sticks out really simple right, it sounds very simple and maybe you become a little stupid or a little strange but no, that is not stupid or strange, what is stupid or strange is someone as magnificent as you with a body of incalculable value that science has yet to discover you keep it you are inferior or you are broken that's what's so sick written write your life write your day write your moments write the things you want to see write it in detail in detail okay, the goddess Tamales says that one of her songs is champion of Kanye West, of course That it is.
I always make fun of her about the goddess Kanye Tamale, my sister, if you don't know, is Kanye's number one fan even despite everything. so goddess ivali yeah we get that code and don't be ashamed no kanye shame use well then the coach for us says un


pable by saying yes that's on and I think you've probably been that kind of song it's on the list goddess tamal she says very good by mary j fly yes, the last captain by Jo Scott oh I don't know that song goddess ask let's evaluate and I hope I'm pronouncing your beautiful name correctly she says captain by don't do it Itza oh I don't know oh You'll have to enter the Goddess group at Manifesto Calm Magic and post that link for us.
God is Diwali sending the smiles. Another way you can journal is morning pages which I always talk about and I just found a site called 750 Words. com 750 words com is a free site the warning pages are a diary where you get up and write three pages or 20 minutes, whichever comes first, it comes from the book, the artists, the 750 words site dot com, yes, hello sis, Gut the site 750 words com will get you up every day if you're doing it, you know, on your phone or laptop or whatever, 750 right words that shouldn't be read or edited just to get it out of your soul and your system and it will destroy it later, so it's good to express your grievances on paper or digitally, not in your life, and then you can go about your day being your big, shadowy self instead of reveling in self-doubt, right? instead of reveling in the what if what happens to me? what if this doesn't work what if it works what if it works start asking yourself questions that soften the energy in the vibration around what it is that you are wanting invite into your life and if this works wouldn't it be nice if all of this worked?
I got on this stage and shared my ideas and everything started to align and come together for me. Would it be amazing if I launched my jewelry line or my hair line or whatever you have and people were so excited and said this is what they need and they can't wait to buy it, would it be amazing if I realized that life is happening to me, not to me, if I finally got it, wouldn't it be wonderful? Would it be great if I went out and bought it today? I joined that yoga class or dance class or gym or whatever and started to really love my body, wouldn't it be great if I didn't text him back and really started appreciating who I am and really started calling ? on the kind of people in my life who are worthy and deserving of all this magic and fabulousness and interesting, you know, brilliant goddesses, that I am, start convincing yourself of your success, convince yourself of your power instead of convincing yourself of your fear and talk.
Get into all the things that you are. You know all the ways you lie to yourself. Something about your brokenness. I understand that if. All the ways we lie to ourselves about our brokenness. Let's start talking about our greatness. Talk to yourself. your life, wrap your life in the same way that if you know, for example, if I was going to sit down when I meet someone and you know what I'm talking about, you know, my wonderful goddesses and the Sfera Preneur Guru Academy or me. I'm talking about a family member and I'm like, oh my gosh, they're amazing, absolutely amazing, they have that same kind of energy around you and your dreams and your goals and the things that you want to create have that same creative energy around you. . being able to let doubts know doubts thank you thank you for sharing when that voice comes up in a bully voice that comes up and says Oh, no one is going to listen to that, no one wants that if God fixed it for me because of all that. thank you for sharing thank you very much for sharing I understand that you are trying to keep me safe but what you don't understand is that I am already safe I am rooted I am I am here like a tree like a mountain, I am at the source and that's why I understand, now You know, with your little thoughts and little ideas, and these things maybe based not only on what you want to say to your inner bully, but also to the physical bullies that are in your life and that appear in the form of your partner. family member your friend or whoever thanks for sharing I understand that you want to keep me small because smallness is what you are used to, however, you may not see it yet, you may not understand it, you may never understand it, it is good because the vision was given to me and that's why it makes sense to me that you don't understand my vision because it's my vision, so I'm going to go about my job right now and you about yours, thank you for sharing, thank you for sharing.
Goddess received, remember to say receipt and let me brag about Goddess Samantha for a second. You all know I love to brag about my clients because I had the most amazing clients in the world so I got to date Goddess Samantha for two years straight. globally correct because first we were able to hang out together in Bali at my Pray Love Abundance Retreat, then we were able to hang out together in Belize at my Pray Love Goddess Retreat, we are talking about a goddess coming into her power and coming into her greatness , so when we had our training sessions a year ago we are making plans and having conversations and she is very nervous because you know she is going to leave her job, what she is going to do, you know, the relationship this time and all these things, try to figure it out and put it together. this goddess returned a year later as kaboom, guess who walked into the room and raised doubts: you are no longer welcome here with your business, you know, just bubbling and overflowing with abundance, arriving with relationship alignment, deciding who and what is. right for her and what she wants the body to look like BAM hair like what because she chose to welcome something different she created a vision for herself right sad we talked about what the vision is for your life but that's just a part of this, that's just one part, the next part is for you to take inspired action, take inspired action and that's what she's been doing and that's the part that's often missing, so if you want to win him over, hesitate and get over that.
Voice telling you that you know you're not ish or whatever, start taking inspired action, tune into the inspiration and if you say right, the inspiration doesn't appear. I don't know what to do, guidance is shown. Every second of your life you put blinders on and you don't see it. The guide appears when you are doing well. You know, I just want to launch my business and I can't figure it out. I can not understand it. So here I come talking about your paranoid summer school and I just opened the doors to this Paranormal Academy and there's a free master class on spiritual selling secrets and you go, but I don't know what to do, I just can't understand it.
Guidance comes to you, it comes to you, or when you're right, you know, if only you knew that there are people who are interested in me and people are interested in you left and right and you just don't see them. We are as blind as those who do not see, so let's get out of the box of not seeing, okay, let's take off the blinders and start seeing things for the power that you have and the connection that you have and your greatness, the greatness of you. that fear instead of being rooted in that because you are going to be rooted in something or you can be rooted in your fears and your lack or you are going to be rooted in your power that choice is up to you where is the goddess At the Spirit Academy or guru, there's a deep mindset lesson for you that I posted yesterday that's all about self-doubt, where I go into specific tactics and techniques and I think it's a 90 minute thing, so definitely take advantage of it. of that, thank you from the bottom of my heart, grab the share button, put some positivity in your timeline for the goddesses who are not yet in the spirit or in the Guru Academy, start in the rich goddess that Club, what a goddess rich, Club period, it's a revolution, oh, and goddesses, let me leave it.
Let me give you our manifesto, uh, because last week we co-created a goddess promise together, an oppressor of men and I had it prepared for you, here's the link for those of you on Instagram, get it, I'll post it. in manifest magical calm and my facebook goddess circles so let's go there but I just posted the link okay and then let's close with that let's close with that Instagram we have to move a little here for a second the spirit nor Manifesta we are spirits or warrior goddesses We are in the feminine power where everything is possible call me by my name warrior queen sorceress lover I promise to live with purpose out loud in sacred abundance this is us manifesting our lives and answering our sacred calling my calling is my prayer all things are possible , we are fearlessly, fearfully and wonderfully made, and yes, we are incredibly beautiful, these are my words and I have spoken.
I'm an entrepreneurial spirit okay my love so beasts or you get your printable version you can also use it like like a screen on your phone or your laptop or whatever get it it's my magical calm manifest or if you're on Facebook, I just posted it on the links right now, okay, be heard and I'll see you during the week at spier preneur summer school know a move you got this namaste goddesses yay it's going to be a good week it's going to be a great week sorry see

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