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Raa Raa the Noisy Lion | Oh No! All The Presents Got Mixed Up | 2 Full Episodes

Mar 15, 2024
Welcome to the jingly jangly jungle the loudest jungle ever that sounds weird can you see what's in the gift box really who are they for? I have decided to give all my friends the perfect gift that is very kind how did you know what? To get it I just thought about what my friends like the most I can't wait to take them to the cubicle perfect presence make a perfect day perfect gifts in every way hello crookey hello weirdo um what are these gifts for everyone? I have the perfect gift for you crookey here oh how exciting I wonder what the clippy cloppy coconuts are oh perfect thank you rare you're welcome I'm going to give everyone else their gifts now bye this isn't clippy cloppy coconuts this sounds no clippy claw perfect presence beam a perfect day perfect gift in every way what's in your trailer gifts for everyone here it's yours angry I love gifts I wonder what it is it's a hootie horn a perfect hootie horn thank you weird no problem I have to bring gifts to everyone my other friends now bye huh this is not a hootie horn this plays clickety clack what's in your trailer


for everyone I love introduces me too here's yours upside down and here's yours this looks exciting what's what that's that's a clickety clackety rattle and that's a shiny new conch shell oh wow perfect thank you rare okay i have one more gift to deliver and this is not a clickety clackety rattle go boingy boing notch clickety clack perfect gifts make a perfect day gifts perfect in every moment oh, what's in your trailer? a gift for you for me, I love gifts, what is it?, tell me, tell me, tell me, it's a pointy drum, you're going to love it, hey, this is not a bony drum, it doesn't bind. boring what you were supposed to get the boinky drum oh no I wanted to give you a perfect gift it's a very nice shell rora but it's not a boingy drum I was wrong I'm sorry you gave all your gifts weird yes but you got the wrong gift I gave him the conch oh no what's up Rara Zebi was supposed to get the cod shell that means I gave her the wrong gift too that's a smug hootie horn you got the wrong gift oh no topsy you were wrong present too oh everyone got the wrong gifts, oh no, I wanted to give you the perfect gift, but I must have


them up, don't worry, weirdo, we can always remix the gifts, yeah, look, ah, these are perfect, clippy coconuts. perfect poopyhorn looks perfectly like everyone got the perfect gift after all well done i can barely hear you roaring over all that noise oh um what about you? weird, you need a gift too, yes, we want you to join too, I might roar, but we can.
raa raa the noisy lion oh no all the presents got mixed up 2 full episodes
I can't hear you with all our loud gifts oh yes we can thank you Huffty the perfect gift for me thank you something to make his roar even louder yes the jingly jangly jungle is definitely the loudest jungle of all sometimes the jingly jangly jungle is loud and a sometimes it's very loud hello weird hello what are you doing I'm copying jungle noises like frogs and bees oh that's clever and I'm saying what you say I'm an imitator this game is very fun I'm going to play it with my friends bye see you later weird oh Hi weird I'm teaching crookey to tap dance what are you doing I'm teaching crocky to tap dance what are you doing that's what topsy said that's what topsy said weird are you playing copy? game yes, I'm saying what you say, I'm a very good imitator, very good, I would love to play, but I have to keep teaching cookie to tap dance, cookie ready, go, tap, it, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, dancing. tap tappity tap tap tap tap I'm doing what you're doing I'm a copycat that was fun I like to copy taffy tap dance how we did it we did it cool weird you're copying my melody that's right I'm playing what you're playing I'm a copycat oh wow, that was fun.
raa raa the noisy lion oh no all the presents got mixed up 2 full episodes

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raa raa the noisy lion oh no all the presents got mixed up 2 full episodes...

I've never played my song so fast before. I wonder if ooh the impersonator wants to play. Bye bye. I ran out of breath. Hooray, do you want to bounce too? Do you want to bounce? also eh I'm saying what you say I'm a copycat I'm counting like you're bouncing I'm a copycat but no one can bounce like me this copycat may not have been copying and look at my pile of bananas I'm sorry I will give them all back are you still Do you have fun being an impersonator weird oh yeah, is being an impersonator fun?
raa raa the noisy lion oh no all the presents got mixed up 2 full episodes
I just got a little confused while copying, oh dear, don't worry, I'll get help. Topsy Crockey, come quickly, oh, these bananas have fallen down have fallen down yes eh are you being an imitator too no rather we are not being imitators oh um okay come on then we need your help oh these bananas are falling down these bananas have fallen down fallen yes these bananas have fallen eh Are they being imitators again? No weird, we're not playing the imitation game. Oh, okay, come on, we have to get angry. Can you help? It's the bananas that have fallen, whose bananas are falling.
raa raa the noisy lion oh no all the presents got mixed up 2 full episodes
Yes, these bananas have fallen. Now you guys are really being imitators. No weird, we're not playing copycats, it wasn't very fun, what do you mean? Well, it was fun for a while, but playing impersonators made me dizzy and bloated oh, playing impersonators got shot down, oops, bananas too, come on everyone, we need to do it. help fix those bananas we're here to help oh thank you all, what a bunch of bananas, where do we start, I know a way to give them all back, turn it upside down, it works, how funny, weird, you're all doing what I'm doing. doing all of you are poppy cats finished well done your impersonator game did the job and was fun well done weird looks like being an impersonator can be fun after all bye bye you're a loud little


you're louder than them

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