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Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion -By Emile Coue

Mar 10, 2024







by Emile Coue chapter one Self-





or rather autosuggestion is a fairly new topic and yet at the same time it is as old as the world; It is new in the sense that until now it has been poorly studied and consequently poorly understood. It is ancient because it dates back to the appearance of man on earth. In fact, autosuggestion is an instrument that we possess at birth and in this instrument or rather in this force. resides a marvelous and incalculable Power which, according to circumstances, produces the best or worst results.
self mastery through conscious autosuggestion  by emile coue
Knowledge of this force is useful for each of us, but it is particularly indispensable for doctors, magistrates, lawyers and for those who dedicate themselves to the work of education, knowing how to practice it. It is consciously possible, first, to avoid provoking bad autosuggestions in others that can have disastrous consequences and, secondly, to consciously provoke good autosuggestions, thus providing physical health to the sick and moral health to the neurotics and ventilating the unconscious victims of the previous autosuggestions. autosuggestions and to guide on the right path those who had a tendency to take the wrong path, the conscious


and the unconscious self, in order to adequately understand the phenomena of suggestion or speak more correctly of autosuggestion it is necessary to know that Within us there are two absolutely different cells, both are intelligent, but while one is conscious the other is unconscious, for this reason the existence of the latter generally goes unnoticed, but it is easy to prove its existence if we simply take the trouble to examine certain phenomena and reflect on them. them for a few moments, take for example the following examples: everyone has heard of sleepwalking, everyone knows that a summalist gets up at night without waking up, leaves his room after dressing or not, goes down the stairs, walks through the corridors and after having performed certain acts. or he has completed a certain job, he returns to his room, he goes to bed again and the next day he shows the greatest astonishment to find finished a job that he had left unfinished the day before, but it is he himself who has done it without realizing the force his body has obeyed. , if it is not an unconscious force, in fact, your unconscious self, let us now examine the case, unfortunately all too frequent, of a drunk attacked by delirium tremens who, in the grip of madness, grabs the nearest weapon, a knife, a hammer or an axe, as the case may be, and furiously hits those who are unlucky enough to be near him, once the attack is over, he regains his senses and looks in horror at the scene of slaughter around him without realizing that he himself is the author of it, is it not the unconscious self that has caused the unhappy man to act in this way and what aversions what else do we create for ourselves each of us and in all domains by not immediately putting At stake are the good conscious autosuggestions against our bad unconscious autosuggestions thus causing the disappearance of all unjust suffering.
self mastery through conscious autosuggestion  by emile coue

More Interesting Facts About,

self mastery through conscious autosuggestion by emile coue...

If we compare the conscious self with the unconscious self, we see that the conscious self often has a very unreliable memory, while the unconscious self, for example, On the contrary, he is equipped with a wonderful and impeccable memory that records, without our knowledge, the smallest events. less important acts of our existence, he is also credulous and accepts with irrational inability what he is told, since it is the unconscious that is responsible for the functioning of all our organs, but through the brain a result is produced that may seem quite paradoxical. for you, that is, if we believe that a certain organ works well or badly or that we feel this or that impression, the organ in question really works well or badly or we feel that impression, not only the unconscious self presides over the functions. of our organism, but also of all our actions, whatever they may be, this is what we call imagination and this is what, contrary to accepted opinion, always makes us act even and above all against our will when there is antagonism between these two. forces will and imagination.
self mastery through conscious autosuggestion  by emile coue
If we open a dictionary and look for the word we will find this definition the power to freely determine certain acts we accept this definition as true and unassailable although nothing could be more false this will that we so proudly claim always yields to the imagination it is an absolute rule that does not admit exception paradox of blasphemy you will not exclaim anything on the contrary it is the purest truth I will answer to convince you of it open your eyes look around you and try to understand what you see then you will come to the conclusion that what I tell you is not a idle theory, daughter of a sick brain, but the simple expression of a fact.
self mastery through conscious autosuggestion  by emile coue
Suppose we place a board 30 feet long by one foot wide on the ground, it is evident that we will all be capable of it. to go from one end of this plank to the other without going over the edge but now change the conditions of the experiment and imagine this plank placed at the height of the towers of a cathedral which will then be able to advance even a few meters along long this narrow path, if you could hear me speak, probably not before you had taken two steps you would begin to tremble and despite every effort of your will you would be sure to fall to the ground, why then would you not fall if the plank is on the ground and why should you fall if it is elevated to a height above the ground simply because in the first case you imagine that it is easy to reach the end of this board while in the second case you imagine that you cannot do it notice that your will is powerless to make you move forward if imagine that you can't it is absolutely impossible for you to do it if tilers and carpenters are able to achieve this feat it is because they believe they can do it vertigo is entirely caused by the image we have in our mind that we are going to fall, this image transforms immediately into a fact despite all the efforts of our will and the more violent these efforts are, the faster the opposite of the desired result occurs.
Let us now consider the case of a person who suffers from insomnia, if he does not make any effort to sleep, he will stay calmly in bed. If, on the contrary, he tries to force himself to sleep by his will, the more efforts he makes, the more restless he becomes. You haven't realized that the more you try to remember the name of a person you have forgotten, the more it comes to you until it replaces in your mind the idea I will remember in a minute with the idea that I have forgotten, the name comes back to you on its own and without the less effort, that those of you who are cyclists remember those days when, learning to ride, you were holding on to the handlebars and afraid of falling, suddenly you saw the slightest obstacle on the road, you tried to avoid it and the more you tried to do so, the more likely you will rush towards him, who has not suffered an attack of uncontrollable laughter that explodes with more violence the more you try to control what the mood of each person was in these different circumstances.
I don't want to fall but I can't help but do it I want to sleep but I can't I want to remember Mrs. So-and-So's name but I can't I want to avoid the obstacle but I can't I want to stop laughing but I can't As you see in each of these conflicts it is always It is the imagination that defeats the will, without any exception, to the same order of ideas belongs the case of the leader who throws himself in front of his troops and always carries them with him while the cry of each one for himself is almost certain that will cause a defeat why is this because in the first case men imagine that they must continue forward and in the second they imagine that they are conquered and must fly to save their lives.
The impulse was very conscious of the contagion of example, that is to say of the action of the imagination, when, to take revenge on a merchant on board the same ship, he bought his largest sheep and threw it into the sea, certain in advance that the entire In fact, human beings have a certain resemblance to sheep and involuntarily we are irresistibly driven to follow the example of others, imagining that we cannot do anything else. I could cite a thousand more examples, but I am afraid of boring you with such an enumeration, but I cannot ignore it.
To hide and silence this fact that shows the enormous power of the imagination or, in other words, of the unconscious in its fight against the will, there are certain drunks who want to stop drinking but cannot, ask them and they will answer you with all sincerity. who wish to be sober, who find drinking repugnant to them, but who are irresistibly driven to drink against their will despite the harm they know it will do to them; in the same way, certain criminals commit crimes in spite of themselves and when asked why they acted like that they respond I couldn't help it something impelled me it was stronger than me and the drunk and the criminal tell the truth they are forced to do what they do for the simple reason that they imagine that they can't help it like that we who are so proud of our will that believe that we are free to act as we want are in reality nothing more than miserable puppets of which our imagination pulls all the strings.
We only stop being puppets when we have learned to guide our imagination by suggestion and self-suggestion. According to the previous observations we can compare the imagination with a torrent that fatally drags the poor unfortunate who has fallen into it despite his efforts to win the bank, this torrent seems indomitable but if you know how to divert it from its head and take it to the factory and there you can transform its force into movement , heat and electricity. If this simile is not enough, we can compare the imagination of the madman at home, as he has been called, with an intact horse that is neither bridal nor queen, what can the writer do except let himself go where the horse wants to take him and many Sometimes, if the ladder escapes, its mad race only ends in the ditch, but if the rider manages to put a bridle on the horse, the parts are reversed?
It is no longer the horse that goes where he wants, it is the writer who forces the horse to take him where he wants to go. Now that we have learned to realize the enormous power of the unconscious or imaginative self, I am going to show how this self hitherto considered indomitable can be controlled as easily as a turret or an intact horse, but before continuing it is necessary to carefully define two words that They are often used without being properly understood: these are the words suggestion and autosuggestion, what then is suggestion? defined as the act of imposing an idea on the brain of another.
Does this action itself really exist? No suggestion does not exist by itself. It does not exist nor can it exist except under the sine quan condition of being transformed into autosuggestion in the subject. This last word can be defined. Like the implantation of an idea in oneself by oneself, a suggestion can be made to someone if the latter's unconscious does not accept the suggestion, otherwise it does not produce any result as if digesting it to transform it into autosuggestion. I myself have occasionally made a more or less common suggestion to normally very obedient subjects, without much success.
The reason is that the subject's unconscious refused to accept it and did not transform it into autosuggestion. The use of autosuggestion. suggestion, let us now return to the point where I said that we can control and guide our imagination just as one can control a torrent or an intact horse to do so, in the first place it is enough to know that this is possible, a fact of which almost everyone It is ignorant and second to know by what means it can be done well, the means is very simple, it is the one that we have used every day since we came into the world without wanting it or knowing it and in an absolutely unconscious way but unfortunately for us many times If we use it incorrectly and to our detriment, this means is autosuggestion, while we constantly give ourselves unconscious autosuggestions, all we have to do is give ourselves conscious suggestions and the process consists of this, first, carefully weighing in the mind the things that are going to be done . the object of autosuggestion and depending on whether the answer is required, whether or not to repeat several times without thinking about anything else, this comes, what goes, this will happen or not, etc., if the unconscious accepts the suggestion and transforms it into an autosuggestion, the thing or things.
They are carried out in every detail of course the thing must be in our power understood in this way autosuggestion is nothing more than hypnotism as I see it and I would define it in these simple words the influence of the imagination on the moral and physical being of humanity is now influence is undeniable and without going back to previous examples I will cite some others. If you convince yourself that you can do a certain thing, whenever possible, you will do it no matter how difficult it is. If, on the other hand, you imagine that you cannot do the simplest thing in the world, you will do it.
It is impossible to do so and the grains of sand become for you unclimbable mountains, as is the case of the almost aesthetic who, believing themselves incapable of the slightest effort, often find it impossible to even take a few steps without exhausting themselves and these The same close aesthetic sinks further. They sink deeper into their depression the harder they try to free themselves from it, like the poor wretch in quicksand who sinks deeper the harder he tries.fight to get out in the same way that it is enough to think that a pain is to feel that it disappears little by little and conversely, it is enough to think that one is suffering to feel that the pain begins to arrive immediately.
I know certain people who predict in advance that on a certain day they will have a sick headache under certain circumstances and that day under the given circumstances they surely feel it, they brought their illness on themselves just as others cure theirs by conscious autosuggestion. I know that you are generally considered crazy in the eyes of the world if you dare to present ideas. which is not usually heard well at the risk of being thought about it, that is why I say that if certain people are mentally and physically it is because they imagine themselves to be mentally or physically ill, if certain others are paralyzed without having any injury to explain it, it is because they imagine themselves paralyzed. and it is among these people that the most extraordinary cures occur.
If the others are happy or unhappy, they imagine themselves that way because it is possible for two people to find themselves in exactly the same circumstances, one being perfectly happy, the other absolutely miserable, neresthenia, stuttering, aversions, kleptomania. Certain cases of paralysis are nothing more than the result of unconscious autosuggestion, that is, the result of the action of the unconscious on the physical and moral being, but if our unconscious is the source of many of our ills, it can also cure our physical ailments. and mental. He can not only repair the evil he does, but also cure real diseases.
Its action on our body is so strong. Lock yourself in a room alone, sit down. In an armchair, close your eyes to avoid any distraction and concentrate your mind for a few moments on thinking that something is going to disappear or that thing is going to happen if you have really done autosuggestion, which is, let's say, if your unconscious has assimilated the idea that you have given it. presented, you are surprised to see what you have thought happen; Keep in mind that it is the property of self-suggested ideas to exist within us without being recognized and we can only know their existence by the effect they produce, but above all, and this is an essential point, the will should not be put into play when practicing autosuggestion four if It does not agree with the imagination if one thinks that I will make this or that thing happen and the imagination says that you want it but it is not going to be, not only do you not get what you want but the exact opposite even occurs, this observation is of capital importance and explains why the results are so unsatisfactory when in the treatment of moral ailments one strives to reeducate the will, it is the training of the imagination that is necessary and it is thanks to the difference in nuance that my method often has succeeded where others and those no less considered have failed in the numerous experiments that I have done daily for 20 years and that I have examined with meticulous care I have been able to deduce the following conclusions that I have summarized in laws one when the will and the imagination are antagonistic it is always the imagination that wins without exception two in the conflict between the will and the imagination the strength of the imagination is in direct ratio to the square of the will three when the will and the imagination are in agreement one does not add to the other but one is multiplied by the other four the imagination can be directed the expressions in direct ratio to the square of the will and multiplied by they are not rigorously exact they are simply illustrations intended to clarify my meaning after what I have just said it would seem that no one should being sick, that is completely true, any illness, whatever it may be, can yield to autosuggestion.
As bold and improbable as my statement may seem, I am not saying that it always gives in but it can give in, which is a different thing, but to lead people to practice conscious autosuggestion they must be taught how just as they are taught to read or write. or playing the piano, autosuggestion is, as I said above, an instrument that we possess at birth and with which we play unconsciously all our lives like a baby plays with its rattle, however it is a dangerous instrument, it can hurt you or even kill you if you handle it recklessly and unconsciously it can On the contrary, it will save your life when you know how to use it consciously; it can be said that the whole language is at the same time the best and the worst thing in the world.
Now I am going to show you how everyone can benefit from the beneficial action of consciously applied autosuggestion, saying that I am all exaggerating a little, because there are two classes of people in whom it is difficult to awaken conscious autosuggestion. the mentally undeveloped who are not able to understand what you say to them two those who are not willing to understand how to teach patients to make autosuggestions the principle of the method can be summarized in these few words it is impossible to think about two things at the same time That is to say that two ideas can be juxtaposed but they cannot be superimposed in our mind, each thought that completely fills our mind becomes true for us and tends to be transformed into action, therefore, if you can make a sick person think that their problem is improving, it will disappear if you manage to make a kleptomaniac believe that he will no longer steal, he will stop stealing, etc., etc.
This training, which may seem impossible to you, is nevertheless the simplest thing in the world, just one series is enough. of appropriate and gradual experiments to teach the subject as if it were the ABCs of conscious thought and here is the series, following it to the letter you can be absolutely sure of obtaining a good result except with the two categories of people mentioned above first experiment preparatory Ask the subject to stand erect with the body rigid as an iron bar, feet together from toe to heel while keeping the ankles flexible as if they were hinges, tell him to make himself like a board with hinges at its base that balances on the ground make him notice that if he pushes the board lightly in any direction he falls like a mass without any resistance in the direction in which he is pushed tell him that you are going to pull him back by the shoulders and that he should let himself fall into your arms without the slightest resistance, turning on his ankles as if on hinges, that is, keeping his feet fixed to the ground, then pull him back by the shoulders and if the experiment is not successful, repeat it until he succeeds or almost.
These experiments are those of the second experiment of the wise man of rochester begin by explaining to the subject that to demonstrate the action of the imagination on us you are going to ask him in a moment to think I am falling backwards I am falling backwards tell him that there must be There is no other thought in his mind that he should not reflect or wonder if He is going to fall or not, or think that if he falls he may get hurt, etc., or fall backwards on purpose to please you, but he really feels something that drives him to do it. fall backwards, you should not resist but obey the impulse, then ask your subject to raise his head and close his eyes and place his right fist on the back of his head and his left hand on his forehead and tell him now I think I am falling backwards I am falling backwards etc etc and in fact you are falling backwards you are falling backwards etc at the same time slide your left hand slightly backwards towards the left temple above the ear and withdraw it very slowly but with a continuous movement towards the right fist, Immediately you feel that the subject makes a slight movement backwards and that he avoids falling or falls completely in the first case, tell him that you have resisted and that you not only thought that he was falling but that he could hurt himself. himself if he fell, that's true because if he hadn't thought this last thing, he would have fallen like a block.
Repeat the experiment using a ton of commands, as if forcing the subject to obey, continue with it until completely successful. or nearly so, the operator should stand slightly behind the subject, with the left leg forward and the right leg well behind him so as not to be knocked over by the subject when he falls. Failure to observe this precaution could result in a double fall if the person is heavy third experiment place the subject in front of you body still rigid ankles flexible and feet joined and parallel place your two hands on his temples without any pressure stare without move your eyelids on the root of your nose and tell him to think I'm falling forward I'm falling forward and I repeat emphasizing the syllables you're falling forward you're falling forward without stopping staring at him fourth experiment ask the subject to put his hands together as hard as possible is to say until the fingers tremble slightly.
Look at him in the same way as in the previous experiment and keep your hands on his as if to squeeze them even harder. Tell him to think that he cannot let go of his fingers that you are going to count three. and that when you say three he must try to separate his hands while thinking all the time I can't do it I can't do it and it will be impossible for him so he counts very slowly one two three and adds immediately separating the syllables you can't do it you can't I don't if the subject thinks correctly I can't do it not only because he can't separate his fingers but the latter come together more tightly the more he tries to separate them he obtains in fact exactly the opposite of what he wants in a few moments to tell him now I think I can do it and his fingers They will separate, be careful to always keep your eyes fixed on the root of the subject's nose and do not allow him to take his eyes off yours for a single moment, if he is capable of learning, put your hands together, do not think it is your fault, They are the subjects in which it is not well thought out.
I cannot firmly assure you of this and start the experiment again. I always use a commanding tone that does not suffer disobedience. It does not mean that it is necessary to raise your voice; On the contrary, it is preferable to use the ordinary tone, but emphasize each word in a dry and imperative tone. When these experiments have been successful, all the others will be equally successful and can be easily obtained by carrying them. Following to the letter the instructions given above, some subjects are very sensitive and it is easy to recognize them by the fact that the contraction of their fingers and limbs is produced easily after two or three successful experiments, it is no longer necessary to tell them to think. this or thinking that it is enough, for example, to simply tell them, but in the imperative tone used by all good suggestors, close your hands now you cannot open them, close your eyes now you cannot open them and it is absolutely impossible for the subject to open his hands. . or the eyes, despite all his efforts, tell him in a few moments you can do it and the contraction occurs instantly these experiments can be varied to infinity here are some more have the subject join his hands and suggest that they be welded together they make him They put his hand on the table and they suggest that it is stuck to it.
They tell him that he is stuck to his chair and he cannot get up. They make him get up and tell him that he cannot walk. They put a pencil holder on the table and tell him that it weighs 100 pesos. and that he cannot lift it, etc., etc. In all these experiments I cannot repeat them too frequently, it is not the suggestion itself that produces the phenomena, but the autosuggestion that is consecutive to the operator's suggestion, a procedural method in healing. When the subject has gone through the previous experiments and has understood them, he is ripe for curative suggestion;
It is like a cultivated field in which the seed can germinate and develop, whereas before it was nothing more than rough soil in which any disease it suffered would have perished. The subject suffers, whether physical or mental. It is important to always proceed in the same way and use the same words with some variations depending on the case. Tell the subject, sit down and close your eyes. I am not going to try to put you to sleep since it is completely unnecessary. I ask you to Simply close your eyes so that your attention is not distracted by the objects around you.
Now tell yourself that every word you say will be fixed in your mind and will remain imprinted, engraved and embedded in it, and that it will remain imprinted and embedded there. that without your will or knowledge, in fact perfectly unconsciously on your part, you yourself and your entire organism are going to obey. First of all, I say that every day three times a day, in the morning at noon and in the evening at the usual time of meals, you will feel hunger, which is to say you will experience the pleasant sensation that makes you think and say oh how nice it will be to eat something then you will eat and enjoy your food without of course overeating you will also be careful to chew it properly to transform it into a kind of soft paste before swallowing it in these conditions you will digest it properly and thus you will not feel discomfort or pain of any kind either in the stomach or in the intestines you will assimilate what you eat and your body will take advantage of it to make blood muscle strength and energy in a word life since you will have digested your food correctly the excretion function will be normal and every morning when you wake up you will feel the need to evacuate your intestines and without ever being forced to take medications or use any device you will obtain a normal and satisfactory result every night from the time you want to go to sleep until the time you want to wake up.
The next morning you will sleep deeply peacefully and silently without nightmares and when you wake up you will feel perfectly cheerful and active in the same way.if you occasionally suffer from depression if you are sad and prone to worrying and looking at the dark side of things from now on you will stop doing so and instead of worrying and being depressed and looking at the dark side of things you will feel perfectly cheerful possibly without any special reason for it, just as you used to feel depressed for no particular reason. I further say that even if you have real reasons to be worried and depressed, you will not be so if, also subject to occasional attacks of impatience or bad mood, you will cease to have them;
On the contrary, you will always be patient and master of yourself and the things that worried you, bothered you or irritated you, from now on will leave you absolutely indifferent and perfectly calm if you are sometimes attacked, pursued by bad and harmful ideas, apprehensions, fears, aversions, temptations or resentments. against other people all that will gradually be lost cited by your imagination and will melt and be lost as in a distant cloud where it will finally disappear completely like a The dream fades when we wake up, so will all these vain images disappear. To this I add that all your organs are performing their functions correctly, the heart beats normally and blood circulation occurs as it should.
The lungs are carrying out their functions. as well as the stomach, intestines, liver, bile duct, kidneys and bladder, if at the present moment any of them acts abnormally, that abnormality is less every day, so that very soon it will have completely disappeared and the organ will have recovered its normal function even more so if there is any injury to any of these organs it will improve day by day and will soon be completely cured regarding this I can say that it is not necessary to know which organ is affected for it to be cured under the influence of autosuggestion every day in all aspects I am improving more and more the unconscious acts on the organ that it itself can detect I must also add and it is extremely important that if until now you have lacked confidence in yourself I tell you that this distrust in yourself will gradually disappear and will give rise to self-confidence based on the knowledge of this force of incalculable power that is in each of us and is absolutely necessary for every human being to have. this competence without it one cannot achieve anything with it one can achieve whatever one wants within reason, of course, then you will have confidence in yourself and this confidence gives you the assurance that you are capable of achieving perfectly well whatever you want.
Whatever you want to do, provided it is reasonable and whatever your duty to do, when you want to do something reasonable or when you have a duty to do it, always think it is easy and make difficult words impossible, I can't, it is stronger That I, I can't help it. I will not disappear from your vocabulary they are not English what is English is easy and I can by considering things easy it becomes that way for you although it may seem difficult to others you will do it quickly and well and without fatigue because you make it effortless, while that if you had considered it difficult or impossible, it would have become so for you simply because you would have thought so.
These general suggestions, which may seem long and even childish to some of you, but which are necessary, must be added to those that apply to the particular case of the patient being treated. All these suggestions must be made in a monotonous and reassuring voice, always emphasizing the essential words that, although they do not make the subject sleep, at least make them feel sleepy and do not think about anything in particular when you have reached the end of the series of suggestions you approach the subject in these terms in summary I want to say that from every point of view both physically and mentally you are going to enjoy excellent health, better health than you have been able to enjoy up to the present now I am going to count three and when I say three you will open your eyes and you will come out of the passive state in which you find yourself now you will come out of it with all your might. naturalness without feeling in the least sleepy or tired, on the contrary, you will feel strong, vigorous, alert, active, full of life, even more so, you will feel very happy and fit in every way one two three to the word three the subject always opens his eyes with a smile and an expression of well-being and satisfaction on his face, sometimes, although rarely, the patient is cured on the spot, other times and this occurs more generally when he is relieved of his pain or his depression has partially or totally disappeared, although only during a certain period of time.
In any case, it is necessary to renew the suggestions more or less frequently depending on the topic, always taking care to space them at increasingly longer intervals according to the progress obtained until they are no longer necessary, that is, when the healing is complete. Before dismissing your patient, you must tell him that he carries within him the instrument with which he can cure himself and that you are, so to speak, only a teacher who teaches him how to use this instrument and that he must help you in your task. every morning. Before getting up and every night when going to bed, you should close your eyes and in thought transport yourself to your presence and then repeat 20 consecutive times in a monotonous voice, counting this little phrase with a 20-knot rope every day in every respect, I am improving every day.
Once again in his mind, he should emphasize the words in all aspects that apply to each need, mental or physical, this general suggestion is more effective than the special ones, so it is easy to realize the role played by the one giving the word. suggestions is not a teacher who gives orders but a friend, a guide who guides the patient step by step along the path to health since all suggestions are given in the interest of the patient, the latter's unconscious does not ask for anything better than to assimilate and transform them. in autosuggestions once this is done the cure is obtained more or less quickly depending on the circumstances the superiority of this method this method gives absolutely wonderful results and it is easy to understand why following my advice it is impossible for us to fail except with the two types of people mentioned above, which fortunately represent only three percent of the total, if, however, we try to lull our subjects immediately without the explanations and preliminary experiments necessary to make them accept the suggestions and transform them into Autosuggestions cannot and will not be successful except with particularly sensitive subjects. and these are rare, all can become so through training, but very few are rare enough without the preliminary instruction that I recommend, which can be done in a few minutes before imagining that the suggestions could only during sleep I always tried to put to put my patient to sleep but upon discovering that it was not essential I left it to avoid the fear and anxiety that he almost always experiences when told that he is going to be sent. to sleep and that often makes him offer involuntary resistance despite him if, on the contrary, you tell him that you are not going to put him to sleep because it is not necessary to do so, this way you gain his trust, he listens to you without fear. or any subsequent thought and it often happens, if not for the first time, at least very soon, that, reassured by the monotonous sound of your voice, he falls into a deep sleep from which he wakes up amazed at having slept, if there are skeptics like me among you. .
I'm sure all I have to tell them is to come to my house and see what is being done, and they will actually be convinced. However, you should not be carried away by the idea that autosuggestion can only be carried out in the way that I As we have described, it is possible to make suggestions to people without their knowledge and without any preparation, for example if a doctor who only by his The title has a suggestive influence on his patient, telling him that there is nothing he can do for him and that his illness is incurable. provokes autosuggestion in the latter's mind that can have the most disastrous consequences if, however, it tells him that his illness is serious, it is true, but that with care, time and patience it can be cured, sometimes and even many times. gets results.
What will surprise you here is another example if a doctor, after examining his patient, writes a prescription and gives it to him without any comment, the prescribed remedies will not have much chance of being successful if, on the contrary, he explains to his patient that this or that medicines must be taken under such and such conditions and that they will produce certain results, it is practically certain that those results will occur if there are doctors or chemist brothers in this room, I hope you do not consider me your enemy, I am quite the opposite. your best friend, on the one hand I would like to see the theoretical and practical study of suggestion in the programs of medical schools for the great benefit of the patients and the doctors themselves and, on the other hand, in my opinion, increasingly that a patient goes to see his doctor, the latter must prescribe one or even several medications, even if in fact they are not necessary, when a patient visits his doctor it is so that he can tell him which medication will cure him, but he does not realize that it is the hygiene and the regimen that do this and he gives them little importance it is a medicine that he wants in my opinion if the doctor only prescribes a regimen without any medicine his patient will be dissatisfied he will say that he went to the trouble of consulting him free and often goes to another doctor.
So it seems to me that the doctor should always prescribe medicines to his patient and, as far as possible, medicines prepared by himself, instead of the standard remedies that are so much advertised and that would show their only value. the advertisement, the doctor's own prescriptions, will inspire infinitely more confidence than the pills of this or that that anyone can easily get at the nearest pharmacy without the need for a prescription, how suggestion works to properly understand the part plagued by suggestion or more well of autosuggestion, it is enough to know that the unconscious self is the great director of all our functions to make this believe, as I said before, that a certain organ that does not function well must perform its function and instantly the order is transmitted, the organ obeys easily and either at once or little by little it performs its functions in a normal way this explains simply and clearly how through suggestion bleeding can be stopped curing constipation making fibrous tumors disappear curing paralysis tuberculous lesions varicose ulcers etc. let's take for example a case of dentistry hemorrhage that I had the opportunity to observe in the office of my Gothic dentist in Trois, a young woman whom I had helped to cure of asthma that she had suffered for eight years told me one day that she wanted to have a tooth.
As I knew she was very sensitive, I offered to make her feel nothing of the operation, she naturally accepted with pleasure and we made an appointment with the dentist on the day we had agreed, we showed up at the dentist and stood in front of my patient. I stared at her saying you don't feel anything, you don't feel anything, etc., and then as she continued with the suggestion, I assigned her to the dentist in an instant, the tooth came out without turning a hair, as happens quite often, she continued a hemorrhage, but I told the dentist. that I would try suggestion without him using a hemostat without knowing in advance what would happen so I asked mled to look at me intently and suggested that in two minutes the bleeding would stop on its own and we waited for the patient to spit up blood again. once or twice and then I stopped I told him to open his mouth and we both looked and found that a blood clot had formed in the dental cavity how is this phenomenon explained in the simplest way under the influence of the idea that the hemorrhage is?to stop the unconscious had sent the order to the small arteries and veins to stop the flow of blood and they obediently contracted naturally as they would have done artificially upon contact with a hemostatic such as adrenaline for example.
The same reasoning explains how a fibrous tumor can be made to disappear. The unconscious, having accepted the idea, is to leave. The brain orders the arteries that nourish it to contract. They do so by rejecting its services and ceasing to nourish the tumor, which, deprived of food, dies and dries up. reabsorbs and disappears the use of suggestion for the cure of ailments and moral vices, whether congenital or acquired, narasthenia, so common today, generally yields to suggestion constantly practiced in the way I have indicated, I have had the happiness to contribute to the healing of a large number of neuroaesthetics with which all other treatments were performed.
He had failed in one of them and even spent a month in a special establishment in Luxembourg without getting any improvement. In six weeks he was completely cured and is now the happiest man one would wish to meet after having considered himself the most miserable and never is. It is probable. may become ill again in the same way because I taught him how to use conscious autosuggestion and he does it wonderfully well, but if suggestion is useful in treating moral ailments and physical ailments, can it not render even greater services to society in honest people, the miserable children who are in reform schools and who only leave them to enter the army of crime, no one tells me that it is impossible, the remedy exists and I can prove it.
I will cite the following two cases that are very characteristic, but here I must insert some parentheses to make you understand the way in which suggestion acts in the treatment of moral contaminations. I will use the following comparison: suppose that our brain is a board on which our nails are hammered that represent the ideas, habits and instincts that determine our actions if we find that there exists in a subject a bad idea, a bad habit, a bad instinct such as If it were a bad nail, we take another one that is the good idea, habit or instinct, we place it on top of the bad one and we hit it with In other words, with a hammer we make a suggestion: the new nail will be inserted perhaps a fraction of an inch, while the old will come out in the same measure with each new blow of the hammer, that is, with each new suggestion.
It will be pushed a fraction more and the other will be expelled in the same amount until after a certain number of blows the old nail comes out completely and is replaced by the new one when this substitution has been made the individual obeys it. Returning to our examples, the little one, an 11-year-old boy who lived in, was subject day and night to certain accidents inherent to early childhood, he was also a kleptomaniac and, of course, a liar. At the request of his mother, I treated him for suggestion after the first visit. The accidents stopped during the day but continued at night little by little they became less frequent and finally a few months later the child was completely cured.
In the same period his propensities to steal decreased and in six months they had completely stopped this child's brother from At the age of 18 he had conceived a violently hated another of his brothers, every time he had drunk too much wine he felt compelled to take out a knife and stab his brother, he felt that one day or another he would end up doing it and he knew at the same time that Once Once this was done, she would become inconsolable. I also tried it at his suggestion and the result was wonderful. After the first treatment, he was cured.
His hatred for his brother had disappeared and since then they became good friends and got along very well. I followed the case for a long time and the cure was permanent since such results are obtained by suggestion. Would it not be beneficial, I would even say indispensable, to adopt this method and introduce it in our reformatories? I am absolutely convinced that if suggestion were applied daily to vicious children, more than 50 percent could be recovered, would it not be an immense service to society to restore to sane members of it who were formally corroded by moral decay?
Maybe they will tell me that suggestion is something dangerous and that it can be used for evil purposes, this is not a valid objection, first of all because the patient would only entrust the practice of suggestion to reliable and honest people, to the doctors at the reformatory, for example, and on the other hand, those who seek to use it for evil do not ask for each person's permission, but even admitting that it offers some danger, which it is not, I would like to ask whoever opposes it to tell me what we use that is not dangerous, it is steam, gunpowder, railways, ships, electricity, automobiles, airplanes, these are the poisons that are not dangerous and that doctors and chemists use daily in tiny doses and that could easily destroy the patient if in a moment of carelessness we were unfortunately wrong when weighing some typical cures, this small work would be incomplete if it did not include some examples of the cures obtained, it would take too much time and perhaps it would also be somewhat tiring if I had to relate all those in which I have participated, therefore I will therefore content myself with citing some of the most notable that ml emd of trois had suffered during eight years of asthma that forced her to remain sitting in bed almost all night struggling to breathe the preliminary experiments show that he is a very sensitive subject he falls asleep immediately and the suggestion is given from the first treatment there is an enormous improvement the patient has a good night only interrupted by an asthma attack that only lasts a quarter of an hour in a very short time, the asthma disappears completely and there is no more relapse late.
A hosier who lives in Saint Savin, near Chua, has been paralyzed for two years as a result of injuries in hospital. union of the spine and pelvis the paralysis is only in the lower limbs in which blood circulation has practically ceased making them swollen, congested and discolored several treatments have been tried including antisephalytic without success preliminary experiments successful suggestion applied by me and autosuggestion by the patient for eight days at the end of this time there is an almost imperceptible but still noticeable movement of the left leg new suggestion in eight days the improvement is notable every week or fortnight there is greater improvement with progressive decrease in swelling and so on 11 months later, on November 1, 1906, the patient went down alone and walked 800 yards and in July 1907 he returned to the factory where he has continued working since then without any trace of paralysis m-a-g living Tuoi has been suffering for a long time. time enteritis, for which different treatments have been tried in vain.
He is also in a very bad mental state, depressed, melancholic, unsociable and obsessed by suicidal thoughts. Easy preliminary experiments followed by suggestions that produce a noticeable result from the same day. for three months, daily suggestions at first, then at increasingly longer intervals, at the end of this time the healing is complete, the enteritis has disappeared and your morale has become excellent, as the healing goes back 12 years without shadow of relapse, it can be considered. Since permanent mg ​​is a striking example of the effects that can be produced by suggestion or rather by autosuggestion, at the same time that I made suggestions from the physical point of view I also did so from the mental point of view and he accepted both suggestions equally Well, Every day his self-confidence increased and since he was an excellent worker, in order to earn more he looked for a machine that would allow him to work at home for his employer.
Shortly after, the owner of a factory saw with his own eyes what a good worker entrusted him with. machine that he wanted, thanks to his skill, he was able to produce much more than an ordinary worker and his employer, delighted with the result, gave him another and another machine and told him who, but for Suggestion, would have remained an ordinary worker, now he is in charge of six machines that bring a very beautiful prophet madam dee in the homeland about 30 years old she is in the last stages of consumption and loses weight every day despite a special diet she suffers from coughing and spitting and has difficulty breathing, in fact, to all appearances, he has only a few months to live, preliminary experiments show great sensitivity and suggestibility, followed by immediate improvement from the next day, the morbid symptoms begin to diminish each day , the improvement becomes more marked.
The patient becomes fleshy quickly, although she no longer takes any special food. Within a few months, the cure is apparently complete. This person wrote to me on January 1, 1911, that is, eight months after leaving Choi, to thank me and tell me. He told me that although he was pregnant was perfectly fine. I have deliberately chosen these cases from some time ago to show that the cures are permanent, but I would like to add some more recent ones. The Mexican postal worker in Lunaville lost one of his children. In January 1910, the problem caused a brain disturbance that manifested itself as an uncontrollable nervous tremor.
His uncle brings him to me in the month of June. preliminary experiments followed by suggestion, days later the patient returns to tell me that the tremor has disappeared. The suggestion and telling him to come back in eight days a week, then fifteen days, then three weeks, then a month pass without me hearing more from him. Shortly after, his uncle comes and tells me that he has just received a letter from his nephew who is perfectly fine. He resumed his job as a telegraph operator that he had been forced to abandon and the day before he had sent a 170-word telegram without the slightest difficulty, he added in his letter, having sent an even longer telegram. one since then has not had any relapse   emma why does nancy suffer from neuroesthenia for several years he has aversions nervous fears and disorders of the stomach and intestines he sleeps poorly he is sad and is haunted by thoughts of suicide he staggers when he walks like a drunken man and he can't think of anything but his problem all the treatments have failed and he is getting worse and worse a stay in a special nursing home for such cases has no effect whatever it is emma white is coming to see me in early october of 1910 comparatively easy preliminary experiments I explained to the patient the principles of autosuggestion and the existence within us of the conscious and unconscious self and then made the required suggestion for two or three days.
I have a little difficulty with the explanations that I have given in a short time. breaks and in his mind and grasps the whole matter I renew the suggestion and he himself also makes it every day the improvement that at first is slow becomes more and more rapid and in a month and a half the cure is complete the former invalid who lately he considered himself the most miserable of men now he considers himself the happiest of my chihuahua an attack of gout his right ankle is swollen and painful and he cannot walk the preliminary experiments show that he is a very sensitive subject after the first treatment he manages to recover without the help of his cane the carriage that brought him and the pain has stopped the next day he does not return as I had told him later his wife comes alone and tells me that that morning her husband had been infected she put on her shoes and went on her bicycle to visit his shipyards he is a painter I don't need to tell you my total astonishment I couldn't follow this case since the patient never deigned to come see me except that at some point later I found out that he hadn't had any relapse Mrs.
Nancy narasthenia neurasthenia dyspepsia gastrolgia enteritis and pain in different parts of the body. She has treated herself for several years with negative results. I treat her by suggestion and she makes self-suggestions every day. From the first day, there is a notable improvement that continues without interruption at the present time. This person has been doing this for a long time. who is mentally and physically cured and does not follow any regimen thinks that she still perhaps has a slight touch of enteritis but is not sure madame lack of appetite depression and digestive disorders is cured with a single visit and the cure seems to be permanent as she has not had any relapse lady in maxiville general eczema which is particularly severe on the left leg both legs are swollen especially at the ankles walking is difficult and painful I treat her by suggestion that same night madame can walk several hundred meters without fatigue the next day the feet and ankles are no longer swollen and have not swollen again since the eczema disappears quickly madame f at lenovoville painting in the kidneys and knees, the disease dates back 10 years and worsens every day, my suggestion and her own auto-suggestion.
The improvement is immediate and progressively increases. The cure is obtained quickly and is permanent. Mrs. Z de Nancy fell until January 1910 with congestion of the lungs from which she had not recovered. Two months later she suffers from genital weakness. Loss of appetite. Bad digestion. Rare and difficult intestinal problems. Insomnia. Copious night sweats. After the first suggestion the patient feels much better and two days later she returns and tells me that she feels quite well, all traces of illness have disappeared and all the organs function normally three or four times she had been on the verge of sweating, but each time time averted it by using conscious autosuggestion, since then madam z has been in perfect health and becks at belfort cannot talk for more than 10 minutes or a quarter of an hour without becoming completely amused.
Different doctors consulted did not find any lesion in the vocal organs but one of them says that Mx suffers from senility of the larynx and this conclusion confirms him in the belief that it is incurable. He comes to spend his vacation in Nancy and a well-known lady advises him that come see me he refuses at first, but finally agrees despite his absolute disbelief in the effects of suggestion, I treat him this way and ask him to return two days later, he returns on the appointed day and tells me that the day before was able to talk. all afternoon without becoming a phoneus two days later he comes back again to say that his problem had not reappeared although he had not only talked a lot but had even sung the day before the cure is still valid and I am convinced that it will always work So before finish I would like to say a few words about the application of my method to the education and correction of children by their parents, the latter should wait until the child is asleep and then one of them should enter his room with caution and stop a backyard. from his bed and repeat 15 or 20 times in a whisper all the things you want to get from the child from the point of view of health, work, sleep, application, behavior, etc.,then it should be removed as it came, being very careful not to wake the child at this time.
An extremely simple process gives the best possible results and it is easy to understand why when the child is asleep his body and his conscious self are at rest and, as it were, annihilated, his unconscious self, although awake, is then only to this last to whom one speaks. and since he is very gullible, he accepts without discussion what they tell him so that little by little the child comes to make of himself what his parents want him to be. Conclusion What conclusion can be drawn from all this? The conclusion is very simple and can be expressed in In short, we possess within us a force of incalculable power that when we handle it unconsciously often harms us, if on the contrary we direct it consciously and wisely, it gives us control of ourselves and allows us not only to escape and help others. to escape from physical and mental ills, but also to live in relative happiness whatever the conditions in which we find ourselves, finally and above all it must be applied to the moral regeneration of those who have strayed from the path. correct path end of chapter one chapter two thoughts and precepts of


cou taken literally by madame


leon his disciple do not spend your time thinking about diseases that you may have because if you do not have real diseases you will create artificial diseases when you do conscious autosuggestions do it naturally simply with conviction and above all without any effort if unconscious and bad autosuggestions are made so many times it is because they are done without effort rest assured that you will get what you want and you will get it as long as it is within reason to become master of oneself it is enough to think that one is turning then your hands shake your steps hesitate tell yourself that all this is going to stop and little by little it will disappear it is not in me but in yourself that you must have confidence because only in yourself resides the strength that can heal you my part consists Simply in teaching yourself to use that force, never talk about things you know nothing about or you will only make yourself ridiculous about things that seem miraculous.
If you have a perfectly natural cause, if they seem extraordinary to you, it is only because the cause escapes you when you know that you realize that nothing could be more natural. When will and imagination are in conflict, it is always imagination that wins in such a case. It is too frequent and then not only do we not do what we want but the opposite of what we want, for example, the more we try to sleep, the more we try to remember someone's name, the more we try to stop laughing. The more we try to avoid an obstacle while thinking we can't do it, the more excited we become, the less we can remember the name, the more uncontrollable our laughter becomes and the more surely we rush towards the obstacle, then it is imagination and not will. , which is the most important faculty of man and therefore it is a serious mistake to advise people to train their will, it is the training of their imagination that they should devote themselves to.
Things are not for us what they are but what they seem, this explains the contradictory evidence of people who speak in good faith by believing themselves the owner of their thoughts, one becomes like this, each of our thoughts, good or bad, becomes concrete, materializes and becomes makes it a reality we are what we do ourselves and not the circumstances Make that whoever begins in life with the idea that I will succeed, always succeeds because he does what is necessary to achieve that result, if he is presented with a single opportunity and if it is opportunity has as if only a hair on his head, he grabs it by that hair more than often provokes unconscious or unconducive circumstances;
He who, on the other hand, always doubts himself, never manages to do anything, may find himself in the midst of an army of opportunities with scalps like Absalom, and yet he would not see them and could not catch any if he only had to extend his hand. hand to do it and if it causes circumstances that are generally unfavorable, don't blame fate, you only have to blame yourself. Always preaching the doctrine of effort, but this idea must be repudiated, effort means will and will means the possible entry of imagination and opposition and the obtaining of the result exactly opposite to the desired one.
Always think that what you have to do is easy if possible in this state of mind you will not spend more of your strength than necessary if you consider it difficult you will spend 10 to 20 times more strength than you need in other words you will waste it autosuggestion is an instrument that you have to learn to use just as you would any other instrument, an excellent weapon in inexperienced hands only gives miserable results, but the more skillful the same hands become, the more easily they place the bullets on the target, conscious autosuggestion done with competence, with faith with perseverance is carried out mathematically within reason when certain people do not obtain satisfactory results with autosuggestion it is because they lack confidence or because they make efforts which is the most frequent case to make good suggestions it is absolutely necessary to do it without effort this The latter implies the use of the will that must be completely discarded, we must resort exclusively to the imagination.
Many people who have taken care of their health all their lives in vain imagine that they can be cured immediately by autosuggestion, it is a mistake. It is not reasonable to think so, no. It is useless to expect more from suggestion than it can normally produce, that is, a progressive improvement that little by little transforms into a complete cure. When possible, the means used by healers all go back to autosuggestion, that is, these Methods, whatever they are, words, incantations, gestures, staging, produce in the patient the auto-suggestion of recovery. Each illness has two aspects unless it is exclusively mental.
In fact, in every physical illness, a mental illness comes and adheres if we give the physical illness the coefficient one mental illness can have the coefficient 1 2 10 20 50 100 and more in many cases this can disappear instantly and if its coefficient is very high 100 for example while that of physical illness is only one of them this staircase represents the 101st of the total illness. something like this is called a miracle and yet there is nothing miraculous about it, contrary to common opinion, physical illnesses are generally cured much more easily than mental ones. Buffon used to say that style is the man; we would say that the man is what he thinks: the fear of failure is almost certain to cause failure in the same way that the idea of ​​success brings success and allows one to always overcome obstacles. that can be found with the conviction that is so necessary for the one who suggests regarding his subject it is this conviction this faith that allows him to obtain results where all other means have failed it is not the person who acts it is the method contrary to the General opinion that suggestion or autosuggestion can achieve the cure of organic diseases, injuries.
Previously, it was believed that hypnotism could only be applied to the treatment of nervous diseases. Its domain is much greater than that. It is true that hypnotism acts through the intermediary of the nervous system, but the nervous system dominates the entire organism in which the muscles are placed movement by nerves the nerves regulate circulation by their direct action on the heart and by their action on the blood vessels that dilate or contract the nerves then act on all the organs and through his intermediation all unhealthy organs can be affected dr paul juarez president of the universal society datud psychics bull number four of the slp moral influence has considerable value as an aid in healing it is a first order factor that would be very wrong neglect since in medicine as in all branches of humanity activity it is the spiritual forces that guide the world dr. louis renin professor at the faculty of medicine in paris and doctor at the Necker hospital never lose sight of the great principle of autosuggestion optimism always and despite everything, even when events do not happen it seems to justify it rene de jour boy bull 11 del s l p a suggestion sustained by faith is a formidable force dr a l paris july 1920 to inspire an unalterable confidence one must walk with the security of perfect sincerity and to possess this security and sincerity one must desire the good of others more than one's own culture. la force morale by c bauduan end of chapter 2 chapter 3 observations on what autosuggestion can do young bee of 13 years old enters the hospital in January 1912. he has a very serious illness heart disease characterized by a peculiarity in breathing he has such difficulty to breathe that he can only take very slow and short steps the doctor who treats him one of our best practitioners predicts a rapid and fatal problem the invalid leaves the hospital in February no better A friend of his family brings him to me and when I see him I consider him a lost cause, but I still put him through the preliminary experiments which are wonderfully successful after I have made a suggestion and advised him to do the same for himself.
I tell him to come back in two days. When he does, I notice, to my amazement, a notable improvement in his breathing and in his walking. I renew the suggestion and two days later when he returns, the improvement has continued and this is the case with each visit. Rapid is the progress that three weeks after the first visit my little patient can go on foot with his mother to the Villars plateau, he can breathe easily and almost normally he can walk without getting out of breath and he can take the stairs that previously took him were impossible as improvements are constantly being made, little b asks me if he can go stay with his grandmother in Kerrigan, as she seems to be fine, I advise him to do so and he leaves, but he sends me news of him from time to time From time to time his health improves more and more, he has a good appetite, he digests and assimilates food well and the feeling of oppression has completely disappeared.
Not only can he walk like everyone else, but he even runs and chases butterflies. He returns in October and I can barely recognize him because He is the little bent and weak one who left me in May. He has grown into a tall, upright boy whose face radiates health. He has grown 12 centimeters and gained 19 pounds in weight. Since then he has lived a perfectly normal life. He goes up and down stairs, rides a bicycle and plays soccer with his classmates. Mle taken to emma bodwen a follower of m a geneva who treats her by suggestion and tells her to come back in a week when the sore returns it has healed mle z also from geneva her right leg has been stretched for 17 years due to an abscess above the knee that she had to have surgery she asks emmy beaudoin to treat her her suggestion and it has barely begun when the leg can bend and straighten normally of course there was a psychological cause in this case lady or double boiler 55 years old in maxiville darico snicer leaving for more than a year and a half, first visit in September 1915 and a second one a week later, in fifteen days the cure is complete emile chennu 10 years old grande roo 19 refugee in mets some unknown heart disease with vegetations every night he loses blood through the mouth it comes first in July 1915 and After a few visits, the blood loss decreases and continues to do so until at the end of November it has completely ceased.
The vegetations also seem to have disappeared and in August 1916 there had been no relapse in Hazard, 48 years old who lived in Brin Invalido. On January 15, 1915, with chronic bronchitis, he specifies that it is getting worse every day. He came to my office in October 1915. The improvement is immediate and has been maintained until now, although he is not completely cured, he is much better. Emma B had been suffering for 24 years of frontal sinus that required 11 operations despite everything that had been done, the sinus persisted, accompanied by intolerable pain, the patient's physical condition was extremely pitiful, he had violent and almost continuous pain, extreme weakness, lack of appetite, he could not even walk, red. nor sleep, etc.
His nerves were in a state almost as bad as his body and despite treatment from men like Bernheim de Nancy Dejarina Paris Du Bois de Burn Ex of Strasbourg his poor health not only continued but even got worse every day. The patient came to see me in September. 1915 on the advice of one of my other patients from that moment he progressed rapidly and today 1921 is perfectly fine it is a true resurrection m nadjengast 18 years old russeller 39 suffering from Potts' disease comes to me at the beginning of 1914, after having Having been locked up for six months in a plaster corset, he regularly attends spiritualist sessions twice a week and makes the usual suggestions in the morning and at night, improvement soon appears and in a short time the patient can do without his plaster cover.
I saw him again in April 1916. He was completely cured and continued his postman duties after having been an ambulance attendant in Nancy, where he had remained until he became MD in Jarville. paralysis ofleft upper eyelid goes to the hospital where he receives injections, so the eyelid is raised, but the left eye was deviated outwards more than 45 degrees and an operation seemed necessary, it was at that moment when he came to me and thanks to autosuggestion I returned little by little to her normal position Mrs. Nancy continued pain on the right side of her face that had lasted for 10 years.
She had consulted many doctors whose prescriptions seemed useless and an operation was considered necessary. The patient came to see me on July 25, 1916 and there was immediate improvement. After about 10 days, the pain has completely disappeared and until December 20 there had been no recurrence. Maurice, 8 and a half years old at the feet of nancy club a first operation more or less cures the left foot while the right remains crippled two subsequent operations are of no use they bring the child to me for the first time in February 1915 he walks quite well thank you to two devices that keep his feet straight the first visit is followed by an immediate improvement and after the second the child can walk in normal boots the improvement becomes more and more marked on April 17 the child is quite well, the right foot However, he is now not as strong as he was due to a sprain that occurred in February 1916. lee x in blaineville a sore on the left foot probably of specific origin a slight sprain has caused a swelling of the foot accompanied by different acute pains The treatments have only had a negative effect and soon a sore appears that seems to indicate bone wear.
Walking becomes increasingly painful and difficult despite treatment. On the advice of a former patient who had been cured, she goes. for me and there is relief after the first visits little by little the swelling goes down the pain becomes less intense the separation lessons and finally the heel pain the process has taken a few months currently the foot is practically normal but although the The pain and swelling have completely disappeared. The posterior flexion of the foot is still not perfect, which causes the patient to limp slightly. The lady with Chavigny's metritis, which dates back 10 years, arrives at the end of July 1916.
The improvement is immediate, the pain and blood loss decrease rapidly. and on the following September 29 both disappeared the monthly period that lasted from eight to ten days has now ended on the fourth madame h rue gilbert to the pivotal court in nancy she is 49 years old she suffers from a varicose ulcer dating back to September 1914 and is treated according to advice from his doctor but without success the lower part of the leg is huge the ulcer is the size of a two franc coin and reaches to the bone it is located above the ankle the inflammation is very intense the separation copious and the pains extremely violent The patient comes for the first time in April 1916 and the visible improvement after the first treatment continues without interruption on February 18, 1917 the swelling has completely subsided and the pain and irritation have disappeared the sore is still there but it is healed it is not larger than a p and is only a few millimeters deep it still discharges very lightly in 1920 the cure is now complete in the court of meijer 16 years old has suffered nervous attacks for three years the attacks at first infrequent have gradually come at intervals shorter when she came to see me on April 1, 1917 she had had three attacks in the previous fortnight until April 18 she had none at all I can add that this young woman since the beginning of the treatment was no longer affected by the severe pains from a headache that she suffered almost constantly madame m age 43 years rude demands 2 men vale arrives at the end of 1916 for violent pains in the head that she has suffered all her life after a few visits she disappeared completely two months later she realized that she was also cured of a prolapsed uterus that she had not mentioned to me and that she did not think about when she made her autosuggestion.
This result is due to the words in all aspects contained in the formula used morning and afternoon madame d schwazzie leroy only a general suggestion for me in July 1916 and autosuggestion on her part morning and afternoon in October of the same year this lady tells me that she is cured of a prolapse of the uterus from which she had suffered for more than 20 years until April 1920 the cure remains valid same observation as in the previous case Mrs. Jessalyn aged 60 rue de dominicans 6 arrives on July 20, 1917 by a violent pain in the right leg accompanied by considerable swelling of the entire limb, he can only drag himself along with groans, but after the session, to his great astonishment, he can walk normally without feeling the slightest pain, when he returns four days later, the pain It has not returned and the swelling has disappeared. calmly, this patient tells me that since she attended the sessions she has also been cured of the white secretions and the enteritis that she had been suffering from for a long time same previous comment in November the cure is still good mle glas age 15 rudo dumonte 88 has stuttered since childhood comes on July 20, 1917 and the stuttering stops instantly one month after I saw her again and had not had a recurrence emma ferry eugene aged 60 rue de la cote 56 for five years she has suffered rheumatic pains in the shoulders and on his left leg he walks with difficulty leaning on a cane and cannot raise his arms above his shoulders.
He arrives on September 17, 1917. After the first session the pain disappears completely and the patient can not only take long strides but that can even run even more. turns both arms like a windmill in November the cure is still going well madame lecour 63 years old the president incapacitates pains in the face that date back more than 20 years all treatments have failed an operation is recommended but the patient refuses to undergo it for the first time on July 25, 1916 and four days later the pain ceases the cure continues to this day madame martin grande roux vilviere 105 inflammation of the uterus of 13 years standing accompanied by pain and white secretions and red the period is repeated which is very painful every 22 or 23 days and lasts 10 to 12 days it arrives for the first time on November 15, 1917 and returns regularly every week there is a visible improvement after the first visit which continues rapidly until beginning of january 1918 the inflammation has completely disappeared the period comes at more regular intervals and without the slightest pain a pain in the knee that the patient had suffered for 13 years was also cured madame castelli is 41 years old lives in einville mfm suffers from pain intermittent rheumatic pain in the right knee for 13 years five years ago she had a more violent attack than usual the leg swells as well as the knee then the lower part of the limb atrophies and the patient is forced to walk very painfully with the help of a cane or crutch on which he came for the first time on November 5, 1917.
He left without the help of a crutch or cane, since then he no longer uses the crutch, but occasionally uses the cane, the pain in the knee returns from time to time, but only very lightly, ma'am. meter 52 years old in Eindvale for six months suffering from pain in the right knee accompanied by swelling that prevents him from bending his leg comes for the first time on December 7, 1917 returns on January 4, 1918 saying that he has almost stopped suffering and that she can walk normally after that fourth visit the pain ceases completely and the patient walks like the others end of chapter 3 chapter 4 education as it should be surprisingly paradoxical but nevertheless the education of a child must begin before its birth in It is soberly true if a woman, a few weeks after conception, makes a mental image of the sex of the child she is going to bring into the world, the physical and moral qualities with which she wishes to see him endowed, and whether she will continue during the gestation period to imprint herself. the same mental image that the child will have, the sex and the desired qualities.
The Spartan women only gave birth to robust children who became fearsome warriors because their greatest desire was to give such heroes to their country, while in Athens the mothers had intellectual children whose mental qualities were 100 times greater than their physical attributes, the The child thus generated will be prone to easily accept the good suggestions that may be made to him and to transform them into autosuggestion that will later influence the course of his life, since you must do it. We know that all our words and all our actions are only the result of autosuggestions caused for the most part by the suggestion of example or speech.
How then should parents and those in charge of educating children avoid provoking bad autosuggestions and, on the other hand, influencing them? good autosuggestions in dealing with children always be even-tempered and speak in a gentle but firm tone in this way they will become obedient without ever having the slightest desire to resist authority, above all, avoid harshness and brutality because that is where you run the risk. of influencing an autosuggestion of cruelty accompanied by hatred, furthermore, carefully avoid in his presence saying ill of anyone, as happens too often when, without any deliberate intention, the absent nurse is torn to pieces in the room, inevitably this fatal example will be followed and it can later produce a real catastrophe by awakening in them the desire to know the reason for things and the love for nature and making an effort to interest them by giving them all the possible explanations very clearly in a happy tone and in good humor.
You must answer their questions with pleasure. instead of controlling them with what annoyance. You must be quiet, you will learn that then you will never, for any reason, tell a child that you are lazy and that you are of no use because that gives rise to the same faults that you accuse him of. If a child is lazy and does his homework poorly, you should tell him. one day, even if it is not true, that this time your work is much better than it is usually well done. The child, flattered by unusual praise, will surely work better next time and little by little, thanks to sensible encouragement, he will improve. achieve at all costs to become a true worker, avoid talking about illness in front of children because it will surely create it and then bad autosuggestions will teach them, on the contrary, that health is the normal state of man and that illness is an anomaly, A kind of setback that can be avoided by living in a regular and temperate manner does not create defects in them by teaching them to fear this or that, cold or heat, rain or wind, etc. man is created to endure such variations without hurting himself and he must do so without complaint.
Do not make the nervous child fill his mind with stories of goblins and werewolves because there is always the risk. For the shyness contracted in childhood to persist later it is necessary that those who They do not raise their children themselves, carefully choose those who are entrusted to love them, it is not enough that they have the qualities that you want your children to possess, awakening in them a love for work and study, making things easier for them by explaining things attentively and in a pleasant way and introducing into the explanation some anecdote that makes the child long for the next lesson, above all instilling in him that work is essential for man and that He who does not work in one way or another is a useless creature and that All work produces in those who do it a healthy and deep satisfaction, while the idleness so longed for and desired by some produces fatigue, neurotenia, disgust with life and leads those who do not have the means to satisfy the passions created by idleness, debauchery and even crime, teach children to always be polite and kind to everyone and in particular to those whom the chance of their birth has placed in a lower class than their own and also to respect age and never make fun of of the physical or moral defects that age often produces, teach them to love all humanity without distinction of caste, that one must always be ready to suck those who need help and that one must never be afraid of wasting time. and money for those who need it, in short, who must think more of others than of themselves by doing so, they experience an inner satisfaction that the selfish always seeks and never finds, developing self-confidence and teaching them that before When embarking on any undertaking, one must submit to the control of reason, thus avoiding acting impulsively, and after having reasoned the matter, one must make a decision to abide by unless some new fact proves that one may have been wrong.
Teach them above all that each one must undertake. in life with a very definite idea that he will succeed and that under the influence of this idea he will inevitably succeed, not that he should sit quietly waiting for events to happen, but because, driven by this idea, he will do whatever is necessary to let it come true. will know how to take advantage of opportunities or even perhaps a single opportunity that is presented to him, it may be just a thread or a hair, while he who distrusts himself like a constant grignard with whom he achieves nothing because all his efforts are directed at that end. such a person can certainly swim in an ocean of opportunity, provided with scalps like Absalom himself, and will not be able to take advantagenot a single hair and many times he himself determines the causes that make him fail, while he who has in himself the idea of ​​success often unconsciously gives rise to the very circumstances that produce that same success but, above all, Let parents and teachers lead by example.
A child is extremely suggestive, he lets something emerge that he wants to do and he does it as soon as the children can talk. They repeat morning and afternoon 20 consecutive times day by day in all aspects I am improving which will produce in them an excellent moral physique and a healthy environment. If you make the following suggestion you will greatly help the child to eliminate his defects and awaken desirable qualities in him corresponding every night when the child is asleep approach quietly so as not to wake him about three or four feet from his bed stay there murmuring in a low and monotonous voice the thing or things you want him to do finally it is desirable that all teachers should do every morning suggestions to your students in the following way, telling them to close their eyes, to say children.
I hope that you will always be polite and kind to everyone, obedient to your parents and teachers when they give you an order or tell you anything you will always listen to the order given or the fact told without seeming tired before you seemed bored when they reminded you of something but now you understand very well that it is for your own good that they tell you things and consequently instead of getting angry with those who speak to you, now you will be grateful to them; In addition, now you will love your job, whatever in your lessons, you will always enjoy those things that you may have to learn, especially those that you have not learned until now.
Also, be careful when the teacher is giving a lesson in class now you will dedicate all your attention solely and entirely to what he says instead of paying attention to any nonsense said or done by your classmates and without doing or saying anything stupid yourself in these conditions as you are. all smart for kids you are all smart you will easily understand and easily remember what you have learned it will be recorded in your memory ready to be at your service and you will be able to make use of it as soon as you need it in the same way when you are working on your lessons alone or At home when you are doing a task or studying a lesson you will focus your attention solely on the work you are doing and you will always get good grades in your lessons. the advice which, if faithfully and truly followed henceforth, will produce a race endowed with the highest physical and moral qualities. end of chapter four chapter five a study of the seances in mcoes the city thrills with this name because people from all ranks of society come to it and all are received with the same benevolence that already applies to many things, but it What is extremely moving is at the end of the session to see the people who arrived somber, bowed, almost hostile, they were suffering, leaving like everyone else, unrestrained, joyful. sometimes radiant they no longer suffer with a strong and smiling goodness of which he has the secret m de co as if he had in his hand the hearts of those who consult him he addresses himself and he addresses the numerous people who come to consult him him and speaks to them in these terms well madam and what is your problem oh you are looking for too many wise men and why do you care about the cause of your pain you are suffering that is enough I will teach you how to get rid of it and you sir your varicose ulcer is already Better, that's good, very good, you really know it, taking into account that you have only been here twice.
I congratulate you on the result you have obtained. If you continue doing your self-suggestions well, it will be cured very soon. You have had this ulcer for 10 years. You say that what does it matter? You may have had 20 or more and you can still heal and you say you haven't gotten any improvement. Do you know why, simply because you lack self-confidence? When I tell you that you're better, you feel better right away, right? because because you have faith in me just believe in yourself and you will get the same result oh lady not so many details I beg you taking care of the The details you create and you would like to list a yard long to contain all your melodies.
In fact, for you it is the mental perspective that is wrong. Decide that everything will get better and it will. It's as simple as the gospel. You tell me that you have nervous attacks every week. Well, starting today, you're going to do what I tell you and you'll stop having them. You've been suffering from constipation for a long time. Does it matter how long it is? You say it's 40 years, yes. , I heard what you said, but nevertheless it is true that you can be cured tomorrow, you hear it tomorrow, on the condition, of course, that you do exactly what I tell you to do and in the way I tell you to do it. do it, ah, you have glaucoma, ma'am, I can't promise you at all to cure you because I'm not sure I can do it.
That doesn't mean it can't be cured because I know it will happen in the case of a lady from Challenger sown and another from Lorraine well mademoiselle since you haven't had nervous attacks since you got here while you had them every day you are cured come back sometimes anyway so that I can keep you on the right path the feeling of oppression will disappear they disappear with the injuries that will disappear when you assimilate properly that everything will come in due time but you don't have to put the cart before the horse the same goes for the oppression that with heart problems it generally decreases very quickly, the suggestion does not prevent you from continuing with your usual treatment regarding the spot that you have in your eye and that is decreasing almost daily, the opacity and size are becoming less and less each day for a child with a clear voice. and authoritative close your eyes I'm not going to talk to you about injuries or anything else you wouldn't understand the pain in your chest goes away and you won't want to cough anymore observation it's curious to note that all those who suffer from chronic bronchitis are relieved immediately and their morbid symptoms quickly children disappear, they are very easy-going and very obedient subjects, their organism almost always immediately obeys the suggestion of a person who complains of tiredness.
Well, there are also days when I get tired of receiving people, but I receive them all the same and throughout the day, don't say anything. I can't help it, one can always overcome it. Observation, the idea of ​​fatigue necessarily brings fatigue and the idea that we have a duty to fulfill always gives us the necessary strength to fulfill it. The mind can and must continue to be master of the animal side of our nature. The cause. that prevents us from walking, whatever it is, it will disappear little by little each day, you know the proverb, heaven helps those who help themselves to get up two or three times a day by leaning on two people and telling themselves firmly, my kidneys are not as weak as to not be able to do it, on the contrary, I can, after having said every day in all aspects, I am getting better and better.
Add that the people who persecute me can no longer persecute me, they are not persecuting me what I told them. You are very true, it was enough to think that you no longer had pain for the pain to disappear. Do not think then that a soloist woman's voice can or will return. What patience does that wonderfully careful man have? Everything we have to think becomes true for us, so we should not. allow ourselves to think badly think that my problem is disappearing the same way you think you can't open your hands the more you say I won't do it the more surely the opposite will happen you should say it's going to disappear and think about it close your hand and think well now I can't open it try You cannot see that your will is not of much use to you.
Observation, this is the essential point of the method. In order to make auto-suggestions, you must eliminate the will completely and only resort to the imagination to avoid a conflict between them in which the will becomes stronger. As one ages it would be defeated it seems paradoxical but it is true for diabetes to continue using therapeutic treatments I am willing to make suggestions but I cannot promise to cure you observation I have seen diabetes completely cured several times and what is even more extraordinary the albumin decreases and even disappears from the urine of certain patients this obsession must be a real nightmare the people you used to hate are becoming your friends you like them and they like you ah but wanting and desiring are not the same so after having asked them to close their eyes You can give your patients the little suggestive speech that is found in self-control.
When this is finished, you turn to each one separately, telling each of them a few words about their case. To the first one, you, sir, are in pain, but I tell you that from Today the cause of this pain, whether it is called arthritis or anything else, will disappear with the help of your unconscious and with the cause gone, the pain will gradually decrease and in a short time it will be nothing more than a moment for the second person. Your stomach does not function correctly, it is also more or less dilated. I told you a moment ago, your digestive functions are going to work better and better and I add that the dilation of the stomach is going to disappear little by little, your body is going to progressively restore the strength to your stomach. and elasticity that it had lost and Little by little, as this phenomenon occurs, the stomach will return to its primitive shape and will increasingly make the necessary movements to pass the food it contains into the intestine, at the same time as The bag formed by the relaxed stomach will decrease in size.
The food will no longer stagnate in this bag and consequently the fermentation system will end up completely disappearing until the third. To you, young lady, I say that whatever lesions you may have in your liver, your body is doing what is necessary to make the lesions disappear each time. day and little by little as the symptoms you suffer heal, they will decrease and disappear, your liver then functions more and more normally, the violet secretion is alkaline and not acidic in the appropriate quantity and quality so that it passes naturally through the intestines. and helps intestinal digestion until the fourth child of mine, you listen to what I tell you every time you feel like you are going to have an attack, you will hear my voice telling you as fast as lightning, no, no, my friend, you are not going to have it . that attack will disappear before the fifth arrives etc etc when everyone has been attended to by Emma who tells those present to open their eyes and adds have you listened to the advice I just gave you so to transform it into reality what you must do Do this as long as you live every morning before getting up and every night as soon as you go to bed you must close your eyes to concentrate your attention and repeat 20 times following lip movements that are essential and counting mechanically with a rope with 20 knots and in the next phrase every day in all aspects I am improving more and more there is no need to think about anything in particular since the words in all aspects apply to everything this autosuggestion must be done with competence with faith with the certainty of obtaining what is desired as soon as possible The greater the conviction of the person, the greater and faster the results will be obtained.
Furthermore, every time during the day or night you feel some physical or mental discomfort, affirm that you will achieve it, you do not consciously contribute to it and that you are going to make it disappear. then isolate yourself as much as possible and pass your hand over your forehead if it is something mental or anywhere that hurts if it is something physical repeat very quickly moving your lips   the words va va va etc etc whenever necessary with a little practice the mental or physical discomfort will disappear in about 20 to 25 seconds   start again every time it is necessary for this as for the other self-suggestions it is necessary to act with the same competence, the same conviction, the same faith and above all without effort in those who also add what what's next if you formally allowed yourself to make bad autosuggestions because you did it unconsciously now that you know what I just taught you you should no longer allow this to happen and if despite everything you still do it you should just accuse yourself and say meia culpa maya maxima culpa and now If a grateful admirer of the work and the founder of the method may be permitted to say a few words, I will say, Monsieur Kush luminously shows us that the power to obtain health and happiness is within us;
In fact, we have received this gift, therefore we first suppress every cause of suffering created or fostered by ourselves and then we put into practice Socrates' favorite maxim, know thyself and the Pope's advice that it cannot reject any of the benefits that your kindness grants me, let us take possession of all the benefits of autosuggestion, let us become members today of the Lorraine society of applied psychology. members of him those who can be under our care it is a good deed to do to them by this means we will first follow the great movement of the future of which me ku is the creator he dedicates his days his knights his worldly goods and refuses to accept but Keep quiet about this, lest your modesty refuse to allow these lines to be published without alteration, but above all, by this means we will know exactly the days and hours of your conferences in Paris, Nancy and other cities where you will devoutly sow the good seed. and where we can go to see it and hear it and consult it personally and with its help awaken or awaken in us the personal power that each of us has received from beinghappy and well.
Let me add that when m has charged an entrance fee for his lectures, he has brought thousands of francs for the disabled and other people who have suffered during the war end of chapter 5 chapter 6 letters from patients treated with the ku method the final results of the English secondary school certificate only these two hours have been published and I hasten to tell you, at least as far as I am concerned, I passed the viva voce with great success and barely felt the slightest trace of the nervousness it caused me. such an intolerable feeling of nausea before the tests, during the latter I was surprised by my own calm, which gave those who listened to me the impression of perfect self-control on my part, in short, they were precisely the tests that I most feared. who contributed the most to my success, the jury placed me in second place and I am infinitely grateful for their help, which undoubtedly gave me an advantage over the other candidates, etc.
The case is that of a young woman who, due to excessive nervousness, had failed in 1915. The nervousness had disappeared under the influence of autosuggestion, she passed successfully and came in second place among more than 200 competitors, a mlev school teacher, August 1916. It is a great pleasure to write to you to thank you very sincerely for the great benefit I have received from your method before I leave. For you, the most difficult thing for me was to walk 100 meters without getting out of breath, whereas now I can walk kilometers without getting tired several times a day and I can quite easily walk in 40 minutes from the rue du brothel to the root of Glassy. that is to say almost four kilometers the asthma I suffered from has almost completely disappeared yours very grateful paul chanat rude to strasbourg 141 nancy august 1917 I don't know how to thank you thanks to you I can say that I am almost completely cured and I was only hoping to be so to express my gratitude I suffered from two varicose ulcers, one on each foot, and on the right foot, which was as big as my hand, it was completely healed.
It seemed to magically disappear. For weeks, I was confined to my bed, but almost immediately after receiving your letter, the ulcer healed and I could get up. The one on the left foot is not yet completely healed but it will soon be, night and morning I recite and always will recite the prescribed formula in which I have complete confidence, I can also say that my legs were hard as a stone and I could not bear the slightest contact , now I can squeeze them without the slightest pain and I can walk again, which is the greatest joy, Mrs. ligni   mailer in court. charette haltzone May 1918 and b it is noteworthy that this lady never saw him and that it was only thanks to a letter he wrote to her on April 15 that she obtained the result announced in her letter of May 3.
I am writing to express my gratitude because thanks to you I have escaped the risk of an operation that is always very dangerous. I can say more that you have saved my life because your method of autosuggestion has done by itself what all the medications and treatments prescribed for terrible intestinal obstruction that I suffered for 19 days I had not been able to do since the moment I followed your instructions and applied your excellent principles my functions have been fulfilled with complete naturalness madame s pont amassin February 1920 I do not know how to thank you for my happiness and my being cured For more than 15 years I had suffered asthma attacks that every night caused very painful suffocation thanks to his splendid method and especially since I was present at one of his sessions the attacks have disappeared as if by magic, it is a true miracle for the various doctors who treated me all declared that there was no cure for asthma madame v saint die February 1920 I am writing to thank you with all my heart for having brought to my knowledge a new therapeutic method a wonderful instrument that seems to act like the magic wand of a fairy since thanks to the simplest means it produces the most extraordinary results.
From the beginning I was very interested in your experiments and after my personal success with your method I began to apply it ardently since I had become an enthusiastic supporter of it, dr. vashey, since May, 1920, for eight years, I have suffered from prolapse of the uterus. I have used your autosuggestion method for the past five months and I am now completely cured, so I don't know how to thank you enough. madame soulier place for marquee tool May 1920 I have suffered terribly for 11 years without rest every night I had an asthma attack and I also suffered from insomnia and general weakness which prevented me from any occupation mentally I was depressed restless worried and had a tendency to make mountains of mall hills had undergone many treatments without success, having even undergone the removal of the turbinate of the nose in switzerland without obtaining any relief in november 1918 i became worse as a result of great pain while my husband was in corfu he was an officer on a ship of war, I lost our only son in six days due to the flu, he was a charming ten-year-old boy who was the joy of our life, alone and overwhelmed by pain, he bitterly reproached myself for not having been able to protect and save our treasure.
I wanted to lose my mind or die when my husband returned, which was not until February. He took me to a new doctor who prescribed me several remedies and the waters of Mont Door. I was in that station during the month of August, but upon my return I had a recurrence of asthma. and I realized with despair that in every respect I was getting worse and worse. It was then that I had the pleasure of meeting you without expecting much good from it. I must say that I attended your October lectures and I am happy to tell you about them. you who at the end of November cured me insomnia feelings of oppression gloomy thoughts disappeared as if by magic and now I am well and strong and full of courage with physical health I have regained mental balance and except for the ineffable wound caused by my loss of my son could say that I am perfectly happy why I did not know you before my son had met him a cheerful and brave mother thank you again and again mkhu yours very grateful and idior rue de lille paris april 1920 now I can take it up again In the fight that I held for 30 years and that had exhausted me, last August I found wonderful and providential new help.
Returning home to Lorraine to spend a few days sick and with a heart full of pain, he feared the shock he must feel upon seeing death. seeing the ruins and the anguish and I left comforted and in good health I was at the limit of my strength and unfortunately I am not religious I wanted to find someone who could help me and when I found you by chance at my cousin's house you gave me the much help I was looking for Now I can work with a new spirit, I suggest to my unconscious to restore my physical balance and I have no doubt that I will recover my former good health.
A very notable improvement has already been demonstrated and you will understand it better. My gratitude when I tell you that I suffer from diabetes with a kidney complication. I have had several attacks of glaucoma but my eyes are now regaining their flexibility since then my eyesight has become almost normal and my general health has greatly improved as a teacher of the young ladies' college in January 1920 I read my thesis successfully and obtained the highest rating and congratulations from the jury of all these honors, a large part belongs to you and I do not forget it, I only regret that you are not present to hear the distinguished jury mention his name with warm and sympathetic interest.
You can consider that the doors of the university have been opened wide to your teaching. Don't thank me because I owe you much more than you can owe me, Professor Bodwan. At the JJ Rousseau Institute in Geneva, I admire his courage and I am sure that he will help many friends to take a useful and intelligent direction. I confess that I have personally benefited from his teachings and I have made my patients do the same in the nursing home we tried to apply his method collectively and we have already obtained visible results in this way dr barillon paris march 1920 I have received your kind letter as well as your very interesting lecture I am glad to see that you establish a rational connection between hetero and autosuggestion and I particularly know the passage in which you say that the will should not intervene in autosuggestion, that is what a large number of autosuggestion teachers, unfortunately among A large number of doctors do not realize it at all.
I also think that an absolute distinction must be established between autosuggestion and the training of the will Dr van Delson Brussels March 1920 What should you think of me that I have forgotten you oh no I assure you that I think of you with the most grateful affection and desire I repeat that your teachings are increasingly more effective, I never go a day without using autosuggestion with greater success and I bless you every day because your method is the true one. Thanks to it, I am assimilating your excellent instructions and I can control. Every day I feel better and I feel more strong.
I am sure that it would be difficult for you to recognize in this woman so active despite her 66 years, the poor creature who was sick so many times and who only began to get well thanks to you and your guide. You can be blessed for this because the thing sweetest in the world is to do good to those around us you do a lot and you do a little for which I thank God madame m sess and saint brooke since I feel better and better since I started following your autosuggestion method I would like to offer you My most sincere gratitude, the lesion in my lungs has disappeared, my heart is better, I no longer have albumin, in short, I am quite well, Madame Lumetra Richamont, June 1920.
Your pamphlet and lectures interested us greatly. It would be desirable for the good of humanity if they were published. in several languages ​​so that they could penetrate all races and countries and thus reach a greater number of unfortunate people who suffer from the misuse of that almighty and almost divine faculty, the most important for man, as you affirm and demonstrate so luminously and judiciously. , which we call imagination, had already read many books about the will and had a whole arsenal of formulas, thoughts, aphorisms, etc. Your phrases are conclusive, I don't think I had ever compressed tablets of self-confidence before, as I call your healing phrases, condensed into typical formulas in such an intelligent way.
Don Enrique C Madrid, his pamphlet on self-control contains very strong arguments and very striking examples I think that the replacement of imagination by the force of will is a great progress it is softer and more persuasive a free re-environment I am happy to be able to tell you that my stomach is very good my metritus is also much better my little son had a gland in the thigh the size of an egg which is gradually disappearing. Saint Clement metm after having undergone three operations on my left leg due to local tuberculosis, that leg became ill again in September 1920, several doctors declared that a new operation was necessary, they were about to open my leg from the knee to the ankle and if the operation had failed they would have had me undergo an amputation, since I had heard about your wonderful cures, I came and saw you for the first time On November 6, 1920, after the session, I immediately felt a little better, followed your instructions exactly and came to you three times on the third. time I could tell you that I am completely cured, Mrs.
Henry Lorraine, I will not wait any longer to thank you with all my heart for all the good that I owe you. Autosuggestion has transformed me positively and now I am much better than I have been for so many years. The symptoms of the disease have disappeared. Little by little the morbid symptoms have become more and more rare and all the functions of the body now function normally. The result is that after having lost more and more weight for several years I have recovered several kilos in a few months. I cannot do anything but bless the system.
I have been one since 1917. My little girl suffers from epileptic seizures. Several doctors had told me that around the age of 14 or 15 they would disappear or get worse after hearing about you. I sent it to you. from the end of December to May his cure is complete since for six months he has had no relapses perrin charles essay less nancy for eight years he had suffered a collapse of the uterus after having practiced his autosuggestion for five months I have been radically cured I don't know how to express my deep gratitude madame solai 6. place du marque tool having suffered from glaucoma since 1917 I have consulted two oculists who told me that only an operation would put an end to my sufferings but unfortunately neither of them assured me of a good result within the month June 1920, after having attended one of his sessions, I felt much better.
In September, I stopped using the pilocarpine drops that were the daily bread of my eyes, and since then I feel, it no longer hurts, my pupil is no longer dilated my eyes are normal it is a true miracle madam m a loss a dedication to him who by the author of a medical treatise a m who knew how to dissect the human soul and extract from it a psychological method found that, based on conscious autosuggestion, the master He has a right to be grateful for all that he has skillfully achieved by disciplining the wandering imagination and usefully associating it with the will.
Has He given man the means to multiply his moral strength tenfold by giving him confidence? in himself, dr. pr frankfurt, it's hard to talk aboutthe profound influence exerted on me by the fact that you so kindly allow me to see your work so frequently, seeing it day by day as I have done, has impressed me more and more and as you yourself said that there seem to be no limits to the possibilities and future scope of the principles you enunciate not only in the physical lives of children but also to the impossibility of changing the ideas that now prevail about the punishment of crime in government, indeed in all relations of life, Miss Josephine. amma richardson when I came I expected a lot but what I have seen thanks to your great kindness far exceeds my expectations montague s moneer williams md london fragments of letters addressed to madame emil leon disciple of m coo for some time now I have been loving you I am writing to you and I thank you very sincerely that you have introduced me to this method of autosuggestion.
Thanks to your good advice, the nervous attacks to which I was subject have completely disappeared and I am sure that I am completely cured. Furthermore, I feel surrounded by a superior force that is an unwavering guide and with whose help I overcome the difficulties of life madame frue de bougainville 4 paris amazed by the results obtained by the autosuggestion that you let me know, I thank you with all my heart for En One year I was completely cured of joint rheumatism in the right shoulder that I had suffered for eight years and of chronic bronchitis that I had suffered for longer.
The numerous doctors I had consulted declared me incurable, but thanks to you and your treatment I have been able to find myself in perfect health and the conviction that I have the power to preserve it. madame l true do laos 4 paris I want to tell you the excellent results that this wonderful method has occurred in my case and express my deep gratitude for your valuable help. I have always had anemia and I have had poor health but after the death of my husband I got much worse I suffered with my kidneys I could not stand upright I also suffered from nervousness and aversions all that is gone and I am a different person I no longer suffer I have more resistance and I am happier my friends hardly recognize me and I feel like a new woman I intend to spread this wonderful method so clear so simple so beneficial and continue obtaining the best results from it also for me mld paris June 1920 I can't find the words to thank you for teach me your good method what happiness you have brought me I thank God who led me to meet you because you have completely transformed my life before I suffered terribly in every monthly period and I was forced Now that I lie down in bed everything is quite regular and painless, The same thing happens with my digestion and I am no longer forced to live on milk as before and I no longer have pain, which is a joy.
My husband is surprised to discover that when I travel I no longer have headaches whereas before I always took pills, now thanks to you I don't need any medicine but I don't forget to repeat 20 times in the morning and at night the phrase that you taught me every day. days in all aspects I am improving and it better be p   paris October 1920. When rereading the method, I find it increasingly superior to all the developments inspired by it, it surpasses everything that has been invented of the so-called scientific systems, based ​in the uncertain results of an uncertain science that feels its way and deceives itself and whose means of observation are also quite precarious despite what the scholar saves and strikes enough for everything to go straight to the goal he achieves. with certainty and in the liberation of his patient he takes generosity and knowledge to its highest point since he leaves the patient himself the merit of this freedom and the use of a wonderful power no really there is nothing to alter in this method it is as you say so surprisingly a gospel faithfully relate his actions and words and spread his method that is what to do and what I will do to the extent possible p c I am amazed at the results I have obtained and continue to obtain daily by using the excellent method that you have taught me of conscious autosuggestion I was mentally and physically ill now I am well and I am also almost always happy that is to say that my depression has given way to joy and I certainly do not complain about the change because it is very preferable I assure you as miserable as I used to be being I couldn't digest anything now I digest perfectly well and the intestines act naturally I also slept very badly while now the nights are not long enough I couldn't work but now I can work hard of all my ailments nothing remains but an occasional touch of rheumatism which I'm sure will disappear like the rest if you continue with your good method.
I cannot find words to express my deep gratitude to you, madame friary, boulevard mullerb, paris, extracts from letters addressed to mle kaufman, disciple of the mcu as I have felt better and better since I followed the autosuggestion method that you taught me. I feel that I owe you the most sincere gratitude. I am now qualified to speak of the great and undeniable advantages of this method, since I owe my recovery to it alone. I had an injury to my lungs which caused me to spit up blood I suffered from lack of appetite vomiting daily loss of flesh and stubborn constipation spitting up blood decreased immediately and soon completely disappeared vomiting stopped constipation no longer exists I have recovered my appetite and in two months I have gained almost a kilo of weight due to these results observed not only by my parents and friends but also by the doctor who has been treating me for several months, it is impossible to deny the good effect of autosuggestion and not openly declare that it is his method to whom I owe my return to life.
I authorize you to publish my name if it can be of use to others and I ask you to believe me. Your most grateful Gene Gilly 15 80 barillion Bonito March 1918 I consider it my duty to tell you how grateful I am for informing me of the benefits of autosuggestion thanks to you I no longer suffer from those agonizing and frequent cardiac arrests and I have recovered the appetite I had lost For months now, as a hospital nurse, I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the almost miraculous recovery of one of my patients seriously ill with tuberculosis that made him constantly and copiously vomit blood.
His family and I were very anxious when heaven sent you to him after your first visit he stopped spitting blood his appetite returned and after a few more visits made by you to a sick bed all the organs gradually resumed their normal functions Finally one day we had the pleasant surprise and joy of seeing him arrive at his private session where before those present he himself made the declaration of his cure thanks to your kind intervention, thank you from the bottom of my heart with gratitude and sympathy a pleasant ketner 26 av barillion March 1918, from day to day I have postponed writing to thank you for the cure of my little one.
Sylvain was desperate. The doctors told me that there was nothing else to do except try the Arkhashon or Jookit sanatorium near Dunkirk. to do in mine collard advised me to go see you I hesitated because I was skeptical about it but now I have proof of your ability because sylvain has completely recovered his appetite it is good his pimples and his glands are completely healed and what is even more extraordinary since the first time I went to see if he had not coughed even once and the result is that since June he has gained six pounds.
I can never thank you enough and proclaim to all the benefits we have received Madame Porson Liverpool August 1920 How can I? show you my deep gratitude, you have saved my life. My heart was displaced, which caused terrible attacks of suffocation that continued, in fact, they were so violent that I had no rest day or night, despite the daily injections of morphine that I could eat. nothing without instant vomiting I had severe pains in my head that swelled and as a result I lost my sight I was in a pitiful state and my whole body suffered because of it I had abscesses in my liver the doctor despaired of me after I had tried everything bloodletting windy and scarifying poultices ice and all possible remedies without any improvement I resorted to his kindness on the advice of the doctor after his first visits the attacks became less violent and less frequent and soon they completely disappeared the bad and restless nights became calmer until I was I was able to sleep all night without waking up.
The pain I had in my liver stopped completely. I was able to start eating my food again, digesting it perfectly well, and I once again experienced the feeling of hunger that I hadn't felt for months. My headache stopped and my eyes had I had been worried, they are quite cured since now I can take care of a little manual work. Every visit you made to me I felt that my organs resumed their natural functions. I was not the only one to observe it. The doctor who came to see me every week found me much better and finally recovery came since I was able to get up after having been in bed for 11 months.
I got up without any discomfort or the slightest dizziness and in In fact, thanks to you I am cured because the doctor says that despite everything the medications did to me, I could very well have taken none after being abandoned by two doctors who offered me no hope of a cure. Here I am cured everything. The same and in fact it is a complete cure because now I can eat meat and I eat half a kilo of bread every day. How can I thank you for repeating it to you? Thanks to the suggestion that you taught me, I am the master of my life Jean Grosjan Nancy November 1920.
Personally, the science of autosuggestion, because I consider it entirely a science, has provided me with great services. The truth obliges me. to declare that if I continue to be particularly interested in him it is because I find in him the means of exercising true charity. In 1915, when I attended the mq conferences for the first time, I confessed that I was completely skeptical in the face of events repeated 100 times in my presence, I I was forced to surrender to the evidence. and I recognize that autosuggestion always acted, although naturally to different degrees on organic diseases. The only cases and they were very rare in which I have seen it fail are nervous cases, narasthenia or imaginary diseases.
There is no need to repeat that I am like you, but it insists even more strongly on this point where he never performs a miracle or heals anyone, but instead shows people how to heal themselves. I confess that at this point I'm still a little incredulous because he couldn't actually cure people, he's powerful. helps their recovery by giving heart to the sick, teaching them never to despair, and elevating them and leading them higher than themselves towards moral spheres that the majority of humanity mired in materialism has never reached. The more I study autosuggestion, the better I understand the divine law of trust. and love that Christ preached to us you will love your neighbor and giving a little of the heart and moral strength to help him get up if he has fallen and heal if he is sick here also from my Christian This point of view is the application of autosuggestion which I consider it a beneficial and comforting science that helps us understand that as children of God we all have forces within us whose existence we did not suspect and that, properly directed, serve to elevate us morally and to heal us physically, those who do not know your science or only know it imperfectly.
They should not judge it without having seen the results it gives and the good it does, believe me, your faithful admirer, mld nancy November 1920 end of chapter 6 chapter 7 the inner miracle reprinted from the literary politics of the renaissance artistic tea of ​​December 18, 1920 tribute to Emil coo during the month of september 1920 i opened for the first time the book by charles beauduan of geneva professor at the jay jay institute we are then in that city this work published by the firm delicox and nissel 26 rue saint dominique paris is called suggestion This self-suggestion the author has dedicated it to Emil Ko, the initiator and benefactor, with deep gratitude I read it and did not put it down.
The book until I had reached the end, the truth is that it contains a very simple exposition of a magnificently humanitarian work, founded on a theory that may seem childish simply because it is available to everyone and if everyone puts it into practice, the greatest good. will come from this after more than 20 years of tireless work emil who currently lives in nancy where lately he followed the work and experiments of leibald the father of the doctrine of suggestions for more than 20 years i say that he has dealt exclusively with this question , but above all to induce his fellow men to cultivate autosuggestion, at the beginning of the century, he had reached the object of his research and had released the general and immense force of autosuggestion, after countless experiments on thousands of subjects, he showed the action of the unconscious in organic cases this is new and the great merit of this profoundly modest scholar is to have found a remedy for terrible evils considered incurable or terribly painful without any hope of relief, since I cannot go into long scientific details here.
I am content to say how Nancy's wise man practices his method, the chiseled compendium of a lifetime of patient research and incessant observations, is a brief formula that existsto repeat morning and evening, you have to say it quietly with your eyes. closed in a position favorable to the relaxation of the muscular system, it can be in bed or in an armchair and an expiatory voice as if reciting a litany, here are the magic words of each day in all the aspects that I receive. Better and better, you have to say them 20 times in a row with the help of a 20-knot rope that serves as a rosary.
This material detail has its importance. It ensures the fundamental mechanical recitation when articulating these words that are registered by the unconscious. You don't have to think. In nothing particular, neither in one's own illness nor in one's own problems, one must be passive only with the desire that everything goes well. The formula in all aspects has a general effect. This wish must be expressed without passion, without will, with gentleness but with absolute confidence. because emil cou at the moment of autosuggestion does not call on the will in any way; On the contrary, there should not be any question of will at that moment, but rather the imagination, the great driving force infinitely more active than usual. invoked only the imagination must be put into play have confidence in yourself says this good counselor firmly believes that everything will be fine and in fact everything is fine for those who have a faith strengthened by perseverance since actions speak louder than words I will tell you What happened I myself, before having seen it hit, must go back to the month of September, when I opened it.
Charles bowed the volume at the end of a substantial exposition. The author lists the cure for diseases such as enteritis. The eczema. 20 years ago that required 11 operations   metritis salpingitis fibrous tumors varicose veins  etc. lastly and above all deep tuberculous sores   and the last stages of consumption case of a 30 year old chihuahua lady who has become a mother   since her case was followed for cure but there was no relapse all of this is often attested to by the doctors and patient care these examples impressed me deeply there was a miracle it was not a question of nerves but of effectiveness what medication attacks without success this cure for tuberculosis it was a revelation for me to have suffered for two years from acute neuritis on the face and I suffered terrible pain because the doctors, two of them specialists, had pronounced the sentence that would be enough by itself to increase the discomfort with its fatal influence on the mind, nothing to do, nothing to do. to do had been for me the worst of the autosuggestions in possession of the formula every day in all aspects, etc.
He recited it with a faith that, although it had come suddenly, was capable of moving mountains and throwing away shawls and handkerchiefs with his head uncovered. I went out to the garden in the rain and the wind, gently repeating, I will be cured, I will not have any more neuritis, it will go away, it will not come back, etc. The next day I was cured and I have never again suffered from this abominable disease, which did not allow me to take a step outside and I It made life unbearable. It was an immense joy. The unbelievers will say that I was obviously all nervous and I give you this first point, but I was delighted with the result.
I tried the Ku method for edema of the left ankle resulting from a kidney condition considered incurable. In two days, the edema had disappeared then I treated the fatigue and mental depression etc and there was an extraordinary improvement and I only had one idea: to go to Nancy to thank my benefactor I went there and found myself attracted by his kindness and simplicity to the excellent man who has become my friend it was essential to see him in his field of action he invited me to a popular session I heard a concert of gratitude injuries to the lungs displaced organs asthma Potts disease paralysis the entire deadly horde of diseases was being put to flight I saw a paralytic who was sitting contorted and twisted in his chair to get up and walk m the one who had spoken demanded confidence great immense competence in oneself said learn to heal yourselves you can do it i you have never healed anyone the power is within yourselves call your spirit make it act for your physical and mental well and it will come, it will cure you, you will be strong and happy that you spoke who approached the paralytic, you heard what I said, right?
I think you will walk yes very well then get up the woman got up she walked and went around the garden the miracle was accomplished a girl with Potts disease whose spine straightened again after three visits she told me what intense happiness it was she feels returning to life after believing itself to be a lost case three women cured of lung injuries express their joy at returning to work to a normal life that in the midst of those people he loves seem to me to be separated forever this man ignores money all his work It is free and his extraordinary selflessness prohibits him from charging a cent because I owe you something I told him I simply owe you everything not only the pleasure I will have that you continue to stay well an irresistible sympathy attracts one with this naive philanthropist, arm in arm, we walk through the garden that he cultivates himself, gets up early to make it practically vegetarian, considers with satisfaction the results of his work and then continues in his mind the serious conversation he has.
An unlimited power acts on matter if we know how to tame it. The imagination is like a horse without a bridle. If such a horse pulls the carriage in which you are, it can do all kinds of nonsense and take you to death, but adjust it properly, drive it with a sure hand and it will go where. If you want, it is with the mind, the imagination must be directed for our own good. Autosuggestion formulated with the lips is an order that the unconscious receives and executes unknown to ourselves and especially at night so that evening autosuggestion is the most important and gives results. wonderful when you feel physical pain in the formula it goes away very quickly it is repeated with a kind of stretched voice putting your hand on the part where you feel the pain or on your forehead if it is a mental anguish because the method acts very effectively on the mind afterwards Having asked for the help of the soul for the body, you can ask again for all the circumstances and difficulties of life there too.
I know from experience that events can be uniquely modified through this process. You know it today and you will know it even better if you read Emmy Bodhwen's book and then his pamphlet culture de la force morale and, finally, the small and succinct treatise written by himself. self-control all these works can be found in mqs   if however I have been able to inspire in you the desire to make this excellent pilgrimage yourself you will go to nancy to look for the brochure like me you will love this unique, unique man because of his noble charity and of his love for his fellow men as christ taught it like me too you will be healed physically and mentally life will seem better and more beautiful to you that is surely worth a try form m province of burnup end of chapter 7 chapter 8 some notes on mcoe's journey to paris in october 1919 the desire that the teachings of m ku in paris last october not be lost to others has prompted me to write them, leaving aside this time the numerous physically or mentally ill people who have seen their problems diminish and disappear as a result of its beneficial treatment.
Let's start by quoting just some of his teachings. Ask why I don't get better results even though I use his method and his answer to prayer, because probably in the back of your mind there is an unconscious doubt or because you make efforts now remember that efforts are determined by the will if you put the will at stake you run a serious risk of putting your imagination into play too but in the opposite direction that produces only the opposite of what you want ask what we are going to do when something bothers us respond when something that bothers us happens repeat it once no that no It doesn't bother me at all, not in the slightest.
The fact is rather pleasant than the opposite. In short, the idea is to work in a good way instead of in a bad way. Question: Are preliminary experiments indispensable? If they are unacceptable to the subject's pride, answer no. They are not essential but they are very useful because although they may seem childish to certain people, they are, on the contrary, extremely serious, in fact they prove three things: one, that every idea we have in our minds becomes true for us and has a tendency to be transformed into action, two, that when there is a conflict between the imagination and the will, it is always the imagination that wins and in this case we do exactly the opposite of what we want to do three that it is easy for us to put into our minds without no effort the idea that we want to have since we have been able to without effort I think successively I can't and then I can the preliminary experiments should not be repeated only at home one often cannot put oneself in the appropriate physical and mental conditions there is a risk of failure and in this case self-confidence is at stakequestion shaking when you are in pain you can't help but think about your problem answer point don't be afraid to think about it on the contrary think about it but tell him I'm not afraid of you if you go anywhere and a dog runs When he barks at you, look him firmly in the eyes and he won't bite you, but if you are afraid of him, if you turn back, he will soon have his teeth in your legs. question and if one withdraws, answers period, goes back, asks, how can we realize what?
We want to answer the point by often repeating what you want. I'm gaining confidence and you will. My memory is improving and it really is. I am becoming absolutely master of myself and you find that you are becoming like that. So if you say the opposite, the opposite is what will happen with what you say persistently and very quickly happens within the domain of reason of course some testimonies from a young lady to another lady how simple it is there is nothing to add it seems inspired No? I believe that there are beings who radiate the influence of an eminent Parisian doctor to the numerous doctors who surround him.
I have completely devoted myself to the ideas of m. A polytechnician. A severe critic defines it this way. It is a power. Yes, it is a power of good without mercy for bad autosuggestions. of the defeatist type, but tirelessly careful, active and smiling to help each one develop their personality and teach them to heal themselves, which is the characteristic of their beneficial method, how can we not wish from the depths of the heart that can everyone understand? and you see that the good news that it brings me is the possible awakening for each one of the personal power that you have received to be happy and it is good if one can feel the full development of this power that can transform your life then and it is not like that. , it is the strict duty and at the same time the happiness of those who have been initiated to spread by all possible means the knowledge of this wonderful method whose happy results have been recognized and verified by thousands of people to achieve it. known to those who suffer, those who are sad or those who are overburdened, to all and help them put it into practice, then thinking of France triumphant but bruised in its defenders victorious but mutilated in all the physical and moral suffering that war implies, that those who have the power the greatest power ever given to man is the power to do good socrates sees that the inexhaustible reserve of physical and moral forces that the method places within our reach can soon become the heritage of the entire nation and through he of humanity emil leon collaborator in paris by m milku end of chapter eight chapter nine everything for everyone by madame emil leon disciple of mcu when one has been able to take advantage of a great benefit when this benefit is available to everyone although almost everyone ignores it it is It is not an urgent and absolute duty for those who are initiated to make it known to those around them because everyone can make their own the surprising results of the emileka method to drive away pain is a lot, but how much more is it leading to possession? of a new life all of us who suffer last April we had a visit from m emil ko from Paris and here are some of his teachings question question from a theist I think it is unworthy of the eternal to make our obedience to his will depend on what m called trick or mechanical process conscious autosuggestion m whether we want it or not our imagination always overcomes our will when they are in conflict we can lead it along the correct path indicated by our reason by consciously using the mechanical process that we often use unconsciously to lead us to evil and the interrogator reflectively says to himself yes, it is true in this elevated sphere of thought, conscious autosuggestion has the power to free us from self-created obstacles that could, so to speak, put a veil between us and God. how a piece of something hanging in a window can prevent the sun from entering a room ask how extravagant it is to bring those deer to someone who may be suffering so that they make good automatic suggestions that would leave them free answer point don't insist or lecture just simply remind you that I advise you to make an auto-suggestion with the conviction that you will obtain the result you want, ask yourself how you explain yourself and explain to others that the repetition of the same words makes me sleep, leaves etc. has the power to produce the effect and above all so powerful in effect that it is a certain answer the repetition of the same words forces us to think about them and when we think about thembecome true for us and become reality ask ourselves how to internally maintain self-control answer point to be master of oneself it is enough to think that one is one and to think it one has to repeat it many times without making any effort ask and externally what it is like to maintain freedom answer self-control applies both physically and mentally question statement point it is impossible to escape from problems or sadness if we do not do what we should it would not be fair and autosuggestion cannot and should not prevent simply suffering m co very seriously and affirmatively dot certainly and surely it should not be like that but the question is so frequent in any case for a while why that patient who has been completely cured continually had those terrible attacks answered, he expected his attacks to be feared and that is why he provoked them.
If this man gets the idea into his head that he will not have any more attacks, he will not have them; if he believes that he will have them, he will indeed have them. Question point n How is the method different from him? of others   answer the difference is not the will that governs us but the imagination that is the basis the fundamental basis question could you give me a summary of your formatting method r who is doing important work? m-e here is the summary of the method in a few words contrary to what is taught it is not our will that makes us act but rather our imagination the unconscious if we often act as we want it is because at the same time we think we can if not we do exactly the opposite of what we want x the more a person with insomnia decides to sleep, the more excited they become, the more we try to remember a name that we think we have forgotten, the more it escapes us, it comes back only if you replace the idea in your mind.
I have forgotten the idea that it will return the more we try to avoid laughing the more our laughter explodes the more we decide to avoid an obstacle when learning to ride a bicycle the more we rush towards it we must strive to direct our imagination, which now directs us in this way, we easily become as masters of ourselves physically and morally, how are we going to reach this result through the practice of conscious autosuggestion? Conscious autosuggestion is based on this principle, every idea we have in our mind. The mind becomes true for us and tends to be realized, so if we want something we can obtain it after a more or less long time if we often repeat that that thing is going to come or disappear depending on whether it is good or not. quality or a flaw whether physical or mental everything is included using night and morning the general formula every day in all aspects I am improving every time question for those who are sad who are distressed answer the point as long as you believe that I am sad You cannot be happy and to think something it is enough to say without effort, I do believe that this in terms of anguish will disappear no matter how violent it is that I can say, a bent man arrives, crawling painfully leaning on two sticks, he has an expression of depression on his face. deaf while the room is filling up I come in after having questioned this man he says something like this then you have had rheumatism for 32 years and you can't walk don't be afraid it's not going to last that long then again after the experiments preliminaries close your eyes and repeat very quickly, moving your lips, the words go goes at the same time m who passes his hand along the patient's legs for 20 to 25 seconds you no longer have pain get up and walk the patient walks faster even faster and as you walk so well you are going to run run sir run the patient runs happily almost as if he had regained his youth to his great astonishment and also to that of the numerous people present at the session on April 27, 1920 in Dr.'s clinic just one lady states that my husband suffered from asthma attacks for many years he had such difficulty breathing that we feared a fatal problem his medical advisor Dr.
A young woman comes to thank him with lively gratitude. Her doctor, Dr. Vashey, who was with her in her room, says she was suffering from cerebral anemia. had suffered for a long time and had not been able to control it by the usual means had disappeared as if by magic through the use of conscious autosuggestion another person who had had a broken leg and could not walk without pain and had a limp could immediately walk normally no longer there is pain, he no longer limps in the room that trembles with interest, joyful testimonies emerge from numerous people who have been relieved or cured by a doctor, autosuggestion is the weapon of healing, as for this philosopher who writes mentions his name, trust in the genius of ku a gentleman a former magistrate whom a lady had asked to express her gratitude exclaims in a moved tone I cannot express my gratitude in words I find it admirable a woman of the world moved by the disappearance of her sufferings oh one could I kneel before you you are the merciful god another very impressed lady rectifies not her messenger an elderly lady is a delight when one is old and frail to replace a feeling of general health with that of refreshment and general well-being and m e q s method Can I affirm that I approved it produces this happy result which is all the more complete and lasting because it is based on the almighty force that is within us?
A warmly understanding voice calls him by the modest name he prefers to teacher teacher ku a. The young woman who has been completely conquered to go directly to her objective achieves it quickly and by freeing her patient she takes generosity and knowledge to its highest point, since she leaves the patient himself the merit of his liberation and the use of a wonderful power a writer who was asked by a lady to write a little chef durb about the beneficial method absolutely refuses emphasizing the simple words that used according to the method help to make all suffering disappear he leaves that is the chef of uvera he affirms and the thousands of patients who have been relieved or cured will not contradict this, a lady who has suffered a lot declares, rereading the method, I find it more and more superior to the developments it has inspired, there is really nothing to remove or add to this method, the only thing that remains is I will spread it in all possible ways and now to conclude I will say although m that your modesty makes you respond to everyone I do not have magnetic fluid I have no influence I have never cured anyone my disciples obtained the same results that I can say with all sincerity that they tend to do it instructed as they are in the valuable method and when in some distant future the exciting voice of its author called to a higher sphere can no longer teach it here below method his work will help to console and heal thousands and thousands of human beings it must be immortal and communicated to the entire world by the generous frankfurt the man of letters was right and knew how to illuminate and reward this true simple and wonderful help to the conquest the pain is going away there is the chef of uvra b k emilion paris June 6, 1920 end of the chapter nine end of self-control through conscious autosuggestion by emil

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