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THROWING ENEMIES OFF CLOUD CITY - Blades and Sorcery VR Mods (Lightsaber Kills)

Jun 10, 2021
Is there someone, oh, I have one, yeah, that's it, buddy, come down, this is so good, what we're going to do, it's for them out the window, oh, I was wrong, welcome to



, this It's the last Star Wars map I've installed for Blade and Sorcery, so we're going to explore it today and possibly take out the Jedi army too, of course, so yeah, hello everyone, fudgie, and welcome back to another one. Blade and Sorcery VR video, let's start now before we get in there. and explore a little. I want to try something real quick now using this


right here that we used in the last video.
throwing enemies off cloud city   blades and sorcery vr mods lightsaber kills
Let's fly there and see what it's like. I want to see if there are any barriers. Well, here we go. my favorite


, that video worked really well, you guys seem to really enjoy when I use this lightsaber, oh good heads up on the other side, this is awesome, no, not really, but yeah, thanks for the support on that video if you haven't seen it. Feel free to go see it. Many of you suggested that I try using it as a gun and try to shoot some


. Let me get a blaster right now. I'm trying.
throwing enemies off cloud city   blades and sorcery vr mods lightsaber kills

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throwing enemies off cloud city blades and sorcery vr mods lightsaber kills...

I don't even know if this. it's possible, so yeah, this lightsaber, but it's actually used by inquisitors, so you're like, I think a lot of you showed me in the last video because I don't really know much about this, oh wow, it really worked, It's like deflating it, although it works. Look at this, this is amazing. Oh, scary. Okay, I'll leave this by my side. We'll use it a little later, oh, buddy. Okay, the Jedi army is here. Let's delete it. Do you want a minute? I call this, how, what. is wrong with this guy yeah and now he's down anyway there's something really cool in



and well that's of course the Carbonite freezing chamber of course solo it's frozen and I think it's actually down this way it should be anyway, ah ha ha here. it's oh and there's someone here too okay bring it to psychology they really care so yeah look at this it's not a bad map.
throwing enemies off cloud city   blades and sorcery vr mods lightsaber kills
Oh, it would be great if we could actually like him because he's one of these guys, job done. I'll freeze. You, I will, I did, I think we actually could have eliminated all the Jedi, maybe not, okay, well, I have an idea, oh, oh, oh, that doesn't look good, sorry, gee, It's Liz, she's trapped inside her, right? now Oh, no, here, give me a second, I'm going to come out to your right, uh, there you go. Oh, okay, now we've done it, it's not okay anymore, we're okay, now we can continue exploring what's down here. Oh can you? let's go from here we can this is really a cool man oh hello I fought I took care of all of you Wow that was a very clean hit but he is on these maps much bigger than me because the Creator had originally only created the camera on top there I think he said which was too small, therefore created the rest of class II.
throwing enemies off cloud city   blades and sorcery vr mods lightsaber kills
Can I really go through this window? What don't I want? Oh, more, we'll just turn it and do it, then that. way, it's still the most powerful lightsaber, aha, there are too many, right, I want to explore now, leave me alone, get off, oh dear, I've had an idea, this is going to be great, come here boy, what are we going to do? do, it's about the window oh there are so many of them go oh I screwed up okay let's go find someone else you choose you yes it comes through the window I can do this I think come on that's it you'll be gone for a long time yes we have to go ah leave me alone no, come on, use a lightsaber yes, we have it, see you, friend, yes, back to exploring, let's see what's around, but it's a lot of fun to get people out of there, so maybe maybe yes, maybe how to do it later.
Well, okay, make sure there's no one in these halls, otherwise it seems like we all have to do that, come on, bring it. I don't need any lightsaber, stay down. Oh, aim to the side and shoot. This is endless. I swear, no, don't do it. I won't be alive now either Oh, what is this? Can we wait for it? It is not impossible. Well, it's an easy place to get cornered, though that's for sure. Take a look at the corners. You're stupid? Did you know? Let's delete it. They are all there. falling this is cool what are you doing right look at this I bet you're falling again are you ready wait for it wait for it oh ah finished don't worry I'll fix it all there we go very dramatic get up there anything else around these halls I don't see much oh wow, what? what is this?
It was going to be another window that we went around until the end, we have even gone around or there is another window, I have the feeling that it is actually another one, yes, wow, beautiful, I can't jump. You don't, I do, you know we have this, so if we can go through this window here, I don't think we can, no, no, we can't, okay, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back outside and I'm going to use the helicopter lightsaber yeah the official name of this lightsaber and I'm sure you know how to fly around Kyle look I think it's going to be a lot of fun and it also means that none of these guys will be able to get to me.
I have a feeling it's going to be a lot of fun just flying like I was doing before ah here we are oh this room is empty it has like chairs in it can we oh can't we pick them up, that would have been great oh right now we're going to be okay and now Let's wait, come on, yeah, so how long will the Jedi army last? I'm a little worried if I go too low I might die. I'm not sure, well this is a sweat that's not supposed to be down here, oh look, here's the window.
I wonder if anyone is coming to the window. Maybe you feel like dragging them. Here are my previous victims. Now we wait, Jedi. Hello. Alright. So what we're going to do is I'm going to pull you out the window I deal with you that way Hey, come closer, okay, go get them, grab the leg, I'll go, yeah, right, that's it, you're going to fall. , dude, come down, this is so good, any last words, what was that? Sorry, say again Eddie lost his words hey, wake up, wake up, okay, whatever, bye, here goes, okay, who's next? You should really use my lightsabers, but you know this is a really easy way to deal with them, okay, come over there, let's grab him by the head.
How quite evil too, what about you, sir? Do you have any last words for me? Hey, hey, I'm going to beat him to death. Yeah, oh, I think he's done well. In that case, they are twisted and released. Oh wait. Oops, I think I think it is. Gone, where did he go? Well, I've had enough, will you leave? I'm so sorry, I was going to say I've had enough of doing this, but one more can't hurt you, yeah, right now, uh, okay, I guess one more, yeah. Oh. oh boy, he's trying to get up, he's trying to get up, oh, that's so weird, oh dude, you look messy, man, let me get you out of this mess, there you go, okay, anyway, we gotta get out of there Please, oh no, no, no.
I'm holding it really weird right now, but it's working and that's what's important. Okay, let's get back up. Oh, wait a minute, what is this here? I think this might be a hanger, wait, is that it? Oh, it's not, it's a window. Well, I fall, it's a hanger with its shape, but it's just a window and now we can see the camera itself. Okay, let's change the lightsaber, let's change this a little bit and we'll see what other weapons we can use here. Come on, you know, you've been great, actually, there's one more thing I need to try, like I said before, before we get rid of this lightsaber and that's shooting the enemy while he's flying, so let's wait, oh, here we go, this is. what a great idea look this is working oh that's awesome thank you to everyone who suggested I actually do this and that reminds me if you have any other suggestions let me know in the comments section below and I will make them in a future swords and swords video witchcraft and also subscribe if you haven't already and shoot, oh what a shot, where there is another new target, aim and shoot, come on, it's quite difficult to hit the shot, here we go, we have a Oh, what have you. you fell, I'll keep your aim a little and go down the site - come on, yes, we got it, yes, changing sides, now we eliminate the SIF army, here we go.
I don't see any so far, they will be close. here somewhere there ah here we go oh well that was a lot of fun unfortunately it's not over there's still more going on so get ready now this is going to be a really dumb idea since there are actually more


in the fight oh geez hey let me take them out but I don't want to customize a lightsaber very quickly and besides everyone seems to judge my abilities as a Jedi, you know what I'm not a proper Jedi. Okay, I know my fighting style is, I guess, questionable, but that's how I fight in the game.
It's a lot of fun and I stab a lot. I know it anyway. custom lightsaber. Okay, that's a bad idea, but we're going to do it anyway, so we need the white saber tool to spawn this and give it a little hit. Oh, there's a crystal card doesn't need to be launched and let's go for mmm look purple, okay, enter that and then okay, yeah, no, that's a shame, wait, can we use it? I just had an idea. I don't think I've tried this before. Can we use the tool to remove them? Well, let's try this.
Hey, let me grab his head and, oh, no way, yeah, that's what I mean. I guess I'm not really a real Jedi, yeah, she works like a weapon. I did it. I don't know, okay, let me try this, we're going to throw it at this guy, oh yeah, that's awesome, so give me that right, I want to try it, but now forget about the lightsabers, it's about the lightsaber. real light, okay, waiting for someone. more now to get there and then we can take them out too whoever comes from there it seems not oh here we go it's okay bad eh oh strange eh okay in this scenario just throw them and you'll be good oh he lands on a platform right give them back, See, okay, let's see, we know it from her, ah, I missed it, now is a good time, yeah, she's vulnerable, okay, here we go, hmm, no, I'm still losing, no, that's a lightsaber , ah, come here, boy, oh oh.
Gosh, he's definitely a lost man. I really want to see more Star Wars


released for this game because they are definitely my favorites. What else do we have? Maybe I want to customize something else. This absolute unit is customized. Okay, so I threw it away? my last tool, so we're going to need it again, we're going to need them, okay, let's spice this up a lot, come on, we're white and orange, this is going to look really weird, I think, oh geez, that's it, I don't know if I like it. I like this one a lot, although Alyx is epic anyway, it doesn't matter, let's use it anyway, okay, haha, I didn't see that coming, are you cool?
What good words putting them out doo doo doo doo doo doo. doo Oh, what I did have was an amazing idea: we have this guy on this side. I don't think I have the strength to do this, no, but I want to see you pick it up too, oh boy, it's working, oh, I got it. guys, on my lifeline, how cool is this. Oh, no, it's okay, well, it's gone. Yes, these maps are really cool. I have to say there isn't a huge amount of stuff, but it's still a lot of fun and I love seeing new maps being added.
Yes, maybe there will be more updates to this map and if that's the case then of course I would definitely make more videos about it, so yeah, please suggest any


you think I should play in this game and I'll look into it. making them for another video can we really go on the Millennium Falcon? Here let's see if the door is open. No, no, it's not a shame. It would be really cool. We can enter. Ahh, hello, oh Jesus, that's weird. I'm not using this correctly. Oh right, I think it's broken, come here sir, I'm sorry to say it, but it's going to go down well, so you know, a bad map in Cebu.
Oh, I just had a very good idea. Wait a minute, this might be the easiest way to deal with them. Oh yes, she pushed him hard, push her, no need, yes. Oh, why was he so stupid? I think he actually just died like that killed him. The next person that came through those doors is can this block in your face, come on? there's someone, go Oh, quick, grab another one, oh Jesus, damn, I don't miss it, no, no, no, I screwed up big time, grab it, grab it and, oh heavens, no, bring it back, bring it back , it's a very heavy block, yes, here we go.
Didn't it fall from there? ow ow ow okay, that's it, boy, done. I have no idea what this person is doing here right now, what's going on there, but on that note, I'm going to go ahead and get this over with. I really hope you enjoy it remember to comment, like and subscribe and see you in the next one, bye.

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