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I remade every mob into ZOONOMALY in Minecraft

Jun 10, 2024
My goal today is to transform Minecraft Mobs into zo anomaly characters. There will be eight zoo animals like elephant, giraffe, monkey, cow, but actually they are a little corrupted, okay, here in front of me, I have all the zo anomaly characters, well, there is a monster monkey, fish, cow. giraffe monster bear elephant smile cat and zuk Pickers this is probably the best of them all in my opinion but we'll get to the end since it's the best yes I think I'll start in order maybe with monkey well by clicking here I can To have an idea of ​​which gangster to transform in Minecraft is the Villager, yes I think I know because you see Minecraft doesn't have monkeys, but the Villager is a kind of human and if you consider it, millions of years ago humans were monkeys so believe. that works well, hello villager, I'll take you quickly for the experiment and I'll be right back, so let's do the monkey.
i remade every mob into zoonomaly in minecraft
I'm going to start by adding a cube and creating its body. The thing about this anomaly Z. anomaly mob zo I don't know how to say this is that the monkey has a body here which is the belly and chest area but they are a little smaller here what I'm creating is a since it doesn't have texture. I can roughly understand what the body and feet are. Oh, I wanted another leg pull and one more. I'll start by adding a texture over this color that's like Minecraft terracotta, a slightly pastel brown and that's okay, finishing the texture.
i remade every mob into zoonomaly in minecraft

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i remade every mob into zoonomaly in minecraft...

It looks like this. We are going now. add the arm and as I mentioned the arm is a thousand times bigger than the body now add the hand the beginning of the finger and finish duplicate the finger throughout the hand select the hand and duplicate it on the other side and now for the head it has a huge mouth I'll add the teeth then I'll stretch the head, pull here one more and the two big eyes, ear detail, select duplicate and now add a tooth and spread it all over the mouth until the whole mouth is filled with these yellow teeth, okay .
i remade every mob into zoonomaly in minecraft
I went back to Minecraft and well, I was holding the villager and now I'm holding the he escaped, wait, hey, calm down monkey, look at this, calm down, look at this, wait, let me watch from a distance, see how his animation turned out. It moves with its arms and its little body is there, okay, but I'll do this, it's aggressive, so I'll grab some wood and make a normal little sword to try to defeat this monkey, come here, take this, wait but I'm not going to hit. hits die and that's okay, our first character was unlocked so let's move on to the next character, we have here a monster fish, a cow that is like a cow.
i remade every mob into zoonomaly in minecraft
I don't know if you understood roughly what this character means, but there are anomalies in the zoo. a zoo where there is a fish giraffe, elephant, cow, but completely ruined and in horror, right, let's make this one to do it, we need to catch a fish here, look, I caught it, wait, I caught a fish, if I bring it here, will it die drowned? It will be quite easy because it is a fish, as you can see in the example, it is like a giant ball, but since Minecraft is square, it will be a giant square.
I created a giant square here, the texture and the color that I'm going to draw is this and here in the middle I can select a tool to create a little mouth, yes, you can see it's a very small mouth, then duplicate this square and stretch it, duplicate it smaller and shrink and now a big tail, not sure. If the fish have a tail, this is more like a fin, I think and here are the I don't know what they're called fins and one more adds the eyes and another pair of eyes, I think oh no, wait, I'll use the same tooth.
I added the monkey and duplicated it all over the fish's mouth until it also has a mouth full of these big yellow teeth, okay, let's wait again, I think I'm holding it right because I was holding the fish, oh yeah, okay, I understand. runs towards the water because it's obviously a fish so it needs water to breathe or not breathe to drown. Wow, that's a big fish, let me run after it. His teeth are huge. Oh, he must be running out of life. He's entering like this cave. oh it's a sunken ship hey you think just because you swim I don't swim I'm a dog this fish keeps swimming obviously it doesn't do anything else because nothing is in the middle of the algae it doesn't even make sense buddy I killed it well finally we were in the middle of the work, okay, another character was created and now we move on to the next one, which is the cow, then there is the giraffe, the monster, the bear, the elephants, the smiling cat, zuk, the collectors, I think we can make it a cow . let's catch it and now let's transform it okay come on the cow model is pretty simple I'll do it with a bigger head because you can see it has a big head and right after a thinner body at the back like this then pull here add the leg another detail a finger a duplicate more duplicate now add the nose and the two eyes okay, look, I think this is the least cool of all so far, it's just a cow okay, it's not that different, it's a pretty similar cow , stay there friend, leave it I look wow friend cool, yes, it's similar, it's similar, but I want to move on to the next one because I found this cow pretty bad, horrible, okay, take this, it's because the cow in the game itself is not very pretty let's be honest let's go to the giraffe which I think will be much cooler what is a giraffe in Minecraft it is a llama well because it has a long head maybe because it has a long neck since there is no giraffe in Minecraft it will be a llama that I had entered the world and I swear there was one of those guys who sold nearby who wore blue clothes, okay, look, there is a llama here and I was thinking that in addition to the llama having a giant neck, the camel also has one to that could pass for a giraffe, I don't know which one would be better.
The llama or the camel would be better, but since the book says llama, yes, so let's do it with the llama, well, come on, it has like a long body and right in front it has its neck. , but it is a neck bent downwards, it is not like the neck of a normal giraffe. because it's an anomaly if I pull the leg here I think it's like that so pull here duplicate and pull again select all the duplicates and drag select all the duplicates and drag now let's add the hair now let's add the neck and it's a very long neck down here one more the head and look it already has the texture for the mouth and let's see here how well look at this I'm like what the hell it's so giant that I can kind of stand underneath it like it's protecting me look at the Flame wow, all ugly, let me do this, hey , wait, calm down, this llama won't stop running away, hey llama, let's stop, you're not a walking walker, you know, so we can have a collection of all the ones we've made and now there's literally only half left, which are the another four and now it's a monster bear, you can see it has a bear head, look, but with a stretched body, so making it will be a polar bear makes sense and that's fine, I think it might be a good idea to transform it physically it doesn't look like a lot because the other one is elongated but at least it is a bear this as I said is a stretched and elongated creature so I will make its body very tall and then we can add very long legs also then double stretch the neck head the upper part where the eyes will be an ear another ear getting bigger now take out a tooth double the tooth throughout the Bear's mouth the leg knee rest of the leg select and duplicate the arm here forearm duplicated a little smaller and select and duplicate okay, let's go back to mine, look at the size of this bear, it looks like a siren head, yeah, it doesn't look like a bear at all, bear, do this jump, jump, because this is a jumping bear that I can't stand. this joke, come here, let's do this bear thing, maybe if I hit his leg and break his leg, I could try to climb something and then I could hit his head, but the problem is that I'm the size of his shin, literally, like this which doesn't.
It really fits the space it's right in the middle of the snow, but for this long bear I had an idea, since it's long I'll grab this, which is a long beak, come on, I had an idea, do this, take this, See, the bear goes out. there I did it, it fell, wait, it died fine, moving on to our next character now that I have defeated this bear very easily, it is an elephant and the elephant is a tracker, it makes sense that they are both big, have big legs, big backs, okay, look. I said this the tracker oh how cute when he sits on the ground he plays with his nose friend he found a torch flower anyway tell me it doesn't look like an elephant well it's big so I'll start adding here now a cube but much bigger because I will make the elephant big because it is an elephant, it doesn't matter, it doesn't have to be big, pull here, it has a body down here and it also has a big leg, unlike the crawler, it will only have four legs. but no problem, pull here the duplicate to the side again and one more just this one, just increase the size a little bit by doing this here, select this leg, duplicate it to the other side towards the front and here now comes one of my favorite parts what is it to make these mouths. full of teeth I did a test now I already made the texture of the teeth here instead of adding tooth by tooth I put here the eyes ear another ear and now I do add the separated teeth making it give a depth effect to the upper teeth that are the 3D ones and the ones below that are attached to the texture of the skin I'm under the elephant's belly if it falls on me it will crush me let me let it go it was a sniffer and wow that's what I thought putting my teeth here its mouth gave it like an effect 3d with a much colder depth let me see if it will eat a fish it doesn't eat fish I had an idea since it is a prehistoric animal I will do this it will surely die if I drop it up here and there ready elephant defeated well I already put our elephant here the elephant up Now to be honest among all those that we have created, my favorite was the elephant without a doubt because it has more textures its body has these grooves here it has cute little eyes big teeth the second that I liked the most was the monkey then the fish then the bear then the giraffe and finally the cow well the smiling cat this is a kitten as I expected I will turn him into a cat there are cats and towns I remember it well since I have the right fish here because I had to kill some fish before to catch the monster fish he ate all my fish and didn't tame them oh no, you will come by force, I will collect it I create the cat myself and now we will make the smiling cat, which means it is a smiling cat, which reminds me of the smiling creatures and the nap.
Could it be a reference? Maybe let's do it quickly. I'm really excited to do the last one. they are the zuk gatherers, so I'll finish this one easy, just pull the leg down here, it's very small, the biggest thing is the neck, that big head, pull it here, then select both and duplicate the big neck forward, one more head of the chin, one more and the scary eyes small ear duplicate pull to the side and turn and look here since I picked up the kitten before I will do something I will not defeat a cat because it is a cat in this zoo anomaly I think that in reality there is no dog I did not see it if there was you comment for me maybe I can do it in another video but in this specific video I did not find any dog ​​so it is the only pet I have here ready, I did not tame it a mini cat but i tamed a big cat it's a smiling cat so now you're just mine okay let's go to your zoo and Cat do this I will do it follow me now I don't need to put up a fake cat and it will stay up there it's a statue now thanks and now let's go to the last one which is the zuk gatherers and I will turn it into a skeleton it makes sense because it has a really skeletal color it's all messed up It looks like it's a zombie so it makes sense so I waited until night for the skeletons will begin to appear.
The thing is, if I grab the skeleton, it will still shoot me to create it. I'll add a cube here. I'll start here. with his chest just after is the belly since it has a more humanoid shape then I add the leg the other duplicated leg and the foot the duplicated little finger and the largest finger I select this leg and move to the other side here it already has a head directly and I'll do it with those big teeth just duplicate them I'm also using the fingers of the other mobs because it's easier here you can see he doesn't have a neck because he's very hunched hat up here add the sleeve arm here one more hand stretch and add the tip of the finger duplicates twice and the rest of the finger selects the entire hand and duplicates to the other side and add it as I told you at the beginning of the video I imagine this would be the best and it really was the best with the best texture the best details of all the ones back there was definitely the coolest and then the elephant, which is also very detailed, which is coming into my house.
I had an idea, let's have a fair duel. I'll take my items here. do this you will have a sword and armor and we will fight fairly since it is the last one ready come on oh no oh no my outstretched sword didn't work calm down calm down calm down it's funny that he walks all crooked look at his legs walking I have an ace up my sleeve bye bye friend bye bye bye and here this ah my crooked sword killed him and that's it so comment below what was your favorite zoo anomaly character in my case since I said it was zuk Pickers and then the elephant if you watch the video up to here comment the word that appears on the screen so I know who is truly loyal, thank you

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