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I Read My Stalkers Insane Book About Me... The Rewired Soul

May 30, 2021
screenshot instead no it really makes me want to find out that in the tribute committee for the use of beeps please help guys welcome back today is going to be a fun day now just a disclaimer , this video is mostly a joke, Chris, it's a joke, no. kill me but it has the underlying tone of I'm scared and I don't want to get murdered so keep that in mind let's talk about many of you have crossed over into a world you don't understand so for the first time. Newbies here about a month ago. I made a couple of videos about this guy called Rewired Soul aka Chris Boot, a delicious why he wants to kill me again.
i read my stalkers insane book about me the rewired soul
Long story short, he made a ton of videos talking about people's mental health when they told him. stop and he's also not licensed or trained in any way to talk about mental health so I made a video where I said no, no, you probably shouldn't do that, Chris and he made a video saying yes, yes, you should and then the computer. They got trashed, lost like 20,000 subscribers and continues to bleed subscribers to this day. Look, I never wanted to ruin his channel and I still don't, but things happened, he threatened a lot of people and today they canceled the flash too.
i read my stalkers insane book about me the rewired soul

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i read my stalkers insane book about me the rewired soul...

They told me Chris. Start mmm Sorry, I was told he has written a


called Canceled and apparently there is a lot of talk about me in this


for being the content hungry narcissistic young boy that I am, let's


and review that book today, yay. note I was also sent some DMS recently like this sorry I'm doing freelance work since prim hoarded me and I have a kid to feed which isn't really comforting Chris please don't murder me. I'm sorry, who's going to let me out of this cage when I'm gone before I start.
i read my stalkers insane book about me the rewired soul
This book was supposed to be free. He advertised it everywhere as free, as if it was supposed to be a free book. That's the impression everyone had, but then, one day out of the blue. made it cost money. I think he made it cost like ten dollars or something, which was a little shady if you're going to advertise that this book is free literally everywhere and then change it to cost money. They called him about this and he did it for free. again, but he told everyone that it became clear that he wasn't going to be free forever, which I didn't see anywhere.
i read my stalkers insane book about me the rewired soul
He was really looking for this. I didn't see that anywhere and also if I was sure it wasn't wrong I don't know why I would put it back for free it seems like I was taking the bait but I got the book for free so I'm happy. Hi, I like money, so I got into this book completely. blind but seems to tell the story of how toxic cancel culture destroyed Chris bootay mmm delicious and how this affected him at first. I was only going to


my chapter because he was a narcissist, but I ended up reading the entire book because he gave me an inside look. seeing the mindset of someone who thinks they are never wrong and how they rationalize their behavior to fit that narrative is quite interesting, it's like reading a book by someone on death row who still insists they are 100% innocent, look guys, I know you .
I found this harmless little knife in me, my genes may have had a small drop of blood, but I am the real victim here. I'm innocent. The book begins with Chris' life goals to say get sober, give people some hope, and be his own. Honestly, his own boss has better goals in life than I do right now. I'm just trying to live to be 30 and not be alone forever, which neither of us looks great at as he quickly jumps to the effects the cancellation has had on his life. Over the past few months, he claims to have had therapists and psychologists tell him that his cancellation has traumatized him and now he doubts everything he does, even mentioning that he is afraid to write this book because he knows how cancel culture will give him a twist and it will make it seem. as an evil villain, I can already hear people once again saying that history is riddled with lies and manipulation as I was accused of in my past, the worst of all.
I can only imagine some great youtubers reading this book and making it a video and how terrible if you make a book saying my name 73 times I'm going to come and respond I'm like Beetlejuice Chris is like one of those people who say they don't like confrontation but then you see them fighting with a McDonald's worker for giving them, two little chicken nuggets, if you don't want to fight with Chris, then stop bothering the Bears and stop fighting, it's not that hard, the insistence book isn't about of sympathy, but of sharing his experience with the cancellation to help its future victims.
I've already quickly noticed one chapter that treats canceled culture as if it's a disease you catch and canceled people are our victims. I agree that cancel culture is a very toxic thing that goes too far, but nine times out of 10 the canceled person does it. You deserve some kind of backlash because you're here to have some tea. It's not like little Oh Timmy called a little cancellation because he came out without a coat. You did something wrong Chris. Do you deserve thousands of people? You are not a victim, the book then moves on to Chris's life story and his struggles with addiction when he was a child.
His mother was addicted at a young age. He became addicted. First it was alcohol, then it was pain pills and he ended up losing. everything, including his son for a while and he almost died, but his mother took him and got clean and now his mission is to help others. Luckily he got a job at a rehab center that he wasn't qualified for so he could help people and he finally started his YouTube channel to help more people. He began to see that people had the right to go to the rehabilitation center. Apparently it was a very expensive place to get into and customers took it for granted.
I was absolutely blown away by the lack of gratitude because when I got sober I had no money or insurance so I lived in that sober living house on food stamps so he decided to start making daily videos on his YouTube channel for people who don't. They could pay for the treatments for the first seven chapters. of this book is that he is basically Jesus Christ, he didn't have a good education, but he turned it around and now he is this super Savior who helps everyone, he doesn't want his money, he just wants to save everyone in the least humble way. possible, I'm glad he is an amazing and helpful person.
I'm not trying to take that away from him, but this book is about canceling him and I feel like he's dedicating seven chapters to letting you know how good he is so then he can be like Look, I'm a charitable and helpful person. It shouldn't have been cancelled. I did not do anything wrong. I'm a great person when in reality his cancellation had nothing to do with her difficulties and his charity. You can donate thousands and thousands of dollars and still. Be a terrible person at first. Chris's YouTube channel was really helpful to people. He shared his experiences and it was very good.
He didn't talk about drama or other people's things, but he didn't get any views, so he says in the book that he witnessed drama channels on YouTube making really dumb videos that he didn't understand, but they got a lot of views, so we changed his channel to drama and we started clicking to get his messages to people and suddenly his channel started growing while his channel was having success his work got worse he wasn't being recognized there were some body changes I don't know he really doesn't he dives into it says he doesn't want to get sued but it looks like they have new management and management didn't like him even though he's an amazing worker and we know he's an amazing worker because he spends an entire paragraph telling you all about his accomplishments at that job.
Chris is the most humble person I have ever met. From being someone highly respected by the most senior people in my company to being managed by people who didn't even know what my job was, the company ended up wanting to transfer Chris to a different position, but Chris didn't want to move into that. position, so he refused and then the company just let him go and he lost his job. Well, let's move forward a little, believe me, it's really interesting to read 7 chapters about Chris saying what a great person he is, but I'm getting a little boring so let's skip to my chapter and get to the juicy drama chapter 9 at that time I didn't know much about studying oh man here we go guys, all I knew was that he was a creator with decent size. following who was friends with another creator I talked about later in this book.
I've read the entire book and I still have no idea who he's talking about. I don't have many friends and none of them are associated with Chris that I know of. de and Chris never names this person, he keeps the identities of many people private in this book, except mine. It all started in the comments section of another creator named Representative Sela. I'll talk about myself. I have a broken voice, Chris. He doesn't have a broken voice. I'll talk about my relationship with him in more detail later, but all you need to know about him now is that he and I were good with each other.
We had talked in the DMS mainly about YouTube and we gave it to each other. other advice and a voice that was all after he turned his back on me yes, Zilla, snake, I tried to tell people, I tried to warn you Chris, no one ever, this is the prissy until it's too late, then Chris continues talk about the comments we had interacted with and that's what started the conflict between him and I basically left a comment saying I didn't agree with what he was doing and he responded very manipulative Lee tried to imply that I tell him not to talk. about other people's mental health if they don't want to-it was like me not telling a friend to get therapy if he was depressed.
That's a pretty dangerous man in Chris's book, although he glosses over this interaction by saying he doesn't remember it very well, but The comments are on fifty different videos, including my original video, so if you wanted to refresh your memory, there could be easily done, but he doesn't show the comments because it makes him look really bad, which is ironic when this entire book is about cancel culture. He doesn't care about the facts and he is blatantly omitting one of the most important facts. There were definitely divided opinions on the situation. He is talking about common interaction.
Some were taken from each side or RevZilla felt I made a stronger point. This angry przemek looks. Guys, I'd like to think I'm a pretty chill person. I like to laugh and make a lot of very bad jokes that for some reason they like, who knows why we are all crazy. To say he was angry is a bit. Believe it or not, I've never hated anyone I've made videos with. Sometimes I get angry at people, I become impulsive and I make a lot of stupid comments because, unfortunately, I am not an emotion list robot, but we still are. working on the software I will keep you posted but I never hated anyone so that's when my first video about Chris came out in the book, he says he saw it and says it was full of misinformation and speculation and no research.
He didn't like me at all, he had a vendetta against me and wanted to take me down, please if you haven't seen my first video about this man go watch it, I think it's one of the most joyful videos I've ever made. I even made a joke about doing meth in that video as if it wasn't hard-hitting exposition. After watching my video, he was planning a response and then brags about having an impeccable track record when responding to people, which I found very strange to say and I think it shows that he deeply trusts how people see him. in his previous responses to criticism.
He says he had all the support and love but then after my video he didn't have all the love and support and I don't think I can accept it like now on his channel he turns off dislikes and monitors a lot your comments. I don't think he's capable of taking any criticism and I think that's what led to his downfall. I watched the video of him several times and wrote down every one of his points. I spent even more time gathering my own clip and evidence to show how wrong I was. I was ready to crush his credibility.
Oh, I'm the first date, Chris, you've shown it and you're showing it to everyone. I shouldn't believe the nonsense this kid was trying to say about me. I would like to repeat that my first video was very light. I actually said in my first video that I liked his content before the drama change and that he was doing a good job. The problem was that he was moving away from mental hell and moving towards bullying, that's what my whole video was, but just that little criticism made him come out for blood, his response came out and I hoped everyone would support him and I will destroy but instead he gets a backlash: a common comment in his video was telling him to stop making himself look better by talking about all his charity work, which he says in the book, and the only reason I included it was because Primack was trying to say he was done. more fermented than me because he did a live broadcast Hi guys, I don't know where he got this fact from.
I've never done a charity livestream. I have only broadcast onI live once on Twitch and I forgot my Twitch login. Can. I'm not even logged into my account anymore, but I've never done a charity livestream again. This is ironic, this whole book is about cancer culture not caring about the facts and he is ruining the facts. I was just showing them that I do charity events monthly. base, but I won't brag about it. I'm not saying he brags about his charity work, but the first seven chapters of this book were about how he helps people out of the goodness of his heart.
Take it however you want, I think the main thing. The reason his response wasn't well received was because he came across as quite vindictive in the video as if to say he was trying to destroy my credibility, perverted boy, I'm sorry, I think the audience saw his reaction to my rather tame criticism and the The way he wanted revenge only proved my point that people's mental health wasn't in his best interest. However, with his channel he claims in the book that the reason no one agreed with his answer was because I got more views than him, which I guess is a reasonable assumption, but the thing is, even his fans became against him, people who watch his videos and I know what he's like, I still agree that he was doing some things wrong, so even if he got the same amount of views as me, I don't think it would have been a different result, but as Chris says in the book, his response was perfect.
There's nothing wrong with him, he's 100k percent sure he was right, so instead of acknowledging that maybe just maybe he was wrong and it was a bad answer, he needs to blame something else, it was opinions, that's why no one He agreed. Not me, I'm not crazy, he also skips the moment where he threatened a bunch of creators in this chapter. I think that's kind of relevant to my story, but he talks about it later, so I guess he's fine after that. away on leave for the most part and stayed away from me until he tagged me and some friends in a tweet telling me to check on keemstar which made no sense and i think he deleted remember mcdonald's and chicken nuggets that It's Chris, he says no.
I don't want to fight, but he keeps fighting then heard that he was going to VidCon this year, you little stalker, and ended up asking me for a meeting, which it says in the book that he was planning on trying to make me pee in front of him. All but one of his mentors convinced him not to do it. Thanks mentor. I love you. I'm glad we have a voice of reason in all of this. I ended up taking a screenshot of his DM of him asking me to meet up and tweeted him saying a simple no which I admit was extremely toxic even for me but in my defense I'm 99% sure he was drunk because I don't remember doing that tweet.
Chris ended up seeing the tweet and in his book it shows what his reaction was. This was what he instantly considered his girlfriend, so before VidCon I texted Primack to see if he wanted to meet up and chat here at VidCon. He never responded, someone told me he posted a screenshot and said no he really makes me want to find that mom. effort and make a video about how great he is, but it really makes me want to go to pumpkin. I think this is something that many recovering addicts struggle with. I keep thinking how lucky I am that I'm with sober Chris and No, crazy old Chris, so now you know why I don't show my face.
I'd like to go places and have fun and not have this thing trying to hunt me down at the end of the day. I was right about the Prime Minister, he can. I don't do in-person confrontations like a lot of people on YouTuber Commons here in the drama community Chris, you're absolutely right. I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars at VidCon to meet someone who wants to find that mother effer and make a video about what a bee she is. I give the impression that I like confrontation and fighting. Is it laughter? What you're trying?
Stop laughing Chris. All I said was no, I agree. I shouldn't have tweeted it. It was a little toxic but at the end of the day all I did was say two letters please calm down it's a joke sorry it's just a little chicken nugget stop fighting with that poor McDonald's employee all jokes aside Chris I hope you're watching this I don't want to know you I don't want to see you I don't want to text you I don't want anything to do with you You obviously have some anger issues You even say it in this book and in Honestly, your behavior is pretty scary and obsessive, so that It's the end of my chapter.
I flipped through the rest of the book and it turns out there are 13 reasons why this is the tape for you. Every person who has ever hurt Chris has their own chapter in this book but this video is already long and probably boring so we'll end it here maybe I'll do a part 2 if you like this if the book is so free I recommend getting it and read it if it is I'll leave a link check it out Chris I'm promoting your book don't kill me I'm giving you a promo anyway I'll end it here leave a like or Timmy won't get food for a week that's right now we're resorting to threats to get likes.
Timmy is hungry. He better like that video like always. I love them. They joined Discord. Follow my Twitter. I have a Minecraft server. You could put the IP below inactive. Oh, it's not ready yet. Come mine some diamonds. I love them. Bye bye.

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