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The Coffee Date that ended in MURDER... | The Case of Mirna Salihin

May 28, 2024
She was newlywed ready to start her honeymoon with the man she loved and all it would take to stop her forever plans was a sadistic friend and a single cup of


my name is adrian and welcome back to


shop crime Speaking of coffee shops, today's


unfortunately brings us to one that became the crime scene of one of Indonesia's most notorious


s in 2016. Okay, this case conveniently fits the name of the channel, but that's just a coincidence. I promise to inform you that I publish resolved and unresolved cases. here weekly, so if true crime is your thing, consider subscribing to Coffee House Crime, so grab a seat, grab a coffee, and sit back.
the coffee date that ended in murder the case of mirna salihin
This is the case of Myrna Salahan. Today's case takes us to a new crime location at Coffee House. map indonesia Indonesia, which is the largest island country in the world, is located on the equator and has more than 17,000 islands within its territory and its capital Jakarta has a population of more than 10 million residents, making the Rewarded with the title of megacity known for being one of Asia's best cities for nightlife and shopping Jakarta is also the economic center of the Indonesian archipelago Manufacturing banking and tourism are critical industries here Simply put, Jakarta is thriving in the modern world, but it is often easy to look at things with a lens that is too wide for millions of people in Jakarta it is just home Mona Salahin was one of those residents Mona was born on March 30, 1988 along with a twin sister Sandy both Mona and Sandy had a typical childhood growing up and in their teenage years an interest in design would grow, an interest that would guide both her and her career forward and with the opportunity to gain her academic qualifications abroad, she decided that she would pursue that career in Australia, as Australia is a highly respected country with a good reputation for academic studies attracted her to the city of Sydney and the climate would surely have persuaded her as well.
the coffee date that ended in murder the case of mirna salihin

More Interesting Facts About,

the coffee date that ended in murder the case of mirna salihin...

It was for this reason that Murna found herself at Sydney's Billy Blue Design College in 2007. She was an international student in the Mona area. She was eager to find other Indonesian students that she could bond and become friends with and quickly found herself meeting many other foreign students, including Honey Boone Boon Aries Marco and Jessica Wongzo, with incredible weather, vibrant nightlife and an incredible scene beach Sydney was great. for the four of us, but fast forward four exciting years later and for the group of friends, university finally


amicably, the four of them went their separate ways after graduating, Jessica stayed in sydney to become a permanent resident in australia, but for murna hani and darif they all returned to their home country, Indonesia, in 2014, three years after graduating.
the coffee date that ended in murder the case of mirna salihin
Merna decided to return to Sydney to revisit her old footsteps. It was during this time that she ran into Jessica. People change over the years, for better or worse, sometimes they don't. It doesn't matter and people just end up not being compatible with each other anymore and it seems like that was the case between murna and jessica, they went to a restaurant and then


up arguing, merna told jessica that she didn't approve of jessica's boyfriend and told her that leave it, but this really made jessica so angry that she got up and left


in the middle of the meal, leaving murna to pay the entire bill.
the coffee date that ended in murder the case of mirna salihin
Jessica and Bernard's relationship deteriorated, in fact, it ceased to exist while Murder returned to Indonesia. In Sydney, Jessica suffered with her life in many ways over the next year and until 2015 she spiraled into depression. In fact, she was hospitalized five times over the course of the year and he attempted to end her life on numerous occasions. During the same year in 2015 she began abusing alcohol and Jessica's friends reported that she had gone crazy. She now seemed miles away from the bright and silly personality she used to be August 22, 2015. Jessica's alcoholic abuse. would go up a level it was 2:20 in the morning when he was driving under the influence of alcohol while speeding down marion street located in the sydney suburb of likhart, he lost concentration and crashed into a building, while jessica survived, she had a small cost.
She broke two ribs and suffered a chest injury in the accident and faced multiple fines. Jessica would make a full recovery and, fortunately, she also did not cause any damage to anyone in the nursing home she crashed into, except her car. The accident was sure to highlight her mental well-being to both her friends and her family, and if that wasn't embarrassing enough, she would also lose her job four months later on December 1, and was also a student at Tibbery Blue Design College. she was a graphic designer for an ambulance in new south wales and although it is not known why she was fired, it is very likely that one can guess why, meanwhile, in indonesia things were going the opposite way for murna after returning to her home country with her boyfriend, things became more serious for the two of them and in November 2015, just a few weeks after Jessica's accident, Mona and Darief Somako traveled to Bali to get married.
The wedding was beautiful. Both families were among dozens of friends who watched as the two expressed their love for each other, but despite the large crowd. of friends from everyone present, Jessica was not listening to the news that her once best friend, Murna, got married without giving her any invitation, it seemed to infuriate Jessica, she was still angry with her from the awkward confrontation last year and now she They had abandoned and forgotten. obviously things were not going well for jessica she had become depressed she lost her friends she crashed her car and lost her job in fact all this was too much for her she decided to face her problems indirectly she decided to leave australia and return to indonesia to escape all the chaos supposedly in text messages to a friend.
She said she could use the money to have an epic vacation instead of giving money to those ignorant cops. They are pressuring me again and again. I will interrupt your journey home. If I had others. advantages I'm pretty sure she wasn't invited to Murna's wedding, but maybe he could meet her and close the gap that had grown between them over the last year and so on. That note in late 2015, Jessica boarded a plane in Sydney and returned to Indonesia. Just two days after returning to Jakarta, Jessica approached Mana and asked if she wanted to meet for coffee.
Mona was afraid of meeting Jessica alone, so her Darif husband suggested that maybe she could meet with another friend, so Jessica accepted her proposal. invitation with a mutual friend Hani also invited the three of them agreed to meet on January 6 at 5 pm at a cafe inside one of Jakarta's busy shopping malls, unlike their previous meetings, Jessica decided to buy drinks for the group Myrna and Hani shrugged. they left and said they would buy them when they arrived but jessica insisted a little strange but the strangeness did not stop there at 3:30 pm an hour and a half before the trio were expected to meet jessica arrived at olivier's cctv captured her she entered through the main doors of the cafe before taking her seat, but just two minutes later, after briefly exploring the area, she left and 42 minutes later, Jessica now returned with three shopping bags, the shopping bags were from Bath Body Works , a store located just two minutes away from each bag. supposedly holding a small bottle of soap, Jessica then proceeded to walk around the restaurant for several minutes looking suspiciously at the walls and ceiling and at 4:15 pm still 45 minutes before her friends were expected to arrive, Jessica then ordered a Iced Vietnamese coffee for Mona. and two cocktails for her and honey.
I'm taking just a minute out of this story to share with you what exactly a Vietnamese coffee is. After all, we can't just overlook coffee on a canal like it's a crime in a coffee shop, especially when that detail is so crucial to the case, so what exactly is a Vietnamese iced coffee? It is a special type of coffee that, first of all, replaces milk with condensed milk, a much sweeter and thicker substitute that eliminates the need for sugar if you normally drink a spoonful of sugar. into your coffee, then start with a quarter inch of condensed milk and once it's in the cup, you'll need a Vietnamese coffee filter to help drip the coffee.
This is known as a fin in Vietnam and you can get one almost anywhere. I picked mine up from Amazon for £7, then you'll have to tamp or press the coffee into your filter. The idea of ​​using a fin is that the coffee is brewed incredibly slowly, consequently producing a stronger, smaller coffee that resembles a thicker, more caffeinated espresso. Once done, simply place the fin in the cup and pour boiling water directly from here. Technically, you can add more water a second time if you like your coffee large. The slow process drips well over condensed milk or alternatively over ice.
Surprisingly, coffee was only introduced to Vietnam in 1857 by a French Catholic priest in the form of a single Arabica coffee tree and now, not even 200 years later, thousands of coffee plantations exist throughout the central highlands and have been become a popular icon in both Vietnam and Indonesia. comment below if you enjoyed this short coffee tutorial and if you try making one yourself let me know how it goes once all the water has dripped into the coffee you will notice that the coffee and milk will usually have separated so go ahead and mix it. and enjoy the more you mix the condensed milk the sweeter it gets and finally on a hot day you can let it cool and just add ice to make it an iced vietnamese coffee.
Getting back to the story, Jessica's actions were already a little strange at this point. Her ordering drinks 45 minutes before her friends arrived was already a little strange, but there was still more to arrive in the next 45 minutes. Jessica placed her three shopping bags on the table almost like a wall to block everyone's view of their drinks. It's hard. to find out what exactly Jessica is doing behind those bags, as she is also conveniently in a surveillance dead zone, but clear movement of the drinks is noted several times from the far camera at 5:16 pm, 50 minutes after After they were given their drinks, Myrna and Hani finally arrived at Olivier's.
They both greeted Jessica, hugging her before sitting down at the table, and in the first minute, Mona took a sip of her iced Vietnamese coffee. Just two seconds later, she looked agitated and started fanning herself and coughing. and then complained that the drink tasted funny before making it to Hannie and Jessica, they both refused to try it and not even a minute later, Mona shakes her head back and slumps in her seat. The weight of the situation goes from strange to terrifying. She begins to convulse and foam at the mouth. The staff and customers around Mirna rushed to her aid worried and panicked and as Merner's health plummets, Hani and Jessica watch, but this is where others begin to notice Jessica's strange behavior, almost instantly she begins to accuse the coffee shop of tampering with Manna's coffee, asking them. what they had put there reactively, the cafe owner took Mana's drink away to potentially analyze it later in case Mona was rushed to a nearby hospital just a mile away, but tragically within five minutes What would it take to get to the front doors, mona. her husband passed away a wreath of flowers who was rushing to be at his newly married wife's side, but when he reached her she was already gone, the love of his life just a few weeks after getting married had died and two of his closest friends The day Mona Olivier died, she had only served 10 cups of Vietnamese iced coffee and of the 10 none of the others had caused any kind of reaction, it was a good thing that the cafeteria kept Mina's drink because the police She picked it up and took it for the forensic analysis that three days later would confirm that the coffee had cyanide.
It was then noted how ironic it was that Jessica was the first to accuse that the drink had been fortified at a time when there were no suspicions or doubts. and The actual evidence against Jessica began to develop over the following days, on January 10, 2016, just four days after Muna's death, an autopsy of her body found that bleeding was evident in her stomach, as well as traces of cyanide, those traces corresponding directly to those found in Coffee cyanide is a chemical compound that will kill a person within minutes if ingested. The chemical prevents cells from getting energy from oxygen, causing rapid death.
It attacks the central nervous system and cardiovascular system extremely effectively and its main systems include agitation, convulsions and vomiting. Police investigate café's CCTVIt would also highlight Jessica's strange behavior before, during and after Mona's fate, and this strange behavior would also be noted during Myrna's funeral. Jessica seemed emotionally constipated day by day, suspicion grew on Jessica's head and the Indonesian police knew very well that she was a permanent resident in Australia, they were worried that she could flee soon, it was for this reason that with the evidence they had against Jessica They were very careful in putting them together, but on January 30, 2016, they finally arrested Jessica on suspicion of the premeditated


of Murna.
The trial would begin four and a half months later, on June 15, but before they got there, they would learn several new details about her case. Detectives would eventually interview Jessica's former manager from her graphic design position at New South Wales Ambulance, named Christy. a position supervising jessica for eight months and in that time he got to know jessica very well, he observed how jessica had an unpleasant attitude, a general abundance and hatred and a strong strangeness and when asked if he could imagine jessica is a violent person, Her manager responded: I have no doubt that Jessica is capable of hurting or killing another person.
Christy told the police that Jessica once told her that she knew how to poison and kill someone if she ever wanted to and that wasn't damning enough for a testimony. She then admitted that Jessica once threatened her with her own life saying that you have to die and your mother should die too. The Australian federal police were next on the list of Indonesian investigators who wanted to know more. About Jessica's story in Sydney initially raised questions about whether such information should be available to Indonesian authorities, but as


carries the death penalty in the country, Australian and Indonesian officials reached an agreement to share information in exchange for The promise to disqualify the death penalty in any verdict The Australian Federal Police released reports detailing Jessica's attempts to take her own life four times, two of which required hospitalization, and also revealed that she displayed threatening behavior towards her colleagues was not a serious alcohol-induced traffic accident in a nursing home and finally, her ex-boyfriend also issued an arrest warrant for violence against her after he found her car wrecked shortly after they broke up and, although the police stated that Jessica was suspected of the vandalism, there was not enough evidence to charge her.
That's why Jessica's trial, which began in mid-June, would become a public spectacle that lasted for a total of four and a half months. During the trial, his defense argued that AFP reports that Indonesian officials used in their investigations should never have been shared by Australia and condemned Indonesian authorities for using outside chatter as evidence in their courtroom, but prosecutors would argue firmly that the AFP reports highlighting her assault, death threats, alcohol abuse and attitude did nothing more than confirm Jessica Wongzo's already obvious behaviors, prosecutors would ultimately focus on the CCTV that showed A very worrying trail of clues suggesting that Jessica spiked Mina's coffee, and to back up her claim, toxicology reports would also confirm that cyanide was found in Mirna's body.
There were many other damning clues that stood out as well. Jessica insisted that she ordered the coffee. He seemed to look for the CCTV before sitting down. He did not place the bags next to him, but at the table around the café he bought the drinks excessively early. At one point he even seemed to look over his shoulders before searching in a bag and appearing to make movement on the table. table area containing the coffee, then refused to taste Myrna's drink showed few signs of panic when Murder was convulsing and even seemed happy in almost every public recording since Mana's death and there were plenty of opportunities to appear Annoyingly, however, two very vital pieces of evidence were missing in this case.
The first is that there was no real evidence that cyanide slipped into Mana's coffee. This could be because Jessica was never questioned or taken in on the day of Mana's death, but to make the story even more complex, it has been confirmed that she threw away the pants she was wearing that day. Another missing piece of evidence was how Jessica actually got her hands on the cyanide. It is a difficult substance to acquire almost anywhere in the world, but especially. In Indonesia, both arguments were at the forefront of Jessica's defense because, in short, the court had no evidence of her own possession of cyanide and no evidence that she put cyanide in the coffee, but despite those two points vital to the case, there seemed to be enough evidence. suggest that he killed murna because on october 27, 2016 jessica wongso was officially found guilty of the murder of myrna salahin, the attack screamed at the verdict praising god for finding her killer guilty jessica was sentenced to 20 years behind bars and with thanks to the afp she evaded the death penalty the judges described jessica's actions as vile and sadistic expressing their disgust at the lack of remorse but the judges also agreed that jessica was young and that there could still be hope for her to be rehabilitated and arranged by saying that upon hearing the death penalty verdict Jessica immediately told the court that I cannot accept this verdict.
I feel that she is not fair before being handcuffed and then led to a prison cell to begin her 20 year sentence, whether you personally believe in life imprisonment or the death penalty. It seems that 20 years behind bars relatively short compared to the years that were taken away from ernest allahin being in the middle of what should have been the happiest times of his life, he never actually got to experience a honeymoon or anything that would have followed her children, a successful business career, grandchildren and countless happy memories along the way, all of this was taken from her and because of her greed, Mona was a sincere and honest person, deeply affectionate with her friends and family, she was described as the most wonderful person I have ever met, a woman who had an incredible outlook on life a life that ended abruptly at 27 years old.
Murna's friends and family still can't believe she's gone, the abruptness of this case is almost as astonishing as the fickleness of Jessica's motive, and after Mona's death, her widower Arif has now returned to Australia to start a new life in Melbourne and although it is unknown how well he is doing, I am sure we all wish him the best in his future. Thanks for watching another video today from Coffee House Crime if you found this. interesting video or if you learned something new remember to like the video and subscribe in the last few days England has experienced a heat wave which means that at the moment I am filming at 32 degrees Celsius so I will stop on this note and probably jump in the shower but thanks again for watching but if you have any thoughts or opinions on the case leave them in a comment below and as always I'll be here behind this camera waiting for you next time until that moment comes although we take care of ourselves, goodbye you

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