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Jun 19, 2024
oh now it was a drag back there it was it's a penalty it's a penalty Bill is taking the penalty taking aen from the point oh no I can't I can't watch this Soo World 11 freestyle opportunity again so guys dad has been invited to football and I'm going to sneak into the image course some hits from the last 5 minutes, guys, it's the morning of the world 11 football


against England in Stanford, yesterday was the most surreal experience that football has brought me. R for Unicef ​​as a skills trainer to film with the guys, help them with the skills to do some challenges, but last night I got a text from Marcio Postino saying I should call him asap so I called him and um he He basically said he wants me on the team.
i scored at soccer aid match day bts
Do I want to play for him and a team? I'm ready? I'm ready? Am I ready for it? It was just the most incredible moment, one of the best moments of my life, because Maritzio for me. He is one of the absolute legends of the game, he just said that he is on a team. I need you tomorrow, are you up for it? I'm going to do a Vlog today and I'll keep you updated with everything behind it. stadium scenes and um Kate and the kids are going to do the same looking at me supporting me and fingers crossed I can try it come on guys let's go to the office for a second oh Roman is here oh do you want to come to the office you said yes, do you want to come with me, yes, see you later, brother, no, no, brother, see you later, brother, okay, you can come in, then come in, come, okay, guys, let's go to the office, now we We see there, right? guys, we're here, this is literally the office, it's just a yeah, this is literally around the corner, dude, well, let's just walk over there, this is literally the office, see you later, bro, see you So, brother, what are you doing? oh you want to come in let's go to the office BR right now let's go to the office now we're in the office guys it's your first time so we have F it's very basic we're still getting there this is why we're in the office is to get that package, wait before you leave Yeah, I broke up with my Hex Scout, yeah, here's the number, what's the number?
i scored at soccer aid match day bts

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i scored at soccer aid match day bts...

Oh, on the pencil, yeah, I printed it, oh, okay, I shake you, that's the wrong number. So guys, the team coaches are here and we're about to leave in the next 15 20 minutes. We have the England team on this side, they are 15 minutes ahead of us and then we have the world 11 very excited about this England ready for Bard the bus. They are taking a team photo and then heading to the bus. Harry rnap just joined the boys. So it goes, the England team bus is on its way to the Stanford Bridge. Let's hope they get a flat tire.
i scored at soccer aid match day bts
They get stuck in traffic. I'm just kidding, guys, we're going to the Stanford Bridge. I'm so excited, so excited, I'm supposed to leave at 1 1:00, it's now 2:30, so standard Wing R style, come on, come on guys, we literally just got to our hotel. We're checking in now Mr. Billy Wing Billy and I are staying here tonight the kids are going home my sister is coming to pick them up so we're having a great time the after party starts at midnight I mean who the hell do I think I am? I'm right now, we're usually in bed by 10:00, this is lovely, you get to see someone else, oh no, they have Adventure Kon Garden, that's crazy guys.
i scored at soccer aid match day bts
We have a coach leaving this hotel in a minute and heading to the stadium, so we. we have to get our butts down come on come on we're about to tip the bus look at the lineup the players we have here let's go guys it's Del Piero his goal is going to be


today I'm filming filming myself scoring predictions I said 64 to the rest of the world I love that, oh go score predictions 31 win 31 yeah come on the team bus looking good W it's a little Jazzy so here we go we got the guys at the BS ready to go right guys how are you doing? we feel confident guys score predictions score predictions def four 5 n you can even have six cool kids always in the back of the bus come on, come on, yeah, come on, come on guys, we've reached the bridge about to get off the bus. wow look at this guys, that's crazy hey guys, are you okay?, it's good to see you, hello friend, it's good to see how you're doing, you're okay, you're on the Vlog, this is crazy, where are we going?
D let's stamp for the bridge. We don't like it guys, we're here so full, there's a lot of people, a lot of Chelsea fans look at that brother, look at this guys, we picked up our tickets at the reception at the Millennium, yeah, and it's crazy, people out there. absolutely everywhere, so I have a nervous excitement, you excited, AJ, I'm, I'm excited, too, you're right, yeah, I'm excited, so many people D, I can't wait to see Bill play to be honest, yeah, I. I'm not that excited either, that was crazy, a lot of photos, a lot of autographs, a lot of fans, the energy is crazy here, so this is the Chang room, we have Mesia, better check all my days, here we go, let's see some of The players and kits, oh.
Oh my god, you're right, come on, this is crazy, oh my god, guys buzzing or he has number 11, my hero, this guy came here to look right oh wow, this is crazy, right? I'm buzzing Dy showing us around you're on our blog, you're on our wiro family vlog. I'm not a vlog, make sure you like it. And subscribe, guys, and don't forget. I hope dad goes on television. Guys, we just ate, now we're going to the hole. Wow, well, look. Look how cool these seats are guys, these seats are sick. I don't think Billy is really starting, so I think these are the players who are really starting.
That's right, AJ, they're not starting, that's so cute the kids are like screaming. Roman it's so cute guys we're about to go to the field look when it all gets real guys hey guys hey super rly wow jeez that b realizes if he walks around here he definitely will see us. You know, there is dust if Dusty shouts, he always listens to Dusty's boys, this is just incredible, huge, thanks to football and UNICEF, what a show, what an event, he just dropped his phone, that's going to be dangerous. Oh my days guys, I literally just dropped my phone.
I'll be back down there a few moments later guys, I literally walked down the stairs and my phone was waiting down there oh B, what was that about him always playing with the ball boys? The game starts in 5 minutes before it's over 87 for dad's team. or 67 for dad's team yeah yeah 11 oh well, that's IR on the man, right? What a view from the bench, ready to go, come on, man like Eden, he's going to control the game, he said he's going to score a hat trick for Roman, that's what he said, come on. Look boo how special this brother is, we get this seard back and then we play with him and then we go there, by the way, what are they I saw from the bench?
This is crazy, it doesn't seem real 4 3 2 come on and we They're out, they're coming out, the ball is in play, here we go, they're playing so hard like it's not real football like Savage, she's worried about Village, it's a lovely ball from wilsh, brought down beautifully by Jole Holy Six. end went one n to England Grand final is one for England I think it's exercise when why inside Tak de jff stuck we'll come back in the second difficult you B Miss is England are going to win this fear goes towards the first post and J she


a free kick H just scored a Ki free 111 skinning wide has Alexandro Del oh my god that's so good Delo won 11 Wilshire trying to get on his left foot sits the goalie big chance got another goal Ellen White hits one home rolls it and sends him to the ground, that's 22, wow, what a player, Jack Wills, here two2 guys, two2 guys, 22 now used to be 2-1, but times have changed, now here we go Hazard again, oh you said time , so guys, the second kickoff.
Now that's not played yet, yeah, I don't know how to center it. B us Bol almost scored a screamer in 47 minutes and was saved one by P mcin. He has open war in the center. He brings Billy now. It's the only way right now. I bet you. leaves soon a few moments later for the World Cup 11 coming out of number four Roman K Billy is coming dad is coming over there he esard B and Billy is the game here we go we go Bill yes bill I think we go here we go so no I don't think dad, literally I can't deal with the nerves, it's not fun, I'm not enjoying it, I really enjoyed it when he was on the bench, to be honest I keep saying oh fol, I stopped and Def r r talks to him.
I hate it. you follow Eng's loose ball into the penalty area Ricochet is going to cross the line what was that goal what was the goalkeeper doing he just saw it saw how it happened oh that was a drag back there was and has Asia brought down patri ever is a penalty is that bill, what is a penalty? Bill is taking the penalty he is taking a penalty B Bill is taking a penalty another from the spot oh no I can't I can't see this freestyler it's a horrible opportunity to drag sakur World 11 back giving them a little hope come on and scoring Patty McGinness stranded, come on, come on, come on, that's great, that was horrible, that was horrible, that was horrible, oh my God, my heart is pounding, oh, he's going to be Buzz for that one more. one more to build, that's a substitution for World 11 that comes from Min BR and comes from number n Diamond, so guys I just came out, what an experience it was.
I felt my hand tighten a little and figured it wasn't worth the risk, so I walked out. And I managed to score penalties. I'm happy. I thought I had a little more time and it felt good. It could really have an impact, but I want an event to be part of a massive thank you to football at UNICEF. It was just phenomenal. There's absolutely amazing and this man is the first proper football game right yeah man it's amazing bro thank you buddy thank you so much yeah yeah and that's it. England is the winner. Well done.
England, what a game, guys. I wonder how much money we raised. So far, what a game guys, I think this is the first time my dad has lost a charity


. It's the first time he loses. He never lost the charity match. He only played for 7 even minutes. He came in, scored a goal. It comes out well done. guys well done legends you deserved it congratulations England can I get shabuka sh come on guys that's the end of the Vlog what an amazing experience. I'm the last one on the field it was phenomenal I hope you enjoyed it guys leave a like if um donated to UNICEF you guys are absolute legends.
I love you until next shabuka

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