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Car Wash + More | Let's Go Cozy Coupe | Kids Videos | Cartoons for Kids

Jul 04, 2024
Cozy Cozy Cozy Cozy Coop You Do It Like It's Never Been Cozy Cozy Cozy Looks Cozy And Goes Green Today you're helping the fire truck get around the station, but it's definitely too hot to work outside, how can you stay cool? Car


ing is a great idea. Wow, go green, I clean so good, hey, oh, what are the earth diggers doing? They are getting dirty again. Oh no, the wrecking ball is too tall to fit in the car


. Hmm, how can the wrecking ball stay cool like everyone else on this hot day? an idea: a fire hydrant, Cozy goes around the city and there is the chief at home at the police station and there is a fire truck at his house.
car wash more let s go cozy coupe kids videos cartoons for kids
Cozy wants to have a house that is perfect for him, but Cozy's friends hate to see him down. The fairy really wants to help the boss. has her house the fire truck has hers they should be able to find a


house also fairy is up first she found this house is this the perfect place for the


looks nice it's floating thanks to those balloons well that's fine for someone who can fly but that's not good for cozy maybe it's better for fairy but now turtle has a house to show cozy they are in the house the turtle found it looks very cute but I don't think cozy is going to fit inside no, definitely not this either looks good the ice cream truck spin the house he found looks amazing oh the house is made of ice cream and it's melting under the hot sun this one isn't good either poor cozy wait a minute what's that oh that one house do you see? perfect, it has a slide and it's even cozy, the color is cozy.
car wash more let s go cozy coupe kids videos cartoons for kids

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car wash more let s go cozy coupe kids videos cartoons for kids...

Cozy loves it. Cozy is very happy to have found this place. She can live in it and invite people to play. She loves it. This house really is perfect for being cozy. It's time for the coastal city carnival. Look. all the attractions there is a cotton candy machine and also amazing music a dance party on a carousel a wrecking ball is playing a game you have to knock down those bottles to win a prize it seems like you are a sore loser that's the control panel of the carnival what is it? wrecking ball up oh wow the music is too loud the cotton candy machine is out of control too this is not good at all the wrecking ball is ruining the carnival now the carousel is going too fast good job cozy oh Oh look at the boss, good job, cozy, the honey was so sticky it stopped the merry-go-round, cozy, fairy helped, very well done, cozy, you saved the boss from the carnival, he's not happy with the wrecking ball, he made this whole mess, now you have to clean it.
car wash more let s go cozy coupe kids videos cartoons for kids
Above, it's a windy day in the seaside town and here's a cozy walk past the police station. Oh, here's a warning from the head of the jail cell. Cozy, be careful, you don't want to get trapped inside. He is a dirt digger who looks for old tricks and pranks from him. The bosses are after them. They're asking Cozy to watch the station while he's gone, yes sir, Cozy's patrolling, the wind blew his hat into the cell, Cozy's grabbing it, but oh, Cozy's trapped, he's trying to reach the keys, but it doesn't work, oh, maybe it will turn green. she can help cozy asks if she can get the key there cozy will be free in no time that's the wrong key and that one i think go green has an idea go green is going to break down the door but the door is open oh watch out that was It doesn't work so well, all they have now is Green's trailer full of carrots, oh there's a dirt digger, he's got the keys, if they can get him closer.
car wash more let s go cozy coupe kids videos cartoons for kids
Diggers love carrots, here it comes, they have comfortable keys and they turn green. are free and now the dirt digger is also locked in the jail cell here comes Cozy is very excited for movie night Oops, it's Space Cozy's favorite movie this is going to be great and here comes Go Green with corn for make popcorn, watch out, it's the earth diggers are stealing the corn stop them they're running away what was it there's a huge hole in the screen and someone stole the projector movie night is ruined hmm there's a trail of corn leading here and some lights in the distance it's time for cozy to investigate hmm what a strange place cozy has never been here before it's a wrecking ball he stole the projector in the corn but it looks like he doesn't know how to blow it up he also can't turn on the projector oh he's so frustrated he might hit him stop doing wrecking ball oh wrecking ball he was mad because they didn't invite him to movie night oh cozy he's trying to cheer him up that's how you turn on the projector they're bringing the knight from the movie to wrecking ball hooray and now they have popcorn there, the movie is on, it's so nice to include new friends, happy movie night everyone, it's the harvest festival in Beach Town and we all know what that means, it's time for the hay maze turns green, you have worked very hard to build it, there is the beginning. and the first to reach the finish line wins a trophy ready there is the exit they are moving the walls to make the maze


difficult oh it is a wrecking ball that is cheating and the earth diggers are helping you can outwit the diggers of land what are they? those and the coops beat the earth diggers and the wrecking ball at their own game now they are all confused, will they be able to finish the race?
Oh, there's a wrecking ball that's locked in with the earth diggers, it's well served to them for cheating too and the truck is the winner. Good job. Everyone, it was very fun. It's a sunny day in the coastal town and it looks like Cozy is in the mood to play. Cozy is trying to get his friends to join him for a walk. Go Green is too busy right now, but that won't stop Cozy. she can't either he has to look the city fairy is also working it seems like everyone is busy josie has an idea since everyone is busy and he has a lot of energy, cozy he can try to break the record for the longest jump in a


ever seen , but if it's cozy it's going to break records cozy needs to train keep going cozy you can do it really work on it all the acrobatic jumpers need a cool outfit looking good cozy now all of cozy's friends are here to watch the jump wow that's a really ramp big but cozy isn't afraid of time to show them what you're made of go cozy go oh he goes so far wait cozy goes too far flying past the landing cozy's friends have to help quickly move the landing ramp cozy doesn't even know realize there's a problem hurry up everyone a little to the left no, a little to the right, a perfect landing that was close, but cozy, it sure broke the record. well done, here comes cozy on a sunny day, but wait, what's going on, something's happening today, oh wow, his old friend, the train.
Back in town today and they're having a welcome party, the boss rushes to get everything ready oh someone stop that dirt digger, cozy, I'd love to meet him, he travels and brings everyone the most amazing gifts when he gets back, Oh look, here comes the train. oh no that door is still closed and the train hasn't realized it's going to crash if cozy doesn't do something he was close by but look at the quick sign cozy oh no train can't see where it's going this is not good at all it's going to crash, hurry up, cozy, yes, cozy, it cleared the way, good job, the train finally arrived at the party, which was close, I guess cozy really is the hero today, now you can enjoy the party together welcome, which could make a beautiful day in the coastal town even better. celebrating the boss's birthday hmm looks like everything is in order can't wait for the boss to show up now all you need is the cake that the trains bring how perfect here comes the train now just in time wait the wrecking ball is destroying the bridge How will the train manage to cross?
Oh, no trains are in real trouble. The wrecking ball hasn't noticed. I will help you not to worry. Cozy and the fire truck are on their way to save the day. You better hurry. The wrecking ball stops. fix the bridge good catch wrecking ball that was close wrecking ball I'm so sorry and we'll be sure to be


careful in the future they came back on time before it was cheap so everyone could celebrate together the boss is so happy he did it Great friends They planned a birthday party for him. The boss's birthday was almost ruined, but the friends who worked together made sure it was a great day.
Today is a very special day as it is the Beach Town air show, a time for the fairy to show off all of his incredible flying skills. is here to see Fairy do her thing to become Fairy Cozy and the boss shows Fairy a great photo they captured that makes Fairy smile. Look at this. Flame has some really awesome fair tricks up his sleeve. It seems like everyone is really enjoying the show, except. Fairy, huh, can the plane get rid of this blindfolded stun? He goes for it. Wow, the fairy is taller than ever. He's going for the biggest possible loot loop he's ever done.
Oh, he's never gone so fast. Oh no. Barry is losing control. Good team work. Look at these. go cozy is on a mission to make good food and invites all cooperatives to dinner. go green is giving cozy all the ingredients all this weight is going to slow down cozy down oh maybe the helicopter can help cozy speed things up amazing, this is no problem thanks to helicopters, powerful rotors, oh no, helicopters , the rotors accidentally blew up the tomato, let's start with this meal, the helicopter is happy to stay and help, but cozy, a chef's hat is not helicopter style, cozy, he is already preparing the food, focused on cooking a meal to make people happy We all have to cook the pasta first, then chop the carrots and then use the frying pan, but Cozy seems to be missing a key ingredient, oh they must have lost the tomato, how are they going to get another one in time?
They will all arrive soon. the helicopter knows what to do go and look for the missing tomato everyone is almost here if cosy doesn't get the tomato the food won't be finished as much as cosy needs the final ingredient you can't leave your friends hungry because you will I have to serve it just as there the helicopters brought the tomatoes just in time the final ingredient cozy I couldn't be happier it tastes delicious eat everyone it's a very cold day in the coastal city everyone needs to bundle up to protect themselves from the cold here's ice cream truck I wonder what it's doing that's it very nice but it's a little cold for ice cream today oh the truck doesn't want ice cream or the garbage truck doesn't want ice cream either or the ice cream truck no one wants ice cream today what's up he's going to do what was that snowball everyone is having a snowball fight i don't think the ice cream truck has ever been in a snowball fight before hmm cozy sure doesn't mind getting hit with an ice cream truck instead of a snowball both of them they're cold but the ice cream is much tastier plain and simple also this is so much fun oh no they accidentally hit the chicken coop trucks but the ice cream truck has an idea an amazing ice cream hat good job ice cream truck it's a beautiful day in the city beach and he's cozy enjoying his morning vibe what's this eh oh no wrecking ball depends on his usual mischief oh now the beach is covered in trash cozy knows how to help cozy can use the trailer to pick up all this trash sure It's a lot it looks so heavy Just like the truck heard all the commotion and called his good friend the garbage truck to help him.
It seems that garbage can be classified into three groups: recycling garbage and food scraps. If they choose one group each, they will clean the beach in no time. As always not what to do with the garbage the garbage truck knows in the junkyard the recycling turns into new things but what about the trucks? Food remains mark the path. The garbage truck, oh, it turns green. The garden uses its compost bin. Food scraps become food for plants. and that helps them grow. It's been a great day and it's time to say goodbye to the garbage trucks. Cozy is glad the job is almost done.
It's the perfect day for a baseball game in Beach Town. Princess is a great launcher. The fire truck better step up. his game oh no one else strike and the fire truck came out the fire truck gave everything except the quick movements of the wrecking ball and Cozy's big catch they took him out next to that truck that could be a home run oh no, the ball Gone forever Fairy won't go in there, who could it be? It's our new friend, the helicopter, they found the ball. Everyone is very happy to meet the helicopter, who is also very happy to help.
Helicopters have some abilities. All of our co-ops are really impressed. Good shot, green, good capture of the helicopter. uh-oh, the next bat is thetruck, everyone supports, especially the gardeners, another great success of the trucks, the helicopters got this, what an easy way to fly in a helicopter, they won the game, ah, what a beautiful day in the coastal city, cozy it is to enjoy a walk morning, oh no. Today is the Beach Town talent show and Cozy forgot everything. It looks like the fire truck is going to perform some magic. Needs more practice. Oh, something smells delicious.
Go Green is going to show off her talents by baking a cake. He looks like a fairy. she has also discovered her talent, but what will cozy do oh uh oh, it's show time good job, ice cream, cozy still not sure what talent to do wow, now it's cozy's turn what will be cozy, everyone seems to love it, but cozy is losing control, he is causing the biggest disaster even though cozy makes such a mess, the acting was sometimes making people laugh, he is the best talent of

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