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Apr 16, 2024
He joins me in the reactor. I got caught in a trap. Was. I got caught in a trap. It was a trap. I was alone for 20 seconds. Lon. I left that trap like him two meetings ago when I said I put it in front of the C look, he caught me that's all fun it seems like you like to watch me while I was at it where are you in my pain we have I have I have a blue arrow over there, like this I came to see what was wrong. Oh, okay, okay, well, someone died, who was it, it was me, it was Harry, no, no, Harry died, Harry died in the last round.
sidemen among us chaos mode painful edition
Did everyone forget about me? Harry was dead. Simon. He's already dead Simon spoke last time they voted for JJ Simon died JJ yes it must be J because we're at seven now six so we have to do something yes I was hoping they would plant the bomb in that reactor but they didn't. That would have been a smart move, yeah, it didn't say body either, so someone is eating it, weird, a ball of vulture protein, one of you, weird cannibalism. It's very quiet, like surprisingly quiet. I'm honestly a little overcooked, but yeah, no, um, I fell into a trap at the end.
sidemen among us chaos mode painful edition

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sidemen among us chaos mode painful edition...

I'm a legit straight team, oh shut up, everyone, everyone, Ethan, you're nothing, friend of the awesome brother Danny, you're nothing too, right? I'm nothing. so there are three nothings, there are two of the three nothings, why did you remove this BOS yourself, what are you, I'm Trapper IA, tra, then you wait, if you are an impostor, what's wrong, I got caught and I think you have a marker that says which was an imposter, but I didn't do it, I caught a blue, there you go, well you caught me, so nothing came up, right? That's very fair, that gets me into trouble with Dan, that's completely fine, manate.
sidemen among us chaos mode painful edition
I have a big problem I'm going to vote Ethan I'm going to Danny I think it's Danny I'm going I'm going Ethan It's well I'm basing it on nothing and there's no justice at least there was one m that would have tied otherwise we would have lost so It's a Fu, I'm improvising, but maybe we still lost, oh, they saved him, oh man, I've done shit, I've done absolutely shit like bu and I'll do it. I have no idea what's going on by the way, I have no idea, I think this game is over, um, I think I lied like I was Danny Aens and I know it's Danny Aens, so I'm staying, let's fix it and then that's it. you know what could happen.
sidemen among us chaos mode painful edition
I know Vick, what's not at play here, no, who sabotages the communications why they're killing and eating bodies at the same time, there's no way to know what to do, who makes the monster, it comes like, oh, who dropped that bomb. He was calling this. because that means Ethan was right, by the way, like the round had sabot, yeah, okay, let's go back, let's go back here, let's subdivide, subtract, divide this, okay, Vic called the right button on Ethan Lan and Josh nearby from me in Communications. Obviously I'm clear about it. I'm May, so I didn't see Denny aens, where's Denny?
Where are you healthy? Say something, plead my case, can I give me, give me 15 seconds? Okay, I lied to you guys, I lied to you. a rle okay I'm the vulture actually I'm the now this is what I can't win anymore I can't win anymore sorry it's Danny Aris I saw him do it before I don't hate anyone the vulture turns on his food source wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys guys guys right you talked now let me talk this could be some trick bro this could be some trick I saw Danny running away from JJ the other way you talked let me talk I'm not I'm a crewmate .
I did nothing. I'm a crewmate so now he's playing a big mind game so he just presents himself as the imposter but trying to get me to leave, it's him. He's trying a big mind game, but he's. wait, is there a world where this is Josh and it was Josh and no, it's him, it's just L, he's L Josh Josh was close to me on comms, uh, where that bomb dropped, but that doesn't mean anything exactly what What does lanon mean Yes, I run away. I don't think it's Josh because Josh was straight with Reactor. Plus, Denny Aens was the one with Ethan, who could have been anywhere, is all I'm saying at the same time for someone else. been killing I'm happy to jump we have five and one in us we have some free land he exposed himself how can we believe you Danny we have to believe him or believe you how when when JJ died I ran past Danny aens and he I was there because I saw the Blue Sea, but yeah, I mean, it's a good imposs player to say you're the vulture.
I mean, one of them has. I'm really confused, sneaky Josh, but Lanon was literally right next to him and they planted a bomb, yeah. So how come he doesn't know it's Josh? I was thinking about that because he said it was like, oh Josh was near me when they planted the bomb, but that doesn't mean anything, no, it does, it means it's him. I can. I don't think about what I have to do here to make it work. I think I have to make an emergency and try to plant a bomb and it's my only Trapper play again.
I've caught someone here, really yes. lowkey not gonna lie but welcome to comment Among Us I need to run away I'm just going to run away because they're going to try to kill me it might not be Danny it might be Josh they could have done a Onew Switcheroo and I could have bottled it but I'm pretty sure it was Danny. I am an innocent man. What did I do? I actually feel offended. I did not do anything. I don't even know what to think. I mean. I feel like I could probably say Danny I could probably say Danny, you know, but like I don't get paid to think I get paid to be popular and go with the crowd, this oh is going to kill me with your bomb off. your bomb is okay so he's the one landing a bomber Josh planted that bomb wait Josh yeah don't worry guys I'll save the game on it.
Someone call the meeting. I'll save the game, don't worry. That, guys, Jesus Christ, oh, you're so close to work, why is everyone following me? What did I do? I swear, Josh planted the bomb Josh, it's Josh, it's Josh, it's Josh, man, I don't like this, they're playing me like a fiddle, no It's not like that, wait, wait a minute, oh well, that's awkward . Call the meeting. He's going to kill me. No, no, I knew it was Josh. Why didn't anyone call the meeting? Wait wait. I vented in the right place just in time, okay? Where is everyone on the map right now?
See I know it's not Lon, no, so wait, they can vult only they can cana, they can, no, they can, I don't think they can, I don't think vult can, no, Lon, they can. He would have killed you, I had so many chances to kill you if I was going to kill you, yeah I'm going down the list of similar abilities, okay run run, vultures can use Vents and he's he literally vented. He in front of me he could have killed me, so who do you think he saw? I don't know, I vented directly because the body was right in a vent, so Josh and Danny, where are you guys on the map right now? electric, so the body was on top, right next to it, like the Shields thing and I also vented from the navigation, sorry, I vented from the navigation, is that Josh, is that you?
Because I'm pretty sure Danny Aaron just dropped a bomb on me, no, no, no. Because the same thing happened to me about I'm May Dy, no, that's what I'm saying. I thought, how could you? So this is also a four-way situation, yeah, so we could skip here, but yeah, let's do a little memory. do a little memory you, man, you, you are cooked. I don't care about anything the murderer does. Oh well, Josh just died. You said it was Josh, yeah, I don't know, you said it was me, literally. I did that because you said it was.
Said. I think I said. I think oh, we, oh, at the exact second that K, I didn't actually win.

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