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Building A Minecraft Castle With No Plan

Jun 29, 2024
Very good, today I feel, I feel like a


today. I really want to build a


in the mountains between Mountain Ridge. There are a lot of things being built on the server and I want to have a nice, proud castle on it. mountain that people can see from miles away, so I go for something like a stone brick. I want to get a classic palette, maybe something rugged and andesite, you know, just classic stone blocks, but it's a really strange place. I've chosen here where it's really Jagged and Rocky, so I'll give it a try and see what I can do.
building a minecraft castle with no plan
I'm definitely going to use a diagonal layout for this because it's just not a place conducive to straight edges and then maybe some kind of bridge right here, someone already built this road here and it goes towards this house and something up there so it can incorporate the road they built somehow if you don't know I'm in the SMP flow right now so there's a lot of cool stuff being built and this is more like standard flatter terrain so this could be where most of the Castle is Well, that's a start. I want this to be a very extensive Castle complex.
building a minecraft castle with no plan

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building a minecraft castle with no plan...

I'm going to do my style of


where I build it like I'm


ruins, you know, or maybe I build a little section like this and there's a cracked area or something and I throw down some walls and kind of mean, it's okay, that's where it might be and then I go from there instead of trying to do everything, like let me build a framework and let me make sure that all of this is counted and it's perfect, you know, I tend to build better. when I build it in an intentionally ugly, broken and messy way and then fill the spaces that way, you can try that kind of building style, it works for me because if you build that way where the ruins are, then you can see where you can take it and you have like a base to work with instead of a rigid structure that's very restrictive and um, it's just not, I don't know, it's hard to describe, but I feel like it works better for me. when I build like this, where I'm not building the wall all at once, but I'm just building in certain sections and then go from there, maybe this could be like an arch and we have some sort of arch here. and this could be like a tunnel to something maybe like a tunnel in the side of a mountain or like this is where the mines are, maybe where they got all their stones, um, you know, I draw a lot of inspiration from The Witcher 3.
building a minecraft castle with no plan
I'm going for the trolled ker, see if you've played The Witcher you know what I'm talking about, it's like a really huge castle in a snowy part of the world and I've always loved that structure so that's what I'm going for here , look now, that's already getting very flat and very boring, so maybe it's a detail type that you don't really want to do this too early in the build, but you could add some of these as supporting bits. to break up the edge like that, you know, or I could even put up some walls because you would never want to have a wall that's too flat, that's a really easy way to make it look boring, just add a little bit of texture here and there. make it look interesting you'll probably be fine oh yeah by the way dude guess what we have a sponsor baby come on yeah big thanks to Campfire Hosting for sponsoring this video so you know I really think this is pretty relevant to you. because Campfire Hosting is a Minecraft server hosting service, so the nice thing about Campfire Hosting is that you actually pay as you play, so if you only play for 5 hours, you will only be built for those 5 hours, that's great. and you know there's a small flat fee for storage, but the vast majority of the price is based on how much you play well, which is really cool and the way it works is that when a player enters the server, billing starts, but the time the last person leaves the server is when the server goes down and you won't be ready for that time offline and they also offer Fabric Forge and paper servers so if you want to have a modded server you can do that too.
building a minecraft castle with no plan
So if that sounds good to you, just check the link in the description and consider a server with Campfire Hosting, and thanks again to Campfire Hosting for sponsoring this video. Things like this bring me one step closer to being on YouTube full time, thank you very much. I want to clean this building. This looks bad. I like it despite my messy build nature. You don't want to build too messy because you need some structure as if each of these blocks. It's different and the pattern is changing, it will look a little weird, but that looks good, it's like a boomerang shape.
I like that H, okay, now I'm getting into a bit of a tricky place because I have the frame coming together, but there's so much junk in the middle like I'm building a mountain, obviously, so you might want to start flatten a little bit like this, obviously, this is going to be the front door, this needs to be very, very much. I want to start putting up some of these door frames just to get an idea of ​​how big it's going to be because obviously this is going to be the big entrance so it should be pretty nice is that even an h word I wonder what.
The path should be like which block should I use for that. Gravel would be good, but it is very similar to stone brick. I don't think land really makes sense up here. Bassel Bassel could be interesting. This kind of thing is good. but I need another block, um maybe Cobble deep slate, you know, one thing I'm still not sure about is where this path will connect because right now it's falling off the cliff because realistically, where is it going? to go, it will cross this and then go to where you know, so maybe it has a ramp, yeah, and then it can connect to this road that this person built and that will work.
Look, man, this is why I like building on the server. because you can add something to what people have done instead of everything being from scratch and everything depending on me, yeah, there we go, it looks good, I mean, I need to put a frame on it, but that will work. I think I want some color here. I'm still not sure if I should use dark oak or spruce. I guess I could use both, you know why not? I want to continue with this kind of broken look where I have some holes in the walls, so I don't want to completely complete this, maybe let's replace some of these pavers with some deep slate stairs.
I'm not sure what the story of this build will be, but it could be like a Pillager Castle which would be cool, like um, like a real castle. looter family I know it's a little early to get into details but I want to get some lanterns here and there, yeah they'll look nice, yeah I'm going for that ruined look, lots of broken walls and all that, now I guess it can work in this gatehouse next to what this is supposed to be, this needs to go down a lot and I need to get some real support underneath these things, it's just floating right now, yeah, I mean, I don't know if that would make a lot of it.
It makes sense to have all these little broken pieces and open paths and like there's a lot of damage or something, but you know, it looks cool, that's really the philosophy behind it. I want some windows in here, um, it's a little too wide. although it's not like that, it doesn't look very good, maybe I could do it like I wish there was a way to have two walls together like this chains maybe ladder wait wait I have an idea ladder blocks what if I did it like this, like walls and chains, it's a unique design, yes, and you can even go through it, it's cool, you can sneak in, okay, I'll do it.
I feel like this little skinny hallway really requires a staircase definitely wants to break up these wall patterns with walls like that, you just put an indent there, you know, it really adds a lot, are there any cracks? No, I don't think so, that's a shame, right? This is the floor. so we'll fill this in maybe again this will be half finished it's not like a totally complete room now this is a really flat wall so I almost want to bring this out with one like this can hold up like this and this can break and this could be a window, yes, perfect, we could even have a corner that goes around like that to have even more depth, that's cool, I like it, I feel like a balcony where you could dump boiling tar makes sense. from up here and uh Invaders or something you do that with, like cauldrons, maybe yeah, here we go.
I guess lava is probably the best way we can illustrate this. That's great. I've really been concentrating a lot on this building. I have to concentrate. In the rest of the Castle it is also going to be a really big project. I want to get this Arch out of the way. I keep the ship stationary on it. You know I was flying and I just found this banner that someone made and it was. I'm sitting there and I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be like a flow state banner, but I was thinking I could use this for this castle, throw them in and make this like Fort Flow or something.
Whoever made this flag, thank you. I mean it looks really cool, but I should put them up and use them for the theme. I guess in that case it makes more sense for this not to be a raider outpost if it's like a fort flow outpost, but it's really cool. I mean, look at that, that's amazing, so we did the arch right, it's not nearly finished, there's the arch that looks good, it's actually very thick, let me finish this building and then we can move on to something else, something it should turn out fine. here like a little secret access ramp or something there are some trapdoors last time I did this kind of thing I had a wanderer living in the castle like I put a villager here and he secretly hides in the walls so I'm going to do something like that again, maybe like a little bonfire, there he is, the bum.
Okay, here we go. I want to finish the framework of this. I'm not really sure what this is all about. But it's something interesting. the mountain is going up I feel like I need to incorporate the height somehow let me start throwing out some building designs and then we'll connect them together somehow oh um I didn't mean to do that well you know what we do? I will have two luses Me with that he is a scientific experiment that went wrong he is a clone How about that? Oh, okay, that's too many luses. Let's get this out of my hot bar, maybe this should be Lonus Castle and then this will be like the main dining room. area maybe okay, how does all this look from the air?
I like how this comes together. Cool castle design. I feel like I need to have something on this highest peak, if only to complete the height of everything. a very nice big square tower or something, yes it looks good, I think that final part was missing at the end, so it will be a very wide castle, I'm sure there are three different lights, how did this happen? Okay, sure I'm looking at a blacksmithing area here in the real Kroda and The Witcher is like this section of the castle is where, like the blacksmith, the armor is, so that's what I want to put here to go down and then There will be a very large, open blacksmithing area, like some huge lava forges on the walls or something.
Now I'm going to have to adjust this bow, now that it's a little high, just lower this. The feel of this room is that we have some really huge windows, like two or three of these, like seven windows that are eight blocks high and they're open to the air and then we have some forgings on the back wall and then maybe even like a small lava flow that is coming this way and it is like coming out of the mountain like a small river of lava. I think that would be really cool, yeah, okay, that was pretty formidable and it looks pretty decent.
Maybe I don't even think I'll use the chains okay so there are the windows I guess here before determining this lava lake let me finish the room okay there's the finished floor


really big room , some lava, some iron doors, some blast furnaces, uh, maybe some stairs, some low salt, that's okay. I don't like how the walls don't connect, although that looks cool, yeah I think I like that nice design, okay, there are all the forges that look cool, dude, I really like that, in fact, now I want have a way. of all the exhaust to get to one point, let's get some pipes.
I know this doesn't make sense for a medieval forge, but bear with me, okay, there's the pipe. What else? What else do I want to say? This is a huge area to fill perhaps. a large deposit of iron like raw iron, the problem is that it floats on top, although it looks a bit stupid like that, right, we have some big pieces of iron, I feel like this must be open to go somewhere, so leave it open for now. I feel like I also want some pillars in this room to hold it up because it's going to be a really huge room, um like here, maybe that sounds good, that's a lot of anvils, um, what else, what else I mean, it doesn't really leave much. ? of remaining space I mean you want to leave this quite open for the blacksmithing area, perhaps it could indicate that some of these are currently being used as if we had a barrow ofSo?
I suppose not. I know I feel like it seems silly. I'll be honest. Cabin at the top. I feel like it would look better if it was just a deep roof. To tell you the truth, okay, that took forever. um, yeah, that just looks better. the colors are more homogeneous, it's more in line with the pattern you would expect. Just yeah, I think it looks better. I guess while we're on the subject of ceilings, I might as well finish this ceiling. here a man in the night too holy I just can't get over Distant Horizons man, it's probably the most transformative mod you'll ever see, you just can't appreciate the magnitude total of the world if you're only playing on like 10 chunks or something, you know, I think this is at 256, which is just ridiculous, so there's that guy on the ceiling that's awesome.
I love the contrast of deep slate and stone brick, it's really quite menacing, looking all the way through. The exterior goes, although I don't want to say that there are some details that need to be molded for sure, but I think that's the bulk of the actual design at this point that looks pretty good. I guess the only other thing I want to do for the outside is add some flags. I said I want to put a flag on top of this roof. I want to go for more like the tattered flag, it doesn't look like a very solid flag, but kind of torn into pieces, yeah, it looks, it looks good, I mean.
It looks like a beached whale but whatever you can see is a flag. I'd like to go back inside because, oh, okay, God, some monsters have made it their home and I totally forgot to finish this, so yeah, we have to go. these monsters out of here man this is a disaster let's start with this dining room table area. I was thinking about a big table like a log table as something simple and then we could put some chairs over here, you know, this is the solution. go to work, yes sir, destroy them, oh my god that's brutal, okay, that's a pretty good dining table area, not that bad.
I think I said this was going to be like a book library area, that's the term, oh you can have some libraries that have. stairs that you can climb to get to the ones that you like very tall books up here. I wish you could stack rugs like you would snow, that would be a really nice feature here, maybe let this creeper, call him Sheldon, there are definitely a lot of them. of open space here, but I want to leave it that way. I don't think a hallway should be filled with stuff like a mega chungus painting like that, get out of here, get out of here, so this was going to be the master bedroom.
Well, that's pretty much the Center. I've always loved doing this kind of thing with barrels and then you get some doors and then you can build a little dresser like that, that's cool. Alright. I'd say it's pretty good for the teacher, yeah, and then this. It was the last part, so this was going to be like bunk beds, I mean, I could split it up, maybe I could do this kind of thing, put a door and do it like this, yeah, let's get to work, put two beds in here, okay, There's the bedroom, okay, man, well, I feel like that's pretty much the castle.
I mean, maybe there are a few other details here and there to fill in, but yeah, that's it, so I hope you enjoyed watching it. I had fun building it and yes. see you later

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