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How ANYONE Can Get Diamond in 30 Days - League of Legends

Mar 25, 2024
this is me on my first day of playing toplane yes i'm the renekton in case you had to ask i clearly have no idea what i'm doing and calling me trash would be an insult to the dumpsters behind mcdonald's everywhere and that. Right here, well, this is me just a week later, solo-killing enemy laners like it's nothing, diving into a tower to solo-kill the first few clients, and dragging the enemy jungler into 1v2 and taking the game. with strength, so how do I go from looking boosted to a smurf with a four level Leadership of 100 cs in such a short period of time, well that's exactly what you will learn at the end of this guide, the secrets to improving to an incredibly fast pace.
how anyone can get diamond in 30 days   league of legends
Now this video is part of a larger series where I document my rise. to


in less than 30


, you see, I have never played top lane before. I hadn't even played top lane champions before. I'm actually a disgusting jungler whose Elo is inflated due to my power role, so you're probably wondering. Why on earth would I consciously subject myself to a solo queue with this challenge? Well, it's actually inspired by you. I have a unique opportunity, since I'm so horrendous in the top lane, to show exactly what a terrible player in the game and completely clueless is like.
how anyone can get diamond in 30 days   league of legends

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how anyone can get diamond in 30 days league of legends...

Then I can reach


rank in 30


. I've even gone so far as to record live commentary throughout this entire process so you can follow me on my journey to diamonds step by step. In them I teach you how to review your repetitions. To identify what mistakes you're making, you'll essentially be able to see in real time the step-by-step process of how someone actually improves at the game, which you can then copy and get results if that's not enough. We even have the next two episodes of this series already available on our website, so if you find this guide useful and trust me, then you'll need to unlock the full course that took over a month to create by clicking the discount link in description below alright now let's get back to watching me suffer now if I wasn't already hating having to spend a month of my life solo queuing my friends here at Skillcap have made sure I can't cheat for this challenge, without wearing a top. level super powerful champions to quickly climb the ladder no, no, that would be too kind of them.
how anyone can get diamond in 30 days   league of legends
Instead, I've been given drum roll please Renekton, literally one of the worst top lane champions on the patch, as he had a 45 win rate when I picked him. Yeah thanks everyone you really helped me out here so day one of my promotion to the diamond begins and you are probably exactly like me and wondering where do I start right when it comes to starting your journey rising through the ranks of League of Legends . It has to start with this first step, you need to win your lane, by winning your lane you unlock the opportunity to perform a good macro later on, compare it to if you lose lane, you will always be on the defensive, playing reactive and just waiting. the enemy throws additional diamond players and underneath they just aren't that good at laning, so you should be able to win the lane pretty much regardless of the matchup once you get good enough due to the sheer amount of mistakes they make and acquire a Big enough lead to then start charging once the laning phase is over.
how anyone can get diamond in 30 days   league of legends
This is also a very important lesson when it comes to learning in general. You need something digestible, something small but a clear goal that you can dedicate yourself to in this case knowing that my goal is always Win my lane well, then it becomes much more obvious where I should focus my attention, so let's start the laning phase, it always starts at level one and that's what I first need to fully master and how I do it well. I'm going to our ability. limit courses, then select the lane. I decide to watch our course on how to stomp your lane.
The first video of that course has a great introduction to lane control at level 1. Let's hear the most important things to consider in every game before you start. Your game plan is to analyze who can get the early wave advantage at the top. You'll find yourself in close combat more often than any other role. What this means is that the minion advantage is very important, especially at the beginning, whichever player has the most minions. You will usually win trades during the early levels simply because you have to get up close and personal to trade during those early levels where the champions are still weak.
This means that minions will have a relatively much greater impact later in the game. It all comes down to matchup experience, but to get a good idea of ​​whether you can gain early lane control over your opponent, you just need to ask yourself this: Do I have a clear wave advantage with an area ability? Do I have the reach advantage to put pressure on me? opponent out of the wave, will my opponent or I have to control our junglers? Usually the side that doesn't have to control can start early by pushing the wave or I'm playing against a powerful early lane bully, okay, so I understand how to get control early.
Pushing is important and what will determine who has the push advantage is based on how your abilities interact, so let's jump right into one of the first games I played and see how I handle this in real time, since I have no experience with not only my own champion but also the enemy champion. I have to look up what these champions do. Your skill ranges. 17 second cooldown compare it to my q which is also aoe but has a 7 second cooldown so starting the game now I have a very basic plan to get the push advantage and it should work because of my level 1 top wave to clarify something.
Another thing I learned that was very important was when I went to our engagement courses and in our melee vs. melee course, the first video talks about the following: She starts using her q on the minions as soon as she does it. , now I have control of the lane as we talked she can no longer dispute anything I do my nice cooldown is very short and notice that I have only used it to push her I have not used it on any minions divided using her q to minions being a lot a longer cooldown than mine is a big mistake, but even when I see lowly Loyone players doing the same thing, they think they are just stacking their tornado, no, no, that's wrong, just because something has a cooldown short cooldown doesn't mean you can just use it whenever my q has a lower cooldown doesn't mean you should just spam it in the wave.
I try my best to use it when Camille is in range so I can damage minions and the enemy champion on the spot. At the same time, by following these two basic strategies, I have now established leadership in that same video. Our challenger expert, Mcbaze, then continues teaching about the importance of level 2 time windows. After this, I see Riven walk from the distant brush to this one. In the middle he knew immediately what was going to happen from here. She did that was a very aggressive move. She stood right next to me. Basically, the point is that she shouldn't take an aggressive stance at all.
I have control of the lane and this brings us. to core concept number three, which you have heard many times, but even in the game, these players still don't have this core concept number three, is the advantage of level two, you must follow level two in every game, literally, if you or the enemy ever You got to level 2 and you weren't 100 ready for it, ready, you don't have the concept defined, you have to know it every time right before they get to level 2. Decide so many lanes it's crazy you have to be able to do it. this or you can't progress so with my head start on the push I know I'm going to reach level two and I make sure to take an aggressive stance so I can jump in immediately once I do and by following this I can get a winning trade after this winning trade the third wave comes camille reaches level two and I am in what seems to be a terrible position pushed up in lane but luckily I have watched videos on laning fundamentals on Skillcat for example on This video teaches exactly what to do while you're in this position, but anyway, back to the jax vs kane game, mcbase was starting to work on the third wave and finishing his slow minion army, he'll jump on kane and trade a little because , like we talked about how since mcbase is pushing he will win the trades but after that he focuses on cs again because he wants to reach level 3 to get level advantage, as soon as he does he jumps on kane and He hits it with his q and w and then turns.
In e here it's really important, the reason is that you need to make sure you completely clear the cannon quickly so that your slow push hits the enemy tower; otherwise some minions might enter the tower's range and the tower will basically freeze the wave. then mcbaze uses e to quickly eliminate the rest of these minions. This is when the cheater retreat we talked about earlier takes place after stacking the waves and crashing them. You remember that now Kane has to clear a big wave under the tower and the wave will be slow. Push towards mcbase afterwards, this means Kane only has two options: recover and return to lane so as not to miss the cs of the wave, push slowly or stay and crash the wave into mcbase's tower before resetting the problem with this, mcbaze goes. so you can reset and grab some kind of item, longsword, cross armor, whatever and you will have full potions, also you don't need to go back to lane so mcbase will have the item advantage with Kane pushing him, this can be dangerous . for kane, so he has to choose carefully, if you've been paying attention it should be obvious by now that he will have to slowly push three waves towards mcbase's tower to give him the best chance of surviving.
This is what we mean when we say that Top Lane is all about slow pushes, so I know that in this position I need to crash this third wave as quickly as possible and then remember, buy some items and get back to lane. Let's jump to my live comments to get an idea of ​​what I'm all about. thinking while I'm doing this I think I'm just going to do a cheaters withdrawal I'm aware of that strategy oh that's something that's perfectly fine I have a purchase as far as getting a longsword grabbing a pink protection again no I don't even know if anything this is true.
All this is what we teach in our videos. I have seen many top lane guides and just so you know, the cheetah retreat strategy is a very prominent strategy. We recommend the idea that we know you understand. push leadership in the first three waves is all pretty standard stuff that you can run for like any champion um and then I'm just trying to learn how to pull it off with renekton and what it feels like as renekton to do that kind of thing now there's a final concept that I learned in that same video. This is what we mean when we say top lane is all about slow pushes, but let's see what happens.
Mcbase returns to lane and Kane has a level advantage but Mcbase has Mcbaze the health advantage plus items he knows Kane will push slowly and if he waits too long to try and fight Kane's minion wave he will eventually be too big to fight him, so he immediately jumps and launches sadly when he jumps and I went for a car to w to finish him off, it's canceled halfway through Kane's flash animation, but you can see how the cheater's retreat put Mcbaze in really good spot to kill staff here, so when I get back into lane, I know I want to try to be aggressive with my item leader, but I don't fully understand how to do it, like Camille just went up a level on me and got a big wave , so I hesitate to jump in once these last minions of mine die and the next wave arrives.
I try to reduce the enemy wave with my skills and auto attacks, but in the end I don't achieve much. I just accept the fact that I need to do what the video taught me and just go in and watch. what happens and what you know works and I win the trade and with the wave now frozen in front of my tower I just wait for my cooldowns to increase again and everything in stretcher and I get a solo kill and a big Lead now, the example above was excellent in terms of a basic execution of what was taught in the videos, but you are probably like me and will make this very common mistake of miscalculating your failure in this game.
I'm facing a darius and just like in camille's game I got control of the lane at level 1. I push slowly and the third wave comes, as we just learned I should push hard this wave at this point to set up my retreat , but notice how I hesitate a little and am generally slow to execute the push because of this, when the wave crashes, the next wave has alreadyarrived, so it's too late to remember. It will be easy enough for Darius to just clear the wave, push it into our tower and match our recovery and we wouldn't even make it to our tower in time to then pick up the cs.
It would only be a negative move for us. I actually ended up realizing that this in-game could The Trickster Remember, but I don't think we pushed it fast enough, so just like in Camille's game, the wave bounces back to me, but I don't have the advantage. to remember the item as I should, despite this, I tried to do the same. I did it in the cameo game, I get aggressive and fight Darius which is a terrible idea and I end up abandoning my lane and dying alone. This shows that what may seem like a very small mistake to you is not pushing that third wave that fast. possible ends up actually being the exact reason why the strategy doesn't work and this segues perfectly into the next point.
If there's one piece of advice I could give them, it's that they have to be able to push themselves to play aggressively and learn. your limits, for example, in this clip I face a riven. I've never played the riven showdown and I don't know who can control the wave at level one. She trades her with my entire minion wave at level 1 and I continue to try to implement the same strategy of getting early lane control thinking everything is fine every time she aggressively trades with my minion wave. I hold my ground thinking that my minions would be enough to win me the fight, but that is not the case and I die at level 1.
As a complete newbie, it is very important that you understand that deaths like this are inevitable if you really want to scale and improve. If I just sit back and passively play every matchup, I'll never know which matchups I can get level one on. and which ones I have to grant to the enemy. The only way to truly master the concepts we teach here at Skillcap is to be willing to fail and then learn from that failure, for example in split matchup. Now I know not. just stand up and trade with her, she has a more sustained damage level one in the future, maybe I can try to land q poke and then just surf to my wave, maybe I could try to be aggressive with her longer q cooldown , since my q is actually shorter, but One thing I definitely know now is that I shouldn't just stand there and let her throw a full Q combo at me even if I have the Minion wave.
Here's another example of the importance of limit testing in this game. I'm facing a pantheon. with ignite and such on the surface, I think I lose this 1v1, so I should concede the initial control of level 1. However, this is my first time playing this matchup. I'm going to see if I can be the one to get it. I control the lane, by default I use aggro, I follow the same strategy of looking for a minion leader with auto attacks and lighting my q to push the enemy and damage the minions at the same time, when my q is on cooldown I back away except When he is moving aggressively in my minion wave, I want to trade again to see if I actually win the trade with a minion leader.
The second wave arrives and I'm looking to automate the minions as much as possible to reach level 2 and then an extremely close fight. develops and would barely be able to kill him alone. This is what I didn't play so perfect and neither did he, for example there were many cases where I was able to dodge his q to avoid damage which was obviously a huge reason why I survived the last all-in, that's not always is going to happen, also Pantheon could have consumed his corrupting potion stacks earlier to have more health when the all-in happened or I could have just misused my flash and not dodged his q and just died. 1v1 anyway the point is that it is not about the results, but about testing the strategy and analyzing what both players could have done better and whether the result would have remained the same.
In this case, it's obvious that Pantheon could have played much better and that's why I don't do it. I don't think I can replicate the solo kill against a better pantheon, so I'm aware that I'll probably have to switch to granting control of the tier 1 lane to the pantheon at a future top rank. That being said, I'm still going to play aggressive on the next pantheon I face until they really prove they can shut me down at whatever range I'm playing now. You're probably thinking everything's fine when you're in control of level one of the wave, but What about the matchups you didn't win in? control level one well after int or sorry, I mean limit testing in a jax matchup too many times.
I finally learned that there is no way I can get lane control at level one on him, so let's show how to play him properly on the first wave, I sit back and let him push. I try to go all the way to the last hit when possible, but I'm okay with the minions zoning me if they get aggro on me, essentially because of past limit tests. I've learned that counterattacking when Jax has his e up and passive fully stacked is a terrible idea, so giving up control of lane level 1 means I'll also have to be willing to give up cs here and there, the minions will eventually crash into me. tower and this is a very important moment. in the top lane, you see, if there's really only one lesson you learn from this guide, it's this: the top lane simply takes turns pushing slowly.
In fact, I learned this exact concept from our wave control course on slow pushing, so let's listen because the top is so long lane, it allows you to build up many waves of minions if you push slowly, creating a big wave has multiple benefits, you gives a huge experience advantage and a big wave to fight for you if you trade or gank, this is exactly how much top laners 1v2 the enemy lane and the jungler the enemy jungler ganks in a big wave and the minions are Enough to change the timing the big wave can lead to multiple different plays, plus at high elo top laners will stack three waves and then submerge the enemy. top with its jungle and so on, the game is really very difficult and that brings us to another very important point.
If the enemy top laner pushes you slowly, you should avoid making bad exchanges, as the enemy can throw you alone or by the enemy. Jungler and if you lose all CS to slow push the lane will be completely finished, so with this in mind next time I see Jax I will look to trade aggressively. I know I have the big wave to back me up and I really am alone. trying to get Jax down enough so I can submerge him like they say in the guide when the wave breaks, although I didn't take enough damage on the cats to dive, so now I remember, look at this in the mashup I had. against camille i was able to do a very similar strategy, i built a big wave that crashed, remember i got an element advantage and then when i came back i fought her to try to thin the wave, i set up a freeze and then all with my element. advantage, so I thought I would do the same against Jax, stack the big wave, get it back from the crash, got an item advantage and now I'm ready to trade, reduce the wave, freeze it and kill Jax, but there is a key difference, Jax. he is much more powerful than camille in the early levels, so what happens is exactly what i was taught about how top lane is based on slow turns.
I was aggressive when Jax had the wave advantage. Now I have to learn my lesson and get the tower. He took the plunge and missed the big wave in the process and this moment, this is what I would define as matchmaking knowledge. You see, I was taught two fundamental concepts in top lane. The first is that the one who has the advantage of pushing is the aggressor and the other player. should i play passive this was correct in the jacks matchup the second concept was the cheater's retreat if you get an element advantage you can set up an all in when the enemy retreats this was correct in the camille matchup what i have left to learn is no just what matchups can I apply any of these strategies to, but also what about the matchups that make it work or not, for example, yes, Jax is strong from the start due to his lethal tempo rune that gives him a ton of speed attack and its ability e. blocking auto attacks and minion damage and all that, but he watches this when I'm walking back to lane.
Notice how Jax is automatically attacking the wave. He is building up his passive stacks from max attack speed when he fights me while he also builds. create a bigger wave for him, these are actually signs that I probably can't beat him 1v1 with my item advantage. Now compare this to Camille, who yes is a weaker champion early game compared to Jax, but she also didn't honor the wave and so on. I had fewer minions stacked and more time to chip away at the wave and even levels etc, so when I find myself in another matchup with Jax, if I cheat on a retreat and get back into lane with an item advantage, I'll be sure to check. whether he's self-controlling the wave or not, if he's not doing well, it means he doesn't have his stacked passive and I have more time to thin the wave and I'll probably kill him 1v1 like I did with Camille.
This is a very good example. of how someone would take the fundamental theory and then turn it into a more specific theory of matchups. Okay, now you have a good idea of ​​how these first waves play out based on who is in control of the wave from the beginning, but I want to show you something. I learned that that really surprised me. You see, I thought top lane would be my tier 2 attacking opponents and just solo killing them, very easy. In reality, many players just played passively as soon as I gained early lane control, they really did.
I didn't fall for it and instead, most of my winning leads in lane actually came from collapsing on enemy junglers. Let me explain, so here is a matchup I played against Darius. I got the push advantage early, got level 2 before him, and Darius' surprise just sits. he's out of my reach and playing passive, let's be honest, it seems like I'm not doing anything, like I don't have any advantage, but since I'm the one in lane control and pushing him towards the tower, I can do it. Go put up a guard and react first to any fight in the jungle.
I can turn that early lane control into reacting first to jungle fights while pinned in the tower. Therefore, I can get a double death and double benefits. for a winning advantage in lane, essentially a big turning point was that junkers are sort of quietly brain dead and don't respect lame priority at all in diamond and below, here's another example of this, I'm playing renekton in Quinn at a distance. matchup, this is all very standard, we have tons of guides on this, since I'm facing a ranged champion, I have to concede control of lane level 1 and let them push Quinn, who breaks the wave and what do you know ?
My jungle decides to fight. river even though I completely lack lane priority and Quinn gets a kill and double buffs, obviously there's nothing I can do about it, but it just goes to show you how important it is to gain control of lane level 1 when can. Not only will you be setting up to solo kill the enemy, but you'll also be setting up to easily kill the enemy jungler, so this all sounds great and you could leave it here, but guess what the last thing I learned? It's easy to change your lane when you're pushing and it's all because of a very easy guard timing that almost all players failed, for example here I'm facing aatrox in the first wave, I'm fighting for wave control and to get That push leads, as we taught before, the second wave arrives.
I look to see if I can level two with everything and then default to zoning and building my slow push. It is here when the third wave arrives that the moment of war exists. You see almost all junglers. I can't gank you before the 2 minute 45 second timer because of how jungle pathing works. Notice how in the top lane right when the third wave hits, I don't have any ultimates, all the minions have full health since it's a completely new wave. Also, look at the game time, it's 2 minutes and 40 seconds, it's just when the third wave arrives.
You must put up a barrier. When you're the one pushing, you can see that by putting that barrier down I can detect. The enemy wukong ambushes me in that very standard moment and then prevents me from dying with that ambush. Now compare this to when I face an enemy who has lane control at level 1. Here I face an Olaf who is incredibly strong in the early levels, so I let him push me like we taught before, now I notice how when he comes the third wave, he is completely unaware of the moment of the war and simply continuesplaying aggressive and, you know, I literally did nothing but sit back and play passive. and then I win my lane with the most standard jungle gang beat of all time.
It sounds incredibly silly, but this war rhythm alone will determine whether you launch your advantage if you're the pusher or get free kills if you're the one. Playing passive, to summarize this first week, I made sure to start by focusing on the winning lane. This will prepare me to continue in the future, as the lane starts at level 1, that's where I started to focus my attention on mastering those first few levels in each matchup. It starts with the question of who has control over the lane at level 1. When I have control, I make sure to generate a slow push and push the enemy away from the wave with the threat of aggressive exchanges with my minion and level leader.
Make sure to place a barrier before the 2 minute 45 second ambush time that coincides with the arrival of the third wave. This is the most common way you and your enemies will leave your lane and die in this very standard gank time while I keep pushing. Look for. chances of collapsing on the enemy jungler if they decide to fight my jungler in the river since I can react first since that big wave will pin the enemy in their tower if this doesn't happen and I can't get a solo kill I just crash that third one wave and set a cooldown and walk back into lane with an item that leads to weaker matchups that aren't aggressively pushing the wave.
I like to swap them out and reduce the wave and then set up. freezing them and solo killing them with my item, leading to stronger matchups, it's the players pushing and building a bigger minion advantage. I have to play passive and let the wave crash to avoid dying and losing a huge wave on my tower now that I have some basic fundamentals next week we will delve into generating early leads and the tricks to increase them even more and really crush your lane. Now I'm sure you're wondering what to do next, but keep in mind that this is just the first episode of Step on the Diamond in 30 Days, in fact we already have the next two episodes live to unlock, you just need to head over to our website, not only will you get all the episodes of this series, but I have even gone.
As far as recording live commentary throughout this process so you can follow me on my journey to the diamond step by step, I show you how to review replays, how to identify what mistakes you're making, essentially, you'll be able to see them in real time. The step by step process of how someone really improves at the game, which you can then copy and get results with this course, took us over a month to create and is essential if you want to improve and see results, so click the link discount. in the description below to unlock the full course, here at Skillcap we want to thank you for Watching and we'll see you in the next one.

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