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Lift explained - Bernoulli's and Newton's equations are equally correct, when used correctly

Jun 24, 2024
most of you have heard of Flat If Society, but do we also have a Flat Wing Society coming soon? Hello elevators, how are you? My name is magnanudal. I am captain and instructor of the island. A few weeks ago I posted a video explaining how Bernoulli works. The principle or equation is very often




ly to explain how wing producers lived. There is a link to that video below here. Bernoulli's principle is as follows:


the velocity of a fluid increases, the static pressure will decrease and the dynamic pressure will increase and vice versa. and the sum of the static pressure and the dynamic pressure is constant, this follows the principle of conservation of energy.
lift explained   bernoulli s and newton s equations are equally correct when used correctly
Static pressure is the pressure


the fluid is not moving. Dynamic pressure is the kinetic energy in a fluid when it is in motion and if you follow me. Until the end of this video I will reveal the truth about flat wings, but first let's recap the essence of my previous video. Many aviation books and manuals tell us that two air molecules or particles, when separated in front of a wing, will meet at the same time. place behind the wing and since the top of the wing is more curved than the other side, the particle must travel a longer distance, therefore it must move at a higher speed according to Bernoulli's equation.
lift explained   bernoulli s and newton s equations are equally correct when used correctly

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lift explained bernoulli s and newton s equations are equally correct when used correctly...

The increase in speed causes the air pressure to decrease, this is called the equal transit time hypothesis and while it is


in that the static air pressure will decrease and the speed will increase, it is impossible for the air particles to exceed knowing the position of the particles under the wing in a winter, we can now see that the air flowing over the wing reached the end of the wing much earlier than the air flowing under the wing. This is what I mentioned in my previous video. I also


that it is the difference in pressure above and below the wig that creates


and this resulted in many reactions that many viewers have.
lift explained   bernoulli s and newton s equations are equally correct when used correctly
I rightly commented that angle of attack is important for


and that lift is created when a wing pushes air down according to Newton's very low emotion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I totally agree with Newton because the law of motion is the easiest. way to explain lift I want to emphasize that there is no contradiction between Bernoulli and Newton here it is not Bernoulli's left or Newton's left, it is Bernoulli and Newton both explain the same lift Bernoulli explains lift through the conservation of energy Newton explains lift through conservation momentum in fact that Bernoulli's equation can be calculated from Newton's secular motion professionals are using the code of Yokosuki's theorem to calculate the lift of a two-dimensional airfoil, launches the problem Theory to predict the lift distribution of a three-dimensional wing and the novice talks about


for the conservation of mass momentum and energy and here is a curious fact the Navy stock


are developed from Euler's equations leonhard Euler was student of Daniel Bernoulli's father, Johan, before we continue, let's look at Newton's Treelor ​​emotion, the first law, an object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed in a straight line and less affected by an unbalanced force.
lift explained   bernoulli s and newton s equations are equally correct when used correctly
Think of an air particle on a streamline. Second law of Newton. The acceleration of an object depends on the muscle of the object and the amount of force applied. For example, if the static air pressure of a particle is less than the static pressure behind the particle, it will accelerate towards the area with the lower pressure and vice versa, the arrival of a wing will force the air particles to change direction. direction, there will be an air flow above. the wing and an air flow under the wing the two floors are separated at the stagnation point when the annulus meets the area the angle of attack under the stagnation point is in front of the leading edge when the angle of attack is high the stagnation point is further back and below the leading edge now the air flowing around the leading edge and over the top of the wing follows a curved path according to Newton's second law when the air particle changes direction due to at an acceleration, do you agree?
It's good, therefore there must be a force acting on a particle and this is the centripetal force and it causes the particle to accelerate and follow a curved path, therefore there must be a pressure gradient across the line of current where the static pressure of the air decreases towards the center of the curvature. Think about the tornado. and when the static air pressure is reduced, the speed of the air vapor mast according to Bernoulli's equation will be higher, since the air flow on the upper surface of the wing has a low pressure, it is pushed to the surface top of the wing by the atmospheric pressure of a ball, it is not the condominium effect that keeps the air flow attached to the wing.
I will explain the opposite effect later, when the air vapor leaves the outside of the wing, it will continue in the same direction creating a dawn wash and that brings us the Newton effect. Fur's Law for every stock there is an equal and opposite reaction and it allows us to explain Nifty in less than 10 seconds. All you have to say is that a ring creates lift because it deflects air downward and according to Newton's Fair's law of motion, this creates an equal and opposite force pushing the wing up. It's that simple, it's a little more complicated to explain why the wing deflects air downward instead of using Newton's Second Law.
We can explain the acceleration or the air flow around the leading edge by observing the distance between the streamlines on the leading edge. There is a Venturi effect that compresses the air currents, this causes an acceleration that, according to Bernoulli, makes the static pressure decreases under the wing the streamlines are further apart which means the airflow slows down that means the static pressure increases Bernoulli again this figure shows the pressure distribution above and below a Different and low attack wing As the angle of attack increases, the top of the wing contributes more and more to lift.
Maximum lift is achieved around 15 degrees and low attack at a higher angle of attack. the airflow from the mains separates and there is some loss of lift, this is high, still, the lower part of the wing produces some lift, but it is not enough to maintain level flight and we are approaching society of the flat wing and we are talking about pressure distribution, this figure shows that the static pressure is maximum at the stagnation point and the lowest pressure is over the leading edge of the wing. When you see the rapid change in air pressure around the leading edge, it is easy to understand why the shape of the leading edge is so important that it does not wash out because air is heavy and therefore has momentum at sea level. air pressure is a little more than 10 tons per square meter when the air is set in motion we are talking about serious forces, look what a hurricane or a lesser known tornado can do is that there is an airbrush in front of the wing this is ca


because of the area with a high air pressure under the wing unfortunately many illustrations in aviation literature are completely wrong this is wrong and this and this and this this is pretty close finally this is correct does the Airstream follow the curvature of the wing due to the strainer effect yes and no yes because the corunda effect can be used to increase lift no because when you talk about lift we are talking about the pressure difference above and below the wing, the corona effect works only on one side, so, does what is the quantum effect?
So, by definition, the quantum effect is the tendency of a fluid jet to remain attached to a convex surface. In other words, we are not talking about a the air flows around the wing but a jet emerging from our hole here are some examples, you can blow air on the surface of a paper when you hold a paper like this, the paper is curved and it we lift up, but when the paper hangs down the paper will not move when you blow along one of the sides, the reason is that the static pressure of the air in your lungs is the same as the atmospheric static pressure, therefore, The pressure is the same on both sides of the paper and this cannot explain Bernoulli.
Even so, it is very tempting to use this demonstration to explain how this balloon rises. It is suspended in the air because the fan blows air up. The balloon sticks to the Airstream. This prevents the balloon from falling and gravity prevents the balloon from flying away on its own. When the airflow is obstructed, the Ballon Lee dropped on the Lockheed f104 Starfighter, air from the engine compressor is directed over the flaps to increase lift and therefore the attack speed of a landing is reduced. Other airplanes use blonde flaps. I'm 21 and Black Panther can blow air propellers. air or a ring also uses ground effect to improve lift.
This is the shimaiva us1a from Japan, in addition to having four propellers flowing here all the way, the aircraft has a fifth engine installed in the wing box, this engine locks the compressed air over the flaps and flight control surfaces allowing it to The plane takes off and lands at short distances here is a comment from a viewer. Supersonic aircraft have symmetrical profiles, so there is no Bernoulli effect. Also some aerobatic planes have symmetrical profiles, so again there is no Bernoulli effect. Well, let me comment on this when making the layout. with a symmetrical airfoil it moves through the air with zero and no attack, the streamlines above and below the wing are identical and there is no lift, but since the streamlines are compressed above and below the wing , the pressure will decrease and the speed will increase according to Bernoulli's equation, so how can an airplane with a symmetrical wing profile create lift by flying with a positive angle of attack?
This causes the stagnation point to move down and under the leading edge and the air vapor above the wing will accelerate more than the air below. the wing is like a wing with an asymmetrical profile, all you need is low and a higher angle of attack and when you fly upside down in asymmetrical profile you do the same, you increase the angular attack. The planes are symmetrical. The wing profiles can also fly upside down. you just need a higher angle of attack and of course the plane has to be designed to fly at negative G for a long time and now what about supersonic planes?
Supersonic aircraft have thin wings with a sharp leading edge, the wind profile does not have to be like this. However, symmetrical search links are perfect for supersonic flight because they create very low drag, but are not good for slow flight. The F104 starfighter is an extreme example. The wings are very small and the leading edge is knife sharp, not as sharp as a razor, but sharper than Surely a better knife for flying slow enough to take off in a line. The wings are equipped with leading edge flaps called maneuvering flaps and trailing edge flaps. This increases camber over the wing and therefore increases lift in this image.
The aircraft is flying with an extended maneuvering flaps a modern fighter aircraft such as the F-16 the operation of the maneuvering flaps is automatic and flying at a lower angle of attack the flaps are attracted the attack of a fisherman increases the flow The first pioneers of aviation were inspired by birds and copied the shape of the wings. The Wright brothers went one step further and designed the first Internet. It was important for them to develop an efficient wing because the first engine produced only 12 horsepower. This is a Sonia type G replica. The wing profile is typical of that era.
Without the curved leading edge the wing would have been almost flat, what makes the wing efficient, at least for its time, is the set shape of the leading edge, this allows the air to accelerate and create lift. Selling a sailboat works the same way. When the wind fills the sail, it has a curvature, a curvature, which means that the air flow follows a curved path and, according to Newton's Second Law, we have an acceleration that reduces the static air pressure of the curvature Bernoulli and, on the other hand, static air pressure. along the cell increases and the pressure difference increases, as you can see, a very thin wing or cell can produce lift, the magic happens because of the curvature.
Here's another comment, the air drop shape simply smoothes out the airflow over the top of the wing while this creates a comparatively low pressure at the top. It is the higher pressure at the bottom of the brim that pushes the wig upwards. Yes, the lower part of the wing produces lift, but the supervision is moreimportant. You cannot isolate one part of the wing from the other. Its depression difference between the top and bottom of the wing creates lift and, since air flows faster over the wing than under it, the force is stronger and contributes to most of the pitch wash.
No pilot will take off. The upper surface of the wing is contaminated. with snow or ice it must be removed first and I have another argument if the underside of the wing is so important for lift, why do many military aircraft and many things hang under the wings but not over them? Yes, it is easier to hang on a drop. tanks and artillery under the wings, but the real reason it is placed there is aerodynamic lift according to Leslie G Fries, the chief designer of Bristol Aircraft Company during World War II, even a kitchen table will fly if you give it a big enough engine.
The fastest kitchen. The table he designed was the bullfighter's attack plane and the comments section reflects similar ideas about flat wings. You can lean a flat board out the window of your car and it will be violently pushed upwards. It doesn't require a convoluted theory of why this happens. Yes, the flat one. The board is pushed up, but that's how the wind works, yes, but only when told, an airflow can be defined as a body that, when placed at an angle suitable for a given airflow, produces much more lift and drag. A flat wing doesn't do that.
This is a simulation of a flat wing. The Streamline, right around the stagnation point, has to negotiate the sharp corner of the leading edge, causing it to separate from the surface, which creates a separation bubble behind the leading edge not only reduces airfoil lift. aerodynamic, but as angular attack increases, the separation bubble propagates downward and an early stall occurs, we have to conclude that a flat wing is a terrible airfoil. Some people argue that the flat wing model airplane will fly safely, but only because the model airplanes are small, have a lot of motor, and are made of very light materials such as Pulsa and foam.
A wing like this is nothing more than a kitchen table if you climb a flat wing. and install it on a real airplane, it won't be able to fly. I promise you, but the flat plate has a purpose: air brakes and spoilers are used to create drag and take lift off the landing wing and a flat plate is perfect for this, but when you need lift, make sure the Air flows around the airfoil creating lift with minimal drag at the start of the video. I mentioned it in Mario Stokes' equations for conservation, mass momentum and energy.
The equations are used to model the airflow around the wing. and as I said, Bernoulli explains Lyft through conservation of energy and spending Newton lived through conservation momentum, the conclusion is that there is no competition between Newton and Bernoulli, we need them both and then we use them


, They explain the same impulse, therefore, the next time someone tells you. about the transit time the same, you know not to answer well, okay, that's all for this time, thanks for watching, have a wonderful day and happy learning.

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