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Snow Microburst - State College, PA 2-19-22

May 30, 2024
oh my gosh yeah look at the part of The Horizon that's moving to the left, everything else is moving to the right, look over there, that's C, you've got like these random shafts coming down, it looks like a storm, it's going down Getting more and more defined every second, oh. okay no this isn't oh wait wait is he hitting the mountain? Yes, that's all the floor. Wait, shut up, wait. Look at it as it looks at the part on the right as if it were spinning. Look, it's like spinning more


. Look at that, oh my god.
snow microburst   state college pa 2 19 22
Sam, I think I'm winning the visibility bet. I don't think we're looking at the parking lot yeah oh here we go Christ look it's literally a wall oh my god wait who turned off the sun wait no. Yes, a lightning detector is what they manually have, the ones that look good, how much


do we have? 6 inches, can we measure it? I can't feel anything, I can't see anything well. the time lapse right on that I also did it like I was here the whole time look at it so you think you can drive in this in 0 I wonder if the people are in the chairs.
snow microburst   state college pa 2 19 22

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snow microburst state college pa 2 19 22...

I honestly think we could get an inch. I think visibility dropped again. sure oh yeah this snow is pretty crazy you can't see the grant by looking at the time lapse it was definitely a microphone it went in a completely different direction that's cool I didn't think it was there I guess we got the point right decape I wonder, there is no safe place, listen to it, the building, still, no, you can see the closest one, that is, oh my God, that Leading Edge was absurd, it was actually like a Micro Burst, it was just in a completely different direction. you could tell it was like a current of density, oh my god, oh yes, look, now we can see the distant buildings, that was definitely better to plant 100% the same, nothing comes close, it was on a whole new level, this will ruin the rest of the snow.
snow microburst   state college pa 2 19 22
It's all good well I can check snow mic burst on my list yeah that was really oh I see Blue Sky yeah I think I think winter too and then this band right here in the south oh , I'm so cold that I need to. Come back to my door and warm yourself.
snow microburst   state college pa 2 19 22

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