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FULL RAID: Solo in Labs, 12 Kills

Jun 01, 2021
I'd say it was a pretty good Russian, oh my gosh, that was for Bill, sure, but I don't know the exact amount it was one hundred percent to open, oh, okay, Jesus, the slab vestibules explode, huh, God puppy. to him, oh how angry is that guy, oh my god, damn, Rocky, the God, the God, stupid reader, treasure tank, so many shots, how was that rated? How did that Raider get here unless he was already in this room? What no world, so I don't really I don't know if I really want this tactic for myself and honestly, sir, have you maximized recoil control?
full raid solo in labs 12 kills
No, I don't really know why not take the attack seriously to stand out lately. The best guys will make you feel better here I will, I will guys, thank you. I guess they drop the helmet. Hey, if I had insurance fraud and that was possible, I'd be down, man, visors bother me. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it bothers you, hold on well, oh, I'm sorry, oops, I got scared. I usually play this game for style, I don't play it, I just play it at least, maximum at the beginning when I'm. I'm really sweaty, I'm maxed out, but you get to a certain point and you play like that, you know, I mean, and right now we're designing people that are killing each other and everything hmm, I see my mouse wandering, my mouse was adjusting, my mouse was adjusting. and I was wondering why the cat was pulling on the wireless extender.
full raid solo in labs 12 kills

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full raid solo in labs 12 kills...

I guess it makes sense and it was so far away and it wasn't covered so it wasn't giving a good signal on my mouse damn cat so I have to screw it up. everything you know how to say anywhere using four of Apex, yeah, ah, you know what's crazy, if we didn't have Tarkov we'd be so bored, anyone who's playing or watching or whatever, if you like Tarkov a little bit , it's like low. -key a blessing because there's really no help like anything else out there you know what else we're going to play what else we're going to see there's literally nothing nothing keeps anyone's interest this is the only game and I think it's the only one Doing that because There's nothing else to fill his place, holy man, he's about to get some PvP news, so get ready, some gold star, hey Benji, oh he's so cute, even if we hope to win this penis PV, stop causing a shit storm with all my cables.
full raid solo in labs 12 kills
The cables said it I know there are people here I know where it is I'm just worried there's one more. He's right in this room. Here we have two more needs. Well, that scared me. Did he just fly away or what am I so? confused guys I think he blew himself up I'm not kidding Oh Oh, unless he snuck out I thought he heard us shuffling while he was still alive What a place What in the world I mean, I go up there with a legend Oh my God, what a need Jesus Christ bro Oh what HP in my head bro I'm literally the luckiest I shouldn't be alive holy guys a legend I don't even need to get up there that was really sick more needs as a legend seriously very well performed.
full raid solo in labs 12 kills
For this guy, I'm not worrying about all these things right now, I'm just trying to think of a way to kill him. You know, I killed his friend. They are both really very prepared. That's why I'm trying to think of a way to do it, you know, that's him, Adam, oh my God, that was so easy, the moment, brother, I'm sitting here and I'm thinking, how do I do it, how do I plan to beat at this guy? I look out the window. I look out the door and he's at the other door looking at the same thing that I think I'm pretty sure it's him, I'm pretty confident in that, I'm pretty sure that's our guy, okay, I'm just an X, I'm going a Start cleaning things up a little more aggressively to see if that was really the guy we were looking for.
I think he was listen kitten, this is serious. Okay, I'll have to kick you out of my room if you're still down there. there God, the guy who's just meowing wait in German Benjen wait wait Oh, what the hell, Benji, what Benji, what the hell was it a player, what the hell was it another, I got it, oh my God, there are so many people ready everywhere, No? guys you need a step up in your game, look what are you doing, you even know how to play this game. Jesus Christ, oh that's a traitor, where is this traitor?
Wait, that might have actually been a third. It may not have been a. It may not actually be. a writer who could literally be a third of there, no that was a ho GAE writer, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, oh right, our breakfast tape, right, okay, get a lot of people, Benji, what's the problem? Why are you crying? Hey? What are you? you're crying over here you could sit on my lap hegel hegel that better eh that better you like that no, that's crazy I almost died by a Raider after all that after all that I almost died by a damn Raider what are you doing huh?
What no, no, no, this way, wait, stop, that first one, I swear, was the player, but now I'm starting to think that the Raiders literally pushed me. I don't think those were, uh, no, I killed it with my name, okay? I have a lot of looting to do I don't know what I'm going to do blue eyes: this first one, I swear, he's a PMC, this guy here is not an iterator, that's crazy. You liked the movement and everything just happened. I feel like I was getting those vibes, you know, this is crazy, man. I'd like to apologize for saying, come on, EU, but clearly it was just Raiders.
I'm the rookie, you are my superiors. Remember that EU, okay, let's go. Loot these guys and see if I'm going to die. I'm pretty sure there were only two of them and I'm pretty sure I killed them both. You're about to find out, huh, oh my god, he made himself this stupid, dumbass. he dated himself, oh he's so stupid, momma got him, Alton Christ. I really hope this was in a team of four and I'm about to meet this guy, I'm not going to be too sad about it. I'm pretty sure it was like that. I don't think there was another one, but you never know, hey, the guy I killed was right at this door, oh, fuel, I don't put anything on the fleas, I mean, we're pretty limited, honestly, there's not much else we can do. do.
I would say it was a pretty good run, oh my gosh, I have so many things with me. Oh God, okay, um, Sal Sal Sal, I got a key card out of that, oh my God, I have so many things, okay, I have to sell them all. backpacks and a hot minute here, but we'll sell what we have for now, so let's start with the therapists. I'm about to put all these betas on fleas man there are so many that take care of these fleas anyway 48 sell to the skier for 31 Why not 41k? I guess there are many of them.
I took out a lot of two attacks now. I could keep them, but I won't. 55k Rag Man. I'll sell them for 50K and then we have. a paracord out of there somewhere yeah, that was a lot of money that was a lot of money I don't know how much that was good that was good what did I keep? I didn't keep much, I think I only kept this. I kept these and then I kept a pair of 60's because I use m4's a lot so I kept them. I like to keep these 60's because they are priced pretty high so I use them so why not let them rent?
It was fun. Enjoy it. that was good

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