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Micah Richards And Jamie Carragher Rate Food From England And The Rest Of Europe | Snack Wars

Jul 01, 2024
Voila, that looks good, what do we have here? So I have bis Biscoff Biscoff and toast and what is this. And mise, you were a pundy, so don't worry, which side do you fall on? Hi, I'm Jamie Carer and I'm Michael Richards and this is


Wars at L Bible and today we're going to try


s from England and the


of Europe, come on, England, a little more, yes, a little more, it's coming out big. Meeks told you first, ooh, that's one of those pies. Uh, it has that name, doesn't it? Where are everybody? So that's a caterpillar cake, oh the caterpillar, what is it?
micah richards and jamie carragher rate food from england and the rest of europe snack wars
I don't know where it's from. So, that one's from England and then that one's from Türkiye. Türkiye, have you been to Türkiye before Türkiye? I love it, but I wouldn't choose to go there. You went for your teeth. at that you're better than that Jamie what's the name of this that's um bavar clava or Bava depending on where you're from no B oh it's like an um apple strudel something like that right what is it? Yeah, oh my gosh, that's not bad. You don't like it too sweet, that's disgusting, what do you want to do with that now?
micah richards and jamie carragher rate food from england and the rest of europe snack wars

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micah richards and jamie carragher rate food from england and the rest of europe snack wars...

That's just chocolate cake, isn't it? Yeah, I mean, let's go to your diet, I allow you to eat this. You know, when I don't, I don't do it. You know what I mean. I have consumed about 1200 calories so far. No, I'm going with that, yes, come on, let's go for England with a chocolate flavor, ready, it looks good, what do we have here? So I have bis Biscoff. Biscoff and toast and what's this and Marmite you were a pundy so do you love me? Which side do you fall on? Come on, let's try it. What's bothering you?
micah richards and jamie carragher rate food from england and the rest of europe snack wars
I tell you what bis makes fun of ER. The lady saw something on social media. means like I did something encore and it was nice what kind of story is that lovely it tastes like cement where is that from encore what have you eaten something that is from Belgium from oh from Belgium oh Kev from BR I don't know how I feel about that I give it a CH, okay, sounds good, no, no, I've never had my microphone before, I've never had my microphone before, no, never, you've never had my M, I've never had my microphone, I understand why. people now describe are you serious? that's disgusting oh my god oh my god that's disgusting that's not for me that's no, we're not having that one, Bishoff wins all day Bishoff wins, that wasn't even close to that one, oh chocky, I mean I don't even know What is that that I have never tried in my life, but I know it will be a reward.
micah richards and jamie carragher rate food from england and the rest of europe snack wars
Bounty is the most boring piece of chocolate. Shocking, isn't it sponsored by Bounty? I mean, how could you get in? a store and asks for a reward, one of the worst chocolates has to be there, let me see if it has improved m M it's actually not that bad, you know what? That's not bad. I've had it in my head for about I. I've never had a reward in 20 years. I know very well when you open like the candy box at Christmas celebrations, you always leave the reward. Nobody touches the reward. Mhm, what's your first celebration?
He is going to tell you this. It speaks volumes to me about the person you are now, I would always choose the multier mhm then you have Twix Snickers Twix not too boring Snickers yeah Sni why don't you try the banan co guys? He's like he moves quickly. this is going to be horrendous you can already smell it oh my god ooh it has banana obviously I guess that's what banana is oh it's shaped like a banana man I didn't see that's Chun it's horrible I can I really don't taste Bounty if a reward is better than Yes, you should stop making chocolate No, that's not good, I can't, I swear, I can't taste it because the reward is so strong in my mouth, that's horrible, where does that come from?
Croatia Croatia wow, I mean what kind of country did the luuka modri producers produce. Would you have that instead of a bouncy? I'm going to go to England there again, you know what I'm going to start buying an inflatable oh God, ooh, what we have here, grandma's secret, what is it?, oh, I can't do it. Look, you said the PEC was coming there, right? I mean, this is


in this, yeah, oh god, oh my god, oh no, we both know what it looks like, haven't we seen it before? Haven't we smelled it? Oh God, smell it.
Oh God, it smells like Fish Field. that's anchovy paste oh my gosh we have to make sure you have a lot in there let's do it right if we're going to do it let's do it right yeah come on we're auditioning for the jungle when we need some tests. Haven't they asked you to ask me to go to the jungle already friend? Yes, yes, let's go to that one? Oh no, we want to go, we want to go last, don't we, because this is going to be nice, I think, but if that's nice, you want that Tas at the last moment, yeah, but he'll still have that in your you know What do I mean, yeah, okay, okay, m m beautiful, oh my God, oh God, that's horrible, that's horrible. wait for us a moment horrible horrible oh my god it's not very nice no oh what is fish what is a chovy an chov paste oh my god it's horrible horrible oh it simmers though oh no it's not shocking that was good Wise, yes, Saia just got a 1-nil win, oh my goodness, he came to Southgate under real pressure and broke the tie.
I'd say well done England, well done, not fish and chips, bangers are Mash, well done, reward, reward, come on. really how good were SI and Cake, come on, what do we have with the rhythm? They were good, they were a lot of fun, weren't they chemistry? yes, they were fun, they became fun, he is very judicious with


, very judicious about many things. even my analysis, come on, what do we have? What do we have for us? We have to take a look. I had some lunch. Do you mind if I have an orange? Come on, take what you need.
It's fantastic. Oh yeah, oh wow, who wants to? challenge me try six oh the smell yeah we're ready ready I covered it's a British cheese or an English cheese called Bishop ell stinky.

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