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House of the Dragon S2E03 live Q&A discussion

Jul 02, 2024
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stream of ALT shift previous episodes, the character ARS, the plots. the secrets, the mysteries, the ambiguities and it will be fun, so thanks for joining me. What are the most important things that happened in this episode? We had our first battle of the series. I mean, we had battles on the echelons against the triarchy, but this is our first battle in Westeros, so the conflict between the blacks and the greens has become a war. The name of this war in the books is the dance of the


s uh Damon this episode he goes to Haron Hall the biggest castle in Westeros and the biggest and he has some crazy visions and he meets this mysterious woman Alice Rivers uh and All of that is very exciting.
house of the dragon s2e03 live q a discussion
We also see Bayor flying his Dragon Moon Dancer chasing Kristen Cole and uh G High Tower. We meet uh UL, the alleged bastard of Balon the Brave. Targaryen, a


seed, we see Reus sneaking into King's Landing to visit Allison in a desperate attempt to prevent this war, and most importantly, we see Amon taryan hang dong, so yeah, a real mix of excitement and emotional devastation in this episode, so in this


broadcast. we'll talk about it, I'll answer some of his questions and we'll have a good time, um, and yeah, there are no spoilers for future episodes here where these live streams will be happening every week at approximately 10:10 p.m.
house of the dragon s2e03 live q a discussion

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house of the dragon s2e03 live q a discussion...

ET right after each episode airs, so the title of this episode is Burning Mill and that's a reference to this Mill here that we see in the Riverlands that was burned down during this battle between House Blackwood and House Bracken, but I think the Burning Mill also has deeper symbolism because a lot of conversations in this episode talked about cycles of violence, the idea that people do something bad, someone else takes revenge, and then someone strikes back with their own revenge and It's just these dominoes of atrocity after atrocity. Strong Simon. He says that sin begets sin begets sin and Rainey says that soon no one even remembers the original reason the conflict started.
house of the dragon s2e03 live q a discussion
People are just stuck in this repetition of this cycle of violence and that's true for the blackwoods and the ferns because these families have hated each other. each other for thousands of years and literally no one remembers exactly what started their feud, but they are caught in this cycle of revenge and counter-revenge and the danger is that the blacks and the greens, Al aegon's side and R's side, are getting into the same thing where they're just fighting each other because, you know, Luke cut Amon's eye out, then Amon killed Luke and then Damon had Jaris killed and it's just these dominoes of violence and so on, when Alice and Reier talk at the end of the episode and they.
house of the dragon s2e03 live q a discussion
We are trying to avoid this war. Allison says, "Well, it doesn't even matter what Viseris wanted anymore. It's like they're arguing about whether or not Viseris changed his mind about whether Aon or Rainero should be air and which Al is part of." Allison is saying that, well, now it doesn't matter anymore because we're at war and we're attacking each other for the murder of our children, the original reason doesn't matter anymore, so I think that idea from The Psyche of Violence is represented by that mill on fire because it is a windmill, it is a windmill that rotates.
I love, I love the pictures that this windmill is, it's still spinning. See it spinning at the top right there. It is a revolving cycle of violence. It's burning. It's a circle, it's the circle of violence and we see the same thing as circular images and maybe I'm reaching here but we see circular images uh on this table this altar in the septum look at this really different circle in the center of the septum where Rira and Allis are speaking that you could say it could represent that cycle of violence and also this table in Haren Hall where Damon and Simon talk about Sin begets sin begets sin is this really different circular table so I feel like the cycles and the circles are part of it. of the symbolism here or maybe I'm overanalyzing it anyway, so let's talk about this episode basically, scene by scene, thanks for the Super Chat from Sam Ringwald, who points out that a change has been made to the sequence of opening so yeah I was disappointed in the last episode because the opening sequence hadn't changed because the opening sequence is this tapestry showing historical events dating back from ancient Valyria to the present day in Hot D and it seems like now They're adding events from the series to the tapestry, showing us that the characters' choices are writing the story and the story is written in blood, so this image here in the opening sequence is Jaris, that's the son of Aon and Helena, Jaris, who was killed in the previous episode. previous episode previous episode and this is him in his funeral procession and then you know, we saw how the greens used Jar's death as propaganda blaming rir when he was actually a demon um and now that event has gone into the history books, This is something that is remembered. and the other event that is added to the tapestry is these rat catches because in the last episode aegon had 100 rat catches posted because he knew that one of the rat catchers murdered his son Jaris um so I like how you know that the story remembers both the murder of The Prince and also the murder of these common people and that was one of Otto's concerns in the last episode, is that the people are angry because their parents, brothers and children, these innocent rat catchers, They were killed and that makes Aon look like a monster that people don't want. to hold and then the blood drips from these murdered men and the blood continues and runs along the blank tapestry towards the throne, so we see how the blood is staining the very fabric of the history of this dynasty, all of which is very wonderful evocative symbolism, um, like that.
I wonder what other bloody events will be added to the tapestry as we move forward um so let's take a look at the opening scene which was the blackwoods and ferns so we've heard about the blackwoods and ferns a few times in This series, um, in episode 4 of season 1, we saw Rira on her Tinder tour, she was looking for some attractive and eligible singles to marry and you know she found Beric dond Daran from Deep Dry Moat and also met Blackwood and Bracken and the Blackwood boy killed Bracken at Storm's End right in front of her because they were insulting each other because they are blackened by black people and they are blackened by bracken and the black people have this as Ancient Ancient Feud and they all disagree about what it started.
They say the bra poisoned their wewood tree because the blackwoods worship the old gods like the Starks do. The blackwoods are one of the few families in the riverlands in the south that still worship the old gods with the red-leaved trees, uh, while the ferns. worship the faith of the seven, so this dispute between the ferns and the blackwoods is partly a religious dispute, among other things, but the ferns claimed that the blackwoods stole their lands in the past, including some hills named after them. from someone's breasts. um, Missy's nipples or Barber's nipples, depending on who you ask, actually, maybe Hill is meant for yes, it's probably Bar's nipples, actually because yeah, there are these Hills that are shaped like a woman's breasts and that is why they are named. whether it's a Blackwood woman or a Bracken woman, depending on who you ask, maybe that's one of those hills over there, huh, and that's one of the many things that the blacks, the Rons and the Blackwoods have been up for fighting and basically accept any excuse. start fighting again and this war between Aon and Rira is as good a reason as any to start attacking each other once again.
So the Blackwoods have declared to support Reera while the Brackens agreed to support Aegon and are now fighting. to each other and then we are introduced to this character, this young man newly knighted Aon Bracken uh apparently he just became a knight and he has a sword and he is very excited about it and apparently he is the nephew of the Lord uh of


braen. Believe it, then you confront these Blackwoods and they are arguing over land, apparently someone moved the standing stones and tried to claim more land for the Bracken


and this is something we saw discussed at the small council in season 1 when Rer and Allison They were arguing about this um and they were saying that, well, this should be resolved by Lord Tully because Lord Grover Tully rules the riverlands, the black forests and the bracken have sworn to obey Lord Catul, but Lord Catul um, as we learned, This episode is weak.
He can barely speak nor is he able to seal his insides, so the blacks, blackwoods and bracken don't listen to him and are going back to their old fight, so we've seen how this particular land dispute has been bubbling up for years and years and due to the failure of Lord gradually and the government in red in red remain, they have not managed to resolve this and now it is breaking out into war. I really like how we see the kind of vulnerability and uncertainty of These young men, this guy, Aon Bracken, as we see, hesitates when they start insulting each other and hesitates and then decides yes, no, we're going to do this, we're going to take the sword, we are going to We are going to escalate this into violence and it is a little tragic because they are very young and not everyone is like that.
There's a certain doubt and vulnerability in his face, but it's his face that we see dead first, so it's just tragedy. That reminds me of what Rainey said in season 1 episode 1 when he said that the kingdom has been at peace for so long under King Jeris and then under King Viseris there is a whole generation that has never experienced war and these young men They are Eager to prove themselves because in this society that is how young people advance by fighting in tournaments in Wars, becoming Knights and becoming Lords, that is one of the main ways of doing it, so their society has taught them to fight and that's what they're doing and they're all learning how destructive that can be, we see, Bracken says that rira is a baby killer and a relative killer because the propaganda that the greens have spread about rira supposedly killing jeris aegon's son has been spread and it's an atrocity to kill your own little nephew uh so they like the narrative that propaganda becomes part of this conflict um and then they argue about who is the rightful king and then he takes out his sword and then the battle happens so in the books we get more details about this battle um Ali Blackwood is one of the participants in this here there are some illustrations by ER elanos in the official book Rise of the Dragon so there was this whole messy battle um and some of the details uh are that the ferns, the blackwoods attacked the ferns According to the book, they burned crops, they destroyed septs, they destroyed the churches of the faith of the seven because of that religious difference and then the Blackwoods ambushed the ferns next to this mill and Amos Bracken killed Lord Samwell Blackwood in battle, but Amos was later apparently killed. by Samwell Black Alisin's teenage sister Black Ally with a weirwood arrow, Black Aly is a cool character we hope to meet later.
We may see more black forests and ferns, but this is the first battle in the war and it is not. the first time that the blackwoods and ferns fight and it is not the last time that the blackwoods and ferns will fight in the time of Game of Thrones in the game of thr books the blackwoods and ferns fight again in the same way that the blackwoods and the ferns are using this current conflict as an excuse to fight, the same thing happens in Game of Thrones, um, when they start attacking each other again and the ferns change sides like three times normally in the books, the ferns are more well villains and the blackwoods are kind of coded as good guys, um, but in this case, they seem equally idiotic, I would say in Hot D so far, so yeah, it'll be cool to see what continues and we hear, uh, Damon's plans to resolve the Blackwood Bracken conflict. and also Kristen plans to resolve this so you know that Kristen and the greens will want to support the ferns while Damon will want to support the blackwoods and that will be one more war going on in this conflict so so yeah. so thanks for the donation from Jess K who says the fact that it's two kids that keep starting the war is distressing yeah I mean it's definitely that generational age thing isn't it where they're always children who want to escalate the war, but only because The Older Generation has taught them, like it reminds me of that scene when Aon and Jace are in the training yard and Tristan Cole and Howan are pushing the children against each other, this is what they were trained for.
Aon Bracken has just finished training him as a knight, presumably right, and everythingWhat they've been doing is teaching him how to use that sword, so of course he pulls it out. um, they're just doing what he taught them to do. their parents and so the cycle of violence is fueled by this generational dynamic where adults pass on their violence and their grievances and their traumas and then they put swords in the hands of their children, so yes, the Battle of the Burning Mill happens and It sucks and it's really visceral horror here, I mean the thousands and thousands of bodies like we don't see the battle, it's just a harsh cut from the aftermath of the battle.
I guess they didn't want to, you know, waste, you know, spend a big chunk of the show's budget on a battle that has no major characters. I think it makes sense not to show the battle, but they do show us the horror and the destruction of the battle, so in the entire conversation afterwards, when Rira tries to convince Allison to help her end the war and prevent it, this is what we're talking about this is what we're trying to prevent is the death of thousands this is the horror this is what's at stake so showing us what's at stake visually makes a lot of sense, I think then we cut to Dragon Stone so in the last episode The Greens King's Guard Eric came to try to kill rira and was stopped by his twin brother Eric and that was this whole tragic and heartbreaking last episode in which these twin brothers who loved each other were forced to kill each other by the circumstances of this war and that's why it's quite beautiful that they are buried together in the same grave, they shared a womb, now they share a grave, that kind of interconnection between life and death is something they've been playing with throughout the entire series. beautiful um that in the end they are together uh although Jace is not happy with it Jace says that Eric dirty his brother Eric's grave and Eric is a villain so you know jaay sees this in morally simple terms but rera has um a more open perspective To say that, well, Eric was just trying to do the right thing throughout this episode.
I think it's interesting that Jace is very eager to fight. Jace is quite interested, uh, like Aon, like Amon, in going out and proving himself. Win this war for the family and we see Jace frustrated by Rainer's continued delays and Rainer's refusal to jump into the war. So I wonder how long Jace will remain patient. How long will Jace remain obedient? Will he stay loyal to his mother or go and attack and join the war. I also like you to know that we see a funeral. We've seen a lot of funerals and death rituals in this series, like we saw that the Valions were dead at sea when they laid Lena Valion. in that coffin and it was put into the sea, which apparently is like an old Valion tradition because they are connected to the sea and ships, while we saw that Targaryan being packed, we saw Emma and Balon being cremated because Tarians are connected into the fire, while Eric and Eric are like normal people from Westeros and therefore are not locked up or buried in the sea, they are simply buried in the land, which reminds us that there are different religious and cultural practices between them. these different cultures and that the Tarians and the Valions consider themselves, you know something special, while the Westerosi are something more normal, something less, um, so it's nice to see, and then Rise comes along and Rise has this role of be a greater Mentor.
Rise is From the older generation, she has lived through more history than most of the other characters, so she gives Rainier some wisdom. She says Otto wouldn't have sent Eric to kill Rainier because that's such a wild thing to do you know. To be fair, Otto wanted Rer killed last season, just as Otto sent Kings guard Harold to find Rira so he could kill Rira last season, so you know, it's not that far-fetched to think that Otto could have ordered this, um, but Rise is right that this was ordered by Kristen and Aon, not Alto, so Rise talks about what we were talking about with cycles of violence and people always forget the original cause of the conflict when It just becomes a cycle of vengeance and vengeance and laughter. you know she's mad, um, she kind of blames Allison, but Ry reminds her that Jaris's murder happened, uh, and she was more blamed for Jaris's murder, even though it wasn't what she did, it was Damons, like that that in the same way, he would laugh.
You shouldn't assume that Allison is responsible for Eric trying to kill her, she may have been someone else's fault, so Rees tells Rainer that hey, you need to talk to Allison and try to stop this and R reacts angrily. Rer is angry with Allison. because last season Allison was saying yes, laugh, you will be a great queen, I support you, but then it seems that Allison was lying and betrayed Rira and crowned Aegon at the last moment, so throughout this episode we see that Rainer gradually convinces herself that "Okay, I should try to reconnect with my old friend.
I should try to avoid this war. I still feel angry with Allison, but I have a duty and responsibility to avoid war if I can. So, there is "I have to recognize that Rira is really trying to do the right thing." Something here though as Allison says it's too little too late and Allison is now helpless and the war has started when Raina talks to Allison the green armies are already marching so yeah the tragedy goes all the way thanks for the Super Chat. from Blastwave that says that in the Game of Thrones books Stannis Baratheon calls Reineer a usurper, yeah it's funny because there are a lot of parallels between Stannis and Rainer, they are both brooding about the fact that the Dragon Stone has been usurped by someone else for his legitimate Throne.
I think the reason Stannis considers Reier a usurper is because she's the woman and Stannis follows the conventional precedent that only men can rule, but you know, it's that whole succession uncertainty thing, like Viseris had the right to appoint. Rer is his heir and goes against a century of precedent that says only men can rule. um it might benefit Santa to be more open minded there, so yeah, rer gradually becomes convinced that it would be a good idea to talk to Allison and try to avoid this war. Then we go to King's Landing, the red fortress.
Kristen Cole is now the hand of the king. He's basically the prime minister of Westeros. We see that she has this nice chain, this necklace made of golden hands and that is a symbol that he is the hand. the king uh we actually saw Tyrion wear the same type of necklace in season 2 of Game of Thrones um tyry and War this same type of chain in the books there is a little poem about this uh the golden hands are always cold but a woman's touch is warm and then in the book Tyrion uses that same chain, that same necklace to strangle Sheay, so there's a whole kind of History in that necklace, although for some reason in the Game of Thrones show Thrones used a different chain, not the one made. of hands, so I don't know, I feel like they messed that up on the Game of Thrones show, but anyway Kristen has that same type of hand necklace and I guess there's kind of a layer of irony to that, since I know that the King's Guard are meant to be hunted, they're not meant to be touched sexually, and yet Christen is breaking her oath and having sex with Allison and there's some of that sexual tension between them when Allison says goodbye to Kristen later. , I don't know.
There's a bit of irony there, but yeah, Kristen is doing her patented 5,000m ladder, standing alone like a robot staring at the wall, she's overwhelmed with stress. I mean, he didn't ask to be made hand of the king when Aegon made him hand. The last episode of the king, um, it seemed like Kristen was totally surprised, totally surprised, he was not informed that he was about to become Prime Minister, but now he is Prime Minister and a position for which he is even less qualified than the Lord Commander of the King. Watch out, this guy has been failing upwards a lot, and he's rightly feeling insecure about it.
I mean, they talk about imposter syndrome, right, but if you're actually an impostor, I guess that's just being an imposter, right? So yeah, Kristen is, uh it's stressed and it's scary it's scary to see this guy in charge because we know what he's capable of we saw him murder Lyman Beesy we saw him murder Joffrey Lonmouth um he has no experience with government and politics and yet it's the hand, so let's see how This works, we saw Kristen fight with the top G Tower and a high tower army in this episode, which you know could be a good thing for the government, could be good for the government if Kristen is away, but that increases.
The question of who's in charge now because you know Kristen goes to the Green Council and they try to do government business, but they instantly start arguing with each other. Jasper Wild throws shade at Kristen because Eric's plan doesn't work for him and Allison. he throws shade at Kristen and he bites back and everyone immediately starts arguing and it's like oh wait, utto. Hiow was the only person everyone listened to like Otto was an idiot, but at least he had some authority and leadership and kept this Council together. without Otto it's not really clear who's in charge, there's a wonderful moment where someone on the council says oh so what do we do next? and everyone looks at Kristen and Kristen doesn't say anything because she doesn't know what to do.
The High Towers' absence here is greatly felt and now Kristen is leaving too, so who will run the government now that Otto and Kristen have left King's Landing? No one seems particularly willing to listen to Alicent. She's the dowager queen, so you'd think she'd have some authority and hopes to influence Aon and Amond, but Aon and Amon seem more and more to want to do their own thing, so it's not really clear who's running this ship and whether they are going to go To try to avoid war they're going to need some kind of leader to do that, so it's very difficult, so they have an argument and they're basically arguing, but the idea is that they're going to go to war.
Aegon is interested in war, he flippantly talks about war and then doesn't care about the consequences of it. I wonder if Aegon would have seen that shot we saw of thousands of corpses in the riverlands after the Battle of the Burning Mill, if he would have seen that. horror, surely he wouldn't declare war so lightly and cheerfully, you know, these kids have never seen a battlefield, they don't know what they're signing up for, and yet they're so eager to prove themselves that they argue over who stays. to join kristen's army kristen has a plan kristen's plan is that she wants to go to the crown lands and she wants to gather a lot of rebel houses so that houses like darkland and ston bar and massie and celtigar support rira and the blacks and So what Christen wants to do is grab a group of men and take over those houses and force those rebellious houses to join him and then after gathering the crown lands, he wants to march to Haron Hall, take the biggest castle in Westeros and then use it to take over the riverlands and force the blackwoods to join them and then they will have all the crown lands and all the riverlands and then hopefully they can win war.
It's a pretty ambitious plan, I'm not going to lie. Quite an ambitious campaign that Kristen wants to fight, so we'll see how it works, but as you know, Aon and Amond say it might help if you use drag drones. Dragons are the greatest weapons of war in this world. Historically we have learned that dragons are pretty. Good for roasting armies, there was a little thing called Field of Fire when the dragons roasted like 50,000 men from the reach and the western lands, so if Kristen is trying to gather soldiers and march armies around the dragons it might be a problem for him and We see that when Baylor lunges at Kristen with his Dragon, that's part of the plot of this episode, is that everyone is saying, hey, let's get the dragons involved, but the problem with dragons is that they need to be led by a dragon rider and the majority. of the Dragon Riders are children and no one wants to risk their children.
We don't really trust a kid behind the wheel of a flying nuke, as we learned last season when Amon, uh, Vegar disobeyed Amon and killed Luke, so, it's IT. tense TI tense as Mazaria says this episode um and yeah, all the time he says hey, like Lord Groat should, um, he should put the Brackin and the Blackwoods in order and then Jasper Wild says, uh, Lord Grover, he's an old fool flaccid and could not. He controls his penis in an orifice. He says something a little more colorful than that and it's kind of funny that Jasper is talking about dicks.
Because Jasper's nickname is Rod and some say his nickname Iron Rod is because of his severity. of justice from him, but others say that he is called Rod of Iron because of the rigidity of the member's quotations from him. Jasper had many children with four different wives. His wives died of exhaustion. Reportedly, uh, yeah, he's reputed to have an Iron Rod. a lot of pointless bickering um there's an army marching towards King's Landing from the reach uh and also from the western lands under the Lannisters and so the war is really in full swing um and Aon and Amond are eager to fly with their dragons and they join the battle, but they areconvinced to wait at least for now because if the King dies in battle, then what's the point of war?
So they are trying to be cautious. Thanks for the help from Ray Day, who says: uh. Kristen is prime minister, don't you mean war crimes minister? Yes, no, I hope so. I mean, that's what Kristen has done in so many complicated things like murdering Lyman and murdering Joffrey. Can we trust him to command an army without doing something horrible? Z vicious says where did Allison get that fabric that she gave to Kristen, yes, so they say goodbye before Kristen leaves and I think he gives her a favor, a little piece of fabric from her bra that is like a symbol of her love and their connection and their gentlemanly romantic relationship in a purely nocturnal sense, of course, but you know, his brother sees that, oh, these guys seem close.
Kristen and Allison like what's going on between those two. It's a huge irony that Kristen and Allison are doing. This you know, Shival thing every night, oh my lady, your favor so that I can be good and noble to you when like 5 minutes ago they were having a messy animal. forbidden sex animal sex in their rooms before, so the contrast between This romantic Noble nocturnal interaction they have versus the forbidden visceral intimate relationship as fun as the greens actually has to do with layers of duplicity, layers of pretense. Allison talked about pretending and her duty to Helena. last episode and we really see that here they are also pretending that they are really caught in their own trap by coming up with the green ones.
I mean, you know that black people also, of course, have a lot of deception and lies, and you know that Rainer broke through. some of that with Damon in the last episode which was cathartic so yeah thanks for the donation from Swifty who says I enjoyed how fun this season is yeah it's this this season has been a really amazing connection horror and serious drama, but mixed. with some pretty hysterical scenes, we'll get to that, but the scenes with Simon Strong at Haren Hall were a lot of fun, in a way that really fits with the themes of the story, so we'll get to that.
After the Green Council scene we are in Dragonstone and we see Mazaria with Rainer, so in the last episode Mazaria saved Rira's life because Mazaria warned Dragon Stone that Eric was in Dragon Stone to kill Rain Era and in At that moment Misar Mazaria was leaving. saying that I'm giving up on H having power and influence and that I'm just going to go east, but because Rea freed Mazaria, she says well, Rer is a merciful leader in a way that other leaders are not, so which kind of rekindles some hope in Mazaria that maybe he can steer politics in the right direction because Mazaria hopes to protect the little people and get justice for the little people to do things like end the child fights that we saw last season and Mazaria too.
I'd like to get revenge on the Greens because Allison burned down her house. Mazaria had to fight all her life to escape from slavery and get some money and finally managed to build a house and in fact build a network of spies and work with Otto, but everything burned down and that's why she has a certain desire of revenge against the greens and I wonder if those two objectives like mazaria want revenge versus mazaria want political objectives to protect the little people. I wonder if those targets could collide at all like when falling. What will be Mazaria's priority to help the little people or kill the green ones?
What exactly is her goal? leave Westeros and never do politics again. Do you think she was completely honest or do you think Mazaria was actually planning to have some influence? I mean, even if Mazaria crossed the Narrow Sea to OS, she maybe she still could have gotten something out. Threads, she still seems to have some spies and some connections in King's Landing, even after some of our spies were eliminated, we still don't know what has happened to Maia's spies, Talia and little JN, who we saw last season pass. I hope you are well. It sounds like Mazaria wants to get revenge on the greens for Talia and JN.
I wonder how much personal connection Mazaria had with some of those people, so yeah, Maia has a lot of interesting motivations, um, and then Mazaria says. to laugh hey uh since I saved your life I want you to accept me as one of your advisors one of your advisors and laugh he's a little surprised by that but he accepts mazaria mazaria is a little dangerous and unreliable um Zaria helped organize the murder of Jaris, who has been a disaster for rira, but Rhea sees that mazaria is valuable, she is useful, she has spies, she knows the red fortress, so it is an advantage, although mysterious and dangerous, they also talked about the dragon sea smoke, so the smoke of the sea. was Lor's dragon valion Lor then faked his own death and went east uh and now the sea smoke has been restless we saw him flying around Adam uh drifting Mark in the last episode and now apparently SE smok is on Dragon Stone flying around what is the sea smoke looking for interesting questions uh thanks for the donation from Frosty Beck who says uh what's your favorite dragon?
I mean, wandering is because Vega has so much history and so much personality to her. uh, she's the biggest and strongest dragon besides Amon's dragon. Now, uh, but I also enjoyed seeing Moondancer for the first time. I mean, Moondancer is interesting because they're giving Moondancer a bigger role in the show than Moondancer has in the books, like this scene when Baylor lunges at Kristen that isn't described. in the books um actually at this point in the books moondancer isn't big enough for Baylor to ride moondancer, moondancer is only the size of a horse in the books and he's very small, very fast, very skinny , and finally Baylor begins to write.
Moondancer and love to write Moondancer, uh, but they added a little more Moondancer action a little earlier in the show. In the books, Moon Dancer is described as pale green with pearl-colored horns and wing bones, and is very fast and agile and it's great to see Moon Dancer in action even though Rira told Baylor to hold on. safe, to stay high up so as not to run into any danger. Baylor disobeys Rera by flying down and almost grabbing Kristen or killing Kristen or whatever Baylor intended, so Baylor, like many of the other children like Aegon and Amon, sometimes goes against their elder rulers to to be able to act and prove their worth.
Turns out it's a little dangerous to give children giant dragons, Mother Nicks. thanks for the donation says that perhaps Lor is not dead but he rejected the bond with his Sea Smoke Dragon symbolized by cutting his hair, thus releasing the sea smoke for someone else to claim or perhaps over time the bond will weaken and it breaks. Yeah, that's the question with the sea smoke: is it possible for someone else to get on the sea smoke and claim the sea smoke if Lor is still alive in the East? It's an open question because in the books it seems like no one can claim a dragon, while the Dragon Rider is still alive it seems that way, but it's not 100% clear if it's like an absolute water type rule, so yeah, I mean, maybe by leaving, Lor has broken or weakened that bond with the SE smoke and maybe he is.
It's possible that someone else in R rides the sea smoke while Lor is alive, we don't know, thanks for the donation Christina who says why the characters don't bond with the wild dragons she has multiple bonds with the dragons. A Game of Thrones retcon, so yeah. There are five wild dragons in Dragon Stone, there's a veror Silverwing, the cannibalistic sheep Steel Gray Ghost, and Sea Smoke right now, and yes, the characters talked last season about how important those dragons are and could be useful in this war , so yeah, maybe they will. try to use them, uh, but the question will be who can ride them, it will be the question because not everyone can ride a dragon, you have to be a taryan to ride a dragon, uh, you ask, is it a retcon in Game of Thrones to tie you in? multiple dragons, yes, so it's a little different in the Game of Thrones show because we see Daenerys apparently controlling Three Dragons at once, drogon viserion and Regal, and she doesn't seem to have much trouble controlling all three dragons like she uses them in the Battle for Marine in season 6, so apparently he can command them all without any problems in the books, that hasn't happened at least not yet in the books, it seems like it will be a good idea to get writers for each of those three dragons , so there are many theories about who the writers of Daenerys' Three Dragons could be, perhaps as in the show Jon Snow will claim that one of his dragons is perhaps Ragal, as for the viserion of the Third Dragon, some people think that maybe Tyrion will. rides viserion there are theories that Tyrion could secretly be a tarian there is a character called young Griff who is a tarian or a tarian bastard Maybe he claims viserion there are many different theories maybe uron claims one of the Dragons by Magic similar to how The Night in which King states that Viserion there are many possibilities, but that is one of the questions the book talks about, how is it possible to control a dragon if the dragon does not have a rider?
Maybe it's possible. For some of these wild dragons like Veror Veror and Silverwing and Sea Smoke, maybe the black and green could use those dragons in battle without them having a ryer, but we've seen how even when they have a rider, Vagar disobeys Amond and Arax disobeys Luke a bit, so these are very very dangerous mystery weapons, no one is sure how to control them, so yes this will be a problem, as it continues, thanks for the donation from Jacob who says he wanted that Raina would try to claim. sea ​​smoke I feel like it's been foreshadowed since Lena comforted her as a child since Lena didn't have a dragon either until she claimed Vega yeah so we get a lot of Raina time in this episode so Raina uh is one of Uh's daughters.
Damon and Lena and yes, in episode 6 of the first season, Raina was talking about how she feels left out because she doesn't have a dragon and her mother Lena was saying that, well, I claimed Vega, later in life, maybe Maybe you can claim a dragon. Also, yes, it would make sense for Raina to try to claim a dragon like maybe sea smoke or one of those other wild dragons, that's definitely a possibility, because Lena has a lot of resentment. The actor was talking about how Baylor Baylor has a moondancer dragon and Baylor grew up in Drift Mark with Rees and with Kus with the Valar in the family, while Raina grew up in Dragonstone with her stepmother Reera and her father Damon and Damon is not exactly the father of the year and now Luke, Raina's fiancé, is dead and it's unclear what Raina's political future is.
We see Callus and Ry talk about who will rule Drift Mark because the plan was for Raina and Luke to rule Drift Mark when Luke is now dead and therefore who will? Raina is getting married, what will be Raina's future? She is totally in limbo and that is partly because she does not have a dragon and therefore she is not considered important and that is part of the reason why Rera sends Raina east with the children. little ones of her. It's really interesting. Situation where Raina is here um so let's continue um this is Raina's conversation where Raina has realized that her children are not safe so we know that Rira has one, two, three four surviving children at the moment after of the death of Luke and Rira. wants to keep her children safe, little Aon the youngest and viseris are those little blonde children who are not going to be useful in this war, they are just a vulnerability if you know that rira was almost murdered in her bed in the last episode and before That's it, little Jaris was murdered in the red tower so it seems that no place is safe the BL the blacks and the greens are willing to murder each other's children so it seems like a very good idea to keep Aegon and Visors away and little Joffrey too.
Then Rira entrusts her children to Raina and also to The Little Dragons. Joffrey has a little baby Dragon named tyes. Aegon has a small dragon named Stormcloud. Viseris has an egg and wants to send those children away. She wants Joffrey to stay. the veil with Lady Jane Aaron with his ties Dragon because, uh, Joffrey, because Jace promised that the blacks would give Jane Aaron a dragon to protect the veil and it's some kind of trixy that they give Jane ties because tyrax is ageless enough to fight tyrax. He's too small to really fight at this point, I mean, in the books, at this point, Tyrax is big enough to fly.
Joffrey can fly tyrax at this point in the book, but it seems that in the show, tyrax is too young for that at this point. So, then, the txis won't be very useful in protecting the veil, but that's what Rainer gives Jane. Hopefully Jane won't be mad about it, and the plan is for Joffrey and Tyes to stay in the veil with Jane Aaron while little Aegon and little Viseris and Raina will go further, cross the sea east to Pentos because remember That guy Regio Heraus was hosting Lenaand dmon and Baylor and Raina for a while in season one, episode 6 of the books, Bayor and Raina.
They were actually born in pantos, so this is their home, although the way Raina says in this episode is like, oh, that's where my mother died, so it seems like pentos has a more negative feeling, uh, a feeling negative towards Raina, which is, you know. It's fair, she doesn't have good memories of pentos, so she feels really bad about being sent away and Rhea, fascinatingly, Raina says oh, hi Raina, I need you to be a mother to my children, uh, and it's ironic because you know , remember in the season 1 episode 1 when Emma, ​​Rainer's mother, said: hey, rira, your job is to be a mother, your job is to give birth and that is your destiny in life because you are a real woman and Rira said: I don't want that to be I don't, I want to go to battle like a knight.
No, I don't want to be forced into the role of mother and ironically Rira is now doing the same thing to Rhea, she is saying that you have to be a mother because you are the real woman, you have to take care of my children for me, like this which is really a disaster, is Ju. Like Otto forced Allison into politics, then Allison forced Aon, then Aegon forced Jaris into this unwanted um generational duty and Responsibility Passed Down really sucks and Raina Raina is well aware that if Raina had a dragon, this It wouldn't happen to her because she would be a military asset and she wouldn't be forced to take on the role of mother, so it's those gendered things that Game of Thrones has always been playing with with Aya, Cersei and Brienne, women who face the barriers and social roles they are expected to play in this world.
Although you know, as Baylor says, Raina is much safer staying away from Westerose, she is much less likely to be killed in her bed if she is not in Westerose, so which has that going for it, but that seems like little comfort to Raina right now, thanks for the donation from Christy, who says that four-pack of eggs has Danny's dragons in it. Colors. Let's take a look, so yeah, I mean, that's a lot of confidence that rer is giving Raina. It is very important that Raina is giving Raina three of her children, two of her dragons, and four of her dragon eggs.
That's enormously valuable and politically important, so, um, that's a lot of confidence that she's showing. in Raina, even if Raina doesn't necessarily want it, these are the four eggs in the uh. Within the episode, showrunner Ryan Condell said that three of these eggs are the eggs that Damon discovered, that Cyrax put these eggs in the Dragon Stone and the other. the egg is uh a is vas's egg, do I understand correctly? Aegon has the dragon storm cloud and viseris has the dra has a dragon egg. It's that true. You better Google that real quick. uh yeah, stormcloud was Aegon's dragon and Viseris only has one egg, so Viseris.
Little Viseris might have a dragon if that egg hatches, but the other thing is that maybe one of these dragon eggs will hatch for Raina and maybe Raina will finally get a dragon, maybe she'll have a hatchling, maybe she'll claim a dragon. many different possibilities, many options and it's quite mysterious how exactly people acquire dragons and all the different ways that can happen thanks to the donation of Jess who says that R's relationship with his stepdaughters is at least much healthier than R.'s relationship with her stepmother she really trusts them and loves them, yeah well Allison is technically Rainer's stepmother because Allison married Viseris Rira's father.
Remember in season 1 when Allison wore the green dress and approached Rera and called her stepdaughter and that was the moment their relationship died, their friendship died, that was when Allison stopped being her friend and started being her stepmother, like that. yeah, I mean, maybe Rira is aware of that in her relationship with her stepdaughter's Baer and Raina, maybe she's trying to be better to them than Allison. She, uh, Chase says I'm tired of dragons being mentioned but not shown. Yes, I imagine they are being selective with how they spend their CGI budget well, but yes, there have been a lot of mentions of dragons that we have never seen.
By including the dragons Tyes and Stormcloud, Joffrey's dragons and Aon, I think we see little travel cases for these dragons in this scene here, we don't actually get to see the dragons themselves which is a bit boring. I would have liked if we could see a glimpse of the little dragons at least, but not yet, alas, let's do a little dragon. Dragon Corner, can we remember ourselves, so no? I think we have all the hatchlings in this unfortunately actually um but rira has cyx Damon has Caris Ry has melis Jace has Vermax uh Luke's dragon arax is dead Joffrey has tyrax who apparently is just a hatchling and still can't fly apparently Baylor has moondancer who we see flying this episode for the first time and then there are the unclaimed dragons in Dragon Stone veror Silver Wing SE cannibal smoke grego sheep thief all in play while the greens have Sunfire wander dream fire and Daron has Tarion in Oldtown uh and yeah there's also the little newborn storm cloud for aegon so these are the dragons that are in play right now someone in the uh donated and asked about shos so yeah shos and morgal were jeris and jera's little newborn dragons, I think, and we have I haven't seen them yet and we haven't mentioned them yet, so we don't know if they actually exist at the moment, so there may even be other little hatchlings out there , so yeah, now we're on the precipice of these dragons riding towards it looks like things could get complicated quickly, so if you've been feeling frustrated about not seeing enough dragons, I think that's going to change very soon, what were we doing?
We were discussing, uh, Raina, uh, leaving the Dragon Stone with Aegon and Viseris and with Joffrey, uh, yes, this is a responsibility that Raina doesn't want, but this is what she is forced to do, this is her duty, while Baylor can stay home and be part of the family and participate in the war for better and for worse I thought it was really sad and brutal how Rira says oh it really breaks my heart to be separated from my children Joffrey, Aon and Viseris, but Rira He doesn't say that, it breaks his heart to separate from Raina, you know?
I feel a little unloved and rejected uh and it really sucks, it really sucks uh also mazaria says seasmoke looks lonely and then we cut to this shot of mazaria standing alone so maybe mazari is lonely and also laughs you know she's to the breaking point. with her husband Damon, so maybe Rer is lonely too. I mean, rer is giving away three of her children. rer doesn't know if she will have those children again. We are in a war right now. People are being killed, so it's um, it's a scary, lonely moment inside the episode, Rainer actress Emma Dari said that Rira is like consciously separating herself from her motherhood because Rera feels so intensely that she's trapped between Trying to be a mother and trying to be a queen and sometimes those two things are incompatible, like when she was busy giving birth to stillborn baby Vienna in season 1 while the men started a war in her absence, so Emma says that Rainer is now deliberately trying to give up on his children, having to tragically give up. that connection for now, while she can focus on the war and try to fulfill her duty as queen, let's talk about Haron Hall, this is exciting stuff, so Damon has been talking all season, even last season, that he wants go to Haron Hall and take the largest castle in the kingdom in the center of Westeros gather the riverlands gather a giant army there and then win the damn war, that's Damon's plan, that's also what Kristen and amont want to do, so Damon finally, after his breakup conversation with Riera, flies away. to Haron Hall and we see here that this is the Lake of the God's Eye which is right next to Haren Hall and this island here is the Isle of Faces, which is the most magical place in Westeros south of everything.
I think it's fair to say that Ais of Faces is covered in weirwoods the magical trees of the Old Gods and the Isis of Faces is apparently inhabited by the Green Men who were these mysterious antl Priests of the Old Gods who guard the Hall of Faces and the hall is like right there in the center of Westeros, but it's super mysterious because no one seems to be able to go there every time someone tries to go to the hall of faces, they get chased away but carried away by the winds and by the crows, so it seems that the magic of the Old Gods, the magic of the green men may be protecting the AIS from the faces and preventing anyone from investigating what is happening there, but this place has enormous historical importance because the hall of the faces is where the covenant, this is where the ancient war between humans took place and the children of the forest ended up in The Pact uh and then the wewood trees in the AIS of faces were carved with faces to commemorate The Pact and so it became this like Locust of magic, there are some crazy theories like that possibly the PCT was sealed with some kind of interspecies between humans and children of the forest, maybe that's what produced the Greenman, we don't know.
Apparently Howland Reed went to the aisle of faces in the Game of Thrones books, which is interesting. Howland Reed was like Ned Stark's best friend and they fought together at the Tower of Joy. It is a super mysterious place. There are all these interesting theories in the books that maybe Bran will become some kind of king of the old weirwood gods and rule from BC. of faces in God's eye, I mean, the name God's eye evokes the eyes of Wewood trees that can magically see through time and space. Some people think that maybe Rhaegar and Lyanna's parents Jon Snow got married in the aisle of faces.
That's an interesting theory. and then maybe Brian will discover that by looking through the eyes of the Wewood trees it's a super super interesting place and, as you know, maybe this is the only glimpse we can get of it, well, there's another glimpse in the trailer, maybe just Get these little, uh, brief moments looking at the AIS of faces, but it's evocative to see them there because the hall of faces, this place of old God magic, is right next to Haron Hall and Haren Hall is the creepiest place in Westeros, um, I think Paul Quenton, one of the best analysts and writers on the Game of Thrones books, describes it as being at the intersection of the political and the magical, between the political and the supernatural , between the mundane and the magical.
Haron Hall is very similar. It has rich symbolism. CU Haren Hall has all this history. Haron Hall was built by Haron the Black, who was like this ironborn king who conquered the riverlands and enslaved the people of the riverlands to build this ganu and monstrous castle as a monument to his own Haron genius. Hall was meant to show his final conquest and his legacy and he will live forever it's about arrogance and ambition uh and as you know you rule it all went like this and like that, after spending 40 years building this gigantic castle uh on the same The day that Haron Hall was completed, Aegon, the Conqueror arrived with his dragons, so Haron had a castle that was too powerful for any army to defeat, but he cannot stop the dragons, so Aon came and burned Haron Hall and a everyone who was in it and the The castle burned so hard that the towers, the stone melted and dripped like candle wax, so this castle was reduced to this ruin, this spooky ruin and the ruins are still very valuable , can still be used as a powerful cast, uh, but it's very creepy. ruin and that is why it is said to be cursed, it is said to be haunted, it is said that the ghosts of Haron and his family still walk the halls of Haron Hall, these ghosts that walk on a flame and, at the time of Game of Thrones, Thrones, we see Aya go to Haron Hall and this is where Aya suffers imprisonment, torture and slave labor.
She sees torture at Haron Hall. So we see that they are the metaphysical consequences of the lust for power, just as Haren Hall is a monument to the lust of the people. for power and shows the horror, the horrible consequences of that lust for power, the result of Haren's lust for power is this monstrous haunted ruin that does nothing but bring suffering to thousands of people. I think that's the meaning. It's about how wrong it is to enslave and go to war for the sake of your own husband and for that horror to have this supernatural element, it seems that Haren Hall is cursed because everyone who owns Haron Hall ends up suffering a horrible death, like in the Game of Books of Thrones Janos slint Tywin Lannister Armory lch vagoo the mountain poer they all control Haron Hall briefly for a period of time and they all die horribly currently in the Game of Thrones books, the little finger is the Lord of Haron Hall, he doesn't has been to Haron Hall yet, but a lot of people speculate that Littlefinger will probably die a horrible death in the books as well, so it will be another one and, you know, historically, after Haron there were all these other houses, uh, there were coherus. and Harway and uh Towers were other houses that ruled HarenHall and all died out, so after them it was the strong house that became the rulers of Haron Hall.
Lionel Strong was the one from Haren Hall and then his son Laris murdered Lionel and murdered Harn. um and then uh Strong Laris is now the Lord of Haron Hall and he hasn't been there either, which might be a clever thing given the curse, so yeah, a deeply creepy and terrifying place and they really lean into that in this episode of Hot D because Damon has these mystical visions and it's kind of exciting, so let's talk about it, so Damon comes to Iron Hall, he wants, he wants a fight, he just had this horrible emotional conversation with his wife, laugh, everything he wanted to do in episodes and episodes now. is to win a glorious battle to control the castle because the only way Damon seems to know how to express his feelings is through violence, so he comes to Haren Hall and he has his sword, he has his armor, he's so excited about a big deal. battle. but he finds out that he's not on a battlefield, he's in a haunted house, it's real, it's a real silly Halloween here, like there are bats running around and spooky hallways and strange noises. um, he looks towards this room, which is the same room where the Haron Room is.
The council happened, remember, at the beginning of episode 1 of season 1 we saw Haron Hall when all the Lords met and elected Viseris as head of the throne, so this is where that monumental decision was made also before the rebellion of Robert, like 20 years ago. the main story of Game of Thrones uh there was a tournament at Haron Hall when the Mad King was King and many of the Lords there were plotting against the Mad King his son rhaegar was plotting against the Mad King rhaegar and lyanna probably met and hooked up over first time at Haron Hall it was a big party where everyone was plotting to overthrow the king.
It's like the entire setup for the main Game of Thrones story happened here at Haron Hall, so all the important things happen here. like me, I think Haron Hall is like a representation of Westeros in miniature, it's a microcosm, it's a city, it's a small symbolic representation of the kingdom in general, um and what it represents is the horror and the damage caused by the lust of people by proxy, so Donon moves uh, goes through the haunted house, we see some wewood roots, which is really interesting. um, it's interesting to me that, just like Haren Hall was burned, Haren Hall was burned by Aegon, but there are still several weirwood trees here, it seems like I don't know if those weirwoods grew after the burning or if Aegon didn't burn them. the trees.
I don't know, but it tells us there's magic at work here. The magic of the old gods is associated with weirwoods and in the Wews books and the magic of the old gods cause people to have dreams, even people who do not have blood of the first man, like Jamie Lannister, sleep with the head resting on a Wewood stump in the Game of Thrones books and that's why he has this crazy dream about Brienne and them. You're naked and the King's Guard is there and he has this crazy, trippy Vision, so it's totally in keeping with lore and the cannon of the books that Damon also has a crazy dream here and it's ironic because Damon last season was Saying that, well, Viseris was interested in dreams and visions, but that's silly, as if dreams and dreams V don't make us kings, dragons.
Damon wants to believe that as if he's only interested in mundane, non-magical things, but here Damon experiences magic and it's very real. for him and it scares him a lot. I mean, I think basically what's going on in this scene is that Damon came here looking for an enemy to fight, but when he has his Visions exploring his guilt over his treatment of Rira and the murder of Jaris, he realizes realize that his enemy is himself Damon's own actions are his worst enemy He is his own worst enemy and that's basically what rira said in the last episode, right, rir was saying Damon, it's not like sarus took away your throne, but you have taken away the throne from yourself. through your terrible Behavior your betrayal your Disobedience your murders your sick Burn all your Reckless Behavior that's why you lost what you wanted that's why you lost your brother's approval that's why you're losing me your wife it's because your choices have had these consequences and i think that's what's being explored in these scenes dmon is saying oh i'm the bad guy.
I am my worst enemy. I created all my problems, so how will that affect him? Is Damon going? Do some introspection and become a better person or you will simply create more problems for yourself. There's a really fun Halloween shot with bats flying around the haunted house. Here the bats scream and fly and all that. connects with uh uh mad denell Lo, so the lothstons are one of the families that control Haron Hall at a later point in the story, we get to see Mad Denell Lon in the night of the Seven Kingdoms in the new twist of Game of Thrones. -outside of the show currently filming, we may eventually see Mad Denell Lon on that show, uh, because Mad Denell Lon yeah, she lives in the time of Duncan Egg, as well as after Hot D and before Game of Thrones and she ruled Haron Hall and she. she was a bit she was a bit out of character I think it's fair to say that Denell Lothston supposedly got giant bats to fly out of Haron Hall and steal naughty children and then Denell Lothston cooked them in a pot and then ate them or bathed in her blood to maintain her youth or something and eventually Denell Lon had to be eliminated, so she's another house that went extinct that Haron Hall ruled, so yeah, the bats could be a nod to Madell Lothston, which is fun.
Oh yeah, it's a creepy place for creepy people, so Damon bursts into this room in Haron Hall really expecting a fight and he gets Simon strong, so Simon Strong is like Lord Laris Strong's great uncle and Simon Strong isn't he resists. against Amon Simon immediately just says Oh, okay, we'll give you the castle. I swear, FYI, rain, uh, whatever it is, I'm your man, uh, now let's talk about dinner, it's so funny, like you know this, this guy has control of the biggest one. castle in Westeros uh, but he's not really interested in war or battle, you get the feeling that he would have literally sworn allegiance to whoever walked into this room, like Damon walked in, so he was happy to go like, oh yeah, It's okay, I swear, laugh.
I have a feeling that if Amond or Aegon had walked in, Simon would have sworn Aegon instead of Simon. I mean, Simon as Rainy is an older person and he's seen some things and he's not interested in playing the young man's game of fighting, burning and killing for Glory, he's focusing on what's really important in life, which is venison. with cabbage and peas. Simon Strong has his priorities straight and I respect that, but he is the complete opposite of what Demon is looking for. I think Simon so beautifully deconstructs everything that Damon is and wants because Damon is all about violence, Glory Legacy Thrones, but at the end of the scene Damon says, yeah, the throne, yeah, it's this chair made of swords, so That's why we're murdering each other, it's because of a chair made of swords.
Simon so beautifully shows the absurdity of killing for a legacy and Haron Hall itself is a representation of that because Haron killed thousands of people so he could have this giant castle Haren Hall, but what does the burning and ruining add to the end? It came from Haron Hall and that's what comes out of all these brutal dreams of Conquest, so it's a warning to Damon and it's a warning to laugh and to all these kids clamoring for war that no, it's not going to make your life better. life. better then Simon says hey, let's enjoy some venison and see his silly kids and grandkids here running the place and yeah, then you'll notice that Haron Hall is the biggest castle in Westeros, but it has apparently five people living in it, so which has happened at various points in Haren Hall's history because it's so gigantic that it's impossible to maintain the entire place, especially since you know that half of the castle has holes in the roof because Aegon burned it down. uh and so it's more like these guys are squatting in the ruins of this place instead of actually ruling it um so yeah, they're enjoying the venison that Damon refuses to eat because he's worried about the poison.
Damon makes a good point, which is that poison is a pretty easy way to kill a dragon rider. um, it's pretty hard to kill a dragon rider in battle, but it's pretty easy to put some poison in their soup, so that's definitely something to think about in this war, um, it's the possibility of um poison and others. . sub diffe, so they talk about Strong Laris, so Strong Laris is currently technically the Lord of Haron Hall and it's really interesting that Laris' grun Simon hates Lis, says Lis is a Scourge to this family, not my Lord and Simon basically says oh.
Yes, I'm pretty sure Lis murdered Lionel and Harwin. He's pretty sure Lis just murdered half of his family, so that's why he hates Lis, but you also wonder what the story is like here, what, what, what else, what was Laris' story like? life is like when he grew up in Haron Hall, there are many wild theories that maybe Laris has some magical power as a green seer and skin changer because that could explain how he gets all the information from him. We have never seen Laris have spies like us. I've seen Mazari as spies, but we've never seen Laris' spies, so how does he know what he knows?
Maybe it's magic and Haren Hall is right next to the hall of faces, which is the center of Old God magic in this world, so I wonder. If Lis dabbled in that magic when she was here when she was younger and I wonder if that could connect to Alice Rivers, then this woman here is Alice Rivers, now Alice Rivers is a wet nurse, her job is to breastfeed the babies at least in the books , uh, but she's also supposed to be a witch, there are all these different rumors about who Alice Rivers really is, but some say she uses potions to control men and some say she sleeps with demons to gain Forbidden Knowledge and no one.
I'm pretty sure where it came from, some people say that Alice Rivers was a bastard daughter of Lionel Strong, but other people say that Alice is actually much older than she looks and she may have actually been Lionel Strong's wet nurse, so no one knows where. she came from where she comes from or who she is, but she seems to have some kind of mystical power and so it seems like she's connected to these visions that Damon has later, like Damon, uh, sees Alice after he comes out of his vision and he is standing in a wewood tree again emphasizing that this is the magic of the old God that is causing these Visions um so Alice there are all these theories about Alice like maybe Alice is a Green Seer maybe Alice is connected to that magic maybe Alis he taught Laris the magic of the old gods who It's wild speculation, we don't know if Alice or Lis are green Sears, but there are a million possibilities here.
Some people speculate that Alice could be an ancestor of the Big Heart Ghost, who is a dark but very important character in the books who likes bass. caused Jon Snow to be born because the big-hearted ghost said that uh yes he should marry Rayel well, she said that the prince who was promised would come from the Lion of Aris and Rayella is quite the deal um and she likes what he is. Alice and Laris' connection to the green men Million million possibilities million possibilities um, what else should we say about Alice? She, well yes, the fact that she looks younger than she is could hint that she could use glamor to look younger like Melisandra.
That is. a possibility, um, but yeah, it's not clear how much magic she has. Very mysterious, we will talk more about her. Anyway, Simon is having dinner with Damon and Damon casually mentions that, by the way, I'm the king. Damon says: you call me. Grace not only not only prince Your Highness So Damon is committing treason classic classic Damon he is angry so his reaction is to do some treason uh Damon is destined to be just the king consort of rira rira is the queen rira is the ruler Damon is just her husband, that's what's supposed to be happening, but here Damon says no, I'm the king, I'm the ruler in the last episode, uh, Callus and Rise were talking, hey, do you think Donon could try steal Rainier's throne?, uh, yes, yes, no, apparently. apparently he wants to steal R's throne.
I mean, you know he might not follow through on this, remember last season, uh, when he went to Dragonstone and declared himself air for the throne, he actually didn't follow through on that and you know, Damon. He's supported Viseris as king and you know, he's supported Rera as queen, he crowned Viseras, he crowned Reira, maybe Damon won't steal their throne, but at least right now he's saying that I'm the king and, yeah, he's threatening Rainier's position. mayor's correct veil thanks for the super chat um thanks makalaka who says who do you think she is worshiping or lining up Alice Rivers since she appeared in front of the weirwood tree they can't beAncient gods.
I think it may be ancient gods that Alice is. connected but you know that all this magic is mysterious. I mean, it's interesting that, you know, Donon is a tarian and he's having these visions that seem connected to the magic of the old gods. Sometimes it seems like Tarian magic. The visions are more connected to their dragons more connected more connected to Fire magic, which you would think would be somewhat opposite to the ancient divine magic of the weirwood trees, but you know that the rules of magic are unstable in this world. . George Martin has said that he is not.
Trying to make magic make perfect logical scientific sense, it doesn't operate according to absolute rules. It's magic, um, and it's mysterious, it wobbles and, uh, it makes sense that that's how we're seeing it here, so yeah, Damon is committing a slight betrayal and he. he wants to use Haron Hall as a base to rally soldiers to win this war and Damon asks about blacks and ferns and blackwoods and Simon Strong says well, no one even remembers why these guys are fighting, they just committed an atrocity. each other are just cycles of Revenge for revenge for revenge sin begets sin begets sin and that's what we were talking about at the beginning of this live broadcast.
I think the symbolism of the burning mill, the symbolism of the circular table here, the symbolism of the circular altar in the sep is the cycle is the circle is the cycle of violence and revenge over and over again um and so on in the same way. So the conflict between the ferns and the black woods is simply tragic and pointless. The conflict between Aon and Rira is quickly becoming endless, pointless and horrible. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that this is a series about the horror and futility of war. So Damon wants to talk to Lord Grover Tully because the Tules rule the Riverlands.
Grover Tully is theoretically the most powerful person in the Riverlands, uh, but Simon says that Groat Al can't talk anymore and he can't control his bowels anymore and I love Damon's reaction to that, he doesn't want to hear about Gali's intestines, but that's the reality of the situation um and so it looks like it's not going to be easy to reunite the river lords. There is a long history of river lords fighting and being invaded by other people as being in the center of Westeros means that the riverlands have been invaded, conquered and mocked many times in their history, yes so we talk from Simon, we talked about Damon, we talked about poison, let's move on to the next scene, so in the red cape, Kristen goes to war.
He wants to attack the rebel houses in the crown lands and get them on his side, so he has a pretty small army because the big armies from the reach and the western lands haven't arrived yet, so he's riding. We're leaving with a small army and we meet Gain Hiow, so G Hiow is a son of Otoh Hiow, a brother of Allison High Tower and is a bit of a jerk. I mean, let's not beat around the bush, he's a little, he's a little arrogant and he's a little. rude to Kristen, I mean, gway is understandably mad at Kristen because Kristen took her dad's job.
I mean, a lot of House High Tower's power, influence, and prestige comes from the fact that Utto High Tower was the king's hand for years and years. and years and years, which gives them a lot of influence, but Kristen has now taken that place because of Aegon's decision in the last episode, so G is all about G. He's a little angry about that and throws some Shade on Kristen for being a Dornish. I remember in episode 1 of season 1 when we were introduced to Kristen Cole and Allison was like, God, she's dornish. Kristen isn't dornish in the books, I don't think, but yeah, in the show, Kristen is apparently dornish, but she served with House Darian in the Stormlands and is now working for Rman in King's Landing, which is a bit politically complicated. because Dawn is, you know, in the Borderlands, between the Stormlands and the reach and all that, and there's a long history of war, ugly war between Dawn and the Stormlands. and the dornishmen have invaded and burned Oldtown a bunch of times, they burned down High Garden, they burned down the sacred seat that was the seat of the gardeners for thousands of years.
There's blood between the dornishman and the reach and I think that's part of why gain is to say oh you're a dornish there's bad blood there um but I mean it's interesting that Kristen was serving in a Stormlands house in Daran like Kristen may have He's been fighting the Dornish people when he was serving the Dond Darians so I'm curious to know what Kristen's story is like, how she ended up there. He's at this interesting kind of cultural intersection here and, well, he's angry about it, so we go through an arc here in this episode where G. disrespects Kristen at first, but then shows Kristen a little bit more. of respect when Kristen saves Moondancer's life and you know there's Al.
There's also some class here because Kristen is like a common born guy, she's not, she's not Noble, she's not a Lord. but he has risen through the ranks so quickly that he has failed so spectacularly that he is now not only the Lord Commander of the King's God, but also the King's Hand and becomes one of the most privileged people in this world as one of the Taller. class people a Sion from one of the richest and most powerful noble houses high tower house GNE is angry at Kristen's upward social mobility and belittles him for it so there's like a class divide here there's like a Dawn versus historical thing Stormlands happening here um that's part of the uh Rift that's happening and then we have this awkward goodbye between Kristen and Allison where they're trying to act noble and chivalrous and you know in their head they're just remembering the messy sex they were having last episode, so there's a funny contrast between their appearance of Chastity, Chivalry and Purity when, um, when they were just doing it like on the Discovery Channel, uh, last night it seems or very recently, anyway, so they go to war . and we briefly see a crow eat the cheese, so in Dragon Stone, the Black Council wants action, they haven't seen the armies on the March yet, but the councilors, especially Alfred Broom, are eager to go to war, while Raina says. we should wait for the allies because it's very much on her mind what Ry just said hey we have to avoid war here um so she's trying to avoid sending the dragons to war she doesn't want to fire the nukes first but she The black council is very, very interested, we got a suggestion from Bartus Kelar that well, hey, laugh, if you don't want to lead this war, like we're doing it for you, you can go somewhere safe if you want.
You are too coward to wage war, we will wage war for you, just give us authority to act, so they are pulling a light punch here. I think they're just suggesting that, hey, you. you should abdicate your power and let us be in charge even though Rainer has been very consistent and clear in saying no I'm in charge here don't act without me but the men say no no we can handle this if you want go embroider in the corner, that's what's happening here and rera is angry. rise is also angry and then rise defends rier saying hey, remember jeris the peacemaker jeris the peacemaker was one of if not the The best Taryan kings of all time um and it was great because she didn't go to war.
She was great because she was patient. She was great because she created Unity. It was great because she did diplomacy. So we should respect Rira for trying the same thing. Aegon the Conqueror yes, he was great, he made Wars, but he did, he didn't rule as long as Jaris did, many would say he didn't rule as well as Jaris, so Rus is saying that um rera is trying to do the same. so we have a conversation between RIS and cus. RIS and Cus are worried about their family because Raina and Baylor are all they have left and their future is uncertain.
Kus was injured on the steps last season, so he's still recovering physically and Rise is bringing him soup and bread to take care of her sick husband, which is really cute and nice, and that's why they have this conversation under the ride maritime. I'm sure they kissed here when they were younger and maybe still and talk about who she is. she was going to inherit the drift mark because it was going to be Luke who inherited the drift mark. But then Vega ate Luke and maybe Luke's younger brother Joffrey will inherit the drift mark. But like Kaa says, Luke is like 6 years old and doesn't know anything.
So maybe he shouldn't be Drift Mark's complement, maybe he should be Raina, but Callus is like H, well Raina doesn't know anything about ships or dragons, those are their options, they don't have much choice on who should inherit . drift Mark vyond valion is spinning in his grave right now because veyond valion was a real valion who actually has experience and connection to valion traditions and culture and yet veyond was killed by Damon so Luke could inherit drift Mark and now Luke is dead and it's like what what what a sight you know what a disaster this has been for House for Larion um and R says like hey like we're at war I don't know how much time we have to resolve this like we need to to safeguard the future of our family before things get more complicated and Kus is not leaving, he wants to return to his ships Kus is avoiding this difficult decision, it seems that Kus was so set on ambition and determined to get his family members back. uh on the throne or at least married to a ruler and now with his injury it seems like he's a little more thoughtful like in uh previously we saw Kus with Allan and Kus was really mourning Luke and reflecting and thinking about his future and So it seems that Kus might have a slightly different perspective, like if he almost died, he's had a near-death experience and now he's really thinking carefully about what the future should be and there's still a small gap between him and R Unfortunately they love each other but they don't they're always on the same page so we already talked about uh Raina leaving Westeros with little eggon little viseris the storm cloud dragon the dragons and four dragon eggs and Raina is not happy about being sent away she feels resentful because she doesn't have a dragon, but he has the great responsibility of taking care of Rainer's little children.
Thanks for the Super Chat from Nelly, who says that an almond is incredibly fragile, when will it rise? I mean, an almond rose for the last time. season when she ate Luke and that was a disaster. I mean, Amon has so much power. I think he has a responsibility to try to use it responsibly because he really messed up when he accidentally killed Luke, but at the same time clearly Amon. He has a great desire to fight and prove himself, so we'll have to see what happens and then we get this absolutely heartbreaking scene between Allison and her daughter Helena.
Helena just killed her son Jaris in front of her, possibly in part. In a way, it's Allison and Kristen's fault because they were having forbidden sex instead of protecting Helena and Jaris, so Helena just says "I feel sad for Jaris." Helena has this kind of direct, naive honesty with her. Helena sees the world differently than most. People, uh, she's not very interested in politics, sometimes it seems like she's not fully aware of other people's perspectives in some ways, but she says very honestly and very directly that I feel sad because my son was just murdered. , but she thinks maybe I shouldn't feel sad because a lot of people lose their babies and she feels sympathy for ordinary people, she has this pretty logical perspective on losing her child, but she still feels really bad about it, like this It's really interesting to see it like that. logically approaching compassion and sympathy in this way um and she asks how Allison feels and Allison says she's more worried about Helena and finally Helena tells Allison I forgive you and it's so heartbreaking because this is the first time Helena has really blames Allison like Allison has done some horrible things to Helena, like it was largely thanks to Allison that Helena married her horrible rapist brother, Aon, and Helena talked last season about how it sucks to be married to Aegon and him.
He almost always leaves me alone, except when he's drunk like, oh god. What has Helena suffered under her husband's brother Aon and of course you know that crowning Helena queen of the Seven Kingdoms is not something she ever wanted and puts her in much more danger? And now she has suffered the murder of her son Jaris in front of her, Helena has suffered all this trauma as a result of the political position that her mother Allison and her grandfather Otto pushed her to adopt and she never talked about it until now, as until now we had never seen Helena like this. angry, we've never seen her like yell at Alison saying "look what you did to me," but now she has this kind of moment of insight and self-expression and she doesn't even say "I hate you for what you're doing." what you've done to me, she just says I forgive you for what you've done to me, which is somehow much worse, much more heartbreaking, she just goes right into it like it's an opposite reaction to how Amon and Aon have been. complained about what Allison has done to her, but Elena has thistotally opposite perspective and in some ways it's even more disarming, so I think this is really heartbreaking, since Allison is shocked.
Allison says what's like Allison doesn't even choose to believe Helena. wasn't angry, Allison chose to believe that Helena wasn't even aware of all the political implications and machinations that Allison had done, but not like Helena sees, Helena understands, Helena sees the truth and Helena feels, so it's this big moment of knowledge of Helena. and it's so heartbreaking that she has to forgive her mother for what she's done and Allison sees that and it's heartbreaking uh thanks for the donation of Sticky Mass who says do you think Raina will meet Lor when she gets to OS so yeah Raina it is? uh, going to Reggie on pentos, we don't know where Lor is, like the last time we saw Lor, he was rowing east and he was going to cross the SE narrow and he was going to try to live free in OS, we don't know where.
Lor is he could be in you for all we know uh I guess it's possible he's in Pentos. It would be very interesting. If Raina could meet her. Uncle Lor. um brother of his mother Lena. That would be interesting. We will find out. Aegon puts on the armor of Aon the Conqueror, he does not seem worthy of it. Egon the Conqueror was the one who took over Westeros, forged the Tarian dynasty with his veneration and rise of Sister Wives, and, uh, it's pretty sickening to see Valyrian steel armor not working. lying like Valyrian steel is super valuable because no one knows how to do it anymore.
The secret of making Valyrian steel was lost in the downfall of Valyria and that's why all the Valyrian steel that's left is super valuable and there are like some swords made out of Valyrian. steel as ice and long claw and Blackfire and widow whale and and uh such and uh there are in Hot D Damon has a helmet that is apparently made of Valyrian steel and now we see for the first time on screen a suit of Valyrian steel armor. I'm wondering because in the books uron GR Joy has Valyrian steel armor, here it's illustrated by Mike hi um and this is revealed in one of the Winds of Winter sample chapters so it may not necessarily be 100% Cannon, but George Martin wrote about Euron having Valyrian steel armor and when Aon Greyjoy, his brother, sees it, he says, "Oh damn, Euron is legit, because Euron claims to have been in Valyria and Euron claims to have all these great experiences, power and some things." characters like rodri, the reader says that euron is full of and he's lying, but when aon sees that euron has valyrian steel armor it's like, oh my god, he's been to the ruins of valyria, he's acquired magics and secrets and treasures incalculably valuable, oh him. he is legit and I wonder if this Euron's Valyrian steel armor could be the same armor that Aon the Conqueror wore and that Aegon wore and is wearing right now, maybe it is the same armor because we haven't heard of any another Valyrian steel armor more valuable than a castle, as they say in this episode, so you know that Aegon has the name Aon Taran the Conqueror and he has the crown of Aon the Conqueror he has Aegon the Conqueror's Blackfire sword a lot of the legitimacy of aon as king comes from trying to present himself as the heir to aegon's legacy and so the armor is part of that and you really get the sense that aon is not worthy of the armor of the conqueror aegon is not worthy of that name and he knows it Inside the episode, actor Tom Glen Carney says that Aegon feels like a fraud, uh, and I think that's why he ultimately chooses not to go into battle at Sunfire, since he claims he plans to.
I mean, part of that is just cowardice, too. I'm sure he's the one who studied the sword and studied philosophy and I'm sure he's quite qualified to do it. go into battle, I don't think Aon is, so he's admitting that in this scene a bit Lis has a funny scene where he bullies the red Ned Waters by saying that it would be a real shame if our King scattered parts of his body among beasts and his court was ruined, like I guess Laris was reminding Ned the red that you know everything you are depends on King Aegon succeeding because it's a surprise that Ned Waters, Leon Esmont and Martin Rain are now in the Kings guard, that's a new addition to the Kings guard after the death of Eric Cargill and after Harold Westering left and Eric went black and there's a group of Kings guards that have left gone, so Egon now gets his compliment. of the King's Guard up to seven.
Now, installing Leon Martin and Red Ned, who don't seem particularly qualified as King's Guard, as we saw them lounging on the stairs earlier and laugh at the idea of ​​keeping their oath of chastity, these guys aren't legit. enough to be the King's Guard, but Aegon just made them King's Guard because they are his friends and that is one of the problems in the main story of Game of Thrones when Robert Baratheon puts these people in his King's Guard as Manden Moore and Boros Blunt and everything. These guys, like Rando, who really aren't qualified, aren't powerful enough in combat, aren't honorable enough or ethical enough, but they were put there for some dumb political reasons and as a result they weaken King Robert, and you know , I don't.
I don't know, I don't think Red Ned, Martin and Leon want this for themselves either because you know that by becoming the King's guards they have given their lives and sworn to stand before King Agon's gate for the rest of their lives, never have sexual relations. I've never had lands, I've never had wives, that sucks and plus they're so young so it's like it's just another impulsive and foolish decision by Aegon. Apparently, Aegon didn't even tell Lord Commander Kristen that he had added three new members to his King. Guard Aegon just switched half of the King's Guard and didn't even ask the commander of that King's Guard, so Aon keeps making shitty impulsive decisions that benefit no one, huh, and then Laris hears that apparently Aegon intends to fly into battle on his Dragon and Lis come and say, "Oh well, I heard some people say that they're tricking you into flying to war so that Allis and Amond will rule for you, they're tricking you into flying to war." stealing power, so you really shouldn't fly into battle." Aon and Aegon say, oh yeah, cool Point Laris.
I guess I better not risk my life and fly into battle. I guess I'd better stay home and watch Netflix. Lis is telling Egon what she wants to hear, I think here, um, but it's kind of like that. interesting Lis says oh you know, some people say you're being exploited and that you're weak, which is like well, who says Laris is Laris spreading these rumors? Who is spreading this idea? His Whisperers Master Laris's job title was previously Lord Confessor, the Official Torturer, but he decides to make him the Whisperers Master, which is the official Spymaster, which seems to be what Lis was practically doing.
Lis was already informing Alis and car like that. just formalizing what was already the case and you get the feeling that this is what he always wanted and now he has it. I think being master of the Whisperers will entitle Laris to a seat on the Green Council, so he can actually be part of those conversations in the government from now on, which will be interesting. I mean, I don't know if he even wants to be in the spotlight, as much as he seems to enjoy manipulating the Shadow people being the master of the Whisperers will put him in the spotlight a little more, I think that may or may not be what he wants. , but we'll see how it plays out, so I think you know, I think that's part of the reason why Lis wants Aegon to stay and not fly. going into battle is because Lis knows he can manipulate Aegon, so Aegon is a really useful puppet for him.
It's very useful to have a king that you can influence so I think that's why Lis pressures Aegon to stay and Aegon deep down is afraid to go into battle and knows he's not as good as he wanted. stay home anyway, so Laris continues to gain influence and Aegon continues to doubt himself. We're seeing so many different emotional angles from Aon to Aon as we've seen Aegon be furious and murderous. We have seen Aegon be vulnerable. We have seen Aegon be happy and have fun drinking while he bullies and degrades people. We have seen Aon be cruel.
It is a disaster. He's such a chaotic whirlwind of insecurity, even more so than the other characters, which is wonderful, wonderful to see, but maybe he's not the guy who should be on the throne, uh, maybe he's not the guy who should be on the throne. charge here, and yet, here he. it's thanks to utto and allison, uh, we see how leon, martin and ned are men who give a total yes to aegon, like whatever aegon decides to do, they're like, oh yeah, so smart, my leash, your wisdom is immeasurable As always, uh, they're not. They're going to take Aon in a good direction from the looks of it, all they want to do is party, they decide they want to go out and take their Squire to have sex for the first time in a brothel and they want to go and party and then they say : Hey, you know you just swore never to have sex again because he took the oath of the King's Guard, right?
I wonder if Martin, Leon and Red Ned know or suspect that their lord commander Kristen had sexual relations with both Kristens. With both Rhea and Allison, maybe it's like a rumor that goes around, maybe it's almost an open secret, it's a bit like the gentlemen watch, uh, sworn of chastity and never having sex on Game of Thrones , but they often go and have sex, uh. with the sex workers in Molst Town, so it's kind of an open secret that people don't actually keep the vow of chastity, maybe there's a similar vibe coming up here in the red tower with the King's God, but I I refer in general to the oath of chastity of the Royal Guard.
It takes itself more seriously than the kns. Usually you look at the oath of chastity, but um CU, yes, there have been several King's guards who have been executed and tortured to death as a result of breaking the oath, so it remains to be seen how seriously they will be taken These guys. and what the consequences of breaking it could be. Aon seems to enjoy dominating his King's Guard over his former friends. He gets some satisfaction from a feeling higher than them, so, yes, many layers of Aegon, very, very hateful and charismatic. guy at the same time, thanks for the Super Chat from Marcus, who says it's great content, I love your videos, thanks Marcus.
If you want to donate or ask a question, the best way to do so is with the Streamlabs link in the video. description below, but I greatly appreciate all donations and I won't be able to answer every donation and question you have, but I will try to answer as many as I can and will answer most towards the end. of the live broadcast also remember to like and subscribe. We are doing these live streams every week. We are also making weekly edited videos with scripts and explanations each week. I'll try to post this week's video a little earlier than the last two. weeks because the last scripted videos came out just hours before the next episode, which isn't ideal for anyone, and by the way, shout out to my evil alt half-twin schwift X, who has made 55 hours of exclusive videos talking about House . of the dragon and Jon Snow with glidus that you can see on To shrift There are also always amazing parties in Kings Landing, apparently I think the real tragedy of this war is its potential impact on Kings Landing nightlife.
You wouldn't want any of these amazing street parties to ruin anyone. any conflict that may occur, thanks for the donation from Jess, who says she's been watching the Nebula videos, loving them a lot, thanks Jess, well Schwift, thanks, so yeah, there's a party in town and we see someone who drops a bag of money. from this window to these women below I wonder if that's there like pickpockets are happening it's like a drug deal like what's going on I really like the kind of scumbag and villainy vibe we have in King's Landing. He did a great job of showing us the good and the bad of the little folk experience here in Kings Landing, so we see this character, uh, the white one or UL, so depending on who you ask, he's called UL the white one because the color. about his hair I think his hair is a little whiter in the books and he's called UL theat because he's a drunk, he's an alcoholic and he's a libertine and he's a party animal and I love this introduction where he seems to know all.
Like he's just everyone's friend, um and uh, so he has this fun, charismatic introduction. We saw UL the target in the previous episode, he saw the rat catchers hanged and also stole some food from someone. I wonder if UL has a job or if he just steals food and gets free drinks at the pub, so UL walks up to some of his friends in the pub and says, oh well, I couldn't, I couldn't talk, but yeah You give me a drink, I'll tell you. You're a great Goss, I'll tell you I'm a Tarian bastard but we'll get to that.because we see Diana first, so the Diana that we saw in the previous season Diana was um oh, it's Diana, I think it's Diana, what is it? her name Allison and yes Diana, so in season 1, episode 8, Diana was one of the handmaids, one of the handmaids that worked in the red tower and we found out that Aegon raped D and then we saw Diana horrified and traumatized, and scared because this ruins her life because it is a scandal for the king to have sexual relations with a woman who is not married to him and it is something that will affect the woman more than the man because she runs the risk of being blamed.
Allison says and they want to keep this secret and they don't want any real bastards to be born so they force her to drink this abortive moon tea potion and they give her some money to shut her up and she loses her job, she loses her job because Aon raped her and this that's probably one of the best possible jobs she could get as a regular person to work at the red keep with the Royals, that's probably one of the best possible positions she could be in and she loses it because of Aegon's Raid. and so, we see, we saw how that affected Diana and we saw how Allison participated in the deception, which is one of the really complicated angles of all of this.
You know Alicent is someone who herself suffered under, you know, Viseris. having sex with her when she didn't want to and here she is covering up and participating in the shitty patriarchal system that continues to assault and abuse women. As she wears her seven badge faith, there are so many layers of hypocrisy and and horror here, uh, and then we see that after being fired from the red jail, Diana is now working as a maid in this pub and when this man touches her and he slaps her butt after giving her money, she looks terrified and it's really understandable. that she would be terrified because the last time someone touched her while she was at work when Aon assaulted her that she ended up getting raped by aegon and then losing her job and then being traumatized and so you know it from this guy, you know ?
This guy Clay is like laughing at her and saying she has no sense of fun, but here she feels horrified and traumatized by the possible consequences of this kind of quotes, you know that harmless fun is actually harmful, so It's like that. It's a small moment, you know, I'm sure some viewers might not have recognized Diana here, but it's a good way to show the kind of continuing consequences of Aegon's decisions. I mean, Aegon had forgotten Diana's name in the next duel after raping her, but Diana is still suffering the consequences of Aon's behavior, so, yeah, it's very interesting to follow that story with Diana, so UL tells his drinking buddies which, by the way, I'm a real bastard, so UL, the white one, claims to be the bastard son. by Balon Taren, the brave Balon Taren is the father of Viseris and Damon and the grandfather of Rira and Aegon, so Al is just saying hey, by the way, you know I have royal blood.
I'm a dragon seed, so dragon seed is a word that refers to anyone who was a Tararan bastard. The book talks about what happened at Dragon Stone, especially where you know the tarians live. The prince of Dragon Stone lives in T in Dragon Stone traditionally and there is a long history of the tarians. about Dragon Stone having sex with common people and fathering several bastards and the books say that common people are really excited because they really love having bastards. Children of Tarians are considered a gift. Tarians consider themselves closer to gods than men, so it must be a really great thing when a tarian has sex with you and gets you pregnant.
Although opinions vary, I am referring to Jar's wife, Queen Alisin. I had this whole campaign to ban the first night right. There used to be this old tradition where whenever a common person got married, the king had the legal right to have sex with his bride before doing so, sort of institutionalized. rape which Alisin considered objectionable and therefore prohibited, although the tradition still continues in some places despite being banned by Alisin and Jeris, so anyway there is this whole complicated story of tarians having sex with common people, There are all these bastards running around and UL claims to be one of them so what could that mean?
You could say that a bastard of a royal tarian could have a claim to the throne. I mean there's this whole thing about the blackfires who were a branch of Tarian bastards who rebelled against the Tarians for many years during Generations, there were five Blackfire rebellions, we have a video about the Blackfire rebellions on Al shift x uh, so yeah, I mean, claiming the throne is a possible thing, I mean, bastards, uh, don't do it. inherit generally bastards have less rights, but bastards can be legitimized by a king um and you know, Damon, yes, Damon Blackfire was legitimized and so he had a claim um, if there was a situation where all the legitimate Tarians were dead , you probably would. make a bastard king, but another thing that might be relevant is that Tarian blood can allow some people to ride dragons and that might be relevant here, but we'll see, right?
Then UL says he's a Tarian bastard and says he supports Rira as Queen even though she's in the city ruled by King Aegon, so it's a pretty dangerous thing to say and right when he says Rira is the rightful King and Jesus, Jace is the heir after Reira, none other than Aon Taran enters the city with his companions, so UL came very, very close to committing treason in front of the king and being executed, but it's interesting that UL says that in actually cares politically as if he's not just saying "hey." I'm a taryan bastard like I could have said oh I'm a taryan bastard and yes I support aegon whatever but UL actually seems to feel a sincere loyalty towards laugh and I wonder why he feels that way.
I'm curious why he's a fan of laugh and not aegon since he lives in aon city, I mean maybe it's because UL just saw all those rat catchers that were killed by aegon, maybe that's what made ul change his mind, maybe that's why he's now telling people about the fact that he's a tarian bastard and yes this actually puts UL in danger because remember in Game of Thrones when Cersei He went out and had a bunch of Robert Baratheon's bastards murdered. King Robert had bastards too and that's also a political liability because Roberts' bastards could potentially make a claim on the throne like Edric Storm and Gendry and Bar and all of them, so yeah, lots of dangerous implications of being a royal bastard, I mean, kinda like Jon Snow is a real rhaegar bastard, supposedly so, yeah, super interesting.
So, Aegon gets up and is with this Squire who he wants to take to a brothel, to get the Squire to lose his virginity, and the Squire doesn't seem too happy about it, it's kind of disappointing and reminds us that Aegon. He did the same thing to Amond once. We're told that when Amond was just 13, Aegon took Amond to a brothel and apparently lost his virginity to Sylvie, the older woman he's now having sex with, and obviously there are many layers to It's a disaster that Amond had sex. sex with an adult woman when he was 13 and Aegon at the brothel finds Amond with Sylvie and Amon has this really vulnerable Rel relationship with Sylvie, a really cute incestuous mess. relationship and Aegon makes fun of Amon to his face, which, you know, continues the cycle of Amon being bullied, as you remember in season 1, we saw Amon being bullied by Aon and he and we were saying in the last episode how He feels divided by it.
Still, you know Amon is still so vulnerable and raw. And yet, when Aon bullies him here, Amon finally gets up and leaves and says, "Oh, whatever you can take, Sylvie, one's as good as the other, so he's a bit heartbreaking." you know Amon has this real connection to Sylvie. There seems to be some real affection between Amon and Sylvie, but Amon disrespects Sylvie in front of everyone to save face, which is really sad. Amond keeps putting on this act of being a strong, tough guy who's not afraid of anything when in reality he's just beneath the surface, he's so vulnerable and it's sad that he can't seem to show that vulnerability to anyone but Sylvie, so You know it's also a problem that the relationship between King Aegon and Prince Amond is very strained.
I mean, if Aon had half a brain cell, he would be trying to build a better relationship with Amon. I mean, Amond controls the world's largest nuclear lizard, Vega, as if it's important that Amon is on your side. but here he is making fun of amond, which seems like a really terrible idea, um, and yes, on the way out, uh, amond actually hangs up, which is, uh, kind of exciting for everyone involved, thanks for the Super Chat of the fender bender, who says? Aegon was simply drunk when he humiliated Amond or it was a petty emotional reaction to the rumors discovered by Lis.
He seemed to me like he was drunk. Which you know, doesn't make what he said any better or worse. I think, but yeah, you make a good point that um, I think Lis was saying that, oh, you know, they just want you to fly away so the others can control King's Landing like maybe Aegon is um, I mean, I. I mean, I think it's a fact that Aon is insecure that Amon is a better Prince than him and more qualified and a better Warrior and a better dragon, so I think Aon feels the need to humiliate him because Aon is insecure that Aon to be potentially stronger.
He is better, wiser, more worthy of ruling than him, but, yes, I like to deepen that rivalry between the king and the prince in the middle of a war. Prett, you know, pretty shockingly bad decisions by Aegon. I would say uh, so, rira cries for toys. His recently separated children sent Aegon, Viseris and Joffrey to his youngest sons to stay in Erie and Pentos and he does not know when he will be able to see them again, if ever he is crying. . his toys um thanks for the Super Chat from Raphael who says I didn't understand why Raina and the kids were sent to pentos, not the Eerie.
I missed something, so Raina wants to keep her youngest children safe and the Dragon Stone is obviously not safe because Aric almost stopped the rain here last episode, so he wants to send them somewhere safe. She sends Joffrey and Joffrey's little dragons into the veil. Um to the Eerie ruled by Jane Aaron because Rainer promised to give Jane a dragon to protect the veil, but that. It does not mean that the veil and the mysterious are necessarily the safest place in the world. I mean, we know dragons can take the veil and the eie. Aon the Conqueror took the eie sending his daughter, sister, wife, Vienna with the dragon. wander and wander are now controlled by amont.
We know that wandering can simply land in the eie and take over the veil, so the veil is not necessarily that safe and I think Rainer knows this, which is why his youngest and most vulnerable children, little Aon and the little. viseris she hopes to send them to pentos with Reggie or heraus because it's in OS it's very far away and hopefully the greens won't be able to attack uh aegon and viseris there so that's why um reera sends Raina along with Aon and viseris to go to pentos while sending Joffrey and tyes to Erie uh so yeah, I mentioned that inside the episode Emma Dari spoke as if she was consciously giving up her role as a mother in order to focus on her role as a queen during a war because it seems like those two roles are incompatible, it seems like she can't be allowed to do both at once, so she's processing that here and she has a nice little box with some keepsakes and it includes a letter from Allison hi Tower laughs.
I received this letter from Allison a while ago, but she refused to open it, which I think shows how deep and tender Rainer's feelings are for Allison. I mean, Rer and Allison were like best friends, there were almost romantic undertones between their relationship while we were growing up and Rir feeling deeply betrayed that Allison supports Aegon instead of Reir as ruler because it's such a deep emotional need for Reer to feel more like her father's approval and affection and being Viserys's heir is her father's approval that she always wanted and Allison stole it from her so that's the emotion that's happening here and I think Rer is almost afraid to read Allison's letter because as long as she doesn't open the letter, then maybe their relationship is what she wants it to be, you know, but if she opens the letter and Allison says screw you, I ordered Eric to kill you na na na na na that would be heartbreaking for rira um and i think that's part of why rir is almost afraid to speak. to Allison and to communicate to Allison her not her her not her feelings are so tender and hurt and then um we can't see much of the letter, what does Raina say?
I was something, I lost something. fighting the whole house something could also wish something to the mother which is probably the god the mother praying to the mother uh a lot something something and then laugh says Allison expressed remorseso I guess Allison in this letter said hey I'm sorry for Eric trying to kill you that wasn't me I'm sorry for Luke's death that wasn't me I guess that's what the letter says but it probably wasn't too much reconciliatory because later in this episode, Allison says that it's too late to make peace, so I would be very interested to know more about the content of this letter, but Rira at least reads it and says: I guess it's worth trying to make peace.
He makes peace with Reier, so Reer gradually comes closer and says, "Okay, I have to do it." Let's make one last attempt to make peace, then we cut to somewhere in the crown lands. Kristen and the high tower he wants to go to a pub, get drunk and sleep comfortably, that's his priority, he's a privileged guy, he grew up as part of the wealthy Noble Family House. tower in Oldtown, which is one of the nicest towns in Westerose, is accustomed to a certain lifestyle. I mean, look at this Oblivion horse armor DLC he's wearing, fancy horse armor, this guy knows how to live, but Kristen's here saying, uh no. uh, we're in a won war, we need to focus on the mission, so Kristen completely ignores G's chatter and looks up and sees the lunar dancing dragon in the sky, uh, because Rainier ordered Bayor to keep an eye out for the movements around King.
Landing on his little dragon Moon Dancer uh and Baylor sees Kristen and says oh yeah, I'll say some of that shit to Baylor, hey, stay safe, no, no, don't fly low, just stay safe. high up where they can't hurt you, but Baylor seems eager to show that she's eager to attack her enemies, so Baylor pounces on Moondancer and chases after Christen Cole and G and his men. Moon Dancer looks pretty sweet, not going to do it. Lie, Moondancer is bigger and older at this point in the show, while in the books, Moondancer is much smaller and younger.
This is a scene that's not in the books, but Moondancer almost catches up with Kristen and G before they duck under the cover of the trees. I wonder what Baylor's plan was here. If Baylor was going to kill Kristen like that, it would be a dangerous escalation of the war. At this point, Baylor doesn't know that the Battle of Burning Mill occurred, so it would be a pretty significant event. Escalation if Baylor killed Kristen Orain. I don't know if she has the authority to do that. I don't think Rir wanted me to do it. Thanks for the donation from Jess, who says that in this situation she acts like Damon.
Yeah, I mean, let's not forget that Bayor and Raina are Damon Targaryen's daughters and Damon is an impulsive, fiery, rapist guy, so yeah, I agree, I think we see some of that with Bayor and Raina. I think that's part of why they told him. Baylor going out on a dragon to explore, uh, is because Rainer trusts or expects Baylor to be a little more responsible than Jace, like Rainer knows that Jace is very interested in joining the war and that Jace is eager to avenge his brother. Brother Luke. uh I think riro expected uh Baylor to be less impulsive, but here Baylor is attacking the enemy hand of the king, which you know, of course, would probably be like that.
The world would probably be better off if Moondancer ate Kristen Cole. Let's be honest. It would probably be better for everyone, but Baylor goes beyond what Reer wanted her to do here, so Kristen basically saves Gain's life by warning them about the dragon and G is like, "Oh, good acting, mister dude, oh yeah I'm glad". We, we evade that lizard with your direct deduction of the lizard's movements and Kristen is like, yeah, whatever we have, uh, new strategy, we're staying under the trees, so I love their dynamic, like they're complements. perfect for each other because G is that arrogant Highborn, uh.
Idiot BG and Kristen are this violent, scary, focused guy who's trying to do his duty and do the mission and shed some blood, so they're kind of opposite. I enjoy their dynamic and wonder how they will continue. We don't know much about the tall G tower in the books, huh, it's mentioned. Oh well, we saw Gain in episode one of season 1, actually played by a different actor, but this was Gain with the funny chess piece helmet here, and in the show, Gain fought Damon Taran and was knocked down of his horse, I think Damon. broke the rules because Damon hit G's horse with his uh with his uh jousting stick there's definitely a word for that Lance, he hits the horse and makes it stumble and then I think he beat G unfairly and Damon chose to joust G specifically because G is Otto's son and Damon wanted to piss Otto off.
I think in the books it was Kristen who stood up to G and took G down, which would add another element of resentment between them on the show, but anyway, yeah, g is Otto's son. and Allison's brother and he's here to support his family in their war and it seems like he's only now realizing that this war thing might be a little dangerous, what with all the dragons in one of the trailers we see bloody a battle looking up, looking scared, so I wonder if G will have a bit of an arc to realize, uh, maybe, uh, maybe war isn't a fun thing to participate in, uh, and I think that may be an understanding that much of Westeros comes from. about this story, maybe war isn't cool, so we go back to the black council and find out that the blacks have now learned that the greens are in march bay or they have seen kristen and gain and their army, and Now Rainier. councilors these black councilors are saying hey we really need to get soldiers out into the field we need our dragons to burn down the enemy soldiers because the enemy is marching to attack us we have to do something about it it's time for action surely now says bamus this guy here uh it's Lord Simon ston uh he rules one of those uh little houses of the Crownlands Crownlands he's here house ston so Simon ston wants to go back to Rooks' rest to defend his castle from Christen's army uh because most of these councilors that Rainer has in Dragon Stone are Lords of um the crown lands like bimus celtigar is from CLA Isle over here uh Lord Massie is here um so these are the people who are advising her they are the people who are most threatened by the greens, like this which makes sense that they'd be eager to defend their lands, but rira, despite Alfred Broom's pleas, means patient because rira is thinking, hey, war would be really bad, like Rise told him war between dragons would be really bad. bad. she already lost a son, Luke, uh, things are dangerous and she knows about the dream of Aon, the prophecy that Viseris told her, she is taking it seriously and if she can stop thousands of people from being killed, she has You have to try, so you're trying to do the ethical thing. but from her counselors perspective she is just being a coward or she is being weak or she doesn't understand it. um, she's a girl, so she doesn't understand war.
What is that line in the books? Daenerys says I'm just a girl. and quite a few of the forms of war have that kind of energy, so the councilors are frustrated with her and it's like if Rira keeps stalling, would these councilors listen to her? I mean, something to keep in mind is that these councilors are not all important things like the Lords of Bloody Stone and Kelagar and Massie, these are minor houses. One could argue that Rira doesn't really need these people because Rer has the support of Lord Craan Stark and Lady Jane Aaron, who rule entire kingdoms.
Like those people are much more powerful, but they are far away in the north and not very used to the rain era yet, so distance is an enemy I guess, but yeah, I agree p in the chat on alive, rer doesn't need these. Junior gentlemen, really, she could have someone else, so she says yes, I will. I'll take her advice, which is fine, that doesn't give the councilors any more faith in her, but get up, get up, I think she seems to think Rainer is at least trying to do the right thing, um, look, there's probably going to be a war no matter what we do, but it's worth a try and again it's interesting to see Jace watching this, how does Jace feel about it?
It seems like Jaay would do it. He really likes participating in war, but at least for now he is obeying and respecting her mother's wishes to wait. Thanks for the Super Chat from Ly, who says it's funny how everyone casually talks about sending dragons places to do things dragons do. compared directly to swords, no one fully understands the power of a dragon, even tarians, yes, I remember in season 1 when Viseris said: "Dragons are a power we cannot control." We should never have played with the dragons. Viseris rode the largest dragon of all. Boler about the black fear and he would know about the power of dragons um and we don't know what Viseris knows, we don't know what Viseris' experience with Bion was like, but he was saying yes, dragons are too dangerous. he shouldn't use them and we saw that when amond and Vega killed Luke, amond didn't have control of vegar when that happened and we see in the Game of Thrones books that daera struggles to control drogon, so there are very good reasons not to unleash dragons, I mean, dragons also tend to lead to uh Friendly Fire um like we saw Caris trampling one of her own men on the steps and we saw Rise and Melis killing like hundreds of innocent people in the dragon pit, it's well Not taking the nuclear lizards to war, so that makes sense, okay, back to Haron Hall, let's talk about the Visions.
There is a wewood tree outside Haron Hall. I'm really curious to know how that wewood tree wasn't roasted by Aegon's Dragon. bolon when when Haron Hall burned down but there it is, there is magical power here in Haron Hall there is also a very poor roof. I guess it makes a lot of sense that after this castle was burned and half-melted by uh Boler in the Black Fear I guess the gutters and the roofs and the hydrological situation leave a lot to be desired, so it's so funny that Damon came here for a war. Damon came here for a glorious battle to let out his marital frustrations through Bloodshed and here he is. like trying to sleep under a leaky roof, this is not what he had in mind.
He sees behind his window that there is a candlelight and someone is knocking on his door, but when he crosses the door there is no one there and the candlelight is out. He left too. I wonder if it was Alice Rivers or someone else knocking on his door or if this is completely part of the vision. The showrunners say Damon isn't sure what's real and what's imagined. We've got another shot of Wewood's roots here. reminding us that the magical power of the old gods and the weirwoods may be causing these visions, that's why Damon has this crazy vision and he walks into this room and it's Millie Alcock again, it's the young Targaryen reira played by Millie Alcock um and reira says You I always run out and have to clean up after and then we see tears in Damon's eyes so I think this is Damon's fault just like Damon has totally screwed up Rira like Damon groomed Rer when she was a teenager and took her to a sex club and then had her seen there and that caused a breakup between Allison and laughs as if Damon took as Damon got this teenager drunk took off his hat so that her tarian hair would be recognized took her to a sex club and then he left her there and that's what Rainer had to cover up with his lie to Allison, which is referenced in a later scene, um, so it's largely Damon's fault.
I mean, you know, Damon took Rer to the sex club and got her drunk too. He led Rier to have sex with Kristen. I mean, you know, R made a decision there too, but yeah, I mean, that's just an example of Damon playing with re. I mean, Damon most recently murdered Jeris, which has created a huge political headache for R and Donon. time and time again he creates these problems and then refuses to deal with the consequences and it's up to rira and viseris and everyone else to deal with the consequences of Damon's actions and that's why I think that as I look back, look at the past, Damon is really nice. of confronting and feeling like, oh, maybe, maybe he's gone too far in some places, um, and it's a really interesting moment of introspection, uh, he not only sees the young people, he also sees Jaris's headless corpse , so maybe Damon does. has a heart somewhere and maybe Damon feels guilty for murdering a child so um yeah, dark things um and it goes on like in the books a lot of people have visions and dreams um viseris of course he had dreams of the future viseris dreamed that his son be on the throne and all the dragons would roar as one and now Damon is having strange dreams and then he wakes up outside the wewood tree in Haren Hall.
I love seeing this uncertainty from Damon. Damon is someone who craves control, who he craves to feel. as if he were his own Master of his, but herehe's at the whim of forces he doesn't understand, so I love this vulnerability of the usually trusting demon and that's why he wakes up next to the wewood tree and then turns around and sees. Alice Rivers, the mysterious witch of Haron Hall, and Alice Rivers say you will die in this place, oh boy, Damon will die in Haron Hall. The pattern of prophecies in this world tends to be that prophecies come true, but not in the way you expect. that's particularly obvious in stories like the ones about Duncan's egg, um, there are all kinds of metaphors as dreams, visions and predictions are often misinterpreted, but yes, Alice says that Damon will die here, will Damon ever leave her and H?
What's going to happen or is Alice just messing with him it's a little ambiguous like Alice is causing Donon to have these dreams like Alice is a green seer is she connected to the magical weirwoods? from the forest in the Game of Thrones books who has apparently lived for hundreds of years and spent time wandering around Westeros Maybe Bel disguised as Magic is Alice maybe Alice is Melisandra using a glamor to look younger because in the books Alice is older than she seems Many, many many mysteries about Alice Rivers and I'm sure we'll see more of her soon, but yeah, she's a cool character and Damon is totally baffled by her and this magic.
I'm very curious to see where she is. He says, thanks for the Super Chat, of fits of passion that says: I think Haron Hall is full of psychedelic mushrooms because of all the humidity and that's how Alice Rivers gives people Visions, maybe, yes, weirwoods are very strange plants. I think there is something wild. Theorized that all the wewood trees in Westeros are actually one organism, all interconnected by a deep system of roots that run underground like an interconnected web in the books, the wews house the souls of the dead, like when people die, their souls go to the weirwoods at least skin changers and green seers The souls do and that's why the wews are like these hard drives that contain all the memories all the knowledge of thousands of years of green seers and when the children of the forest die they go to the trees and they are remembered and it seems as if the old gods have a will of their own to some extent, like they live and desire things and, um, there is darkness in that, in many of the older stories of George R.
Martin, there are minds sinister alien hives that swallow people up and so it's not really clear if the old gods are a good thing or not, the old gods seem to accept blood sacrifices like the ancient worshipers of the old gods would like to hang the entrails of their enemies in the wewood trees and the blood would feed the wewood trees, even Ned Stark Ned Stark wipes the blood from his sword on the wewood tree so that the blood goes to the wewood tree, there is a definite darkness in that magic and it is associated with the children of the forest more closely than with humans.
It's inhuman magic, it's connected to nature, rather than humans, and there are all these theories about how the faces packed thousands of years ago that we saw in this episode may have been more about the control of the old gods. There's more to humanity than any kind of equality, um, and there are theories about how Bran becomes King at the end of Game of Thrones, it could be something very sinister, if that's what happens in the books, it could be something where Let it be the magic of the old. gods and they are the vengeful spirits of nature, uh, claiming the earth from humanity and they like to displace humanity and use bran as a puppet so that there is ultimate darkness here.
I wonder if the old gods and wews here are angry about the burning of Aaron Hall, I mean, surely. It surely would have been complicated because, like Haron, who built Haron Hall, he cut down many ancient weirwood trees to use the wood to build Haron Hall, so Haron committed a crime against the weirwoods and the old gods. and I wonder if the weirwoods and the old gods were angry at Haron and at Haron Hall and I wonder if that's part of the nasty, dark angry magical energy here, you know. I also wonder what the connection is between Aon Taran and the weirwoods because Aegon had these dreams of the white walkers um that were possibly created by the children of the forest using the magic of the old gods.
What did he do? Did Aon have any understanding of what the Old Gods and Weirwoods are? Lots of really interesting open questions. Wews are like dead trees, essentially as if their bark is bone white and their leaves are blood red. They are like zombie trees. There are theories that like they are brought back to life the wews are wrong and need to be fixed all kinds of crazy theories uh so yeah Damon is shocked by these creepy, hallucinatory visions and so are we so uh rira decides you need to try it. and he talks to allison to avoid war, so he talks to melisandra, who is chatting with alinda massie here.
I wonder if Melis, if Mazaria is getting information from Alinda Massie, because she Mazaria you know she has spies, she likes to learn information, that's her job, so I wonder. if she's trying to get information here and uh rira says Hey, I want, I want you to set up a conversation between Allison and me and Mazaria says, Hey, you know she's the queen, like the enemy, that's going to be difficult and Mazaria. she says well it would be a lot easier to just kill her and R says no maybe rir should say hey mazaria would you like to kill Aegon for me?
If you can kill little Jara, surely you can help me kill Aon, but no, Rira is trying to do it. she finds a peaceful path um and Mazaria says I think the best way to do it is to go to the church, if you dress up you can infiltrate King's Landing and talk to Allison and that's what they do. She goes to King's Landing and gets into the city in disguise and she goes to the sept, she is protected here by Stefon Darkland, who is one of her kings, her god. It may be a bad idea to bring two recognizable faces into the heart of enemy territory, but that's what they do.
This is not in By the way, the books are made for the show and it's quite fun to see Rira in the scepter outfit because Rira doesn't follow the faith of the seven, I mean, when she infiltrates the septum and sits together to Allison Allison. It seems a little horrifying to see Rira dressed as a scepter like it's almost offensive, right, because Allison knows that Rira doesn't believe in the faith of the seven, she's pretending to be a scepter, it's like dressing up in someone else's sacred religious costume. person, it's, it's a little messy like you know that rer is intruding on Allison's Sacred Space where she prays to her mother, but hey, you know that rer is trying to prevent a war, so she's doing what's necessary .
Rir also pulls a knife on Allison, which is hell. way to start a conversation, but it makes sense that Rira likes to take precautions because there is a very high probability that Rira will be captured, tortured, and killed, as if Rira knows that this is a very high-risk maneuver that Rira is in for. Risking his life. In order to prevent this war, so you have to respect that, I guess, and then they decided to talk and sort of threatened to kill each other, which is a great way to start a diplomatic meeting. Do you think maybe R should have done it?
She first sent a letter to Allison, but you know R she said before that if she tried to fix it beforehand, Allison would just suspect that it's some kind of trick, so it's very complicated. Thanks for the Super Chat from ether saying that the scene feels like a better version of Tyrion Shenanigans in season 7, yes I agree because there is that part in season 7 where as Tyrion he is introduced from smuggled in, Davos smuggles him into the red tower so he can talk to Jamie and, um, that's it, it's amazing. a little bit that it's that easy to get in and out of the red cape, but it makes sense, you know, getting back into this set, it seems a little bit easier to believe because it's just a church, I mean, I'm a little surprised. that Allison is here walking around defenseless like she only has two kings standing guard next to her like it's not that hard to, you know, pull out a crossbow and kill the queen, but I guess that also speaks to Allison not being .
All of that is no longer considered valuable. Aon is the king now and Allison is not the queen. Queen Helena is the queen. Allison is just the queen dowager, the queen mother, so maybe the lack of confidence shows Allison's relative unimportance here, so rir is like, "Hey, can you?" We like to prevent this war, that's why it says you know, remember in season 1, episode 1, when we were together at that time and remember when all those Knights were murdering each other. Remember how bad that was, let's try to prevent that from happening. Don't let this war get worse um and Allison says oh so you came to surrender so Allison isn't very receptive to Rain's attempts to make peace Allison basically says it's too late um rira complains that Allison stole her throne and Allison says that no Viseris changed his mind, yes, Viseris originally wanted you to be his heir, but then he changed his mind because he remembers that in episode 8 of season 1, Vas's last words he muttered about Aon and the prince that was promised and Allison interpreted that as Viseris wanting his son aegon to King, but what Viseris was actually talking about was Aon the Conqueror and his dream of uniting Westeros against the White Walkers.
Allison misunderstood that and now Viseris can say that to Allison and says, "hey, like Viseris it wasn't." talking about her son Aon, she was talking about Aon the Conqueror and Allison has this moment where she's like uh oh, she might have made a scream, um, maybe she was actually talking about the other aegon tarian, can you believe this family is still naming her children aegon I mean rera has a son named Aon Allison has a son named Aon the Conqueror was named Aon and there are like five more aons further down the family tree later on like they need to stop calling people aegon in Game of Thrones under the name Jon Snow. apparently it's aegon tarian, they have to stop doing it, he keeps causing wars anyway, so, yeah, Allison realizes, oh, I did it, I could have accidentally committed treason, I could have accidentally committed a war, but remember that in season 1, um, AO was going to Crown Aegon regardless, turns out Allison's opinion didn't matter and Otto and the greens were going to make Aon king regardless of what Allison thought, regardless of what Verer thought, like this which you know, maybe I didn't have that much.
Allison's opinion has a political impact, but I mean it certainly makes Allison realize that she might be wrong here, she might be on the wrong side of History, um and uh, even though Allison says, well , this is what's happening anyway, there's going to be War anyway because the army is gone Kristen Cole is leading an army and you know my grandson Jaris was killed and your son Luke was killed and Amon lost an eye and that's it There has been so much blood that the original fact of what Viseris did or did not want is now irrelevant, so that is exactly what Simon was saying and Rise was saying with like the black woods and ferns as if the original reason for this conflict. would have been forgotten.
It's not even about anything anymore, it's just Revenge to Revenge Revenge to Revenge Revenge like Domino's. it's a burning mill it's a burning mill that turns and turns and crushes us all it's like the wheel that Daenerys talked about in season five the wheel that turns and crushes everyone so uh Allison leaves Allison says it's Too late I can't stop it I have no power anymore, people are going to slaughter each other and there's nothing we can do and she's gone and then the wheel turns, yeah it's not just me, like the circle represents the cycle of violence.
Look at it, turn, come on. So yeah, Rira is heartbroken because she couldn't reconcile with her friend, she couldn't prevent this war, it was too late, too much blood has been spilled and now it can't be undone, so apparently R risked his life for nothing. that sucks, i also really like the line where rir says to alicent oh, like vas's last words did, did she talk about me like me? I really like that because it shows how it shows how R is still largely motivated by wanting viseris's approval as it were. It's funny that Viseris was like, let's be honest, a pretty mediocre guy in a lot of ways, like Vas' bad decisions created this conf.
Viseris was not a good father to Aon and Amond and Helena and Daron and Viseris was not a good husband to Allison and Viseris was not a good King and yet Rera is still largely motivated by wanting the father's approval. her. Damon is still largely motivated by wanting the approval of his brother Viserys. You know, Allison is justifying many of her actions by her misinterpretation of Aeris' wishes. I mean, you know it's, uh, it's. uh, it's real, sometimes, uh, people are obsessed with, uh, mediocre people. I mean, remember the last episode when the dog was looking at the cheese when the cheese didn't deserve the dog's loyalty, the cheese kicked the dog and yet the dog still loved thecheese.
It's kind of like how Rira feels about Viseris and how Allison feels about Viseris and how Damon feels about Viseris and now Rira feels about Damon All these people are desperately seeking approval from people who don't deserve their love Really wonderful drama I feel than thanks for the donation from noome who says: I love your work, it would be awesome if you did a collaborative livestream with alt schwift , not after what he did to my ex, so, we're really just trying to be civil by not being in the same room, but if Altex wants to be man enough to offer an apology for his various misdeeds, then you might consider talking to Old Shrift x uh, I haven't contributed. with old shrift The realization that oh uh oh It may be too late to avoid it.
The armies of war are on the march. The dragons are loose. The suns are dead. We've gone too far to turn back, so I guess the question now is whether armies are going to murder each other until there's no one left in Westeros. or someone is going to surrender or a peace deal is going to be made or if reera or aegon are going to be killed there are a lot of different ways this could happen so we're three episodes in now and I think we're past the point of no return I also really enjoyed the spooky visions of um Haron Hall lots of laws to talk about with the Haron Halles I enjoyed our look at the ferns and the black woods I enjoyed Kristen continues to be a disaster for everyone including himself um uh mazaria continues to be intriguing.
I liked delving into Raina's character. I'm curious to know what will happen to her on her mission to the East of her and the various children she is protecting from her. Simon Strong was hilarious and liked that he perfectly encapsulated the absurdity and tragedy of this war, the cycles of violence. achieve nothing for anyone and Haren Hall is a testament to Haron Hall is a symbol of the disaster caused by the arrogance and violence of man the futility of trying to establish a legacy by shedding blood uh um and uh yeah, I think that was a yeah Good time everyone involved so oh yeah and we also met UL who is supposedly an Arian tug bastard let's see how it plays out #new Jon Snow UL snow um so yeah now I'll try to answer as many of yours donations as possible.
Can I uh and then we're going to close the live stream thank you so much for listening thank you so much for watching uh please hit like And subscribe, you can listen to these live streams as an audio podcast in the podcast app of your choice or on Spotify the links are in the description there is another podcast feed for the main videos edited with Alt Shift del Dragón explained the video later this week, hopefully a little before the last videos came out, maybe if they don't last as long, maybe we can get them out a little quicker. um, let's try to respond to some donations, thanks, annoyance that says Rira is self-conscious.
I got off to a bad start after pulling a knife on Allison. She made me laugh. It's a good example of contextually appropriate levity compared to the later seasons of Game of Thrones, yes. no, I'm there with you, annoyance, uh, I think a lot of the humor in this show fits perfectly with the characters and the themes, as I agree that in Game of Thrones, like in every couple of scenes, they just broke. the tone of the show to say something about dicks, you know, Braun would talk about Cox or Tyrion would talk haha, you don't have balls, that's what Game of Thrones seasons 7 and 8 thought was humor, whereas in this show the characters They make jokes that actually kind of fit their characters and fit the tone and theme of the story, for example when Simon Strong says oh yeah, well it doesn't really matter who I swear allegiance to, but it does matter that our peas are overcooked because it's true. like this, this is a meaningless conflict, it's a family fighting against itself and it's more important to really enjoy life, as there is a common thread of that through books like those by George Martin, who writes constantly about food and the goal of living is to enjoy life. and to eat good food and love good people, the point is not to shed blood in the name of some king you've never met, so I feel like Simon's humor, like making fun of the absurdity of the chair made of swords, fits perfectly with the real meaning. of the story besides being funny, uh, so I agree, it's humor that's deployed in a really appropriate way and really serves the story, uh, thanks Steven, who says: I feel the same frustration with the hesitation of Rira to take action that I felt with Dany in Season 7, seventh and eighth, yes, well, with Daenerys at the end of Game of Thrones, they created a kind of dichotomy where you can use your dragons to burn King's Landing and kill thousands and win, or you can waste your time and hope you can win.
The war with words, which I always felt was a bit of a false dichotomy or at least they didn't establish, they didn't establish that conundrum well enough here on Hot D. It's a little more complicated because you know that if Reer is going to use dragons in this war , you have to put your children in it. danger and she already lost her son Luke, so it makes a lot of sense that she would be worried about using her dragons and you also know that we have seen how dragon fire tends to kill innocent people, so you know, I hope that they are making that that kind of paradox is a little more believable here, but yes, there are other differences between Rira and Daenerys that will be really important, because we don't want Rainer to be just Daenerys 2.0, thank you.
Shadow humor she says. We need an Aon the Conqueror and Bion flashback to give us something to get excited about, yeah well there's a show or movie about Aon the Conqueror in development, it may or may not happen, it's just in development but that could happen , thanks John Braxton who says damn PayPal created a nebul account and the content I have for my listening pleasure I'm still digesting the last scene thanks John thanks muab who says do you think we'll see the cannibal so the cannibal is cool uh because it's a mysterious and nasty dragon that lives in the Dragon Stone and likes to eat other dragons, and is fearsome and feared, and could be useful in a war if someone can claim cannibalism, but it would be a tough prospect to try to do so, so, yeah.
It remains to be seen if the cannibal will be involved but he is a terrifying person thank you AAS who says love from India thank you thank you may mizzle who says she was devastated by the 15 seconds in which rira was briefly convinced that Viseris not really. I love her, yeah, that's a great point, yeah, so for a moment in September, Allison was saying no, no, I swear, Viseris was called Aegon a instead of you and yeah, that breaks her mind. heart to rira because he, she always wanted V's approval and for a moment it's like oh god, maybe he didn't really love me uh, but then rir says oh, he was talking about Egon the Conqueror and I guess that's a thing too bit of motivated reasoning on rira's part, somehow you know she wants to believe that viseris was firmly, supporting her, not Aon, so yeah, tragedy, thanks, Light X, who says the man who stood up to Aon Bracken At first it wasn't fucking Ben, as people speculated, uh, I don't know exactly if we know the names of these characters from Bracken and Blackwood.
I think at one point you can, yeah, Davos Blackwood, apparently it's Davos Blackwood and Aon Bracken according to the subtitles, so, yeah, they're both new characters that aren't in the books, while in the books there are some Blackwood characters and Bracken with different names who are involved in these fights, so maybe we'll meet those other characters later, we'll see, thanks Dennis, who says these guys' Aon is mental. Circ says it, between the greens and the blacks, how many kings are alive right now? More than seven. Yes, there are more than seven Kings guards right now. I think the greens have Lord Chris, uh, Lord Commander Kristen Cole, they have Red Ned and, uh, Martin Rain and Leon Estermont, uh, they used to have Eric, but he's dead, there's someone called Glendon. someone named Rick OD Thorne there's someone named Willis Fel so I think it's seven if my count is correct uh and then in Dragonstone uh reira has a lot less guards from the Kings he only has Stefon Darkland and Lauren Marbrand and now Eric is dead , so yeah, I think he only has two named Kingsguard that we know of, but yeah, maybe now that Aon has gotten his Kingsguard to be a complete compliment, maybe Raino will get more Kingsguards. the Kings herself, um, maybe she'll call him the Queen's God, that would make sense, uh, thanks Cat who says Brienne feeds a weirwood baby to a nimble crab, yeah, there are several characters who get buried under weirwoods feeding with blood to the old gods, teaches, says, have you accepted that Damon is a knight?
King, uh, I don't know what. you mean, but it's interesting that Damon calls himself His Grace, which is treason, basically saying I'm not just Rainer's King consort, I'm actually the King, suggesting he might be trying to take the Throne from Rainer, which is a problem, thanks L, who says that the ship carrying Rainer would not be sus, the gorge is blocked, no ship should reach King's Landing, yes, well I think the point is that Dragonstone and Drift Mark are inside the schooner, uh, if we have a look at the map so that the Valions are blocked in the gorge, which is like here oh yeah, yeah, okay, I guess Dragon Stone is a little outside the gorge. um, but I mean the valions are working on rer, so I guess rer can make the valions come closer.
Let it pass through the gorge and then you can continue through Blackwater Bay to King's Landing and in this episode they said that King's Landing is being fed by small fishing boats in Blackwater Bay so there are a lot of boats coming and going so they can mix together. Go in with them and don't be too suspicious, so yeah, I don't know, it seems credible enough to me that they could put a ship in there. There are many boats coming and going. The teacher says Haren Hall looks small. He looked pretty. big for me when Caris landed at Haron Hall. um, we got a nice swooping shot around the big towers of Haron Hall. uh, when Damon came in, I thought it was pretty impressive. uh, the towers have cute creepy names in the Game of Thrones books. what they're called they're called like Widows' Tower and King's p, which is like King Haron was burned in that tower.
I guess that's why it's called King's p uh it's a spooky over the top place for Halloween thanks Michael who says I love your work what was the meaning of the redwood tree and the woman who warned of Demon's death? Yes, yes, well, I think we talked about that, I mean, the red-leaved tree is a weirwood tree and weirwood trees are connected to the magic of the Old Gods and green seers like Bran can use the magic of the ancient gods to see through time and space and Alice Rivers is a mysterious witch character who seems to be connected to that magic.
She is mysterious. It's ambiguous, but it seems that that magic caused. Donon had these visions that explored his guilt for what he had done to Rainer and two jaras lumpus says I like that the hateful Christen is portrayed as capable on the field even though he's an idiot in all other contexts, yeah, I agree, lumpus, because it's not like Kristen is useless. Kristen is good at fighting and she seems to know a thing or two about military strategy. Under the right circumstances, Kristen could be a very helpful person and she could really get things done, but unfortunately she has been put in the situation. wrong job as commander of the King's Guard as hand of the king, she is not qualified to do that and also ended up in this situation of horribly twisted conversation between rira and Allison and breaking her oath and this deadly secret.
I think you can imagine Kristen being in a situation where he is a positive influence in the world instead of a negative influence maybe everyone would be better off if Kristen stayed with the Dond Darians in the stormlands uh varis says that would it be awkward if Raina ran into Lor and her boyfriend in pentos, yeah I mean maybe like KL Cory Lor's boyfriend going East with him, wouldn't it be interesting if we met KL Cory? If he came back, he would be great. K Cory was framed for Lenor's murder, actually, so I wonder. Yes, the Valion would be angry at KL because Reera told Reise that she wasn't responsible for killing Lor, but it's not clear if Rise believes that and it's also not clear if Kus believes that Reer is innocent of killing Lor, which you know, it seems.
It's a big problem if you ask me, but it hasn't really been resolved, thanks NM who says thatSome people criticize the show's slow pace, but there are a lot of people you need to know by name in order to tell the story. to make sense benjak Cott Blackwood Alice Rivers UL the white Etc. Yes, there are a lot of characters in this show. It's hard to keep track of them and that's what Al Shift X is for, so yeah, it's not an easy challenge to include them all. These characters, um, have included most of it, like the book, the Fire and Blood book, it's not detailed, it's a pretty encyclopedic summary of the events of this war, um, and the show has done a surprisingly good job of including The vast majority of the characters and details have kept most of the names, even when half the names are the same, so I think they are trying pretty hard to be true to the law and that maybe makes the show It's a little confusing and you have to cover a lot of ground, but I think you're doing a good job thanks name who says it seemed like Riro was suppressing a smile at the end it seemed like she was it to me and I took that as relief that Papa V didn't see her. disinherited, yeah, I mean, I guess Rira, I mean, there's so many emotions here, like Rira was partially abandoning this conversation with Vindication and realizing that, oh yeah, Allison misunderstood Viseris.
Allison mistakenly thought Viseris wanted to. Aegon is the Heir, but I really am the true chosen Heir and I really am right. I guess that's part of the positive emotion Rer is feeling from this, but she's also feeling the horror and disappointment that my friend Allison is saying it's too late to be friends again and I guess we're enemies and I guess I'll have than going to war against my ex-best friend um and I guess I can't stop thousands of people from dying, so mixed emotions. I'd say thank you Kate Monster and thank you Emis Rose, who says that since Otto is gone and Jaris' death divided the greens, now might be the best chance for Rera to take action instead of keeping the peace.
I think it's a fair argument, I think at this point. While everything is in disarray and the Greens' leadership is weak, now is a good time to attack and crush them. I mean, if Reira sent Cyrax as herself and Damon sent Caris, Ry sent Melly, Jace sent Vermax, and Baylor sent Moondancer, they could go to King's Landing and maybe have a good chance of defeating him. Vegar would be a problem. Wandering is the most powerful weapon in this world. He won't be easy to kill, but I mean, Damon seemed pretty enthusiastic about it. Damon seemed to think in episode one that he, Rise, Kis and Melis could kill Vega, it might be worth a try, but there are also those scorpions shooting lightning in King's Landing, which is a concern and you know it would be difficult.
Have a dragon fight in King's Landing without them killing a bunch of innocent people, so there are reasonable reasons to not want to go in there with dragons burning. Thanks Southern Realism, who says: Do you think Allison realizing her mistake will drive her crazy? Yes, good. I think Allison is definitely shocked to realize that, oh, I misunderstood Viseris, he really shouldn't have supported Aegon, like, maybe Allison will start to lose loyalty to his side as the consequences of his shitty offspring uh they get worse and worse. I wonder if Allison will come out at some point I wonder what impact it will have psychologically I wonder if Allison will say to Aon like oh hey, by the way, Aon, just so you know, it turns out your father never loved you and never wanted you to be king, I mean.
Otto said that to Aon in the previous episode and that broke him a little bit I think, but yeah, I think it shakes Allison too, uh, Jerck says, is it correct that the offer is the same one Aon attacked in season 1 , Yeah? This, this woman who works at this bar, is the same person who raped Aegon in the first season, her name is Diana, thanks Matt, who says: Do you think spy missions are becoming too abundant? Twice in Kings Landing, once in Dragonstone, no one? I have guards, yes, I agree that the security situation in both Kings Landing and Dragonstone leaves a little to be desired.
I mean, to be fair, King's guards are deserting and dying left and right and the people in charge of the government aren't very responsible now that Utto is gone, so yeah, it's a little ridiculous, but I mean that that's kind of the phase of the war we're in right now. The book talks about how it starts out as a war of feathers and crows and then a war of daggers and secrets and murder and then it starts to get a little fiercer and bloodier, so I think the war will continue to evolve as things progress. Thanks Vil, who says Raina told Baylor not to get involved, but Baylor went after him.
Kristen was trying to intimidate or she would enlighten them if she could. Yes I agree. I mean, Baylor says in the episode that, oh, I kind of obeyed you. I mean, I didn't get any higher, but I didn't kill anyone. I think it's a good question: What would Baylor have done if he had actually gotten to Kristen? Would he have killed Kristen and G and those men? Maybe he would have captured them. Would he have picked up Kristen in Moon Dan's clutches and she would have flown away and dropped him? in Blackwater Bay maybe I don't know uh just David says why are you posting the review and the episode late uh um the videos take time and work to make and we tried to post them sooner but I'm more interested in making them. good videos of those that interest me, how to rush a video as soon as possible.
It would be better if the videos came out sooner, so we'll try to finish the scripted, explained videos faster throughout this season, but my priority is to get it right. videos and I'm very glad that you guys are patient and watch them even when they come out a little later so I'm grateful for that thank you ardan who says can you explain where UL falls on the family tree? Yeah well we have a nice little Ulf tree here for you if Ulf is right about being the bastard son of Balon the Brave then he is Viseris and Damon's half brother and he is Rira and Aegon's uncle uh thanks Derek who said it was a real Wang getting sucked uh I can't confirm or deny the legitimacy or authenticity of Wang, although I can say that in Game of Thrones, when we see Hodor's penis, it was actually a prosthetic penis that Hodor had in season in Game of Thrones, which of course connects to the law because Asha suggests that Hodor must be part giant to have such a massive member, so, it all connects, thanks just David, thanks Onion Peak, who says something out topic, but do we think Otto will be given the role of Hoberts Row on the show?
Yes, good. No, I won't spoil any future events, but I'm curious to see what happens with utto. Allison told Otto to go to High Garden to gather the scope houses, so we'll see how successful he is with that. uh, thanks to I sco, who says what are his thoughts on the logistics of the rain coming in and going out? Yes, it is risky and they recognize that it is risky. It seems quite likely that it will result in Rera being captured. I think he's lucky. she doesn't get captured, I mean we haven't seen her escape from it, maybe she gets captured on the way out of it.
I mean, it depends on what Allison wants to do well. I mean, the Allison Kings guard is standing right outside the clan, as far as we know, Allison. is about to say hey guys, let's capture the Queen Pretender there, cut off her head right now, that could happen, we don't know, but yeah, I agree, it's a bit, that tests your imagination a bit. , it does. Uh, strain your credulity to have Rir enter and exit the enemy fortress like this, although you know again that it's not like she entered the red fortress, she just entered the great sept, which is that you know she didn't. there will be so much security. in the church as in the seat of government uh Marissa says do you think that now that Allison knows that Viseris wasn't referring to Aegon she will change the way she sees her son?
Yeah, I think that's a really interesting question because I mean, Allison knows that Aegon is right, I mean, Allison has said that she just wants to use Aegon as a puppet king. She doesn't expect Aegon to actually make decisions. She hopes Aegon will get tired of trying to rule and then she can rule for him, so I. I mean, Allison has always been cynical about Aegon. I think you know that Allison believed that Viseris wanted Aon to be king, so that was part of the justification in her head for everything she's doing and I think now Allison doesn't have that excuse anymore.
So Alison really has to face the truth and say, "Okay, I have to take responsibility for what's happening and I have to take responsibility for my horrible son being on the throne." I agree with this? What can I do about it? And it seems that the answer is that she believes that she can't do anything. Allison says it's too late, she's powerless now that Aon and Kristen are on the run with the throne and she can't stop them from going to war, so maybe it's true, really interesting to see how. that will be reduced, thank you.
Chained player saying glidus and Al schwift x uh oh his name they joked about Allison and rer meeting and realizing this was all a horrible mistake uh yeah no I think glus and Al shrift X may have done it. It was speculated that it wouldn't be funny if Allison and Rera discussed Allison's misinterpretation of their words and then realized that oh Oopsy Daisy, uh, it was all a misunderstanding, but unfortunately, it happened that wars started, thousands died in the Battle of the Burning Mill. now and you can't undo the misunderstanding uh and yes bird catcher that was Diana the maid thank you uh take off your socks 420 who says do you think it's clear which side is wrong now?
For a moment it looked like she was going to bend her knee. to Aon if Jar's words were true while Allison rejected the truth in favor of circumstance. I'm not so sure if Rhea would have surrendered to Aegon um I mean it's been established pretty clearly that uh Rira and her family are a threat to Aegon just by being alive like Otto was saying we have to kill Rir even if she surrenders, we can't let her live because her offspring might try to rebel against us and claim the throne. Generations from now um and laugh knows so I don't know.
I think Rir wouldn't be too willing to give up, but I agree that this final scene seems to put Riro more in the right than Alison because Rira risked her life to come to Allison and say hey, let's prevent the war and Allison. says. no, I'm leaving, which you know in part is an emotional reaction to R, you know R's lies and R's son cutting his eye out in the grass, son, and you know there's a lot of bad blood here and Alis is shocked at the find out that she misunderstood about vas. words but yeah I agree I think in this scene reer has the moral High Ground because rer is trying to make peace and Allison is not engaged uh I think that puts reer on the moral High Ground in this situation in particular, but again, I know Rira has done a lot of bad things too.
If Rir had not had bastard children with Hown, his position would have been much stronger and the kingdom would have been much more stable. Thanks Isaac B, who says Helen has tuned out similar emotions. to how he was saved after becoming the Three-Eyed Raven, yeah, that was one of the interesting decisions the Game of Thrones show made is that after Brian Stark downloaded the Three-Eyed Raven's consciousness, he became some kind of robot that no longer expresses emotions, which is a strange choice and I don't think that's what happens in the books. In the books, Brian still expresses his emotions a lot and I tend to think that he will continue to express emotions. um, but I don't know, I mean, you know the books aren't finished yet, so I don't know, um, there's something very strange about the ending of this show being something like a totally unknown, mysterious, guy. emotionless who is in control of everything and we really don't know what he stands for, what he believes or what he knows.
That was an interesting choice for the ending of the most popular TV show in the world, but yeah, I think you're right. There's an interesting parallel with Helena, who is also someone who dreams of the future and knows things, but she also seems a little disconnected from Humanity, she's on a different frequency. I think there's definitely a concept here about how to have power. She disconnects you from humanity and having knowledge, memory and time separates you from normal relationships. The more transcendent you become, the less yourself and the less human you are, the harder it is to relate to other people when you experience time and space differently than them. they're like that, I think that's part of what's going on with Helena and with Bran, thanks Blue Stasis, who says, I think it was super interesting that Allison apparently has a moment where she realizes that Viseris was referring to Egon the Conqueror, but then doubles. down, yeah, I mean, maybe it was like a knee-jerk reaction, it was like a denial, like this is such a big truth bomb that Rer is dropping, that makes Allison look like an idiot, so it's understandable that she reacts like an imp withdenial at first but I think like we said it will be really interesting to see how she processes this as time goes on maybe eventually Allison will leave yeah no one else was right and maybe we should stop naming our children Aon and perhaps I should tell them. my son aegon about this and maybe we need to change things.
I think it's very important how Allison reacts to this because rir is offering an olive branch. How is Allison going to respond? Thanks, ingma, who says that Uron is the pirate of the hot topic. We have a turn. x video All about Uron Greyjoy in the books, who is one of the most terrifying, mysterious and creepy characters in all of history. Thanks Esterel, who says what Kristen has done to her hair. Yeah, I think Kristen has made the decision to uh, yeah, cut his hair when he goes to war and uh, he doesn't look as attractive with shorter hair, unfortunately, in the meantime, Jeris has grown her hair.
Jace has longer hair and looks better, so I guess the moral of the story is that um. everyone should grow their hair long and sexy uh aariel says maybe centuries of war in the Dornish protesters allowed some forbidden love stories to happen, yeah, so it's interesting that you know Kristen's Dornish, but he served the dandari in the Stormlands who fought the dornish for a long time in the Borderlands the daish Marchers yeah I wonder what kind of forbidden romances could have happened monu and tarian capulets and houses Stark from opposite sides with starcross lovers between them maybe thank you Mana Ash who says some of us are team black some of us are teak green but we are all team Helena I like how reira is team Helena like rira recently said that oh my god they killed Jaris they killed the Helena's baby Helena doesn't deserve that, why would anyone do that?
For poor innocent Helena, we haven't seen many interactions between Rainer and Helena, but she seems very aware that Helena is a beautiful person who doesn't deserve the horror that has happened to her, so it's nice to see that from rera, thanks Colorado, who says: I'm curious if all the rats we've seen throughout the season, as well as the death of the rat catchers, could be a harbinger of a plague, yeah, well, I mean, like we said in the recent video, um in the books Otto bought 100 cats to replace the rat catchers. I'm not kidding, cat purchases are an important part of the law and yes, you would think that killing all the rat catchers would cause an increase in rats and I wonder if Laris almost symbolically one of those rats in the pictures behind scene, we saw Helena draw pictures of a rat king, huh, and without the rat catches, I wonder if the Rat King will prosper, thanks Hayne Source, thanks Nolan, who says, I think that's kind of nonsense.
No one has called Amond a kinsman killer yet, but the greens use that as a political point against blacks. I think that's a fantastic point, Nolan, because yes, in the previous episode, the Greens were saying, "Hey, Rer is an evil monster because he killed his nephew Jaris." she is a kinsman hunter and killing kin is the most evil thing you can do in this world or one of them, while Amon killed her nephew Luke, her Vaga Dragon ate Luke last season and that is also killing kin , so one would think that amond would also be vilified.
As a relative killer, I think that's a good point. I think we haven't seen enough conversation about Luke's death and Amon's murder of Luke because that should be so important and it should affect the way people see Amon and we don't. I actually saw a lot of that on screen, like Amon mentioned that he regrets killing Luke and Allison was angry at Amond for killing Luke, so it seems like Amond claimed that he deliberately killed Luke when, in reality, he did. he did accidentally and Vegar disobeyed him, I think. I agree that there's more to unpack there and they just haven't fully unpacked The Fallout and the aftermath of Luke's death yet, so I agree, thank you mother Nicks, who says I think Helena was saying: I forgive you for the fact that Helena wasn't protected by the gods, blaming Allison for that, yes I agree that's part of what Helena forgives Allison for, though I think it also applies more broadly to Allison turning Helena into queen and marry Helen to Aegon and uh. all that other stuff um Nelly says that aon is being manipulated for the worst, yeah Lis is absolutely manipulating aegon um Lis I think he gave Aegon the idea to fire Otto and uh I think Lis seems to continue being Aegon's puppeteer for purposes we don't yet so thanks pish that says I'm enjoying the mirrored goodbye Harwin had with his and her kids yeah that's a good point there was that scene last season where Hown said goodbye of his bastard sons Jason Luke and Joffrey and it was a wonderful heartbreaking scene and you know, Harwin said um, I promise I'll see you guys again, I'll be back, but he didn't, he broke the promise because he died, so I guess Rira You must be thinking the same thing.
Rir is saying goodbye to her son. Little Aon and little Vasera and um, she can't know if she'll ever see them again, which is really tragic and really sad. Thank you, Rims 17, who says, thank you for educating us. Your insights and analysis have been feeding me for years. You brighten my Sundays, love, always, thank you very much, thank you David and thank you Michael Dean. I think we better finish this live broadcast. It's been 3 hours and we have an ALT x video change. to make uh I'm sorry I couldn't respond to all the super chats I've done my best but I appreciate all the kind donations thank you for watching thank you for listening please like and subscribe uh you can. buy alt shiftx merchandise if you want there is a link in the description if you want to buy an ALT shiftx t-shirt or pin you can buy it if you want but yeah no just thank you thank you for watching and supporting this was fun , see you next week at 10:10 p.m.
ET on Sundays we'll be there see you there, regards and thanks to Shubert Reeds for moderating the live chat. You can see Schubert's YouTube channel by clicking on his name. Schubert reads.

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