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Grace for Them? (The Power of Grace and Truth) // Grace Like A Flood (Part 7)

Apr 07, 2024
We're in week seven of a series we call Help Me Grace Like a Fly and I'm excited because this series is really helping people. There have been many people who have been into religion. There have been many people who have been into religion. I have been in doubt, there are many people who have feared God and I truly believe that God has come to shine with light and bring


to his word and to man. God is in love with all of you, he is not the only one in love with me. pastor, he is in love with you, whoever you are, because God loved you so much, you are included in that and today's message is really if you are a visitor, I don't want to really apologize for coming, but I have a Talk to the Church of the Transformation today and you will be able to enter as if you were an honorary member of the Church of the Transformation if you are visiting today, but some of the things I have to say today are to talk to the culture that we are creating here at the Church of the Transformation. because we will not be a church that keeps out who God has let in and I know there are religious people who came today and because your religion is the way it has been dictated to you and what is happening can become offensive I need everyone to come down to their dukes because everyone knows these messages are coming and they are ready, they like what they are going to say, pass


on, that is not me, that is not me and they are ready to fight us.
grace for them the power of grace and truth grace like a flood part 7
We are in a safe place today, but I have to address things so that we do not victimize and condemn the people that God is trying to bring his love to, so I have been concerned about some of the recent events that have been happening in our world. and usually there are many times when God doesn't allow me to talk about certain things just because He wants me to stay on topic and on target wherever we are, but we happen to be in a series on By the


of God, I got the news that there were artists and different people who had lost their lives to suicide and, um, I was worried and I haven't been worried about things like that the way this worried me, you know?
grace for them the power of grace and truth grace like a flood part 7

More Interesting Facts About,

grace for them the power of grace and truth grace like a flood part 7...

Oh, that's sad like praying for family, but it's like those fake Christian answers and and because normally my heart used to be that's how they get like I'm not going to talk about you, but I'm going to talk about myself and I wish my transparency today can shed a little light on what maybe some of the ugliness in our hearts is because I was the first one where someone overdosed or someone committed suicide or someone put


in a situation that ended in the wrong consequences. For most of my life it was like um I shouldn't have done it and I know that would never be your answer like I know but for me that's what happened until I came across this message of


and you're looking. to these people and they got money, they got fame, they have notoriety, but there was still something missing in the fact that they felt like the only option was to take their own life and then I dug a little deeper culturally and I've been seeing how people have been responding to people like Kanye West and some of you like Kanye who, but he's a celebrity that's going through a process right now, maybe he's going through what we're going through, we just don't have five million cameras on us.
grace for them the power of grace and truth grace like a flood part 7
Oh, because If they had a camera crew following them, those ratings, everyone would understand what I'm saying, but I don't think I would have been worried that the things that are happening worry me, I worry about the response of the church and I have to address this because I have been once for so long not understanding how to receive grace but then try, communicate and interact with people who are still in sin and today that is what I want to address because I don't want you to forget what God did for you and then you start to judging people according to a criterion that you couldn't even meet and then we make a separation between being God's hands and feet on earth and being someone who leads people astray that he really wants to come to the kingdom and so I started praying because I've been worried like it's been like Lord.
grace for them the power of grace and truth grace like a flood part 7
I'm looking at comments on Instagram and Facebook and I'm seeing how believers are people who love Jesus in the worship team serving every week giving faithfully since 1964 it seems like I'm seeing all that but I'm seeing how they are taking people in a snapshot of their process and making them a problem when God has called us as his ambassador now I don't know if you read the Bible but God tells us that he has chosen us to be his ambassadors on earth that means we represent him that means some people will never know to Jesus but they will know you uh-uh and if they know you they will get an adequate representation of him, oh, today I will go to your house.
I don't think I got on a plane at 10 o'clock to come and just talk about it, so today my message is really a story that I'm going to tell from the Bible, you know, I usually have a lot of points and all these Other things, we have a point today because at the end of the day I'd rather God do a work in your heart than have this religious thing that you are. like mark one mark two mark three like I want God to do something in your heart like He's doing it in your mind and all I'm saying is this is a room full of progressing people, not perfected people okay so I want you to let's work from today's title grace for them because this is what our hearts really look like when people are struggling in the middle of a difficulty, they have made the wrong decision, they have lost and then the gods like to go and share with them, love them, go, give them, go, go.
Pray for them and we are like grace to deal with, not with them, God because we know they are wrong, yes, grace for them, but God we know it is proven that they are actually shameless and proud of what they are doing that goes against of your word. and remember in 1 Corinthians the words and we tried to do all these other things and God said yes, grace to them and I've titled the subtitle of this because it's going to help a lot of people in this room because we have to see that God wants something in us be given to other people so that they can find it and this is the real crux of the whole matter.
There is


in grace and


and most believers don't know how to identify, communicate or relate to people. what they disagree with in grace and truth, I have seen all my life. I've been with people who can call on heaven, hey healing, and someone walks in smelling like alcohol and their whole attitude changes, we just don't do that here, huh. We don't do that we're in the church, you mean you want to keep people out of the hospital for Humanity because they have a problem like, what hospital do you go to, that they screen people because of their color, they screen people? because of their background they scream no if you go to the ER they will see you whether you have insurance or not why because we will fix what you did later you are sick and in pain now we have to fulfill your need and some of You some people who don't have insurance are going to pay until Jesus returns and in heaven and you will send the western unions back from heaven, but what I'm saying is that doesn't stop you from being seen, but we are the only one hospital that makes people meet a criteria before giving them the medicine that will change their lives and what we do is turn the hospital for Humanity into a prison of people's past so if you did that that's what you are that That wasn't a scene in your story that wasn't a moment in time that's what you are you lied you're a liar now we're having an altar call for all the liars that's the whole church every Sunday we're having an altar call now same for all the people who are dealing with perversion now if I said right now hardly anyone would stand up except as a young teenager you look at you're like I know I'm I just gotta stop I did it in the parking lot lord help me and and and we were clapping and screaming but I think my Bible says if you thought about it oh no I'm sorry if you think about it and what ends up happening so many times because of our view of people who are still in sin and we don't know how to communicate with them what ends up happening is we condemn them. and what ends up happening is that they don't do it.
I didn't know how to deal with my own convictions without condemning someone else and I'm going with you because this is a process that I had to go through because we feel that if we don't agree I have to kill what you're doing and there is a difference between forgiving and convince and most of us don't understand it, that I can't agree with something and someone and have a completely different stance, thought process and conviction about it, but I don't have to demonize you because we are not in your process yet and what we generally do is burn bridges for people to come to Jesus because they have a season where they don't understand where we are and I only say that because I see that I am advising people.
Many of you are products, the only reason you come to this church is because you feel that I am real. This past, the real, he will tell you how it is real, but they had another experience in another church or in another situation that made them. I feel like it was time for you to start putting on a performance every Sunday so that you could be accepted into this Christian Club when God says, I'm really drawn to your brokenness, just like I'm really drawn to what's broken in you. that only I can heal, but he has to have an environment where that can happen in the church.
I just came to tell you today that if you don't want to be


of a church that attracts broken people, you need to find another church, no. No, no, listen to what I'm telling you right now. God is breaking my heart so he breaks his and what's happening is there are so many people that we work with and support that are in our families that we have demonized and cut off. access that we were supposed to have in their lives to be with them through their process because we didn't know how to have a conviction but not tolerate what they were doing and that's why today I asked the Lord to say, God, you have to give me. something in your word because I can go up there and say that and this is like Pastor Mike takes this very seriously, but maybe if Jesus did this for someone maybe if there was an example in the word that he really didn't have to. like me Make up a story, but since he did it and it's in John chapter 8, I want everyone to go there because I need us to see how we navigate showing the grace of God to people who are still in sin because they are everywhere around you. but they are there on purpose and if you don't see it as a purpose, you will see them as a problem look at this story, this is Jesus speaking, it said that Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives, but early the next morning he returned again.
In the temple, so he came to the church, soon a crowd gathered and he sat and taught them, so they were in a religious service like this, imagine, take it to 2018 there in a religious service like this while he was speaking to all the ones I want. so you understand what this is like while he was speaking right now while I'm speaking this would be like someone doing this right now while he was speaking the teachers of the religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. I have so many questions right now, like how did they catch her?
We'll talk about that in a minute. Let me answer so many questions like, for example, that she was caught in the act of adultery. She was put in front of the crowd. so I want you to imagine me up here preaching and you throw a lady right here at my feet, okay, she was caught in the act of adultery Jesus, we did it guys, what teacher did they tell Jesus, this woman was caught in the act of adultery and the law of Moses you know what it says don't you Jesus we should stop it? I don't know why, but I understand this as a British action, stop, ha, and look at what she says, what are you saying like we caught her in sin? the law says we should kill her like she wasn't like fake rocks, they weren't nerf balls, they were real rocks and if they started hitting you with rocks you would eventually die, they are sitting there with her judgment and her criticism.
They are throwing their stones ready to receive the word and he says what do you say they were trying? The reason is being stated right here. They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus crouched down and wrote in the dust with his fingers. They kept demanding an answer, so what do you say, Jesus? Should we, shouldn't we start? So, He stood up and said, okay, enough, but it is one thing for someone who has never sinned to cast the first stone. I know we can smoke, but I need to save the first hit for the person who's never done what he's done.
I don't need to, no, you have to listen to me because you came here ready to stone her. I need someone to start this, who? he had never been in sin before, ok stay with me, this is about to be so good, then he crouched down again and wrote in the dust, when the accusers heard this they slipped away one by one starting with the eldest until only Jesus was left, until only Jesus was left until only Jesus was left until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman only Jesus was left with the woman wherethere are your accusers not even one of them condemned you this is the first time she has spoken in this entire interaction no sir like right now I just want everyone to identify that she agreed with who he was he didn't say no man he didn't say no sir she said no Nord it's okay I just want to see this details and Jesus said: I neither leave nor sin anymore, okay, now some of you understood it just by reading the Bible as you understood it, but there are some of us like me who are in recovery, okay, like this, like this, like this, I heard that, but I need you to explain it to me.
Pastor Mike, great, this is what I do for a living. I want you to come with me in this story because it's like a lot of us and and the first thing I did when I read the Scriptures I had a lot of questions because it's a very short passage in John eight, but a lot of details are missing and I don't know, when I read the Bible I became in CIA detective like in all those programs. I go back in my mind to where they're putting together clues and then I try to solve these mysteries in the Bible, so I'll just tell you some of the questions I had because they may be some of the questions you saw.
This one the first one in verse four says teacher, they said the woman was caught in the act of adultery, how did they catch her like that? It would have been my first question as a disciple sitting there because they said they caught her in the act. So it only leads me to two possible reasons why they were able to put themselves in this headspace like you saw, so the first possible reason was that they prepared her as if she was known for acting in these things and they wanted to do it, they wanted to do it. catch her they wanted to see her fail they wanted them to be because they knew her tendencies they tricked her they could have been in the closet or under a pile of hair whatever they did back then and and and we literally caught you and Doesn't it seem like a lot of times we want to catch the people making mistakes as if we were setting traps for their sin to be exposed? waiting to tell God about them and I'm not saying that maybe you're not sitting in someone's closet doing that or something, what I'm saying is your heart's intention is I can't wait for them to fail, okay, let me leave it.
I'll take it to a more modern term, have you ever seen two celebrities get married or something and in your heart you said that angle lasts, we've all done it, stop lying right now and it's almost like we're waiting there to be a failure, a sin, a problem so we can catch them and basically show God that I'm better than them or present it as a case, God, they're doing it, why are you still blessing them? And it is a difficult position that allows us not to do so. to be the ones praying for them they weren't having a prayer meeting interceding for this woman to come out of this temptation they weren't like a father I thank you right now you would just move all these distractions he's been in lifestyle like this but god you I appreciate that you give us the opportunity to be grace and love for her and intervene Father God and show her what she has done that they were waiting for the moment to accuse her and the beautiful thing about this is that this is the same thing that God says that the enemy does what call the accuser of the day and some of you like I'm not doing that Pastor Mike if you are your own instagrams and facebook waiting to see something that is not right so you can call someone and say girl did you see you waiting for that boss or that coworker is wrong?
It's almost like we were trying to find people's flaws and instead of trying, trying to build their faith, and these were These were the Christians and the religious leaders, so was it a setup or was it a session that some of you they got lost and that they either caught her in the act because they were setting her up or they usually went there and were regular customers. at whatever this establishment was and maybe the young lady got angry maybe I just want them to put a picture right here maybe she she she wasn't there. I'm doing what they wanted her to do and they said we are.
Now we are going to use what we have been engaging with you as something to bring to you and accuse you of how do you know this pastor well? I'll talk about that later, but isn't it funny that she was committing adultery, but they only brought in one person, now you can't commit adultery alone, why weren't there two people? Somebody said we're here, come on, that just takes, y'all know, I got my CSI, where was he, he was standing there and he was ready to


y but his guys covered for him because it's okay for them to do so, so I'm sitting .
I got questions like how did they catch her and then I have another question. I have a reading of verse 5, the law of Moses says: stone high and they said what do you say and again we only have one person that is there, so where is the guy? Verse 6, they were trying to trap Jesus into saying something they could use against him, kind of like how the church world is trying to cut him off. pastors and leaders, all of you, I have received so many crazy emails and comments about the message of grace, and these people are checking my messages waiting for me to say something, they are sitting there with their stone, these are graphs, people believe in the tithe.
We were doing, we were doing all this and we were just waiting, waiting to throw the weight and they were trying to trap Jesus, they were trying to trap someone in something that they could use to tear down what God was trying to build and look at this, He said, but Jesus crouched down and wrote in the dust with this finger. I have questions about what he was writing because he says he gets down and starts playing in the sand now, if it's me, I think Jesus is crazy for doing it. to do something like this is strange you get what I'm saying it just starts writing in the sand and then they say Jesus gives us an answer we're ready to kick these people out of the church we're ready to disarm these people we're ready to throw stones at them all we need is your word cosinus there has to be a scripture here where we can find to make these people feel like nothing, come on Jesus and this is the beautiful thing about this.
I love God's grace because he stands up and the word he says is okay, you got it, he never denies that she did it, he never, ever tries to go up to bat and act like it didn't happen, he actually agreed. okay, yes, she did. I mean, you could tell by how she cries, how he sobs, the clothes he's probably wearing her, the way she smells, because they used to wear perfume to try to attract the men on the board, yeah, she's good, It smells like what happened. Go ahead stoner, accept, if you've ever been in a situation like this, you can't throw the first stone.
I need someone who is sinless to throw the first one and do you know the beautiful thing about that is that he knows that he is the only one who was without sin but guess what he didn't even have a stone I want you to see this he is the only one who didn't he had sin like he was the only one out there without a stone and then later he says this to her, he does something strange again, the Bible, I mean, read it, he says he gets dressed again and starts writing the same way and Something really weird happens because they just do the same thing twice, but they get a different reaction the second time than the first. he ducks they're still demanding and angry and they give us an answer so we can stop it the second time he ducks verse nine these brothers start leaving one at a time now the Bible doesn't tell us what it's writing, but I have a couple from theories like maybe he was writing dates on the floor on November 11, 1943, they saw that and one of the brothers in the back said oh yeah, I remember, oh my God, I remember what happened in 1943 and after in the memory of whom he.
It used to be yes, no, brother, now my wife was actually asking me to clean the barn stables, I'll see you guys later and Jesus is still trapped on December 6, 1978 and another brother said, oh he was. in college I mean, I just remember pieces, oh my gosh, Cynthia Cynthia Jesus and I don't know, I mean, we don't know where, maybe I was writing down the names of Travis Andrea and the people that people were seeing, I mean, because I had reason. I don't know if he was taking pictures, but something changed between him crouching down and writing the first time and him spying on her the second time because he didn't talk to them individually, he just kept writing and these brothers went on like you know, hello.
Dave why and they would leave. All I'm saying is that something reminded them of who they really were and that the same grace that they needed to be called a religious leader was the same grace that this woman needed in her time of need and I said. My problem is that we forget that somehow you guys forgot who you were and some of you have never been in adultery and I never do it, but you've been in Pride since you were seven years old and literally, God, hey, fry like that. The reason the enemy was thrown out of heaven is because he was proud and he thought he could take some of the glories, so he says, I can't even deal with that and we're sitting here judging people looking at them and he stares and as he judges It's funny how in a church people turn things that are positive or negative and try to make them positive and say things like this, what do you like to do?
I like people to look at you, you like to judge people, no, come on. Be honest, like I have my stone. I am ready to pass judgment because it is his third marriage. I'm ready. I'm ready because they met like Jesus didn't deny that this woman did it, but this is the beautiful thing about it. Did she approach his humanity? I think the reason he didn't stand up and the reason he crouched down is because no matter what everyone said and the threat of throwing rocks, he wanted that girl to know that he was close to her and that he took a stand. from which you cannot escape, how can you escape from a stupid position?
He was letting this young woman know. I really think she was probably saying things like this, don't worry if they start throwing rocks, I'll cover you. Don't worry if they try to bring up your past. I'll lie on top of you and take the hits. And doesn't that remind you of another story? Doesn't that remind you? What Christ did at Calvary could it be that at that time Christ was practicing for his death that he would come down and identify with the humanity of man and get close enough to it that if there was a beating or a death that he would have to receive? he was going to get over it and cover it.
Oh, you better hear the word of God in this place. Could it be that this was the precursor to what God was going to do for us all? Because God is so loved, even the adulterer. the one who is high right now, even the one who is greedy and proud and has abused people. Church, I feel the passion and burden to share this with you because if we don't get grace and truth, we will leave out the people God wanted to use. us as a bridge to get to it and there are people right now that you are judging, if they came here and sat next to it, your whole attitude would change because you feel that you are better than them and they are not.
You deserve what God has given you. Why do you know Pastor Mike? Because that was me for over 20 years when people did things and got consequences. I never say it out loud but in my heart my attitude was that's what they did instead of praying for them instead of calling them and seeing that it's there and I know you're in this situation but I can relate to it, I can't duck. and reach out to you while you're going through your situation, but they don't, why? around you that means I'm tolerating it and if I'm around you and I'm tolerating it, guess what they're going to hit me too and I'm trying to get hit by your stuff, you see, Jesus didn't do it.
Do what most of us would have done, we would say the right thing, but keep backing away like she's sitting there, any of you don't have with us, uh, with the stones and you haven't seen us. I'd be ruining everything, any of you just don't catch a cast, you can pick the star, don't do this to him, oh, oh, that's wrong, you're still taking a step back, oh, come on, think about it. It's Charles she's just warming up and she'll say the right things but she'll walk away from people she'll say the right things but hey I'm praying for you sister hey there's no distance in prayer there's no distance and you're upset we try we're trying to run for cover when God asks us to identify ourselves to go down with the people so we can be there, but listen, we will pass the microphone, how do I do?
Jesus gave us an example, he tells this woman. He stays with her long enough for all of her accusers to leave her. Do you know how


ful it is to be a friend or a believer, to stay with someone through a divorce and be there and celebrate birthdays with them and be with them and be an absent family? member while they are going through the situation we always want to go back to their party celebration we didn't know if I was going to make it but God is good what and that's why people don't trust people and because we were depressed when it was good and maybe I made a mistake maybe I had a baby out of wedlock and maybe I had a relationship with the wrong person and maybe I stole it and maybe I committed the sin.but you stopped being stupid and you stopped reaching out maybe you were the only breath in the only hope I had and for fear of one thing you left me in the church I tell you that this is a hospital for Humanity and if you are afraid of being hit don't do it I want to be in this church, why do you say that?
Pastor Mike, because it's happened to me in my own life over the past three weeks. I got a call on Sunday morning three weeks ago that my childhood pastor, my first pastor, Pastor Carlton Pearson, was going to be in service that Sunday, his mom wanted to come to church and he was going to be at all the churches. that I could have taken, I was going to bring her to this church, well, I got excited and started praying because my parents came here 35 years ago. ago to help Bishop Pearson and a team with Pastor Gary Anan started a church called the higher dimension and there was nothing like it at the time, it honestly looked like this black, white, all kinds of races and all these other things and God was doing Amazing things in a church and listen, that was the church I grew up in, that's all I knew.
I wouldn't, you wouldn't see Michael Todd if it weren't for Bishop Carlton Pearson and what ended up happening moved me. Well, some of you know the story that Bishop Pearson had to change his beliefs and began to believe that there was no hell and that there was, there was no place, um after this life were the consequences, torment and all that, and when I heard that I was like that, I did what I believed. but I loved that man and we can have different beliefs and we can still love and support each other and support each other and we can relate to him coming out of every message that he could be preaching in the world.
I'm preaching about the grace of God and man, he stood up and encouraged me and I gave him the juice in that service it doesn't feel good and I went back and he just encouraged me and prayed and I want to say it was an amazing moment because I had all my pastors, all the pastors I've ever had in my entire life, were there at the same time, my father, who is the pastor of our house, Bishop Gary and the pastor called, we were all there and we were sitting there talking. I'm like me, I'm in a moment right now, someone pinched me and it was like an amazing moment, so I was like, man, I have to commemorate this moment.
I have to take a photo with my entire ticket, so we took a photo on the back porch. and then I said, "I can't wait to share this with people. I honor the people who came before me and all this, so I took the photo the next day. Y'all, the church had day stones ready and for a day and Half the people start attacking me because I was associated with someone who sewed in my life and has a difference of beliefs. Everyone would have thought I was with a porn star, Marilyn Manson and Hitler, and I was like that guy so. like I'm talking, I knew something was wrong with Pastor Mike, there ain't no one that flies and really loves Jesus, I mean, it was just day after day and listen, you thought the stones were real stones, stones, stones, oh, come on we were texting and we were saying things and we were tearing people down and y'all just see I'm a fighter by nature so I got my stone come on I was ready to go out and just ours I was. this Klaus this Klaus and then the Holy Spirit told me what did I do said you're testing what I went through said said when you defend me and use my method said them Every stone, they might even kill you, old man, come on, someone, he said, maybe time when I said in my word that you reign with me, that means you also suffer with me and there are some believers who have been too scared to have a stone thrown at them.
I tell them to stay away from the action because they don't want to get hurt and they don't know what God is doing deep down and they don't know that Bishop Pearson is sitting here again on another Sunday. I honor you, man of God, I appreciate you, I love you, Oh, everyone can honor, he sowed seeds in this city, yeah, now look at this look at this look at this look at grace and truth I don't agree with everything you believe I love you grace and truth Oh and better praise God right there rice night-night and true the problem is that if we do not believe the same now I feel that I have to condemn you and Jesus never did that he told the woman he told her where are your accusers They're gone, I stayed connected to you long enough for everyone who hated you and was ready to kill you to leave, but remember what it says, it said until all that existed was Jesus and he was with her and then what What I did was allow them to see if you lead with grace, it gives them a chance to see the truth, most of us lead with the truth, no one wants to hear what you have to say, after that you are wrong to say that I am not listening to you, but if you lead. you graciously give someone the opportunity to accept the truth, who knows what God is going to do through my relationship with Bishop Crowes, who knows how much leadership wisdom and a church that has never been seen before I can gain from him and how much he may be able to see what God is doing in his life and hear some plan from someone, but God adds to do it, but you will never find a day on the Internet, you better prepare to go crazy if you will never find a day on the fact that I don't do it.
Publicly honor this man, listen to me, why? Because that woman was caught in the act of adultery and Jesus identified himself and stayed long enough to give her the truth. You already know what the truth was. There are no more people here to stone. Go and say no more. like when you do that thing that hurts you, but when you keep lying and creating these networks as if it hurts you, you don't do it anymore, when you go against the Word of God in this area, you are leading people down the wrong path and It hurts you.
Don't do it like that, that's all I was saying, but the crazy thing I think is that even if this woman had come back to life, we don't know what's wrong with this woman, she could have been like this. Who did I think he was dead? Let me go back to this trap house to earn this money. I have to get my coins. Oh, isn't that what some of us did? We said the prayer God, if you get me out of this, I promise I will start. a prayer group, I will be a pastor and you were nimah, so no, we don't know what he did after this, we only know that he experienced grace and it is the same thing that God wants to give us all. lots of howls for every person in this room that when you have a question, thank you, yes and maybe God wants to use you as his representative to identify with them long enough for them to have a chance to change.
What do you mean by passing the microphone? Are you saying that you want me in my group of men to go to the strip club and witness these women who would get broken up and abused? Lord, you want us to call and you know Leahey because everyone knows how some of us just pervert this and when we ask questions like the Corinthian Church asked Paul, so we do now that the grace of God has been extended to us, like : We can continue sinning, of course, right? You have been saved by the grace of good words, etc.
What God wants us to do is things that will bring Him glory and that will attract people who will leave, so what I am saying is that if that person who is a stripper comes to fix his car at your house, do not use auto mechanic shop insult them and be unpleasant because you already know what they do, treat them like a woman of God, give them dignity, no, no, I'm just saying because many times we treat people according to their situation. Have you ever walked into a place that was rich, really rich and some of you may have never experienced this, but your child has walked into places where I may have sweated and all this other stuff and it will seem like I can't afford anything. there, but you know my dad is, so you walk in and one time I walked into a piano store and I was playing the piano and the snooty little woman came up.
I like I own the store you work here like I don't care if you work at Gucci and you work here who is the truth anyway she said can I help you sir? So I just tried a few pianos, she said she, can you afford one of these? pianos I just pressed the bottom keys and I didn't want to lie so I said maybe I couldn't afford it but she didn't know maybe and she said she was fine and stepped back and literally followed me from the piano. playing the piano is not like I could pick up a piano and still play it well, I mean, like I couldn't like it and and what she didn't know is that one day I could afford a piano and because of how she treated me on a season of In For the life of me, I would never go back to that establishment, even she probably doesn't even work there, no, but what she just did was give that whole company a bad reputation, like when many believers come into contact with a representative of the king, oh .
Come on, you're not even the king, but because you treated that person and that family and in a time when you judged what they were going through, you summed them up when they were dying and in need that they don't even look at. to Jesus they look at alcohol they look at weed they look at prescription pills they look at exercise they look at therapists they look at psychics they look they are looking, but what if you are the reason they don't look at the Church of Jesus? this time for all of us to work in grace and truth I give you one last scripture John chapter 1 verse 14 and and let me give you my only point here we go very simple covers everything grace for them comes from grace like him like you can Don't use your own system of judgment to determine whether people receive grace.
What did God use to judge you? He basically said, "If you get this gift that I'm giving you," he said, "I'll cover it." You have such a big debt. called a sin you don't even have the resources to pay it so I'll cover your debt once and for all if everyone says believe if you believe and I just want for a second to remember who we were without the grace of God are you talking about Kanye in everything? He said you were that crazy too, you just didn't have cameras around, that's right, this is a similar grace for them, whoever it is in your life, they come from grace like him.
Let me tell you another very quick story that happened to me yesterday. I met a celebrity that if I said his name, everyone in this room would know and I'm in a back room with a group of celebrities and some pastors and me. I'm at a conference and I walk in and I walk around and I shake hands with each person and I introduced myself to this celebrity because I knew them but they don't know me and then they said their names. I was like I knew so what. It ended up happening when I sat down and he said, bro.
I watched Relationshipgoals two weeks ago, the same week, I got high. The message of this house somehow he saw it and said, brother. I didn't want to see it, but it appeared on my screen. and something told me I had to see it and he said bro, I needed that, I said thanks for that, you don't know how to impact my life and then I said, "You're welcome, you know, trying to act like you." I've been there before, like he's welcome and then he says man we need to stay in touch and he gave me his contact information.
It was like, hey bro, I need people around me to send me stuff and help me because he's in his process and I was. as if, so we took a photo together and the fear of being associated with someone who was not an immaculate believer of Jesus Christ. I was thinking about what the church would say and what people would take, the people who had their stones ready. I was ready for what they would say and as I walked away I felt like the Holy Spirit was saying to me: Can I trust Him with you? Oh, what do you mean?
Can I trust you to stay close enough if I allow this to happen? Would you stay close? Enough for him to represent me to him, even if you are going to take a stone here and there. I had a decision because I felt the stones from two weeks ago and I said God, I'm about to be in a weak Punk. Christian, I'm not about to do it, I'm about to be like these people who will claim you in the church and forget you in the streets. I said I have you God as I can be. I am that Duke, send me. go but I said give me my phone I took my phone I edited that photo post stone test I'm ready for you to throw the stones because at the end of the day if I had to take a few hits for someone to find Jesus it's worth it and you might not be dealing with someone who is a celebrity or someone who has status, but what about that coworker?
What's up with that cousin? What about that family member? Will you be the one to take the stand to stay with them long enough? don't approve of what they are doing still hold your convictions but don't condemn them to tell them the truth but lead with grace if you lead with grace you always have a chance for the truth hear me say it one more time if you lead with grace you will always have a chance to tell it tell someone the truth and guess what they are more likely to receive it because they know you care about them, not just what they do.
Yes, we can praise God right now. John 1:14 And the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, as he did not sit in a castle or in a tower, he came and made his dwelling among us, we have seen his glory, the glory of the only son who came from the father full of grace and we were able to Don't leave this series of grace like a


without really talking abouthow we treat people in the midst of their sin and what I want you to do is know that if you are in the midst of your sin we love you and you. you can belong here before you behave no, no, no, Mike, no, mm-hmm, why would you tell them that?
Because I can't have heart surgery if I never go to a hospital and they never will. You will get a transformation for your heart if you are not in a TC hospital, so the new day you will see all walks of life coming here and I promise you that we will protect the leadership of this house to make sure that it is a pure and fluid whale. of people who live righteously and holy lives and stand up and guess what they're not going to be perfect, so you'll see some people on the platform who just disappeared.
I think about what happened to them, they are in a process, we are not throwing them away, we are simply working them because we have to make sure that what comes from here to you is pure, but what you should know is that what is out there will be all confusing and bad. angry and secretive like you're going to be sitting next to people, why? Because you are like that now and I believe that before we see the influx of people I have already stated to our staff that we are growing as a church this summer, like most people in the summer, attendance decreases and although we have been growing during the summer And we'll continue, why is it because people are going to discover that they don't need to wait until August to get the things that are killing them out of their lives and they're going to discover that there is a hospital for Humanity.
I want to thank you for being like that. Church that can see broken people and places and look beyond their guilt and see their needs, if we can ever become that Church, we will see a revival in this city, no, no, I'm not talking about a revival like tent meetings. campaign. night I'm talking about the personal because when I revive and you revive and you revive and you revive and you revive and we all come together revival happens today I want to pray for you I want to pray for all those who have been When judging people, I return to be in that category.
I want to pray for everyone who feels condemned and let them know that Jesus is with you and I want to pray that this church becomes a place that not only follows the message that really exemplifies and represents the grace method for them, yes, because we serve To a gracious God and Father, I thank you for every person who is listening, come on, why don't you raise your hands right now? It's okay, in some way, to receive the father, I thank you. Right now there are people all over this place who really need your grace, Father God, that we are realizing even in this moment, Father, that we have made mistakes, we have judged people, we have been fathers.
I have been caught in the act, but somehow your grace continues and like a path, father, it comes back again and like another path it comes back again and your love keeps coming and keeps coming and you are chasing us and today let us be in no everything that we have done or what someone else has done, but God, let us be in what you are doing in us God, forgive us for throwing stones, father, in fact, forgive us for having stones in reserve, father, today we we surrender our stones and we collect grace and I thank you Father because you have changed, you are doing heart surgery on people right now so that they experience, feel and hear your love like never before God, I thank you that this will be a church that walks in grace and truth and the name of Jesus we agree, someone come to this place, let's give a shout of praise to God for being the god of grace and truth, I will come upon all of you.

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