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The second coming of Donald Trump: Can he become president again? | 60 Minutes Australia

Apr 27, 2024
Not everyone in the West thinks that Vladimir Putin is a dangerous megalomaniac, just as former US President Donald Trump has called the man responsible for so much death and destruction in Ukraine a genius. Now, of course, Trump has made a career out of being unorthodox and, It's unpredictable, it seems that the more his followers love him, Trump is now seriously considering another tilt at the White House and if you thought it was a wild ride the last time it was leader of the free world, you haven't seen anything yet. If there is one thing that Donald Trump has taught the world about American politics, it is that the definitions of fact and fiction are not black and white the big lie the big lie is a lot that is what it is after the 2020


ial election, ha blurred the lines between defeat and victory so successfully polls now say he is convinced that more Americans than ever than the smiling ones are the real winners we will not bend we will not break we will not give in we will never give up we will never give up and if anyone dares to disagree with Trump's rewriting of history are forever doomed by his army of blindly loyal followers.
the second coming of donald trump can he become president again 60 minutes australia
He's a great


and he's going to do great things for a Trump supporter like you are. Do you have to believe the big lie that the election was stolen? that is a prerequisite, it is almost comical the way the media is portraying what happened in our elections. You know, thousands of miles away, you really have no idea what happened in our elections these days. Curry Lake is the former commander in chief. partisan in chief and as you see, no, I told you we're done, thank you very much, in addition to praising Trump, she likes nothing more than giving free character evaluations to annoying reporters.
the second coming of donald trump can he become president again 60 minutes australia

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the second coming of donald trump can he become president again 60 minutes australia...

In Australia, are you really a respectable journalist there or are you considered just another Carrie Lake joke later, but first a different take on why Donald Trump is plotting to once


walk the corridors of power? This is a man with millions of followers. We are witnessing, literally, the biggest cult phenomenon that I think we have ever witnessed in Western history: the phenomenon of people following an autocratic leader like Donald Trump. He probably doesn't look it, but Miles Taylor is a lifelong Republican, he was national. security advisor during the presidency of george w bush and also worked for the


administration in the department of homeland security, but far from praising his former boss, he fears what do he think is at stake for the united states if


runs for office? presidency in 2024?
the second coming of donald trump can he become president again 60 minutes australia
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the prospect of a


term for Donald Trump is a threat to our lives, our livelihoods, and our way of life. I believe that if Trump runs


, he will tear this country apart so much that he will be a threat to public safety. Trump has hinted at, but not yet confirmed, a tilt at the White House in 2024. However, Taylor knows firsthand that if he does so and is successful, the free world will see a very different style of leader than when I worked there. administration, there was no one that Donald Trump saw in the entire world more like him than autocrats.
the second coming of donald trump can he become president again 60 minutes australia
I would have rather been friends with kim jong-un in north korea, president xi in china and vladimir putin and russia than any western democratic leader who has been in the situation room while he has been talking about these autocrats like xi, putin and Kim Jong-un, why are you attracted to these people? What does he say? He is attracted to these people because he wants to be like them. Donald Trump was immensely disappointed by something when he became president of the United States, it was that he didn't have the power he thought he had, it was that he couldn't just will things into existence so frankly, in essence, it was jealousy, he was jealous of Vladimir putin and and xi in china because I wanted to be able to do what they could do, which was whatever they wanted and I said: this is a genius putin declares a large part of ukraine from ukraine putin declares it independent oh that's wonderful for the critics there couldn't be better proof of the dangers of


trump than three weeks ago when he went on american radio to talk about vladimir putin's invasion of ukraine his views could not have been clearer or more controversial i said how clever that is and he He's going to come in and be a peacekeeper who is the strongest peace force we could use on our southern border here is a guy who is very intelligent I know him very well very very well he is extraordinarily dangerous he is a demagogue Canadian professor Thomas Homer Dixon is a political scientist and conflict specialist, says Trump's refusal to accept that Joe Biden won the last election has forever damaged American politics.
Do you think it's fair to call Donald Trump an extremist? Absolutely does not at all mean a man who seems to have no respect for even the understanding of democracy, I mean, he lost the election and immediately after the election he started mobilizing his forces to try to steal it and try to block the legitimate political outcome. Professor Dixon doesn't hold back, he says that since Trump lost the election he has turned against democracy and has done everything within his power to convince his millions of followers that his electoral system is rigged the American people deserve answers January 6th rally was a protest against a crooked election carried out by unhinged Democrats, big tech, and working with the fake news media, all working together to defeat the Republicans and your favorite president, me from the moment lost, Donald Trump said no.
Last year we had a rigged election and the evidence is everywhere and even when American judges dismissed over 50 lawsuits challenging the outcome of the election because there was no evidence that Trump still maintained that he was the winner and we won twice and we did better the


time with so many supporters now in tow, the fear is that if Trump runs for the oval office again, what will happen if he doesn't get the result? wants about 70 percent of Republican members of the Republican party to believe that the election was stolen, that really corrodes the underlying institutions of democracy in the country, it means that for those Republicans they are very likely to refuse to accept the result. of any election in the future where your candidate doesn't win and you can't run a democracy when people are taking that kind of position, if I run and if I win, we will treat those people starting January 6 fairly , we will treat them fairly and if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons, what did you think of that statement?
Well, I heard other Republicans say that too, um, they got his signal, I'm sure it's very disturbing. Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson was former Secretary of State Colin. Powell's chief of staff is outraged that the perpetrators of last year's Jan. 6 insurrection could ever be forgiven, so what message is he sending? He says if there's anything they do following me that's a quote-unquote violation of the law, I'll take care of it. either through a presidential pardon or I will not allow the case against you to be prosecuted and we will make America great again. His planning also includes a concerted effort to place his supporters in key electoral positions at the state level now so that they are in place early for the 2024 elections - yes, there is mass mobilization across the country by Republican operatives in all states. swing states where Trump needs to win and decisively where Democrats could win but want to be able to overturn the election results.
If that were to happen, there is a deliberate effort by the Republican party to capture the election machinery, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Trump-endorsed candidate Carrie Lake, but of all the weapons in Trump's re-election arsenal , the most formidable could well be this, take no prisoners, its name. It's Carrie Lake and since you're about to see her you cross her at your own risk, you're trying to twist this interview and trying to make me look bad ladies and gentlemen please welcome the Trump endorsed candidate for governor of the great state from Arizona, Kerry. Lake, once Fox News host Carrie Lake, wants to be the next governor of Arizona.
I'm ready to receive a deck. These sensational television ads have given her campaign a boost, but not as much as the support that Republican candidate Donald Trump has. You guys love him as much as I love him, it's not hard to see why you like her, I think he's a great president, I think he's one of the best presidents we've ever had and I think he'll come back, I think he'll win. in 2024 and will return with a vengeance the outgoing republican governor in arizona is doug ducey is in disgrace because he defied trump's harassment in the last election instead of cheating he followed the rules and declared the result in his state which was joe Biden's way was fair, but Carrie Lake thinks that's nonsense, considering how much information we already had at the time about serious irregularities and problems with the election.
She would not have certified it at that time. Wasn't it great to hear from the president? Trump if he hadn't figured it out already Kari Lake couldn't be more in tune with Donald Trump don't believe a word the corrupt media says they are liars and frankly I think they are criminals they should. I mean, some of them should probably be locked up, it's a question of who hates the journalists more or the officials she claims stole the election from Trump by declaring Biden the winner. Anyone who was involved in that corrupt and suspicious 2020 election, lock them up.
The point is on a broad scope, on a very broad scale, across the United States. It has had election officials. It has had judicial officials. It has had judges. They looked at this. They didn't look at the evidence. I looked at the evidence, there has been no evidence, there has not been any evidence presented in a single court of law in your country that has shown that there was electoral fraud, I mean, if that is true, if it was stolen, as you say, why Is there no evidence? year later all all the previous cases that have been heard in court none of the evidence was presented now we have the evidence from the forensic audit the forensic audit is evidence and can be presented in a court of law and I hope it is people who violated the laws, he broke the election laws here, he broke the state laws here and the laws were broken and it's really nice to have someone from Australia


here trying to tell us how our elections were run.
I'm not trying to tell you how. to run your voting system, I'm just trying to understand how you see it. I mean, obviously, it's clear that what he's implying is that if he wins, then it'll be fair, but if he loses, no, no, that's not what I'm implying that's not what I'm implying if you lose if you lose it'll be rigged. No, I just told you, Liam, that we currently have legislators right now, probably at this very moment working hard to introduce legislation to try to make our elections fairer. What we're doing is not just about the 2020 election.
In 2022, we are trying to make our elections fair so that in the future, all voters in Arizona, whether they are Democrats, independents or Republicans, can feel good. the election was honest carrie lake will not move an inch the system is broken and must be fixed and millions of americans agree with her including a growing number of american military men and women it's a terrifying scenario for colonel lawrence wilkerson, former chief of staff to general colin powell How many in the military do you think really believe trump's stance that the election was stolen? I think I can probably safely say that a quarter to a third is a big number that's equivalent to a lot of people actually believing it last year. 120 retired senior military officers, generals and admirals signed an open letter declaring that Joe Biden had stolen the election Colonel Lawrence says this could signal a split in the military in the up


election with those who support Trump going their own way , it worries me and worries me. the flag officers, the admirals general that I still know and communicate with and I suspect and I can almost say I know that this is general milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, he has made it quite clear that it concerns him and that he should do it because we are seeing what a person told me the other day the most important instrument in the majority is the army in which direction the military go the people with the weapons in which direction they turn and crumble themselves and join the Malay It is a worrying idea in an already violent country where scenes like the attack on the Capitol building in Washington seemed to be applauded by as many people as those who condemned it.
We saw many very conflicting images for many days that repeated various angles.that in the January 6 riots insurrections call it what you want I mean, how did you see that? How do you view the events of January 6 at the Capitol? Well, that really has nothing to do with being governor of Arizona. I had nothing to do with it, sir, well, you're, you, your man, it's always, it's always the conspiracy theorists in the media, which, well, not that, I'm telling you too. That's not true at all that's not true you've come here no, you've covered well let's be fair honestly let's be fair about this your man


trump called our election the big lie your man donald mentioned it your man donald said only if you say that, sir, what your man Donald, well, he is, I mean, he has personally endorsed it, he said, he said a few days ago that those people in the capitol should be forgiven, they should all be forgiven, do you think they should be forgiven?
I'm surprised you can say your man Donald, that's so disrespectful. Well, why should it be that he has your back? He has his personal support. It's just that it's a frivolous attitude. It's obvious you've gotten into this. It's obvious that you've entered. to this interview and you don't like president donald trump carrie is obvious well do you think they should be forgiven? Do you think they should be forgiven? I have nothing to say about whether I run for governor. This is not something a governor does. you are trying to twist this interview and you are trying to make me look bad you are a republican he is the republican he is the republican leader what I don't like is that people are in prison without charges that is not American maybe they can get away with it in



maybe in australia because they have given up their rights, they melted down all their weapons and you have no freedom, that's fine with you, but here in the United States we do things differently, we have something called the US constitution. and we have rights, so it would be better if we had more guns here, I mean what would be better for you, yes, I would, absolutely, sir, I would.
I'm so sorry because people in Australia have no power, the only thing. Stopping us from being Australia right now is our second amendment and we will never let it go. Mark my words, what we saw happen in Australia where there are internment camps and people are forced into lockdown if they encounter someone with Covid. a quarantine camp is the most horrible thing I've ever seen a government do, it's terrifying and if you can't see that, I feel for you, it would have been better, this is our last question Liam, we have to flee. but thanks for your time just answer this question one more question carrie well no I already told you we're done thank you very much that guy is completely crazy seriously the completely crazy person is here we have to move on Carefully, Curry Lake and his many followers They do not tolerate differences of opinion and the most excitable among them often resort to attacking their opponents with vile Republican abuses.
Longtime Republican and now Trump enemies Miles Taylor lives with the threat of violence daily. personal security and moving house regularly just two days ago, among many other hate messages, and I will do it for you, shut your damn mouth about Trump or pay the price, how did that person get my phone number? Why did that person feel compelled to contact me? To me, why did they feel compelled to threaten me? Because that is the phenomenon and that is the phenomenon that we are witnessing in the United States, it is an explosion of political violence. It's worrying that Miles Taylor may be right, but in the spirit of democracy I think Curry Lake deserves the Last Word Liam, it was a pleasure meeting you.
This has


comical. Leave. In fact, thank you for making me laugh because you make some of the crazy reporters and people at CNN seem almost respectable, so thank you, sir. your time thank you carrie it has been a pleasure hi i'm tara brown thanks for watching 60


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