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Millions Of Giant Shrimp Are Caught And Processed By Fishermen This Way

Jul 06, 2024
The boat sets sail for the South Atlantic Ocean The


wait for the boat to fill with


Today we follow the fisherman to explore the journey of capturing and processing





These are large shrimp found in the ocean They can only thrive in warm waters and cannot tolerate temperatures below 3° C. If the temperature and salinity are at the perfect level, they can reach a length of 18 to 20 cm, which makes wild shrimp taste so good that they come from waters rich in nutrients from the Gulf. from Mexico with a rich sweetness unmistakable with any Seafood to bring the original flavor of the sea to the continent it is a strenuous journey for


the design of a shrimp boat is very complex from the drying racks lowered on each side to the equipment maintaining the net open underwater plays an important role in the success of the trip;
millions of giant shrimp are caught and processed by fishermen this way
However, the most important factor is the trolling net; The structure of these nets is unique because it not only slides across the ocean floor to capture shrimp but can also protect other marine life in the same environment using catch reduction devices that are installed to create a small hole at the top. of the net for the fish to escape, although the shrimp spawn throughout the year. Peak periods generally occur from September to November and April to May off the Texas coast. The radar system helps fishermen detect shrimp, allowing them to focus on their nets and maximize harvests.
millions of giant shrimp are caught and processed by fishermen this way

More Interesting Facts About,

millions of giant shrimp are caught and processed by fishermen this way...

Fishermen typically catch about 500,000 pounds of shrimp during the catching season. Fresh shrimp should be kept in seawater at a suitable cold temperature if stored on ice. Shrimp should be kept in a container to avoid excessive pressure Shaved ice is evenly mixed with shrimp for quick and complete cooling Using salted ice water can minimize unwanted oxidation problems on shrimp meat during cooking Unloading Fishermen are careful to ensure that the temperature of the shrimp does not increase significantly and that they are not crushed before cooking or peeling. Shrimp should be rinsed with water to remove mucus and blood.
millions of giant shrimp are caught and processed by fishermen this way
Peeling can be done by hand or with a machine before or after cooking. If shrimp are peeled raw, they should be kept on ice for several hours to allow the shells to harden. They are easily peeled and the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast of the United States are also home to populations of pink shrimp. This shrimp can be found at depths of approximately 230 feet and can grow up to 11 inches long. Pink shrimp are known for their tender sweet meat and are


throughout the year have the ability to reproduce early and have a growth rate f.
millions of giant shrimp are caught and processed by fishermen this way
Stock assessment shows that the number of pink shrimp always exceeds the target; However, fishermen must still follow the same strict fishing regulations that apply to other types of shrimp when fishing for pink shrimp, the time should not exceed 2 hours because dragging the net for too long will cause the pink shrimp to rot. bruise and lose quality. The net can be held over the water for short periods of time to remove excess mud. During the onboard chase, fishermen will remove stones and debris from the pink shrimp, which will then be thoroughly washed. Pink shrimp can be cooked in fresh water or 8-10% brine and are


2-3 hours after capture and still retain the desired flavor and toughness.
The pink shrimp are cooked for about 3 minutes and fishermen will change the water to avoid transferring the smell to the meat. Boiled pink shrimp can be cooled in clean sea water. When boiled they will retain their beautiful natural pink color and have a longer shelf life right now cooked. Shelled pink shrimp can still be sold in the market without additional processing or you have another option which is peeled pink shrimp. The cooking process breaks the bond between the shell and the muscle, making it easier for workers to peel them. They peel the shrimp by hand in a at a temperature of about 60°F, apply pressure with the left hand to the tail of the shrimp, squeezing the meat to separate it from the rest of the shell.
After peeling, the meat is washed with cold water. Boiled shrimp can be frozen individually and packaged in plastic bags that are impervious to oxygen and moisture, however, cubed shrimp may be preferable to frozen individually because the shrimp meat is less susceptible to oxidation, in addition to the shrimp,


of cod are also


by large-scale fishermen. Fishermen are committed to providing fish according to natural principles so that they can feast and freeze the fish directly in the sea a few hours after catching it, it is the best way to preserve freshness and natural quality. All cod fishing boats operate a small fet factory.
The cod will be


by machines and the fishermen on board produce packages and freeze everything in a matter of hours. In fact, large areas of the ocean are very far from any population centers or even land areas, so many potential fisheries will not be exploitable without methods to preserve fish for long voyages. At sea, the ship could remain in the fishing grounds until the cod fills the hold. This increases the time spent fishing and improves the economics of cod fishing. It also allows the cod to be distributed to a wider market while still being in good condition.
The fishermen After completing the preparations, they attach the squid to the hook. Once the hook is dropped into the sea, thousands of cod can be harvested. Fishermen do not expose cod to direct sunlight. They are stored in the coolest place immediately after fishing. Cooling not only helps slow deterioration. process but also prevents the blood from clotting too quickly because the blood clots in the tissues the meat becomes permanently pink or red damaging the appearance of the fetus the heading and gutting of the cod is started as soon as possible not only to ensure a continuous supply a Cod liver is also discarded by fishermen because it contains very perishable fats and can become rancid even at low temperatures after being gutted.
The cod is placed in a tank of cold water where it is given a final rinse. Like pink shrimp, cod is also frozen in ice cubes for easy storage and transportation. If COD wrappers are used, they can be identified and processed more quickly at the next discharge location. If the cod is filleted and frozen at sea, it is important that it is cold. conditions throughout the entire production chain when the cod is in a cold state the tension of the muscle fibers gradually increases and the contraction will be limited the fishermen can produce fillets with a pleasant texture in addition to the fishing boats there are also fishing boats King crab boats usually go out to sea for 3 to 4 weeks at a time before returning to shore to search for king crabs.
Fishing generally takes place during the winter months of October to January. The icy waters of the North Pacific Ocean, especially around Alaska and Russia, are prime territory for king crabs. The better the water, the better the quality of the king crab. These boats are typically between 50 and 300 feet in length and are equipped with enormous hydraulic systems to handle king crab traps weighing up to 700 pounds. Trap release and lifting systems are also designed to withstand Alaska's frigid climate. King crabs are usually caught between 600 feet and 1600 feet deep. The bait commonly used to attract king crabs is herring or cod fishermen.
Place the bait in the trap and then lower it to the sea floor using a powerful hydraulic system. These traps are often placed in a row to make them easier to climb, fishermen marking their location in the water with buoys. After 1 or 2 days at sea, the trap is raised to the surface on the boat. The king crabs are unloaded in the sorting area where the fishermen. will select king crabs according to the regulations, king crabs that do not meet the requirements will be returned to the sea, the rest will be stored in the water tank until the ship returns to shore, when fishing for Alaskan king crab, the Anglers must also meet certain legal requirements, much of each year revolves around size and fishing season.
King crab fishing boats receive a separate quota based on the previous year's catch and estimated reproductive mass. Large ships float in the sea. Fishermen face many dangers because king crab fishing typically takes place in the coldest months of the year. the year when the average temperature is 10 to 20° and there are frequent storms while anglers always have to lift heavy gear icy conditions make decks slippery and they are more likely to get caught in gear and slip off the boat, can you imagine working? using cranes and hydraulics on a boat in rough seas adding a heavy trap when waves hit the boat fishermen don't know whether to look up or down or where to hold on to move danger can come from any direction even if a fisherman is rescued After falling overboard you can still suffer from hypothermia and seeing a doctor is not easy.
Although safety measures are in place, dangerous working conditions and unpredictable weather changes continue to cause difficulties for fishermen in the world of American agriculture. The journey of innovation and discovery is constant. From fishing in the ocean to raising animals on the farm, everything is much more interesting than you think, similar to the process in which these pigs become the sausages you eat every day and that's how American farmers They harvest and process billions of pounds of animals. Meat first, let's get to these interesting tuna. Tuna move quickly across thousands of miles of ocean, sometimes reaching speeds of 75 mph, and can be caught and found in many different international areas.
In fact, there are about 15 types of tuna based on the texture and flavor of the meat. There are five main commercial species of tuna, these are albore tuna, big ey tuna, skipjack tuna, yellin tuna and blin tuna in recent years. Global consumption of tuna has been more than 3 million tons per year after being caught by American fishermen in the ocean. Tuna are easily damaged because they leave the aquatic environment in which they live, therefore, fishermen must keep them well in the boat so that the quality of the tuna does not decrease quickly helps prolong its shelf life and is ready for shipment to all The world about half of the world's total tuna production can be used to make sashimi and eat delicious pieces of tuna.
Freezing is considered the best method. Commercial tuna processing is a complex operation with many individual process steps and requirements. Tuna is caught in all tropical and temperate waters of the United States, depending on the species being harvested and processed. The equipment on board will determine how the tuna is frozen on the fishing vessel, the factory will then determine how to process and package the tuna in the factory. Processing tuna into canned foods can not only prolong its shelf life but also increase its commercial value after grading. The fish will be cleaned and gutted. The next step is to remove the bones, skin and any remaining impurities.
This is often done using mechanical devices that significantly speed up the process, after which the tuna is taken to the next stage. Tuna is cooked in large industrial pots that often include steaming or boiling water to ensure the fish is cooked through and tender. The tuna is then quickly cooled to maintain its freshness. The tuna meat is divided into small boxes along with water, oil or other liquids as needed. Finished canned tuna products. This is a dish commonly found in millions of kitchens around the world goodbye sea tuna let's move on to the most consumed meat in the world pork It is estimated that the total production of pork in the US will generate around of 23.4 billion dollars per year after approximately 6 to 7 months of age when they reach market weight the pigs will be transported to the slaughterhouse the producers transport the pigs very carefully they must ensure that only healthy and unharmed pigs are transported to the production plant when the pigs arrive at the factory they will be allowed to rest for a few hours before slaughter


reduces the incidence of meat quality defects, such as pale, tender and oozing pork, before slaughter.
Pigs are often anesthetized using coou or electric shark, then bathed in hot waterTo remove hair from their bodies, after the skin is clean, the pig's legs are split in half and hung. on a chain,


makes moving much easier and also helps more product get to the hanging room. Pork carcasses can be hung for 24 to 48 hours before being cut into smaller pieces, weighing 175 to 280 lbs. These pigs are the perfect combination of muscles. and the fat provided by cuts designed without much waste most of the raw pork will be distributed to the market. There are also large quantities of pork turned into ham, bacon and sausages.
The first step in sausage production is to grind the meat into small particles of uniform size along with the meat and other ingredients are placed in the mixer, finally this mixture is fed into the sausage stuffer, the workers just have to wait for the line of sausages and preserving the final product, in addition to pig production, we raise and slaughter about 9.5 billion chickens every year, that is, about 26 million. chickens slaughtered every day and more than a million chickens per hour, this terrible number shows the attraction of this poultry species to the consumer market. Now let's know the process of chicken production in US factories.
In chicken farms after 6 to 7 weeks when they have reached commercial weight, the chickens will be collected and sold in the eastern market. The activity must ensure that no chicken get hurt. The chicken is kept in a cage for safety during the trip to the processing plant and this is the only time in its life that it has to be in a cage when the chickens reach the processing plant workers. they carefully hang their legs on the line everything possible is done so that the chicken is prepared quickly and painlessly first they are not unconscious a technology that makes slaughter extremely fast and minimizes discomfort after slaughter the chicken enters the slaughter process feather removal this is done by placing the chicken in a hot water bath a machine consists of hundreds of small rubber sticks that rotate to quickly remove the feathers from the chicken after removing the oily organs the chicken will be cleaned inspected again and properly cooled the The carcass is often cut and deboned to prepare a variety of products, workers will process the chickens according to market demands, most chicken meat is used in restaurants or exported, this includes convenience products that are They sell in local grocery stores, such as breasts, thighs, legs and wings, finally, we go to sheep farms during harvest season, sheep used for meat.
They are usually sent to slaughter when they are between 5 and 8 months old. Productivity also depends on climate and grass quality. During the summer, the peso is also based on market demand; However, generally, when sheep reach a weight between 95 and 0 pounds, they are ready for slaughter. The sheep are inspected and then loaded onto trucks for transport to markets or processing facilities. They are ready to enter the food chain. This is a sheep meat processing factory. Factory with modern technology. At the heart of sheep meat is sacrifice. The sheep are rendered unconscious before the real killing begins. After cleaning, the meat cutting process first begins.
The sheep are placed in the middle of the cutter and divided into two halves. The legs and buttocks are then separated from the torso and leg joints using cutters. Trained personnel inspect each corpse. for any abnormalities ensuring that only the highest quality lamb cuts reach consumers on the other hand this perfect cutter separates the backbone from the ribs and the meat from the loin here the entire lamp is prepared in just a few minutes once The meat has been inspected and approved, it is time to begin the packaging process.

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