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NICK KYRGIOS vs NOVAK DJOKOVIC | Men's Tennis Stars FULL CONVERSATION from the Australian Open

Jun 07, 2024
the offer still sends you, you enter my six month daily program and win Wimbledon, no chance, I'm not living like that, no way, come on man, no way, welcome to good H problems, it's not from wonder that I'm known for messing around a bit. There are problems here on this court, but problems can be a good thing. I've been able to take those lessons and use them forever in my new show at Hukum. Good trouble with Nick Curios. My next guest is the champion, who really needs no introduction. Google's


goat Joker holds all the world number one records saved some praise for the rest of us Novak mate, come take a seat, how are you?
nick kyrgios vs novak djokovic men s tennis stars full conversation from the australian open
This is comfortable, man, it's good, it's good, it's a pleasure, thank you, thank you for being here, we have developed it. a real mutual respect and bromance uh since our Wimbledon final, which I just told you there I wish you'd give it to me because you didn't really need it, so tell me what good trouble means to you, okay? You answer that question two ways: more serious and less serious, so I'll start with a more serious one. I think the good problem is to do whatever you say that truly expresses who you are, your original Self.
nick kyrgios vs novak djokovic men s tennis stars full conversation from the australian open

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nick kyrgios vs novak djokovic men s tennis stars full conversation from the australian open...

Being authentic is something that can help you. problems and trust me, I know it, I think you know it too, but at the end of the day it's how you go to sleep, how you wake up, how you look in the mirror and if you're good, you know it by your actions. If you're also good with your mistakes, if you're at peace with that, I think it's a good problem to have because at the end of the day you have to be yourself. I think we all go through the journey of discovering who we really are.
nick kyrgios vs novak djokovic men s tennis stars full conversation from the australian open
I think we're evolving all the time, but I think sticking to the values ​​that we were raised with and the things that matter to you, being close to that and expressing that, regardless of what others think, is something that you can say it is. a good problem in the less serious way, the good problem is 4 all three in the Wimbledon final, you are serving 40 of love and I break and then a lady in the stands starts shouting something, it bothers you and you lose that game of service and I get the championship, thank you, so it's a good problem for me.
nick kyrgios vs novak djokovic men s tennis stars full conversation from the australian open
I appreciate that it's not for you. I haven't been able to sleep since that night, but I appreciate you reminding me that I had lost our final, so I asked Instagram this morning. I know obviously there's a little bit of hype around our show and you know you're here and they asked the fans the question. I'll start there and they said, how did they bury the hatchet? Because there was a bit of confusion. I always thought you were a


player and you know how we got over that and now we become friends. I don't know what I've done to cause that kind of behavior from you towards me, but it was interesting.
I followed that for a couple of years and I was like part of me, it was like don't respond, don't even get involved, he was just bringing you in, he was just bringing in, he was like you were pushing all the buttons, man, like you were like and then I thought to myself, well, you know, I really want to talk to him because I don't know what I've done, so two years ago what happened here in Australia happened for me, I don't want to go back, but you know, we had a bad time and you stood up for me. , it was a big surprise.
You were one of the few colleagues who stood up and used his platform, used his voice to support me and I that is something I will never forget and since that moment our relationship has improved. I will always be there for you. You know what to think that it all started in Serbia playing with a mini racket and a foam ball that your parents gave you. It's true? That was the most beloved toy in your life and did you fall in love with tennis from the beginning? I did it. I was four or five years old and came from a war-torn country at the time.
That's probably the first footage of me playing tennis. He was four years old 91. That was on a mountain called Kopic in Serbia, south of Serbia. My parents used to go to the restaurant there. We spent a lot of time on that mountain and they had three tennis shoes. courts and the workers were, you know, seeing me hanging on the fence, you know, being curious about what's going on and they said to me: why don't you bring us a beer and in exchange we'll let you do the work? courts with us so that's what happened you know I was bringing them water and beers and from that point on you know I was bragging to my parents every day you gotta buy me a raid I want to play tennis and that's how The love story really started, so you know, I think the upbringing where you have the connection to your roots, the culture, the tradition and the place where you come from.
I know you're a strong advocate for that. I think it's so important to keep that connection with your family with people who have sacrificed so much in their lives to allow you to live your dream and appreciate everything you have for me was completely different. I watched your videos at the time, at the time I was about three times your size. I was a big kid and I hated exercise and my mom would drag me to the tennis courts and she would say, "You're going to play" and she hated it. I was crying the entire session.
I thought sometimes how I operate here is exactly how I was when I was a kid I hated it it was like taking me off the field I want to play and you know what I ended up I just had a hate-love relationship the whole time and I guess that's the difference between a great slam Champion like you and someone like me, but I hope to get there one day. The offer still sends you. Enter my six Monon daily routine program and you win Wimbledon. No chance. I'm not living like that. No way, come on, no way.
No way, I've always wanted to ask you this because you know I feel like you and I can relate in the sense that you know the media hasn't always had our back, hasn't always been kind to us and me. I looked at how you performed last year in Australia and I feel like you really fed off that kind of energy. You know, being painted as not the good guy. How do you feed off that energy? Does it drive you more than being the favorite? You like to be? that person that just ruins someone's day and goes out and wins the game, you know, it really depends, people think I thrive on that energy when someone doesn't like me or you know I'm facing adversity on and off the court.
Over the years, I've learned the lessons the hard way, in a way that I like sometimes when you respond to every article you read or every comment or every I-don't-know statement someone makes about you, uh. It's not going to get you very far, you know, it's just going to take you out of your comfort zone, it's just going to make you angry and I don't want to live in that kind of emotion, you know what I mean. Sometimes you need to be shaken, I guess sometimes you need to be shaken to bring out the best in yourself, but most of the time I really want to enjoy life, you know, I want, I want to have a good relationship with people.
I really care about this sport. I care about playing in front of people and hope


y making people happy with my tennis. And you know, that's what it's all about. Consistency has been one of the hardest things, I've had pretty poor consistency throughout my life. race, you know, with training, waking up, feeling motivated, you know, having a good diet, all these things, how these disciplines have helped you. Define yourself well, it is a very good question. I think you really need consistency in anything if you want to do well in life. I mean, I feel like I always have to express gratitude for having the life I have, but there are mornings when you know I'm going to feel so bad and unmotivated and I just lack inspiration to travel to play tennis.
I want to go home. I want to be with my children I want to be with my wife you know I want to live a normal life so to speak you know but then you have to overcome that you know and everything begins and ends with your mind and I Think, if you are very clear with yourself what you really want, what is the purpose. I think that is the fundamental question. You know the need needs to be answered. Yes, but I think clarity helps establish the type of routines. pro the daily goals the short term goals the long term goals if you are an athlete you obviously need to be repetitive with the things that you know you need to go out on the court do the same tasks the same things over and over again and and finally you get the result , you get the reward and at the end of the day you have to deal with your emotions off the court and all the Rel relationship problems that you have and all the things that are happening that are affecting you during the rest.
In the first part of my career I was not good at breaking records, shouting and making a fool of myself on the court. You know, that doesn't mean I'm okay with it today. You know, when I do it. I'm ashamed of myself, I really am, I'm ashamed and I and I really hate myself for doing that, but at the same time what I think is the difference maybe in the last eight years is that I accept my flaws and I accept that I have M that I make mistakes and mistakes and I try to be a better version of myself the next day and it may not happen but at least you know that I am at peace with myself and I am not ashamed to say look I am wrong or I have flaws like you and this is what I respect and appreciate about you is that you say look, I have problems, everyone has mental problems, but you know. everyone tries to deal with them in basketball, we respond great and, you know, speaking of defining moments, we're about to play a clip of you, you know, winning your first Slam in 2008, you know, when it all started for you and you .
It will run from 2011 to 2015 and then again to the 2016 French Open, the first grand slam of his career. His big win here made it the first non-calendar one-year Grand Slam since Australian legend Rod Laver's 69 holes in all four majors and the record ranking points of 16,000 950 I think I've only had about 2,000 at the time. time, so you know all those amazing things and after so much success, you know? Do you still feel that flame burning? Where does your motivation come from now? Look how many look look at all the things you've accomplished, you know it and you have to sit back and say how do you keep showing up and giving to the fans and me?
You know all this, how do you keep doing it? man, that's um, that's a question I keep asking myself to be honest with you. I have days when I am very motivated and little four-year-old Novak, who started playing tennis at Konic in Serbia, is still in it and still in love with the sport. and he's still so hungry for more, but damn, but at the same time there's probably a more mature Father Novak and a husband who's like, come on man, you know, there's other things in life too, there's a part of me that wants to keep .
I go and I don't have a limit, I don't have an expiration date, I don't really feel that way to be honest, so what you're saying is you're going to play for another six seven years, yeah, but uh. but on the other hand, I feel like wow, okay, you know, it's been over 20 years of professional tennis, incredible success, incredible achievements. I have done everything I could dream of and more. I'm grateful to be where I am, so let's go. Talk about some of the things you do off the court. You also have your own Novak Jovic Foundation and have had it for over a decade.
I know that for me personally doing things off the court is very important. You know I have my own foundation, so you know, tell us a little bit about your foundation and what drives you to do that and help others and make sure that future generations are together. Thanks for asking me that. Obviously I'm passionate about that. My wife and I, together with my parents, founded the No Jokich Foundation in 2007 and we really wanted to do something for children, but we didn't know exactly what, so we asked UNICEF to help us and provide us with information.
Do you know what is happening with young people in Serbia and at that time there were more than 50% of children in Serbia in the early childhood days who did not attend any preschool, so we said okay, we have to fix this and now today we have more than 50,000 children in our programs. We have rebuilt or built from scratch more than 45 kindergartens. We have almost 20,000 parents in our programs. We are very passionate about it. We also have several sports-related programs. Obviously, that's it. Logically, very, very close to my heart, the other year, in fact, I discovered that the oldest tennis courts ever built in Serbia were a little abandoned, we renovated those courts and now the children of that city and small towns can playing tennis or getting them involved in some kind of tennis program, which is a really beautiful thing and you know it's really rewarding because at the end of the day it's about giving back, it's about touching other people's lives, you know, it's lovely. when you can make your dreams come true, achieve the things you've always dreamed of, but if you don't use that stage, you are in the influence, the power, the platform to do good and impact the lives of other people, the lives of children and bring the tennis. bringing what you're passionate about to as many people as possible and seeing their smiles on their faces and gratitude on their faces, you know, so no, you didn't do anything and I admire what you're doing with your family. because I have been here for many years now in gratitude, I appreciate it and it seems that you have been busyBrother, to be honest, because you also started Sila, which is not surprising that you have always been at the forefront when it comes towellness, so tell us a little bit more about that.
Sila is a health and wellness lifestyle brand. with electroly hydration drinks and you know, I'm very grateful to celebrate through Sila everything I've been through on my journey, we talked about it, uh, before going out on the court, the routines, the preparation, you know. daily habits, whether it's nutrition, hydration, sleep, recovery, training, prevention, mental health, whatever it is, whatever I'm doing, there's a purpose and there's a plan behind it, you know, so I've been developing. It's kind of a unique plan and program and journey for the last 15 years and I wanted to share, I want to share this with people and CI is that platform where I'll be able to share that and it's just the beginning. so I'm really excited for what's coming, you should be man, I'm, I'm, I'm happy for you and then happy for all your success, so before we know it, we get to the final stages of um, you know, this episode.
It's a good problem to have, but we can't leave without talking about the goat


. Does it really bother you when people always compare Federan Nadal to Jovic? Because I love this. I love this debate because I have played against all of you and me. Somehow I beat you guys, I think it's funny, like I'm a fat kid from Cambra, like I don't love the sport, and then I'm playing the best of all time, like you, to me, are the goat. Now, without a doubt, there is no


, but have those conversations about goats ever really bothered you when it comes to tennis? that and me and and as a tennis player I want that for my sport I want more children to participate in sport I want I want more children to take a record watch a tennis match go out start playing tennis we want that as an ecosystem, right, but I will never say what What do I think about who is the goat in tennis?
I will never say that, it is mainly out of respect for all the greats and champions of all the generations before us because It is very difficult to compare a wooden disc with this disc today people couldn't fly airplanes to get places 70 years ago , TRUE? Have you hit with a wooden racket? It's pretty easy though, I mean, it's not, it's pretty easy, I mean, I you can serve with a frying pan and you'd still serve Aces, man, so who's your boss? Oh, it's hard, man. I know you're a big basketball fan, but this is going to go everywhere, by the way.
I know we both love Kobe, we both love Kobe, so it's hard to choose between Kobe and Michael, but what about LeBron? I feel like you're like LeBron. I love LeBron too, I mean, it's amazing what he's doing and it's hard, it's hard to pick man, but I mean, I had a relationship, a friendly relationship with Kobe, so I have to, I have to Beck Kobe, you know that Kobe is my boy, Kobe, rest in peace, brother, yes, you know we miss him every day. My goat LeBron, I think you're the LeBron of tennis, you know, the numbers, the statistics are all yours, so yeah, I mean, what I love about LeBron and something I identify with is his uh and Tom Brady too. and Serena.
He is, above all, incredible Champion's mind, simply incredible, gifted with success to improve. Cristiano Ronaldo is also like that, um, but just daily willingness to take your body, your mind, your character, your emotions to a different level to be a better version of each one. day and to crush the boundaries and limits that everyone puts on you, that's something that LeBron has been doing for so long and that's why he's still one of the best in the world and I really respect and admire that about him. I had the opportunity to talk with him. I would love to do it.
I had a great chat with Tom Brady over the years, we've been friends and he came to see me at the US Open, so I hope to be. uh talking to LeBron about this and you know he was actually supposed to do uh his barbershop podcast, yeah, so I hope to be able to do it with him, uh, you know, in the near future, can I? come to one of my hair salons and get a fade please make sure you need a good skin fade before you go to the court sure man please ok Novak I just want to say thank you for your time and Thanks to everyone present for coming. um this was a great experience man I really appreciate it um and from one athlete to another I just want to see you continue to dominate you know I want to keep seeing you here as long as possible good luck in the next few weeks. and you know this was a good deal and it was awesome listen man you gotta promise me something what do you gotta get back quickly?
Get back on tour before I retire, we have to play doubles. What do you think the doubles thank you for? What do you say guys, come on, thanks, thanks man, let's sign this camera, thanks brother, I appreciate it, I appreciate it, thanks, it was an incredible pleasure, man, pleasure, you want to go first, I appreciate it, a photo, thanks, yeah man why?

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